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Give us 'grindy' stuff (like vanguard) and costume unlocks back


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Ya'll keep forgetting that HC isn't a company with a profit motive.  I know it somehow feels the game is just as "live" as any other game with the steady stream of sensible content updates that have a clear development vision, but at the end of the day, this is a private server and passion project run on hopes and dreams.


Grind only exists to pad out subs or offer shortcuts via. microtransactions.


Actually adding new costume pieces to HC seems like something that's not as easy to do as people think, even to experienced developers.  CoH is... a mess, in terms of code.  Or so I'm often told.


Any work done on new costume pieces would probably take a large amount of effort with no sort of monetary gain, so if such a thing were given to the servers, I don't see why you'd put it behind a dumb arbitrary grind that most people probably won't bother with or just ask to get carried through, something to just spend inf on.  Inf to buy it, its materials, or for an Incarnate to carry them through the content needed.


For what?  Something that could be an excellent missing piece to a theme you couldn't do previously being gated so some people can use it as a bragging trophy.  Really sick of this mentality on other games that have an understandable reason for large amounts of grind, I came to HC to get away from that, thanks.

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No reason for this kind of unnecessary grind in City of Heroes.

The game is supported by the community. I doubt the community is going stop supporting the game.


If you need to grind to enjoy the game, feel free to make a couple dozen more characters.

Don't force "grinding" on the rest of us. "Grinding" is repetitive and boring. 

Grinding with drive more people away from a game than it will attract or keep them.


Anything that stops a grind in a game is great as far as I'm concerned.

if someone wants to speed to the end of the game and past the part of the game that I enjoy, that's great for them. If they burn out because they didn't play the content to level, that's on them.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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On 10/28/2019 at 2:09 PM, MetaVileTerror said:

Seems I did a poor job of expressing my intent.  I'm not saying that we should not offer players the opportunity to improve their Alts through various means.  I'm saying I feel very strongly that skipping all the content by farming to 50 should not be the most rewarding path.

The kind of players that get power-leveled to 50 don't want to experience the journey of becoming a fully powered superhero; they just want the thrill of running around as a fully powered hero that still has to deal with level 50+ content.


I personally don't like the incarnate system and endgame content in any game in general. All level 50+ content is endgame. It's stuff stuck on the end of the actual game - hence, "endgame".

There is grindy stuff to get 50+. Let the 50+ grind if they want. They seem to want to grind.


Leave the rest of us playing the game alone. Most of us would rather not grind.


I want to be able to make my character look like from the get go.

I usually make multiple costumes by level 10 if not immediately out of character creation.


If someone doesn't want to wear a cape until they are whatever level, they are free not to wear a cape until they reach whatever level. That's their choice and more power to them for making a goal for themselves to achieve to give themselves their own sense of accomplishment in the game.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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I'd have to say no on this one, I'm afraid....


One of the biggest "selling points" of CoH is and always has been the degree of character customization it allows. Locking costume parts and effects like auras behind level-dependent content unlocks or grind-walls just isn't a great idea. We've been there, we've done that... and it was annoying as all hell. (Yeah. It bothered me that my Oranbegans couldn't have their glowing eyes until they were high enough level to run the aura-unlock, and my Rularuu "bird-things" couldn't have those blinky-eyed weapons they ought to have had from the start until they were 45+ and capapble of killing off a legion of Overseers. <_<) 


Going back to that world with any new additions to the game would not be a plus in my opinion. 


New badges? Accolade powers that required endless amounts of grinding? Okay... If you really feel like you need that kind of thing in your life. But not for costume parts. That has too much of an impact on everyone else's potential fun.

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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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I'm all in for having to earn rewards and unlocks. It should maybe be for NEW items. I support the HC team in their decision to unlock all of the old items - it would've been a bit of a turn off to unlock so many things that you'd done over and over in the past (even if it was 8+ years ago).

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On 10/24/2019 at 8:39 PM, Summerspark said:

Same. i remember getting so excited when I'd worked towards a new costume piece/set and finally got it. It inspired me to go right to icon and make use of it, see what I could do. Half the time it sucked and didn't work, but hell at least I have the thing now, and there was generally something else to set my sights on.

Dude I remember unlocking capes for the first time it was very much a "EEEEE" happy moment

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I certainly understand the premise of the OP's suggestion and I love playing pretty much every part of this game and doing all the many things a player can do. I support this suggestion.


That being said, I rarely see constructive criticism in these suggestion threads lately. The OP isn't taking away anyone's anything. It's a suggestion, subject to other forum posters subjective opinions,  all of which are valid, but I would venture out and advise folks who disagree with this suggestion to actually provide something more than a turndown post or /jranger quote. 


Compromise or adapt, nothing gets done when everyone has immovable positions.


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Right now, the only 'grind' there is is for badges. Defeat badges, explore badges, etc. And I'm fine with that. Those are *meant* to show accomplishments and milestones.

Heck, if you want people to run the cape and aura missions? Make a badge that unlocks after doing them and the three costume slot unlock missions. People will jump on that.

I will say that when the Vanguard costume pieces were "grind-able?" I had plenty of characters that had only the gloves. Grind is very alt-unfriendly, and I wanted to play the content, not focus on "ugh, I've got to finish all this AND do at least 10 more MSRs just to get that costume... and then do it another 50, 100 times?" I skipped it.  Same with early Incarnate content - when we didn't *have* DA and all you could do is run BAF, LAM, LAM, BAF, BAM, LAF, BAMALAFABAM.... complete burnout and disinterest in dealing with the system again.


Granted, it's still not the worst grind I've run into - that award goes to Aion. One set of armor. Your character gets one piece, at level 30 (I think.) Want the rest? Get four MORE characters to 30, transmute the armor so it's for the right class, send it over... yeah, skipped that one, too.

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7 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

IThat being said, I rarely see constructive criticism in these suggestion threads lately. The OP isn't taking away anyone's anything. It's a suggestion, subject to other forum posters subjective opinions,  all of which are valid, but I would venture out and advise folks who disagree with this suggestion to actually provide something more than a turndown post or /jranger quote. 


Compromise or adapt, nothing gets done when everyone has immovable positions.


Not a matter of immovable positions. But honestly, people don't need to have "do this instead" ideas. Some people just do not like the ideas and will say so. Yes, ideally they'll say why (like my last post,) but it's really not needed.


Sometimes people just don't like/agree with ideas - just like there are people who do like/agree with the same idea - and that's the sum total of their feelings on the matter. Even just seeing that feedback should be fine.


(On a side note, as it says on my signature, I'm the "former creator of Copypastas" on the live forums. Part of the point of them was to kind of short-circuit the stream of "no" and "yes" and all-the-same-arguments, catch everyone up to what we knew as far as stances and ideas, and having bypassed all that, kickstart newer ideas. Didn't always work, and yeah, people had to be told that it wasn't just a very wordy 'no, dumb idea, now shut up,' though I tried not to word them that way. Some people will take anything but agreement like that. Hard to tell now, given this thread's a year-old necro... )

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Interesting to see this thread come up again after nearly a year.   I had to re-read portions of it to get the context of my own post that was recently quoted.  The subject matter here is one which I've struggled to really get my words to meet my intended message.  I can see the wording in some of my earlier posts here being rather poor, so I'll try to clarify and expand my view on the subject in point form.  I suspect this won't be the last time that I try to refine my efforts to express myself on this topic.


- In-game Rewards (digital "goods" and content) are not the same as a sense of being rewarded (which is deeply subjective and personal), but the two are pretty closely tied together for some people (potentially the majority of gamers, based on what I can observe, but I don't have hard numbers).


- The sense of being rewarded has been more and more efficiently co-opted within the games industry as a means to incentivize players in to performing activities which ultimately lead to profit for the publisher (and rarely, on occasion, the developers).  The use of In-game Rewards to that end, however, is not the only method they use.  Social pressure tends to be leveraged far more often and far more effectively these days.  Using In-game Rewards as a means to that end is usually the way of it.


- The ever-maturing "gamer" demographic is becoming more and more savvy to this as game development becomes demystified (personally, I think that's a fantastic thing!  The industry needs to be more transparent on the whole), and there appears to be a growing struggle between gamers as to where to draw the line on the matter of what's acceptable and what's flagrant manipulation.  Since "fun" is secretly a four-letter word in game design philosophy due to its monstrously subjective nature, "compelling" and "retention" tend to be synonymous when you speak to certain people calling the shots behind the scenes in the for-profit games industry.


- Years of this has primed no shortage of players to associate this Reward-chasing as the only meaningful way to interact with a game.  In such a point of view, "the Grind -is- The game."  I personally don't agree with that, especially not with City of Heroes.


- City of Heroes has on many occasions flaunted trends and broke the mould.   Not always (*glares meaningfully at Incarnate Content*), but for the most part the game's legacy and current development demonstrate the merits of its much more unique approach to the MMO genre (at least in terms of 2004, but there are still some things which set City of Heroes apart to this day).


- A place which I feel City of Heroes failed, but probably couldn't have done things any differently at the time (again, bearing in mind the MMO landscape in 2004) was with gating content behind a single linear level system.  I believe that we are in a position to meaningful address that failure now that the game is no longer for-profit, BUT the line of tread is a particularly precarious one.  In part because it would require a deep re-examination of many of the preconceived notions people have about progress, content, rewards/Rewards, and gameplay . . . but also because as we've seen time and time again; the variety of people who play City of Heroes (and Villains, and Going Rogue) is significantly diverse in terms of -why- we play!


- So, circling back to something I say quite frequently; I would like to know what the Homecoming Team sees as THE course for the future of this game.  We've got players here with diametrically opposed ideas of where the fun is.  Of what constitutes enjoyable, or what constitutes a waste of time.  At the very least, I would have liked to see them post some polls and gather some marketing data in a more directed format.


- And so, this is (give or take) the context I'm coming from when I made my earlier proposal that players be the architects of their own standards of rewarding themselves, with the game being as open as possible to facilitate that.  The "Double Experience" option offered in the P2W Vendor is an excellent example of a microcosm of what I'd like to see for the entire game.


- It's at this point, however, that we run in to one of the biggest barriers:  Players holding other players to some kind of standard of "acceptable" In-game Rewards.  I do not like to speak for other people, but to the best of my abilities to understand their point of view, it seems to me that certain players do not want to cater their own challenges and sense of reward unless everyone else is held to that same level.  And given that this is a social game, and given the explicit training which the industry has put gamers through . . .

I can't really blame them.  

I just hope that they closely examine the situation for what it is:  A luxury.  A privilege.  Gaming (ESPECIALLY this game) isn't an inalienable right.   It isn't a meter by which we can judge meaningful accomplishments.  It's entertainment and (if you're willing to embrace it) educational materials.  

Yeah, sure . . . pro-gaming is a thing.  Streaming games for profit is a thing.  But neither of those currently apply to Homecoming:  City of Heroes (tangent:  Are we -sure- that's the way we want to brand ourselves?   Just checking).


- And in regard to the level 50 thing I said earlier:  I mean to say that level 50 is arbitrary.  The content which is gated behind it is arbitrary.  The meaning it has to a player is arbitrary.  The entire concept of levelling up is arbitrary.  Yes, it's trivial to some.  Yes, it's a big deal to others.  That's entirely my point!  It's so arbitrary that gating anything behind it is (in my point of view) no more valid than gating content behind Badges or hours spent logged in.

I really think it's worth re-examining it, and re-evaluating it as the metric by which -game content- is blocked from players accessing.  


 . . . and thusly . . . we'll see if I managed to really succeed this time in what I seem to consistently fail at.  I hope this post as been informative and helpful, and encouraged some critical examination of preconceptions on what -is- versus what /could be./

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Example of a "Grindy thing" that I'd like to see:

Complete X, Y, Z content to unlock the ability to Slot Purples and Superior ATOs -before level 50.-


THAT is the kind of grind that I think would be acceptable.  Since people can already get to 50 to unlock those, and as I just said "50 is arbitrary," I think it would be quite rewarding to give players the opportunity to earn* the option to utilize content that was gated for 50 ahead of schedule by completing particularly challenging objectives.

Hell.  Give that same treatment for just about everything.  Give players the opportunity to pre-unlock Incarnate Content, or level-gated Zones ahead of schedule by "proving their worth."


* "earn" being used here with the understanding that I've previously lambasted others for using the word in terms of fictional game achievements having some kind of impact on their real life worth as human beings.  Just in case anyone wants to call me a hypocrite.

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2 hours ago, Greycat said:

Right now, the only 'grind' there is is for badges. Defeat badges, explore badges, etc. And I'm fine with that. Those are *meant* to show accomplishments and milestones.

Heck, if you want people to run the cape and aura missions? Make a badge that unlocks after doing them and the three costume slot unlock missions. People will jump on that.

I will say that when the Vanguard costume pieces were "grind-able?" I had plenty of characters that had only the gloves. Grind is very alt-unfriendly, and I wanted to play the content, not focus on "ugh, I've got to finish all this AND do at least 10 more MSRs just to get that costume... and then do it another 50, 100 times?" I skipped it.  Same with early Incarnate content - when we didn't *have* DA and all you could do is run BAF, LAM, LAM, BAF, BAM, LAF, BAMALAFABAM.... complete burnout and disinterest in dealing with the system again.


Granted, it's still not the worst grind I've run into - that award goes to Aion. One set of armor. Your character gets one piece, at level 30 (I think.) Want the rest? Get four MORE characters to 30, transmute the armor so it's for the right class, send it over... yeah, skipped that one, too.


Oh great gods, that Daeva Armor... *facepalms*

And what did you end up with after all that? A gear set that was really only useful as a pretty skin for something better. 


Let's not repeat that particular madness here. It was the complete opposite of fun. 


(Yes. My Sorcerer had that nerking piece of crap armor. <_<)

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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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So, I'm of two minds on this.

On one hand, I can totally see locking SOME things behind content, where and when it makes some kind of in-universe sense. Want to wear Vanguard pieces? You have to BE a member of Vanguard. Want to prove you've fought on the Cabal's behalf? Here's your hat! Want to dress like an ascended, celestial being? Well, BE a celestial being by unlocking your incarnate slots first, none of this "being a god at level 1" stuff!

Now sure, maybe make some of these things account unlocks, maybe make them easy to get (like don't be so stingy with the V-Merits in everything besides the MSR). I don't think putting them behind a grind, as the OP insists, is the solution, but I think some things should be rewards for completing content.

On the other side of it, sometimes rewards for grinding content just doesn't make logical, in-universe sense (aside from doing the same thing over and over and over...). Like, in Star Trek Online, the Federation and Klingons are working hard on reverse-engineering Borg technology and creating Anti-Borg gear. When do you get access to these tide-turning weapons, armor, shields, and gear? Oh, only once you've DESTROYED LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF BORG SHIPS WITHOUT THEIR HELP! It's like if in this game if you got a power at level 50 that lets you do double damage against Hellions. It's like, yeah, great, I can already one-shot any Hellion I see, but, thanks? It's almost an insult at that point.

And as others have said, they shouldn't have to wait until late game to "realize" their concept, because something is locked behind a level or a defeat badge or whatever. If we're talking about cosmetics, especially in a game that's LITERALLY free to play and not a "f2P w/microtransactions" game, there's no game design reason to gate stuff like that.

As an aside, something that bothers me is that there seems to be a contingent of players who don't actually like, well, playing the game. It's not the same people in each category I'm going to mention shortly, but there are always folks who balk at the idea of having to do, well, anything in order to get, well, anything. They don't want to play content to get merits (TFs, story arcs), they don't want to play content to get influence (farming, marketing, etc), they don't want to play content to unlock costume pieces (no longer a factor, but in old days: cape/aura missions, Katie TF, V-Merits, etc), they don't want to play content to get badges (whether it's grinding out defeats or going into a PvP zone or what have you), they don't want to do raid content (MSR, Hami, Praet Trials)... but they still want to be able to create any character and have all the unlocks and accolades and have amazing abilities and Defcap and Permahasten. And they want these things, but, then, for what purpose if they apparently don't want to play any of the stuff mentioned above?

I dunno.

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11 minutes ago, EmperorSteele said:

As an aside, something that bothers me is that there seems to be a contingent of players who don't actually like, well, playing the game. It's not the same people in each category I'm going to mention shortly, but there are always folks who balk at the idea of having to do, well, anything in order to get, well, anything. They don't want to play content to get merits (TFs, story arcs), they don't want to play content to get influence (farming, marketing, etc), they don't want to play content to unlock costume pieces (no longer a factor, but in old days: cape/aura missions, Katie TF, V-Merits, etc), they don't want to play content to get badges (whether it's grinding out defeats or going into a PvP zone or what have you), they don't want to do raid content (MSR, Hami, Praet Trials)... but they still want to be able to create any character and have all the unlocks and accolades and have amazing abilities and Defcap and Permahasten. And they want these things, but, then, for what purpose if they apparently don't want to play any of the stuff mentioned above?

I'd argue that "character customisation" is part of "playing the game", and therefore shouldn't be partially locked away through combat/grinding, which is a different aspect of play. There's that joke about the real challenge of CoH being picking out a costume, and I'm kind of inclined to agree. Some people enjoy the customisation aspect of CoH more than the combat, and I'm sure that's valid...I've a friend who pretty much uses CoH for roleplaying, since they can't really handle the combat, as it's disorienting for them. Any things that are locked out initially ought to make sense: the stat boosting accolades work, since you're enhancing combat (+HP, +END) with more combat (defeating enemies to earn badges). I don't see character customisation as something that ought to be locked away, as such.

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It goes back to the same point/question:   What even -is- "playing the game" here?  

Just like @Blackfeather says; for some people, the combat isn't the game.   It's a messy, ugly thing that gets in the way of them playing the game.  

And it's okay to have players like that.

They should be celebrated and embraced!

Because the -purpose- of this game, as it always has been, is to be the game that welcomes everyone.


We don't need to understand how another player enjoys themself (though it certainly helps).

We just need to understand that they do, and as long as they're not harassing anyone, then they're perfectly welcome to be here and to share their feedback, hopes, and desires as much as anyone who has ground out Hamidon for the twelfth-thousandth time.  (Hey, @Veracor!   You up to 1,200 Hamidons yet?   Or was that a milestone your blew past ages ago?)

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Just now, EmperorSteele said:

So, I'm of two minds on this.

On one hand, I can totally see locking SOME things behind content, where and when it makes some kind of in-universe sense. Want to wear Vanguard pieces? You have to BE a member of Vanguard. Want to prove you've fought on the Cabal's behalf? Here's your hat! Want to dress like an ascended, celestial being? Well, BE a celestial being by unlocking your incarnate slots first, none of this "being a god at level 1" stuff!

Now sure, maybe make some of these things account unlocks, maybe make them easy to get (like don't be so stingy with the V-Merits in everything besides the MSR). I don't think putting them behind a grind, as the OP insists, is the solution, but I think some things should be rewards for completing content.

On the other side of it, sometimes rewards for grinding content just doesn't make logical, in-universe sense (aside from doing the same thing over and over and over...). Like, in Star Trek Online, the Federation and Klingons are working hard on reverse-engineering Borg technology and creating Anti-Borg gear. When do you get access to these tide-turning weapons, armor, shields, and gear? Oh, only once you've DESTROYED LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF BORG SHIPS WITHOUT THEIR HELP! It's like if in this game if you got a power at level 50 that lets you do double damage against Hellions. It's like, yeah, great, I can already one-shot any Hellion I see, but, thanks? It's almost an insult at that point.

And as others have said, they shouldn't have to wait until late game to "realize" their concept, because something is locked behind a level or a defeat badge or whatever. If we're talking about cosmetics, especially in a game that's LITERALLY free to play and not a "f2P w/microtransactions" game, there's no game design reason to gate stuff like that.

As an aside, something that bothers me is that there seems to be a contingent of players who don't actually like, well, playing the game. It's not the same people in each category I'm going to mention shortly, but there are always folks who balk at the idea of having to do, well, anything in order to get, well, anything. They don't want to play content to get merits (TFs, story arcs), they don't want to play content to get influence (farming, marketing, etc), they don't want to play content to unlock costume pieces (no longer a factor, but in old days: cape/aura missions, Katie TF, V-Merits, etc), they don't want to play content to get badges (whether it's grinding out defeats or going into a PvP zone or what have you), they don't want to do raid content (MSR, Hami, Praet Trials)... but they still want to be able to create any character and have all the unlocks and accolades and have amazing abilities and Defcap and Permahasten. And they want these things, but, then, for what purpose if they apparently don't want to play any of the stuff mentioned above?

I dunno.


And there's nothing wrong with those types of players.


Nothing.  Wrong.  At.  All.


CoH is one of the few MMOs that is welcoming of that sort of player.  The one who just likes to make costumes, the ones who just like to use the game as a chat room while having an awesome looking avatar.  Roleplayers who don't really want to bother with the combat portion of the game (and plenty of RPers that do RP while doing missions, of which I'm a big fan of but I like the mellow stuff too).  All valid, all have a home here in CoH.


If you want achievements or badges for a day's hard grind, fine, be my guest.  Not costume parts, please.  We're playing an ancient game that a few awesome people resurrected from the grave (just like someone did to this thread), I'm not here to grind away and pump my dopamine, I just want to look cool and punch Hellions.  I make a big stink about this because of what I said before:  the developers are volunteers that can't readily add new costume pieces or assets to the game willy nilly.  Even the new Freakzohk stuff in the works are reskins and not new assets.  If they did make a huge breakthrough and actually add new stuff to the game I'd be pretty livid if only a portion of HC's playerbase have the free time or desire to do the repetitive old content to get them.


"But danger, we'd add new costume pieces to NEW content to grind!"


If you want both of those things, that's a pretty tall order, even from our talented devs.

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4 hours ago, FoulVileTerror said:

We just need to understand that they do, and as long as they're not harassing anyone, then they're perfectly welcome to be here and to share their feedback, hopes, and desires as much as anyone who has ground out Hamidon for the twelfth-thousandth time.  (Hey, @Veracor!   You up to 1,200 Hamidons yet?   Or was that a milestone your blew past ages ago?)

I'll actually be hitting 1,000 Hami raids led sometime in mid-December, with 1,000 iTrial badge runs led not far behind it.  I forget what the count will be for Master of TF badge runs led at that point, probably around 400.  I'll do a recount when it gets closer.


On the topic of the thread: I like the happy medium of QoL fixes and streamlining we have here on Homecoming, it's chill and people get to play what they want to play.  Want the old grind experience?  Then just play with only SOs, or never slot an incarnate power, or badge hunt with a petless MM.  You don't need the game to impose challenges upon you if you feel the game would be more fun if played differently; you can just impose those challenges yourself.


No one gets advantages or costume/AT unlocks over others here and that's great, because a new player can be just as creative or fast-learning as an old one (and in my experience, usually is!).

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@Veracor - Veracor, Bio/TW Tanker on Everlasting.  Retired raid leader.

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Badges are shinies you can wear as titles to show off how uber you.  I am pretty sure that is their entire point.


I never understood capes being locked til 20, what little kid doesnt wrap a towel around their neck and pretend to be flying?  I dont think costume pieces should be locked up behind levels or grinds or whatever.  That's what badges are for.

Edited by EmmySky
Autocorrect will be the death of me.
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I'd be over the moon if things got locked again.  Maybe it's the dopamine talking, but when I would kill that last Overseer for the badge and the weapon skin unlock, my character development goes up a notch.


But, I understand behavioral economics, and I know that when you give something to someone for free, then you take it away, that person tends to feel that they have personally contributed the value that they attribute to the thing.  So I'll cross my fingers and hope that new stuff gets offered that I need to work a little bit for.

Edited by Yomo Kimyata

Who run Bartertown?


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23 hours ago, FoulVileTerror said:

Example of a "Grindy thing" that I'd like to see:

Complete X, Y, Z content to unlock the ability to Slot Purples and Superior ATOs -before level 50.-


What about gaining currency to trade to an NPC that will allow you to change any purple/atio to a purple/atio of your choice? 

Edited by Naraka
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