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Issue 27, Page 4: General Feedback

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I saw this in the notes and am a little confused about what it is:


Accolades/Vanguard MDC: IgnoreCombatMods added to the training dummy summoned to make them exact parallels to the Rikti Pylons


What's the Vanguard MDC accolade?  From the wording here, is there actually a power that lets us drop a practice dummy?


Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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 You fixed the sound-stacking issue that has been preventing me from teaming since forever!  AoE's and multiple-simultaneous actions are no longer deafening!  I can play the game at a reasonable volume without getting a headache!


That's not in the patch notes (or did I just miss it?).  Did you fix it by accident?  If so, please don't un-fix it!  This is the single greatest change you could possibly have made for me.


Please tell me this was intentional and it's staying.

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1 minute ago, Stormwalker said:

 You fixed the sound-stacking issue that has been preventing me from teaming since forever!  AoE's and multiple-simultaneous actions are no longer deafening!  I can play the game at a reasonable volume without getting a headache!


That's not in the patch notes (or did I just miss it?).  Did you fix it by accident?  If so, please don't un-fix it!  This is the single greatest change you could possibly have made for me.


Please tell me this was intentional and it's staying.


From the patch notes:



Game Client Adjustments & Fixes

Issue Fixes

  • Fixed a code issue with generator randomization that was causing map server crashes.
  • Fixed an issue that made it possible to open/enter doors from unintended distances.
  • Powers that play a sound on each target that is hit will no longer reach
    a deafening volume when there are many targets. When the same sound is
    queued multiple times at the same instant, the audio system now reduces the volume.
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33 minutes ago, ZorkNemesis said:

I saw this in the notes and am a little confused about what it is:


Accolades/Vanguard MDC: IgnoreCombatMods added to the training dummy summoned to make them exact parallels to the Rikti Pylons


What's the Vanguard MDC accolade?  From the wording here, is there actually a power that lets us drop a practice dummy?


It's the secret 4 star ASF fight reward.

If you set a man a flame, you keep him warm for a day. If you set a man aflame, you keep him warm for the rest of his life.

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18 minutes ago, The_Warpact said:

What's the point?

You still earn inf and drops as long as the custom mobs used aren't broken.

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If you set a man a flame, you keep him warm for a day. If you set a man aflame, you keep him warm for the rest of his life.

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53 minutes ago, LQT said:

You still earn inf and drops as long as the custom mobs used aren't broken.

I have billions of inf and a base full of enhancement storage bins.


Edited by The_Warpact
Removed the rest and put in appropriate thread.
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30 minutes ago, The_Warpact said:

I have billions of inf and a base full of enhancement storage bins.


I afk farm because I cannot grind itrials forever to get the same thing quicker in AE. I have to PL a build, slot them out, and then unlock everything I need to get everything to T3/T4. Then if I get lucky on a toon that I built up I have a few hours Saturday night to run some end game content on my toon.

This to me is fun, the idea, the Mids build, the lvling, etc, etc now remove a primary component of how I play and now I cannot do it anymore.

While I am a small percentage of the player base, how large is the farming player base that doesn't get on the forums and don't know this is going to hit them?


Thus is the reason why I quit Live because I don't have hours to grind trials for what I can farm in AE, which is the only reason I came back to play.


I'm neither here nor there on the change, because I don't use AE basically at all.  Of my 35 characters, one of them has actually run any AE missions at all.  So it doesn't affect me either way.


That said, there's no need to grind Incarnate Trials for anything.  Everything that you can get in AE, you can get from running regular missions/story arcs.  Veteran XP (which is the only thing being taken away from AE anyway), Incarnate XP, Shards, Threads, and Inf can all be gotten from running regular missions through your contacts, or radio missions, or tip missions, or Ouroboros missions.  Reward Merits can be gotten from story arcs via contacts and Ouroboros.  On Live, Incarnate Trials were recquired to get Incarnate XP and Threads.  Not on HC.


I haven't done a single Incarnate Trial on HC (because of the sound issue, which makes it difficult for me to team, which is being fixed in Page 4!), and one of my two 50's (who just hit 50 a little over a month ago, I think it was?) has 3 Incarnate slots at T4 and 3 at T3.  All from running regular missions.  My other 50, who just hit 50 maybe two weeks ago, has all her slots at T3


Grinding Incarnate Trials is not required for advancement.  At all.

Edited by Stormwalker
Minor correction
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1 hour ago, ZorkNemesis said:

What's the Vanguard MDC accolade?  From the wording here, is there actually a power that lets us drop a practice dummy?




It's the reward for the hidden Vanguard fight (iirc only at Relentless) in the ASF.

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You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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That's one huge update!  The Homecoming Team has been busy!  I especially like that weapons can now be visible on a character's back, that's a big and cool change for me.


I checked out Brainstorm earlier today, not a lot of people on, so not much testing can be done.  I wonder what the idea was behind removing AE from Atlas Park and Mercy?  Just too busy in those zones and didn't want truly new people to get distracted by the AE?


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  • Powers that play a sound on each target that is hit will no longer reach a deafening volume when there are many targets. When the same sound is queued multiple times at the same instant, the audio system now reduces the volume.


I'm 100% against this change. What's the point of using Howling Twilight if it doesn't rupture your eardrums?? RIP legend.

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1 hour ago, gameboy1234 said:

I wonder what the idea was behind removing AE from Atlas Park and Mercy?  Just too busy in those zones and didn't want truly new people to get distracted by the AE?


Both of those pretty much, yeah- the devs want to at least teach newbies to switch zones/make it obvious they're leaving the intended leveling routes of the game if they're going to AE (there are legitimate cases of level 50 newbies not knowing how to leave Atlas) and to lower the strain AE puts on those zones when they're already fairly high concentrations of players (mainly Atlas really)

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Bring back Hazard Zones

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3 hours ago, TomatoPhalanges said:

Both of those pretty much, yeah- the devs want to at least teach newbies to switch zones/make it obvious they're leaving the intended leveling routes of the game if they're going to AE (there are legitimate cases of level 50 newbies not knowing how to leave Atlas) and to lower the strain AE puts on those zones when they're already fairly high concentrations of players (mainly Atlas really)


It seems disingenuous. A 'newbie' does not just wander into a random building, knock their elbow on a console and open a mission, then wander in like the ape in 2001 Space Odyssey.


A 'newbie' that somehow discovered the AE or has been lured into it will just log in post patch, ask in /b where the AE building went, be answered, be told where it is now, and then walk there by crossing a zone.


The idea that it alleviates start zone lag seems more logical, though it apparently hits the game so much I wonder why the AE(s) don't get their own zone like the previous Luau.

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So the new content is ok, but the some of the changes made are not great.  This game is supposed to be fun some of these changes are taking away from that fun.  Why is it being done to this game?  There is no reason to at all.  These changes will not make me want to come back and stay there are plenty of other games out there.  Why is all this work done to change things that are hurting no one.  Spend the time on making new things or things that are broken.


They need to look at how the game is played to today and work around that.  If people are using AE too much than don't nerf it improve other aspects of the game to get people to play other content.  Change on defense don't make it so drastic on normal play, change it for higher difficulty content and up those rewards.

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Wanted to come and actually give feedback.  

While I'm a little sad about my Prestige Costumes becoming general use via the BenevoLabs Hologram Vendor, I'm really excited.  This patch is quite a change to the game and I think change is just progress.  I know there are a number of individuals that aren't as excited and I know there are people that have just threatened to take their toys and leave all together.  I'll watch them go sadly but hope that they will in the future change their mind and come back.


The other night during one of @Tax E's stream an individual, @herolife (I'm guessing their twitch is different than their homecoming account), made a profound point.  Everything we are getting right now is from a bunch of individuals that are volunteering their own time.  People that want this game to survive, progress and even flourish under the current constraints that they have.  They get nothing but the thanks we provide, or the hate we ignorantly give. They aren't some big company out to take our money.  I hope everyone here remembers that.

Now, because I believe it is absolutely every person's responsibility to test what is put out there, and as the saying goes "if you don't vote, don't complain."  I'll give my 2 inf after playing on the Beta last night and then sleeping on it:

  1. I really appreciate the customization that has been added to the character creator.  I have no clue if that is hard or easy, but y'all kill it.  Even just getting 1-2 new things would make me happy, but you do more. Plus you answer requests, ie Tintable Aeon Gloves.  Sheathed Weapons will make dreams come true.
  2. The hologram thing is cool (I'll admit).  I'm sad but still like it.  It is just another little piece that makes the game cool.  It is like earnable cosmetics from Halloween, but all year long.
  3. Advanced difficulty, this is meat here.  We ran just a 1-star ITF to see the mechanics and enjoy.  Plus time constraints.  On a 4 man group, we had 14 deaths and finished in about 1 hour 45 minutes.  I think the team put together something wonderful and I look forward to additional implementation of this in the future for other things.
  4. New currency, I won't comment on.  I don't know what it'll truly be worth... yet. But I do hope there is a 1 way conversion to something like Merits or Emp Merits that would help create an idea of what these should be worth in the long run.
  5. Name Release is just ... omg ... I've been waiting.  This is excellent.  Just waiting for it to be implemented.
  6. New powers... I was skeptical.  But it seems that the sounds have been tuned to not be ear splitting and annoying.  They are bearable and I won't complain.  As a Controller main, I am excited to try out a Symphony toon.
  7. Aggro revamp is something that I see as a long term plus.  This'll make the game a little more difficult maybe.  I can't complain about that.
  8. Typing adjustments.... well some of my builds are DOA.  I think that is fine and expect it with changes.  I'll just work on them again and re-build.  I can and will make my toons work.  As for those that are freaking out because their one tank will now be weaker, you can also work on the build and try to make it better... sacrifices will be made.
  9. Toggle Suspension/Toggle Suppression, as pointed out, these are different.  I don't care if they are different.... THIS IS THE BEST!!!! I am very happy that only death will require me to spend forever turning everything back on manually.

I know there is more.  But I feel long winded already.  And I hit everything that truly matters to me.   For those that want more criticisms of the AE changes, you won't find them here.  I'm cool with all that, my farmers can retire happy... and maybe come out to boost a toon here or there.  No wasted anything.  If you want XP in AE post-50, play the Developer Choice stuff.  I think a lot of people have missed the point, Pre-50 toons still gain xp and rewards, post-50 toons can unlock incarnate slots, and if the content is good and recognized as being so, it rewards players still.  Yes, this is a hit to AE farmers, no the economy won't crumble.  Am I happy, I don't know, I'll find out after it is live.

Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.

Edited by Dahle
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I play where my toons are... and they are everywhere.  But Everlasting is my current main home.  Come on by my base GOLD-11404.  And, yes, most of my toons start Gold Side (Bold Side)!
If you want to make a fortune of Inf in City of Heroes, watch my guide on the Auction House.
Or come on by and visit my Discord.

I run my theme groups there and chat with Twitch viewers in voice there.
And lastly, come see my on Twitch.  City of Heroes is my main game!

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3 hours ago, Sovera said:

A 'newbie' that somehow discovered the AE or has been lured into it will just log in post patch, ask in /b where the AE building went, be answered, be told where it is now, and then walk there by crossing a zone.

That's the goal, from what I interpreted what the devs were saying - the newbies now actually have to know how to cross zones, which there were cases before that they outright didn't know how before. Also, a newbie starting post-patch will have no need to ask where the building went, because it won't be there in the first place. They won't check it out unless explicitly invited by someone reaching out to lowbies, and, if they do because of that particular reason, as I said, they'll be required to understand how to zone- which is at least a little better than before.

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Bring back Hazard Zones

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Not sure why you're laugh-emoji reacting to me @The_Warpact.  My posts in this thread aren't for/against the change. They're just to educate players on what is/is not still possible. We had a lot of people in closed beta claiming (without testing, natch) that farming wasn't possible now due to the aggro changes and enemies needing to take more attacks to be worth the same inf/xp. That simply isn't true. Lots of players just have bad farming builds, and it hasn't mattered until now.


For what it's worth, I don't disagree with your concerns. I also AFK farm heavily, have about 40bil inf, 1000+ purples in storage, and between 30-40 level 50s. The change to vet level XP in AE is going to stop me making new PvE alts unless a peregrine/dark astoria/etc mission can be farmed AFK. (I refuse to active farm, and I refuse to grind for rewards. 100% of my playtime is playing with finished characters.) I don't really view incarnates as in-game rewards anymore - they're just a thing I need to unlock the same as level 50, accolades, and patron pools in order to "complete" a character. For me, the game doesn't start until all that stuff is unlocked. The part I enjoy, like you, is exploring new power combos to their full potential. CoH's main draw for me is character building - that's what keeps me around.


But at the same time, I recognise that being able to max-out a PvE character whilst AFK is probably not a good thing. Especially when, over time, the path of least resistance always becomes the "correct" way to play a videogame. What min/maxers are doing today, becomes what everyone is doing in a year from now. So, is a Homecoming where everyone - including newbies - just AFK farms their characters to T4 incarnates a good thing or not? Do we want a game where everyone plays like me and you? There'd certainly be more able bodies for hard mode taskforces, but how much would this harm players who want to play traditionally? (Or would it have no impact on them?) What would Homecoming look like if every new player is encouraged to AFK (or even active) farm from 1-T4 by everyone in the Help channel because it's "the right way to play". (Something that is already happening on Excelsior.)


I don't know. And, having read the closed beta chats, and the various feedback threads here, it doesn't seem like anyone else does, either.


Luckily, this is beta. So there's time to figure it out.

Edited by America's Angel
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My Stuff:

fite.gif.ce19610126405e6ea9b52b4cfa50e02b.gif Fightclub PvP Discord (Melee PvP tournaments, builds, and beta testing)

Clipboard01.gif.9d6ba27a7be03b73a450be0965263fd2.gif Influence Farming Guide (General guide to farming, with maps and builds)

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9 hours ago, TomatoPhalanges said:

Both of those pretty much, yeah- the devs want to at least teach newbies to switch zones/make it obvious they're leaving the intended leveling routes of the game if they're going to AE (there are legitimate cases of level 50 newbies not knowing how to leave Atlas) and to lower the strain AE puts on those zones when they're already fairly high concentrations of players (mainly Atlas really)


Thanks, I figured it was something like this.  Personally I think making a better newbie experience (for real newbies) is a very good idea.  The content by the original devs was somewhat lacking in this regard, unfortunately, and it's good to see the Homecoming Team paying attention here and taking some steps.


The only thing I'd ask for, I think, would be a switch so experienced returning players can choose it and say "I don't want a newbie hand-holding experience" and skip past any forced path at the beginning.  I don't think this is needed yet, DFB and P2W allow any player to skip the early missions easily.  But in the future it might be needed.

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4 minutes ago, gameboy1234 said:


Thanks, I figured it was something like this.  Personally I think making a better newbie experience (for real newbies) is a very good idea.  The content by the original devs was somewhat lacking in this regard, unfortunately, and it's good to see the Homecoming Team paying attention here and taking some steps.


The only thing I'd ask for, I think, would be a switch so experienced returning players can choose it and say "I don't want a newbie hand-holding experience" and skip past any forced path at the beginning.  I don't think this is needed yet, DFB and P2W allow any player to skip the early missions easily.  But in the future it might be needed.

Tutorial: Y/N... you've skipped the real handholding when you say no... 

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I play where my toons are... and they are everywhere.  But Everlasting is my current main home.  Come on by my base GOLD-11404.  And, yes, most of my toons start Gold Side (Bold Side)!
If you want to make a fortune of Inf in City of Heroes, watch my guide on the Auction House.
Or come on by and visit my Discord.

I run my theme groups there and chat with Twitch viewers in voice there.
And lastly, come see my on Twitch.  City of Heroes is my main game!

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