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Multiple Auras

Razor Cure

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  • 2 months later
  • City Council

Certainly doable. I was playing around the other night and did this as a silly proof of concept. Took a few hours because I had to rework the database schema to remove the hard limit on 30 costume pieces and fix the absolutely awful way they were stored in the database, but now we can add as many as we want so that opens up a lot of options.


As you can see taking things too far makes the UI a little... difficult to see... so some careful thought will have to be placed into the best way to have maximum flexibility and still have it be usable. Maybe splitting off path auras into a separate slot for starters. Ideas are welcome.



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Short of complete overhaul to the Costume Creator UI (which would be ideal), I think implementation of additional Tabs might be a good way to handle this.  A Tab for Presets, a Tab for Head Pieces, Torso Pieces, etc.  
While that still requires some GUI work (which I've heard is one of the major pains in the ass), would it be any more feasible and user-friendly than trying to organize all costume pieces in to a single massive list on the left-hand side of a single tab/screen?

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I'd love to see "out of combat" auras, too, though even just being able to do things like have fiery eyes and the bestial "breath" auras at the same time would be awesome!  Heck, other tweaks like auras that change colors or pulsate on & off would be cool!

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If nothing else, I'd love to see the path auras split off into their own slot rather than having to choose between a path aura and a normal aura. I'd love having two or three slots for normal auras too though.


However, a clientside option to disable multiple auras on other players' costumes may be necessary if this goes ahead. Some people do still play this game on toasters after all, and might not appreciate having to render 50 extra auras on screen during a mothership or Hamidon raid. Theoretically it shouldn't be hard to get it to only show, say, the first aura slot if the option is enabled, though standard code rant definitely applies there.

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16 hours ago, Number Six said:

Certainly doable. I was playing around the other night and did this as a silly proof of concept. Took a few hours because I had to rework the database schema to remove the hard limit on 30 costume pieces and fix the absolutely awful way they were stored in the database, but now we can add as many as we want so that opens up a lot of options.


As you can see taking things too far makes the UI a little... difficult to see... so some careful thought will have to be placed into the best way to have maximum flexibility and still have it be usable. Maybe splitting off path auras into a separate slot for starters. Ideas are welcome.




While you're tinkering with the CC UI anyway, would you mind looking at changing the color palette, too?  I'd like to have more than 160 color choices.  Perhaps a 256 or 1024 color palette would be nice?  Thanks, @Number Six!


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  • City Council
2 hours ago, Rathulfr said:


While you're tinkering with the CC UI anyway, would you mind looking at changing the color palette, too?  I'd like to have more than 160 color choices.  Perhaps a 256 or 1024 color palette would be nice?  Thanks, @Number Six!


That’s something @Cipher was working on... he showed me a prototype of an HSL picker a couple months ago.


There’s a few niceties we would want in such a tool, such as remembering color swatches already used in the costume for easy matching. The UI code is a bit of a pain to work with so I think it got backburnered while we deal with some other things that need attention. But I’m sure it’ll come back to the forefront at some point.

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14 minutes ago, swordchucks said:

If you're going to do something like this, can you add an option somewhere that lets us turn off the auras on other players (and ourselves)?  This is going to make MSR look even more like a puddle of Skittles-filled vomit than it already does.

This, ten billion percent.

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2 minutes ago, SeaLily said:

If there's going to be some expanded/duplicate slots, please allow us a second Detail 1 on heads, so we can do horns + glasses at long last. Or just make Face and Forehead separate slots

Pleaaase yes.

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Question @Number Six, for the color palette that @Cipher is working on, would inputting colors by hexcode be workable? It may be just me, but it would make getting magnificent 5E093F rather than far less desirable 611240 much easier...

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1 hour ago, lobster said:

At this point, I don't care how ugly the UI is I'd take it anyway! 😉

Can't wait until this happens.


This.  I just watched Steam throw away a perfectly good UI and replace it with the bastard lovechild of Facebook and Netflix after it got beat with the ugly stick.  My bar for acceptable interface designs is now at an all time low.


And let's be honest, the costume creator UI was never at any point in this game's life a shining example of elegance.  Adding some extra sub-menus is a lateral move.

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I got some multi-aura combos working in Paragon Chat many years ago by swapping auras into other costume slots, but it was fidgety about what would or would not work and often even when it did render locally it wouldn't propagate over the network. It's cool you've removed the hard limit. Hopefully there won't be too many human roadblocks in the way of actually using that power here.

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  • City Council
Just now, Piledriver said:

I got some multi-aura combos working in Paragon Chat many years ago by swapping auras into other costume slots, but it was fidgety about what would or would not work and often even when it did render locally it wouldn't propagate over the network. It's cool you've removed the hard limit. Hopefully there won't be too many human roadblocks in the way of actually using that power here.

Removed the hard limit, and the soft limit. MAX_COSTUME_PARTS is gone, so unlimited lag costume parts here we come!


In all seriousness, the first application of this tech will probably be something boring like fixing the customizable weapon slots that conflict with customizable epic pool weapons. That was the primary motivation for removing all the hardcoded limits to begin with; extra auras are just a bonus.


Then maybe separate path auras out. I also have some ideas for how to do things like eye/hand auras in a sane way to allow them to be set independently without overloading the costume UI, but that's a bit further off because it involves reworking the costume creator a bit, and the way I'm thinking about doing it actually wouldn't have required expanding the part limit.

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