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How is Arakhn pronounced?

Zephyr Star

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a-RA-khen, more or less.


It's actually based on two words from Vietnamese: "arak," which means "star," and "khn," which means disease. I know a Vietnamese origin seems weird, since the Council is supposed to have originated in Italy, but a fairly obscure high-level standalone mission explains the connection. Spoilers!



I made that all up. Ain't I a stinker?


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I pronounce it "uh-RAH-chn". With the ch towards the end being similar to the -ch in a Scottish Loch, as @Krimson said.


There is a real-world thing called arachnophobia, and I believe (but might be wrong) that the proper pronounciation of that word places the emphasis on the second syllable. So I figure we should do the same with Arakhn's name,

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