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Old school playing is getting rare


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3 minutes ago, ForeverLaxx said:

Most of what I see from there are people with complaints that get spammed with various versions of "get out" or they look up the player stats to attack their skill (or lack thereof) rather than the point at hand. Granted, I don't tend to venture into the balance feedback forum very often and the community is essentially fed up with Luke Smith's incompetence and the rest of Bungie's staff unwillingness to interact with their players on their own forum.

Yes, there were skill arguments too. Often times that relates back to balance or class tribalism. Not always, but often. I still think that is different than arguments about how the game is played such as farming vs story content.

The closest thing that I’ve encountered is the pve versus pvp arguments. For example, pvp people often disparage pve crowd skill. Pve crowd often disparage pvp crowds character. However, they don’t often argument about how you should play pve. At least not in my experience. 

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20 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

It's my observation that insults here tend to be more subtle/passive aggressive. To where as if a Philadelphia Eagles fan wants to insult you it's pretty direct, they may even throw a battery at you! 

Well, yea... if I insult someone properly I get a ban for my troubles.

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1 hour ago, Saikochoro said:

This community can be less toxic and more bossy at the same time. In my experience, this community does have a lot more complaints and loud voices lobbying for people to play the “correct” way than other games. But agree, the arguments usually don’t devolve into insulting cesspits as often. 

I think the most Toxic/Bossy issue I've seen on these forums had to do with Knockback.

Edited by Twisted Toon
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I have a few people on ignore..thankfully..because it seems this thread was hit hard by the trolls while I was slaving over 3 hot ovens. 


Anywho.....personally I try to take everything people say with a helping of salted crow.  I have been known to be wrong occasionally and I have been known to read into something tone that the poster did not intend. 


I like to ascribe the most generous of intents and the most gentle of direction to my fellow posters, rather than reading everything as a personal attack or as a gun to my head forcing me to behave a certain way (playing the game or reacting to them).


Lord knows I am not always successful, but I think the best we can do is try and hope to leave food for thought to someone else who comes next.

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2 hours ago, Saikochoro said:


The homecoming forums do still get toxic with insults thrown around in the course of an arguments, but not nearly as often or as bad. However, the arguments in homecoming more often revolve around how people play the game (i.e. PLing/farming is bad), versus the game itself (i.e. balance).

So, you're saying we should nerf regen.



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 Everlasting's Actionette 

Also Wolfhound, Starwave, Blue Gale, Relativity Rabbit, and many more!

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I frequent the gamefaqs.com forums. (I know, I know...but if you weed through the garbage, you can find some good stuff)  These forums are freaking angelic in comparison.  

Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior

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30 minutes ago, EmmySky said:

I am a lunch lady at an elementary school...I was feeding the babies!

To what?

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Primarily on Everlasting. Squid afficionado. Former creator of Copypastas. General smartalec.


I tried to combine Circle and DE, but all I got were garden variety evil mages.

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On 9/9/2020 at 2:46 PM, EmmySky said:

I play the game for funzies.  Of course however I choose to spend my time is selfish.  Its my time.  I feel like this calls for a giant DUH!  Seriously, did I miss something? 


If someone doesnt like the selfish way I spend my free time, they are more than welcome to exit themselves from my proximity in much the same way I leave if I disapprove of the selfish manner in which someone else is spending their free time.

Gosh, this actually rings so true. Between everything going on right now and the events I would feel pressure to "host" I lost touch with what was fun with this game and took a short break. I've re-evaluated the ways I am going to spend my time to focus on truly having fun and enjoying the game for the beautiful customization and content it offers. Sometimes I really think the perspective of having fun for the delight of the game gets lost in the fray of things. 🙂

Edited by Zeraphia
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2 hours ago, EmmySky said:

I have a few people on ignore..thankfully..because it seems this thread was hit hard by the trolls while I was slaving over 3 hot ovens. 


Anywho.....personally I try to take everything people say with a helping of salted crow.  I have been known to be wrong occasionally and I have been known to read into something tone that the poster did not intend. 


I like to ascribe the most generous of intents and the most gentle of direction to my fellow posters, rather than reading everything as a personal attack or as a gun to my head forcing me to behave a certain way (playing the game or reacting to them).


Lord knows I am not always successful, but I think the best we can do is try and hope to leave food for thought to someone else who comes next.


I think you're wrong. People from our hometown are never wrong. Except when they say they are wrong, then they are wrong about being wrong and that's a double negative so it makes them right.

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50 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:



I think you're wrong. People from our hometown are never wrong. Except when they say they are wrong, then they are wrong about being wrong and that's a double negative so it makes them right.

Its gonne be real weird when we find out we have run into each other out and about and never suspected each others real identities!

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3 hours ago, EmmySky said:

I was slaving over 3 hot ovens.

Come on then, it's been three hours, what's in the ovens lass? I need to know! The most interesting thing to hit this thread in pages, and you're leaving us all hanging.

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4 hours ago, Twisted Toon said:

I think the most Toxic/Bossy issue I've seen on these forums had to do with Knockback.

I will totally hire any person with knock-whatever on to my team, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!


Well, as long as that person doesnt do something like slot 4 sources of +kb stat into every kb power. This isn't golf! But... I will do minigolf!

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26 minutes ago, Sir Myshkin said:

Come on then, it's been three hours, what's in the ovens lass? I need to know! The most interesting thing to hit this thread in pages, and you're leaving us all hanging.

Today, breakfast was Mini-Waffles or cereal.  Lunch was Calzones or Nachos or Ham & Cheese lunch pack.


Tomorrow, breakfast will be Pancake Corn-Dog or cereal.  Lunch will be Hamburger or Cheeseburger or Yogurt & Muffin plate.


Its not nearly as interesting as when I left it unanswered, huh?  😛 

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3 hours ago, EmmySky said:

I am a lunch lady at an elementary school...I was feeding the babies!

The real question is, do you serve school lunches for dinner at home, like my mom did when she worked in the school cafeteria?


1 hour ago, EmmySky said:

Its gonne be real weird when we find out we have run into each other out and about and never suspected each others real identities!

So, you two should wear shirts with your CoH handle on them for a couple of months while you're out and about.

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11 hours ago, Hew said:

I will totally hire any person with knock-whatever on to my team, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!


Well, as long as that person doesnt do something like slot 4 sources of +kb stat into every kb power. This isn't golf! But... I will do minigolf!

You wouldn't like my Energy/FF Corruptor then. No defensive shields at all, though I am slotting relevant AoE knockback powers with the KB - KD enhancement. I'm not totally monstrous.

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exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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8 minutes ago, ForeverLaxx said:

You wouldn't like my Energy/FF Corruptor then. No defensive shields at all, though I am slotting relevant AoE knockback powers with the KB - KD enhancement. I'm not totally monstrous.

Sounds perfect! When are you available for teaming? 🙂

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1 hour ago, ForeverLaxx said:

You wouldn't like my Energy/FF Corruptor then. No defensive shields at all, though I am slotting relevant AoE knockback powers with the KB - KD enhancement. I'm not totally monstrous.

Agent Knockback is planning on taking every power in the FF/Energy (Defender) combo that has KB.

And, he refuses to have any KB-KD enhancements slotted.

Otherwise, he'd be Agent Knockdown.

Doesn't have the same impact to it.


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I recently stumbled over this revival project of COH.

Having played the orignal CoH/V back in the day (Stopped before architect, but not entirely sure on excatly when) I actually like to just play noramlly.
Ive made a Warshade Im trying to play Triform style (Lots of faceplants involved) and has only played ShadowStars missions, TaskForces as they become available (Am done with Synapse, Positron and Yin)
Its taken me to lvl 26 with no power leveling or other sheniagans.

Its fun ediscovering a lot of things and becomming contronted with how much i have forgotten and how much new stuff was instated in the time from -I left till the game closed down.

My only regret is not having all theinfluende my original Blaster had on Virtue, that dough would have made bying stuff so much easier 🙂

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Before you post or reply to anything online allways remember Wheaton´s Law!

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  • City Council

I think that having XP Boosts/etc is nice for certain characters. However, there is certainly enough story arcs and content in the game to keep you entertained while leveling (if you enjoy that).

A few of the GMs made (what we refer to as) "Classic Characters". Where we all started off running through the sewers together and leveling them up following a certain set of rules.
- No AE/Farms/DFB. Can only level up via Contacts/Sewers/TFs/Radios/Zone Encounters/ETC
- No Influence Trading. So you can't send influence from another character. You have to purchase/craft your SOs/DOs/IOs with the influence you made from that character.
- No P2W Vendor. So we don't use the veteran powers/buffs/etc.
- No Merits. So you can't use merits to purchase enhancements/etc.
- No Travel Powers prior to Lvl 14 - (We highly enjoyed running around The Hollows from the Hospital again :D)

It has certainly made leveling a lot slower, however, it was extremely fun and rewarding! I think everyone enjoys playing the game in different ways and it's nice that in a game like this you have so many options. I sometimes enjoy the XP Boost, but I also really enjoy playing those characters as well. I'd highly recommend getting a group of friends together and trying it! 

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Please contact me on the Homecoming Discord for a faster response! Arcanum#7164

Got time to spare? Want to see Homecoming thrive? Consider volunteering as a Game Master!

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8 minutes ago, GM Arcanum said:

- No Influence Trading. So you can't send influence from another character. You have to purchase/craft your SOs/DOs/IOs with the influence you made from that character.
- No P2W Vendor. So we don't use the veteran powers/buffs/etc.
- No Merits. So you can't use merits to purchase enhancements/etc.
- No Travel Powers prior to Lvl 14 - (We highly enjoyed running around The Hollows from the Hospital again :D)

That's just crazy talk!

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