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How to ruin it for your teammates in one easy power


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Had a TF today that I encountered something I'd never seen before.  Not sure why I've never encountered it in all this time (not like this anyway), and honestly, I'm not sure what the power was.  Clearly I've never played it.  I think it has something to do with domes or bubbles.  In the chaos of battle it was never clear.


I just know two things immediately happened:

1. I suddenly couldn't hit anyone.  Not that I had bad aim, the game was telling me there was no target though I was standing right next to them.

2. All my defensive toggles went down simultaneously.  All. Of. Them.


This happened repeatedly throughout the entire TF and when I asked courteously that whomever was using it, if they could not use it in close quarters combat, I got silence...and several more rounds of it.  I ended up fighting far on the edge to keep my defense toggles active, notably reducing my effectiveness for the team.



A.  What is this monstrosity thing, and why does it affect teammates drastically? Honestly, the way it was used on this TF, I'd rather face a mission of Malta Sappers.  At least it's the enemy de-powering me, rather than an ally.

B.  Why does it not come with a required course, test, and 20 hours of range practice time before allowing operation?

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What TF were you doing?  Yin perhaps?


Are you sure you didn't get endurance drained?   Possibly by a Super Stunner laying a field down which might explain why when you weren't in close, you didn't get hit by it?


Though that doesn't explain the targeting issue.   I don't think there's a power that a player can hit another with to phase shift them, but even if confused, that wouldn't explain the lack of targeting or toggles being dropped.

Edited by lemming
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10 minutes ago, Techwright said:

2. All my defensive toggles went down simultaneously.  All. Of. Them.


10 minutes ago, Techwright said:

A.  What is this monstrosity thing, and why does it affect teammates drastically?


My assumption is that you are watching your end and know that you are not running out of end.


There is no power that would cause teammates powers to detoggle.


There are enemy powers that can cause detoggling if you don't have protection against it.


Do you get the power from the P2W that turns-off all your powers? Could you be activating that through some key press combination?



12 minutes ago, Techwright said:

1. I suddenly couldn't hit anyone.  Not that I had bad aim, the game was telling me there was no target though I was standing right next to them.


This sounds like Dimensional Shift to me. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Gravity_Control#Dimension_Shift

This power a zone/bubble out of phase with normal space.

Things inside the field can't attack those outside of it. Those outside of it can't attack those inside it. Characters can move in and out of this bubble, so you can move inside of the bubble to fight the foes inside if it. Once inside the bubble, you become dimension/phase shifted as well.


Black Hole https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Darkness_Affinity#Black_Hole can do the same kind of thing as well, but I don't think you can target them.


Detention Field https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Force_Field#Detention_Field does the same kind of thing, but it is single target.


However, if a target is intangible/phase shifted you can use Phase Shift https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Concealment#Phase_Shift  from the Concealment Pool to attack them.

Anything intangible/phase shifted is in the same alternate dimension.



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(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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I'd agree domes or bubbles sounds like dimension shift, but that would just affect you being able to target the enemies.  (I want to say you can still target them but can't hit them, but it's been a while.)


Shouldn't affect your END at all, though. Hmm. You said you were on a Yin...


... was a Super Stunner around when it happened? When they rez, they also do an autohit -END to anyone in range (which gives them whatever amount of END/health they get back.) I wonder if someone was throwing a dimension shift on them to try to stop that from happening, but the autohit hitting anyway and just draining you enough.

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More details on your toggles.  You say it happened multiple times.  Was your endurance gone, as mentioned above?   Because in all my years playing that is the ONLY thing that will drop all your toggles.  

Having enemies sequestered in a phase shifted reality is a power a few control type sets get.  Black Hole, Dimension Shift, etc.  yes, this is annoying and most players never learn to ise it correctly.  And it is almost never worth a power pick because it is a very very rare occasion where it can be used correctly and so is a waste


edit; if you did take this type of power one of the few conditions for using it is having a teammate who just dropped endurance and lost all toggles. This would stop the enemies from attacking and buy the teammate time. Much needed time

Edited by Snarky
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1 hour ago, lemming said:

Oh yea, Dimensional Shift does weird things.   Played around with it for a bit, but didn't find it worth pursuing.


On most teams end-game teams, it wouldn't be useful. Mostly because of team behavior/bull-in-the-china-shop tactics (aka steamrolling).


What it is good for is mainly a "oh #%$!" power.

Lock the enemy down with an immobilize and drop the Dimensional Shift on them.

Usually gives a team plenty of time to back away from the mob and regroup.


1 hour ago, lemming said:

Didn't do anything  to teammates toggles though.


That's because it doesn't.

I didn't imply that it did.

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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when youre sapped it can stop endurance recovery for a time, meaning youre locked at 0 for a bit.


this will prevent you doing thing that cost almost no end, such as turning back on toggles.


it feels miserable, but if there were mobs phased, that may have saved you.


grav has the best version, they can turn it off (activated-toggle), it lasts up to 20s, does an immob and is an in/out affair in that bubble. inside you can kill stuff there with you, outside you cannot effect those in the bubble.


dark affinity has black hole. its quick cast ~1.5s, and just phases mobs in a oneshot. those will look as if normal after the power plays, but will be immune (unless you happen to be phase shifted also, which would be rare).


it can be annoying, but in skilled hands is 'and then we didnt wipe'. 


its a hard cc with cost in that you cant steamroll for the duration as mobs immune, in black holes case, and one of the most misundedstood and powerful hard controls in gravitys version.


it did nothing to your endurance.  team got sapped.

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3 hours ago, Freedumbite said:

I really thought this was going to be about Hurricane.


I thought it was going to be about Repel that hadn't been modified for KD.

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Currently playing as:

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13 hours ago, Techwright said:

1. I suddenly couldn't hit anyone.  Not that I had bad aim, the game was telling me there was no target though I was standing right next to them.

2. All my defensive toggles went down simultaneously.  All. Of. Them.


Was this on a Faathim TF?  I ask because it's one of the weeklies.  One of the bosses can put you in a bubble that prevents you from attacking anything.


As for the toggles, did the toggles actually stop running or just stop giving their defensive effects?  Big difference.



13 hours ago, Techwright said:

This happened repeatedly throughout the entire TF and when I asked courteously that whomever was using it, if they could not use it in close quarters combat, I got silence...and several more rounds of it.


Because they weren't doing it.  These is absolutely no power in this game that turns off a teammates toggles.  None.

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Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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I'm guessing it's Crey? Some of their units use Hallucinogenic Gas to confuse, perhaps one of your team members was good at enddraining, didn't notice they were confused and unintentionally sapped you instead? Crey tanks Taunting may explain not being able to target anything.

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It really does sound like the combination of DShift and a Super Stunner to me...


I wonder if someone on the team was trying to "save" the OP from the Stunner's sapper effect by Dimension Shifting it just as it rezzed? 'Pretty sure that wouldn't work, even with perfect timing, but I could imagine someone trying. That would explain both the end drain and the "you can't touch me!". 

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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We are navel gazing. The OP may never give us another clue.  This happens a lot with threads


we know) the only way his toggles dropped is if endurance went to zero. And someone was using a phase shift power


we dont know) anything else

Edited by Snarky
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Gazing into Snarky's navel for too long is guaranteed to drop your toggles.


Although that may be a euphemism


It used to be, many years ago, that being mezzed would detoggle you and there'd be a requirement to retoggle once unmezzed. I wonder if there's a thing going on here?

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There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator but only a fraction of people understand that.

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I know there’s at least one mob that can phase you out. Might be the Council Ascendant, might be one of the Crey Tanks that bubbles. Too hard to research from my phone. I don’t recall Council having mobs that drain end, but some of the Paragon Protectors have radiation support which give -recovery that might have the same results. 

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20 minutes ago, Scarlet Shocker said:

Gazing into Snarky's navel for too long is guaranteed to drop your toggles.


Although that may be a euphemism


It used to be, many years ago, that being mezzed would detoggle you and there'd be a requirement to retoggle once unmezzed. I wonder if there's a thing going on here?

behind a paywall too


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12 hours ago, Freedumbite said:

I really thought this was going to be about Hurricane.

I was guessing Fold Space.

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9 hours ago, Ironblade said:

Because they weren't doing it.  These is absolutely no power in this game that turns off a teammates toggles.  None.

I mean, if you want to get super technical, Elixir of Life puts an unresistible 4-second mag 1000 hold on whatever teammate you rezzed with it. Until Issue 13 that power would drop all your toggles, even if you were a melee AT, and until last August (page 4) it would drop your offensive toggles as well.


Granted, I feel like you would absolutely know you were under the effects of that power because you'd have to die to have it cast on you but...

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First, apologies.  Yesterday was not a good day and this bizarre incident capped it off.  I made my statement and left without considering that I'd not given enough information.


I'd not mentioned the TF involved, but yes, it was a Yin TF.


The character I was using was a level 50 Sentinel Energy Blast/Energy Aura.  The powers that all dropped simultaneously were:

Kinetic Shield

Entropy Shield

Power Shield

Maneuvers (from Leadership pool)


Nothing else dropped at the same time.  For example, I use hover a lot on this character, and it remained functioning.  I keep tabs on my endurance at all times and it was not discharged.  In fact, I was watching every control like a hawk the last half of the TF trying to figure out if I could match the power shut-off to some visual of a teammate's power being activated.  This problem occurred only when standing next to the team (I'd moved far away towards the end), and occurred in areas where no Freaks were, such as the Council sections of the task force.  At least one person was using some sort of team bubble, and possible other domes/bubbles. Hard to tell in all the fireworks going on, and they were using a coloring that made it almost invisible (I'm actually grateful for that).  I'm not saying they were the one at fault, it was just the most obvious possibility, and as I've not played characters that do a lot of that, it increased the likelihood in my perception.


If I understand the description presented for Dimensional Shift, that one can only hit opponents locked in the "bubble" by entering it first, that does sound like the weirdness I encountered, at least in part.  Does it give one an error message if on the other side of the bubble and swinging at an opponent within?  It says nothing about de-toggling player powers, though, and the two effects always seemed simultaneous.  

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1 hour ago, Techwright said:

First, apologies.  Yesterday was not a good day and this bizarre incident capped it off.  I made my statement and left without considering that I'd not given enough information.


I'd not mentioned the TF involved, but yes, it was a Yin TF.


The character I was using was a level 50 Sentinel Energy Blast/Energy Aura.  The powers that all dropped simultaneously were:

Kinetic Shield

Entropy Shield

Power Shield

Maneuvers (from Leadership pool)


Nothing else dropped at the same time.  For example, I use hover a lot on this character, and it remained functioning.  I keep tabs on my endurance at all times and it was not discharged.  In fact, I was watching every control like a hawk the last half of the TF trying to figure out if I could match the power shut-off to some visual of a teammate's power being activated.  This problem occurred only when standing next to the team (I'd moved far away towards the end), and occurred in areas where no Freaks were, such as the Council sections of the task force.  At least one person was using some sort of team bubble, and possible other domes/bubbles. Hard to tell in all the fireworks going on, and they were using a coloring that made it almost invisible (I'm actually grateful for that).  I'm not saying they were the one at fault, it was just the most obvious possibility, and as I've not played characters that do a lot of that, it increased the likelihood in my perception.


If I understand the description presented for Dimensional Shift, that one can only hit opponents locked in the "bubble" by entering it first, that does sound like the weirdness I encountered, at least in part.  Does it give one an error message if on the other side of the bubble and swinging at an opponent within?  It says nothing about de-toggling player powers, though, and the two effects always seemed simultaneous.  




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Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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