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Ok. I’ve played this game since day 1, and then since Homecoming started, and to my shame (and my chronic altitis) I have NEVER got a character to level 50. I know!!


But enough is enough. It is time I got at least one to that magic number!


I’ve created a Street Justice/Willpower brute for the task, as this should be something I can occasionally solo with when I can’t find a team to join.


She’s currently sitting pretty at lvl 11 after a DFB run. Planning on a few more, then some DIB to get up to 22 and kit out with IO’s.


I guess then run TF’s and join radio/PI groups etc and power on through until 50 (soloing when I can’t find a team).




I’m on Reunion and she’s called Infinity Captain so feel free to say hi or cheer me on if you seen me running around.


Also, if anyone as any tips on how they level to 50 (if a different plan from the above) I am ALL ears!!


**EDIT** And yes I am using the 2X XP Booster from P2W. She's at 28 now but already I'm getting itchy feet to make a new alt. Sigh.

Edited by scottybev80
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Good luck!


For powersets I have used before (not just low but at least to the high 40s) I have taken to PLing them. Some consider it a cop out but since I know the sets I figure its safe enough.  I left live before incarnates existed so I am enjoying filling those out and learning them.  Also, I never bothered with IOs so those and especially sets are fun to play with and learn.


On powersets I never tried I like the old school method of story arcs to slow leveling and really learn the sets.  I kind of rushed through an elec/elec scrapper with 2xp and DFB/TF type stuff so when she hit 50 a lot of her powers were still seldom used and i needed help to work her out.

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It's funny, during Live I rarely took anyone to 50, I think I had maybe 3 by the time it shut down, after joining in Issue 6.  Now here I am with (counts up names in signature) FIVE!  At least one of them was by sheer random chance too!


Maybe my experience will rub off on you or something, good luck!

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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1 hour ago, EmmySky said:

Good luck!


For powersets I have used before (not just low but at least to the high 40s) I have taken to PLing them. Some consider it a cop out but since I know the sets I figure its safe enough.  I left live before incarnates existed so I am enjoying filling those out and learning them.  Also, I never bothered with IOs so those and especially sets are fun to play with and learn.


On powersets I never tried I like the old school method of story arcs to slow leveling and really learn the sets.  I kind of rushed through an elec/elec scrapper with 2xp and DFB/TF type stuff so when she hit 50 a lot of her powers were still seldom used and i needed help to work her out.

Eh, I never understood the PL-shaming on Live, and it's even worse on HC.  While it is uncomfortable to say it, we don't know how long this will be around; the plug could get pulled at any minute.  If that were to happen, I'd rather be flitting around PI on a fully armed and operational level 50 controller than stuck in Skyway, working towards Hasten or something.


But maybe that's just me.  I am utterly agog that the OP has never dinged 50 in all these years; I get itchy if a week goes by and I haven't brought one around the corner.

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Those of you who continue to profess a belief in the Users will receive the standard, substandard training which will result in your eventual elimination.
That will be all.

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27 minutes ago, roleki said:

  I am utterly agog that the OP has never dinged 50 in all these years; I get itchy if a week goes by and I haven't brought one around the corner.

It took me maybe 3 years at least, playing shortly after launch.  I believe it was an Ice/Kin corrupter or maybe a fire/kin controller.  Altitis like a plague, might of been something else, allI know they were supports types. 


My first and main character was an AR/Dev that became a slog after I4.  Played him occasionally but but didn't enjoy prior to the Nerf-oppocalyse.  After slapping AR to the cone and far limited to targets (beam is 16, but came after), the damage type, the longest animation tied to LoS (AoE you just ran in when tank had aggro, rains didn't need LOS), and I belive this was all compensated for shortest recharge at the time.  And the shit Defiance 1 and better 2 but for a trap like seconday it didn't benifite much.  A buff to give snipe a crit with TD (or cloak, I forget) was"kinda "meh here you go" felt like a middle finger.  Got that character to 49, dinged him 50 in a mission and never leveled him at a trainer leaving him with level 50 SO; a silent but stupid protest "I did it, fuck you Cryptic/NSOFT/Paragon Studio" to myself.

Edited by Outrider_01
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"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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I am pretty good at Fast Leveling 50s.  Then i abandon them strip of i/o and never play again


couple of tips i have for you


DO NOT stick to a plan. Have an outline. Throw it out the window if aomething better comes along


DiB is a great idea.  Very hard to get. The best most consistent leveling 15-35 is hopping into a PI team. Getting Lucky and landing on a Farm is the gold standard. I never beg or actively search for either of these two but if an AD foes out...


task forces earn good experience help you learn thhe character organically and het merits and cash


8 person radio teams of your level are never bad. Better than sitting in Pocket D wondering who is the biggest Cat Gurl


After 35 as many ITF as you can jump on. Fast consistent levels. Again Farming is better and hard charging PI teams may match it ir even beat it. But ITF is consistent 


last tip. Do not alt after a day or two. In a few short days using the above plan you will be 50. I have done it literally countless times


GL. Ps. The incarnates system is actually awesome. Have fun

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I can understand why some people never got to 50 when there was nothing to really do after that at the time.


DFB and DIB are definitely the best starter trials. You should run SBB once a day for the event enhancement at least. Run all the basic TF's needed for the Task Force Commander accolade, and others can be helpful like Moonfire to help get those vampire and werewolf badges need for the Atlas Medallion accolade . Once you get to 35 get your Member of Vanguard badge so you can start getting vanguard merits, which can be converted to merits rewards at 30-1. With the vanguard badge look to run Mother Ship Raids, good exp and merits.  Also after 35 one of the best ways to exp is running ITF's.  At 45 you can join Hami raids. With some mission groups here and there you should be able to hit 50 pretty quick.


Having leveled a number of 50's without PL'ing (nothing wrong with that, I like the ride) I think one of the things that helps keep you from straying with alt-itis is having a build you really like. With so many options it can be hard to find the AT and power sets that trips the trigger, but once you do it can be huge.  For me it was a gravity - kinetic controller.

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My path to 50 (and it's reasonably fast with 2XP chosen) is:(some variability of course)

DFB x3

Posi 1+2

Yin until 30 (as well as PUG radio teams as you can get them, make sure they are above your level for maximum speed)

Manticore till 35. 

ITF for the ride home. 


There will be sprinkes of WSTs depending on the week as well as PUG radio teams to fill in gaps. I almost never solo unless I have just a small fraction of a level to go. 


Now you mask ask "What about synapse and citadel?" well I hate both those TFs, so I skip them (unless WST). 

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I wasn't in the PL game back before the snap, but since coming back, I have learned the joys of building a new character, hitting the P2W vendor for double XP, continue running to the tram, take it to Talos, log in my claws/fa farmer, using it to invite new alt to SG, invite to team, teleporting the lvl 1 lowbie to AE, running 5 missions of Brigg's Rainbow firefarm in about 30 minutes and then starting the game at lvl 32 with enough inf for a full boat of lvl 35 basic IOs and a few uniques.


If I like the alt enough, maybe they'll get PLed again from 40-50 and fully kitted out.

Edited by Bill Z Bubba
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On 12/10/2019 at 12:22 PM, Bill Z Bubba said:

*before the snap*

Why this reference never occurred to me until now I cannot imagine.  It's too perfect.

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Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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3 hours ago, Shred Monkey said:

Why this reference never occurred to me until now I cannot imagine.  It's too perfect.

I won't even pretend to own it but had the exact same reaction as you and have used it since I first read it.


3 hours ago, Xeres said:

But I am having loads of fun.

And that truly is the only thing that matters here.

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I thought I was bad, it took me about 3 years to get my first 50 on live (2004 - 2007).  I've managed to get one 50 here so far.  That 50 took me close to 100 hours of playtime per the old trick of clicking on an NPC who's name starts with "M" to find your hours played on a character.    Yes, I take my time, obviously.


Good luck to you!

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I think I had....two? And I have literally never touched any Incarnate stuff at all. That will all be completely new to me.


I don't think I ever had a fully 'complete' I/O setup character either. After a certain point I would end up making something new.

The idiot formerly known as Lord Khorak

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On 12/10/2019 at 1:25 PM, roleki said:

But maybe that's just me.  I am utterly agog that the OP has never dinged 50 in all these years; I get itchy if a week goes by and I haven't brought one around the corner.

I'm pretty agog at myself to be honest. I seem to get them into their 30's and then can't find a group, get a bit bored waiting around, and then create a new alt.

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Ok its been a few days since your post....and I see by your edit she is 28.  You know what, if your joy is alts and low game, go with it.  If you dont enjoy getting the character to 50 you'll just end up hating her (my first 50 on live I still detest and will never remake that combo).  Maybe some day you will hit upon the magic and just not want to put her aside and, wham bam thank you ma'am, she'll be 50 before you know it. 


I vote dont push it just have fun and enjoy your game. 

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If you are on Everlasting i will PL you. I dont have a great farm character but my main can run the rainbow fully cranked no sweat.  Just kills a little slower than a rad/fire.  (Ss/invul). In game all my characters start with Snark. So team search for that and send a tell. Snarky. snarkrot snarkbot snarkdoom etc

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On 12/10/2019 at 6:26 AM, scottybev80 said:

Ok. I’ve played this game since day 1, and then since Homecoming started, and to my shame (and my chronic altitis) I have NEVER got a character to level 50. I know!!

My mind boggles.
Back on live, I took every archetype to level 50 simply because they existed.


I don't see alts as being inconsistent with getting to 50.  I think it gets boring playing the same character day after day.  Also, sometimes a particular AT would be more helpful to a team.  I typically had 5-6 active characters at a given time.  When one of them hit 50, I'd start thinking about what AT/powersets to play next.  The key here to have a limited number of alts, but making sure they cover a wide variety of play styles.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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16 minutes ago, Ironblade said:

The key here to have a limited number of alts...

rutro......I messed this part up...badly 😝


I currently have 20 lvl 50 characters on HC and working on another 8 (2 of each AT except PB and WS). 


I didnt understand the limited number of alts bit...fine print...old eyes....lmao


Everyone just have fun.  Play low, play max, play red, blue or gold.  Whatever floats your boat.  And if you are on Indom look me up, I have a few incarnate to build 😁

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