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Fastest Level 50


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I wanted to make this post to see if anyone else is timing how fast they can get a character to level 50. I have leveled about 60 characters to level 50 and started to keep track of how long it took from beginning to end, including load times, vendoring ect. At first my time was around 3 hours. I would only have myself and a guild member with me in the map. As I got better I slowly started to trim down the time until I hit my new personal best of 2 hours 6 minutes and 2 seconds. I like friendly competition and would like to see if anyone has a better method that they can consistently use to level a character to 50 in less time then that. I try to avoid super small maps since some people have terrible computers and every minute I wait on someone to load just adds another minute to the total time.


Here is what I am doing:


Build: Rad/Fire Brute (My own version is heavy on recharge, max defense)

Map: "Big Mobs Carnie Farm" Arc ID: 19824 (I run it 3 and a half times)

Fastest 1-50: 2:06:02


Does anyone have a better time? If so can you do it consistently and what Build/Map do you use?



Edited by Lidunni
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try map #17699 (I think thats the number not at home).  Guy who made this map was insane and hates people.  Can get to 50 easy in  a series of 1 asteroid, 1 steel canyon, boomtown, and graveyard.  Its demon theme and fire damage base, gonna be longer than your lowest time.


There is a secret trick though 🤫

Gonna need couple of brutes, blaster or corrupter, kinetics, radiation, or trick arrow debuffs.  Like lots of -resist needed and the procs are not gonna help that much as a support set.  Brutes running off in different directions is less effective than 2 or 3 together pilling up NPC for the debuffs.


Fact: 5 brutes, 1 level 1 brute who made it to 43,  and 3 more door sitters before someone swapped to a blaster after 2 brutes had to leave.  At +4/8 we got through 3 maps before +2 and -1 on the last one, and it was like 3 hours of bitching and yelling at me suggesting it.  But we finished.

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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I think Twisted Visage had it down to 82 minutes on his own maps and dual boxing.  I haven't seen him online in ages so I can't confirm.  My own times are woefully slow because I'm a more casual player, bio breaks, smoke break, coffee break, bologna sammich break.  Four runs of 17655 will get me 1-50 and some vet lvls (pop out to lvl to 50 then get incarnates open) but that may take anywhere from 4 hours to 8 hours (or more).  Again, I'm easily distracted 😄

Edited by EmmySky
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I cannot stand farming just repetitive and boring.


So I dual box and afk farm, I'm renovating my house and pop in the office probably every 10 minutes to reset. I think I could probably lvl a toon to 50 in 4 hrs doing it this way and a couple hrs more to unlock all the Incarnate stuff.


Never thought of it as competitive so never tried going fast. I do know that when I have cleared a map on my rad/fire broot it was a couple minutes, not bad I guess. 


But, trying to do it competitive to 50? No way I get bored quick, kudos to you for having that patience.

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So . . . thinking back to @BasherBot's Archetype Challenge, with roughly 3 hours to 50, that would reduce the earlier estimate someone gave of -18 years- with 12+ hours of gaming per day, down to only 2-and-change with a mere 8 hours of a gaming per day.  Splitting that workload up to a team of 8 players, and they could get 'er done in just over three months.

And 2 hours, 6 minutes, 2 seconds . . . a year and a half solo, or a month and change with a full team.


Granted, that's still basing my numbers on the earlier 2116 combinations, which I may have botched, and will be constantly increasing with every new Set the Devs release.

All the same, it looks a lot more achievable with @Lidunni's times there.


 . . . I still wouldn't do it.  Power-levelling and racing isn't my personal bag.  Hell, I've been playing since April 24th, but of my 140+ characters, the highest levels any of them have achieves are still sub-35, and less than five of those characters have made it there.  If I -was- competing for anything, then it would be number of fully-fleshed out roleplay characters, and I think @Greycat and @HelBlaiz have me seriously licked in that category.

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I run the farm cave map typically.  In just over 3 runs I’m at 50.  Each run takes me around 45 minutes.  So that would clock me in about 2.5 hours.


Doing this with a pimped out spines Fire.  Tried rad melee, I found the attack chain boring.


Maybe one of these times I’ll time it end to end but may have to find a better map with a better pattern.  They path a lot in the cave map.

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1 hour ago, FoulVileTerror said:

 If I -was- competing for anything, then it would be number of fully-fleshed out roleplay characters, and I think @Greycat and @HelBlaiz have me seriously licked in that category.

Pfft, I'm only at ... around 100. Nothing like live.



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Ah, but on Legacy you -did- still have . . . what?   300+?

Although I suppose it's slightly encouraging to hear that HelBlaiz is such a contender here on Homecoming.  The talent that player has for making really appeasing aesthetic decisions on character appearances.   *performs the "chef's kiss" gesture*

Now if only we could convince HelBlaiz to document the deep, deep well that is that character roster over on:  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/18342-list-of-character-lists/

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Either of my fire farmers could get a brand new character to 50 in a couple of hours, easily, if said-newbie was running an XP booster... It would take a bit longer without one, obviously, but could still be pretty easily accomplished in one long play-session. 


Leveling characters the "old fashioned" way? Back before I burnt out on the low level game, when I was still playing through that slog, it would take me anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months to get someone to 50 and then Incarnated, depending on rather I ran them mostly-solo or mostly-teamed. These days, I jump-start new characters to the low-30s with one run through the cave map with Harry or Suni (about 45 minutes) and then play them normally from there.


In any case, I tend to focus on only one character at a time, finishing that one before I make another... That focus is what makes for relatively quick leveling as much as anything, I think, and it's why I've ended up with a whole collection of completed 50s in spite of having a modest-but-definite case of Altitus. XD




Edited by Coyotedancer

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Cool, thanks for the replies. It looks for the most park like I am just competing with myself haha. I was considering putting out a reward of 1 Billion influence if someone could beat my time for just some friendly competition but the hard part is getting proof haha.



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44 minutes ago, PKMO said:

Cool, thanks for the replies. It looks for the most park like I am just competing with myself haha. I was considering putting out a reward of 1 Billion influence if someone could beat my time for just some friendly competition but the hard part is getting proof haha.



And farmers dont need the inf lol

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I'm at about 2 hours 15 minutes on my Rad/Fires, and that's with just 4 attacks (one of which is Radiation Siphon) and going the Focused Accuracy/Physical Perfection route.  I could probably shave several minutes off by swapping out Consume or whatever for another attack, dropping RSiphon for RSmash or Proton Sweep, and getting an AoE from an epic/patron, but I've not been inclined to do so, figuring 2:15 is pretty decent on its own.


But, since I have two of them, I could probably try it on one and see if it makes a huge difference.  

Anything you can have, we have it.  Even got a devil in the attic.

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I've never tried to PL a character to 50 like that. I just park the character in the map, and let the afk farmer do what it does. I can tell you - as far as time actually spent actively playing the farmer, it comes in at a lot less than 2 hours! Like ...10 minutes? 5 minutes? As long as it takes to click the glowie, hit exit on two characters, and reset and re-enter two characters. (A minute?) 

Nothing wrong with measuring your time and competing with yourself. Sometimes that's the best (or only) competition. 

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For a real and fair contest, you'd need to have some rules...


Everyone on the same map (Different farm-goons and farm maps are not all created equal)

Everyone either using Amplifiers or not using them

Everyone either using Inspiration combination marcos or not using them

Everyone using/not using the same types of Inspirations (The Ultimates from Luna, for instance-)

Everyone's farmers being Incarnates or not. (That level shift from your Alpha, and the tier of your Hybrid, Judgement and Interface matter-)

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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When HC first launched and AE XP was actually full value (and you had to pay for XP boosters) my first few 50s were something around 45 minutes. It's a little less than twice that now, but I haven't actively sat down and knocked out a 50 in one go in quite a while. Still pales to those 15-minute 50s back on live though...

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I afk farm to 50 + patron arc in a day.

Then afk farm ~12 vet levels a day thereafter. (I usually PL em up to VL 25-33. Or even higher when I have more incarnates to T4,.)

Then when I have gaming time I spend ~3 hours getting the passive accolades and Demonic.

And then a play session getting Geas.

And then another play session IOing / building incarnates / +5ing.


So...I have a "completed" 50 in like a week. That seems about right to me. I find the above process kinda fun. But it's just setup for the real fun...doing insane stuff in PVE and PVP with completed characters. If I had to grind out all the above by doing active farming or...*shudders*...regular content I'd just not bother with alts.

City of Heroes Class of 2001.

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15 minutes ago, Jolly Ogre said:

Ok?? But how fast can you do it without AE? That is a real test.

Other than "just to be different," why would I want to do that? If my goal is to get to 50 as fast as possible or with as little effort as possible normal content doesn't meet either of those.

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I don't try for speed, generally, but even on live the time was really getting cut down. My first 50 was in I3-I4, playing with teams, playing with debt (it was a blaster, after all) and was... 350-400 hours. Well before it ended, played (not PL'd) characters were 80 hours and fewer. That tended to be mixed with RP time, so...

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I usually sit around 2 hours, 20 maps of Briggs asteroid map, when I'm pushing it. Well, it was 20, something changed not too long ago which forces me to do part of the 21st map.

That's just to ding 50, of course. Takes longer to get a good build in Mids, pull from bins and buy IOs and build them than it does to hit 50.

I'm back to just soloing normal content with dbl xp on my latest alt.

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15 minutes ago, macskull said:

Other than "just to be different," why would I want to do that? If my goal is to get to 50 as fast as possible or with as little effort as possible normal content doesn't meet either of those.

. . . see, no matter how many times I hear this, and not matter how much detail people go into about why, it still boggles my mind.


Journey over destination, for me. Speed is the least of my concerns. I like setting out with a goal and working my way there, and power-leveling doesn’t give me anywhere near the satisfaction and of making my way to 50 through actual story content. That feeling of reaching top level after so much time and effort is incomparable. 

Not saying you or anyone else is wrong for your preferred methods; by all means, play the way that is most fun for you.

It’s just one of those things in life I’ll never understand. Like algebra.

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