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Homecoming Support Closure (Dec. 23 - Dec. 27)


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  • City Council

Hello everyone!


We will be closing Homecoming support for all non-urgent requests from December 23rd to December 27th as we want to ensure that our awesome team of volunteers can feel free to take a much needed break over the holidays and spend time with their family and loved ones.


During this time, we urge players to seek help from the community or sources such as our official forums and Discord server for minor issues rather than submitting a support request via the website or the /petition command. For time sensitive requests, we still suggest submitting a support request with the word urgent in the title; we will be responding to these as soon as possible.


We thank you for your patience and understanding and wish you all a happy and safe Holiday!



Common problems and quick solutions:


I cannot log into the game after creating an account

  • Forum accounts and game accounts are separate. Please ensure that you have created a game account via the Account Center. If you have created a game account, then we recommend that you try changing your game account password to something else and trying again. If this does not resolve your issue then please submit a support request.

A Task Force mission is stuck or looping

  • This is a known issue which we are working on resolving. We recommend having everyone on the team log out at once (every player must be offline for a few seconds) then logging back in and trying the mission again. If this does not work, then you may need to fully disband and recreate the team, then restart the Task Force.

A praetorian contact is missing or will not speak to me

  • Praetoria features numerous branching storylines which can alter the state of other contacts and story lines. Sometimes, progressing in one storyline will make progressing in another storyline impossible. In these cases, you may need to abandon the orphaned missions and continue with any other storylines which are now available to you.

A mission is stuck and will not complete

  • Most of the time when we get these reports, there is an objective remaining on the mission map. If you are unable to find any enemies or glowies on the map after running around then you may try abandoning or automatically completing the mission via the assigning contact. Please note that you are limited to one automatic completion per day. You can also reset the mission by selecting a new one from your mission window and then restarting the original mission.

An enemy is stuck in a wall or other piece of geometry

  • Enemies that are stuck in geometry will often break free after a few moments. If the enemy remains stuck in the wall after a minute or two and cannot be damaged via AoE attacks then we recommend resetting the mission.

I cannot log into the official Homecoming launcher

  • We are currently working on addressing this problem. In the meantime, we recommend just ignoring the launcher’s login feature.

I would like to have my Global handle changed

  • Please submit a support request and we will address it after the Holiday.

I purchased [BLANK] from the Auction House, but it never appeared in my inventory after claiming it.

  • Check your recipes! Oftentimes what you may think was an enhancement purchase was really just a recipe.

I transferred my Character and no longer have Long Range Teleport.

  • This is a known issue, please submit a /petition and someone from our GM team will be in touch after the Holiday.

Claimed Super Packs/Winter Packs but didn’t receive rewards.

  • Due to the high volume of packs being purchased and claimed, this can sometimes happen. You may need to zone or log off for a few minutes to “resync” and obtain your items. You can find them in the “Character Items” tab of your email window. If they still do not appear, you may have to wait until the weekly Tuesday server refresh and check again.

A player is harassing myself or other players

  • You can use the /ignore command to block any player from being able to contact you. Please do this until a GM can investigate further.
  • For non-urgent issues, please submit a support request and we will address it after the Holiday.
  • If there is an emergent situation affecting players or spamming a global channel, please submit a support request with the word urgent in the title and/or contact @Cipher (Cipher#0002) or a Lead Game Master via Discord.
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  • Thanks 13


City Council


If you need help, please submit a support request here or use /petition in-game.


Got time to spare? Want to see Homecoming thrive? Consider volunteering as a Game Master!

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Hopefully, all of you are able to fully enjoy the celebration of whichever of the many wonderful holidays you choose to embrace.  In most cases, it will likely be a smaller event than usual, involving much less travel.  But, we will all live to see better days next year, and that is what is most important.


Thank you for all you do for us!

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What was no more, is REBORN!

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Happy Holidays, everyone!


And everyone who liked the top post is just saving up problems for Dec. 28.


(or is that just me?)

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Thanks for D-Sync Enhancements! Just wish things like Resist/End, Heal/End and Damage/Mez had a third stat that made them more viable. Suggestions - add Recharge to Ribosomes, Range to Golgis, and Slows to Peroxisomes. These changes would allow for an endurance cost/range, recharge/endurance, and slow/mez or slow/damage enhancements.

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But but but...what about all that TS I don't pay for but am entitled to?!?!?!


OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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7 hours ago, duane said:

The best gift anyone can give me is to say 2020 is behind us.


Ouroboros would like a word.

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Thanks for D-Sync Enhancements! Just wish things like Resist/End, Heal/End and Damage/Mez had a third stat that made them more viable. Suggestions - add Recharge to Ribosomes, Range to Golgis, and Slows to Peroxisomes. These changes would allow for an endurance cost/range, recharge/endurance, and slow/mez or slow/damage enhancements.

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OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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On 12/24/2020 at 3:31 PM, duane said:

The best gift anyone can give me is to say 2020 is behind us.

Nothing so easy to lose as a game one thinks is won.


2020 is not yet gone.  Please do not taunt it.


2021 is still as through a glass darkly.  It could turn to 2020 and say, "Huh.  Here, hold my beer and let me show you...."

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  • Cipher unpinned and unfeatured this topic
  • Cipher pinned this topic

From my family to all of yours, may you have the happiest of holidays, and the most blessed of new years, HC staff. You guys are doing amazing work and well deserve the break to spend with your families and loved ones. ❤️ 



Twas the night before christmas, when all through the server


not a creature was stirring, not even a multiboxer.


All the stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

In hopes St. Nicolas will soon be there.


The children were all nestled in their beds,

while sugar-plums danced in their heads.


Mama in her kerchief, and I in my cap,

had JUST settled down for a long winters nap.


Whenout from the lawn there sprung such a clatter,

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter,

away to the window, I flew like a flash,

tore open the shutter, and threw up the sash!


The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow,

gave luster of midday to objects below.

When what did to my wondering eyes appear,

but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny little reindeer!


With a little driver so lively and so quick,

I knew in a moment, that must be St. Nick.


More rapid than eagles his coursers they came!

And he whistled, and he shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer, now Vixen!

On Comet! On Cupid! On Donder and Blixen!

To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall!

Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!"


As leaves that before the hurricane flew,

when they met an obstacle, mount to the sky;

So up to the housetop the coursers they flew

with a sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too!


(What even with a lion someone had requested!)

And then, in a twinkling, I hear on the roof,

the prancing and pawing of each little hoof.

As I drew in my head, and was turning around.

Down in the chimney, St. Nicholas came with a bound!


He was dressed in all fur, from head to his foot.

And all his clothes tarnished with ashes and soot!

A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,

and he looked like a pedler just opening his pack!


His eyes, how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry!

His droll little mouth was drawn up in a bow, and the beard on his chin as white as snow!

The stump of a pipe held tight in his teeth, and the smoke encircled his head, just like a wreath!

He had a broad face, and a little round belly, that shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly!


He was a chubby right plum jolly elf,

and I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!

A wink of his eye, and a twist of his head, soon gave to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to work!

And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk!

And laying finger long-side his nose, and giving a nod,

up the chimney he rose! He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,

and away they flew like the down off a thistle!

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,

"Happy Yule to all, and to all a good night!"


(And yes, I took some liberties with the poem.)


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Roleplaying mentor volunteer, and mentorship contributor.

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