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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. If you didn't go Leviathan Mastery to get Bile Spray, then you have failed.
  2. Clave Dark 5

    MA Ideas

    People say a lot of things, play what you want. Seriously though, min/maxxers will say anything that's not top-tier is the worst insulting garbage upon the face of the earth, or at least strenuously imply it. I do listen to them say this stuff and then look into why they say it and sometimes agree with them. But then sometimes I do what I want anyway.
  3. I don't play tanks much, but one of my few was Electric Armor / Titan Weapons and felt ridiculously hard to kill, I think he's only been dropped like 3 times since he hit like 20 or something. I usually play squishier types and he just felt like a rock being pelted with feathers.
  4. I love the idea of Truth Bomb doing any number of somethings like that.
  5. Taking it as a given that dev time it a limited resource, sounds like this problem is already taken care of and they might focus their energy elsewhere? 😃 I do know what you mean though; I like the idea of going with cellphones from the get-go.
  6. I've had two Storm characters and it's a must for them: walk up to a group: WHOOSH "Y'all sit down whilst we kill you ok? No, I said SIT!" WHOOSH "Look, I can do this all day, sit down!" WHOOSH (etc.) It's great, it recharges quickly so they need never stand up again until you're done defeating them.
  7. Mace is a heck of a lot of fun, don't wait! For me, sort of, it'd a Kin anything, I've started like 3 on HC, of diff ATs too, and never gotten terribly far with any them; I did have one back on Live that went to 50, but that was more through cussedness than anything else and I can't say I had a lot of fun with him. I think it feels like I'm playing a toon with only one power set and the Kin set is like "just some buttons to click for no real reason" which make no visible difference. Sure sure, I know the math behind them makes the team godly, but it doesn't feel like I've really done anything, leaving me at just "time to click some more of my Dual Pistols I guess" or something. And that's OK, not all sets and meant for everyone. Or maybe I just haven't hit on one with the "wow factor" that I need to inspire me to take them further.
  8. Yeah, those were all complaints ABOUT Snarky, not FROM Snarky!
  9. This IS a comic book influenced game, being cool-looking is its own "make sense." 😃
  10. I found this to be a good starting point for me when I feel lazy - every time I pull out my version of this Dom, it feel like smooooth playing: After taking this build, I then proceeded to ruin it by swapping in and out some stuff I really wanted, like more BAMPF attacks (ok, well, "another one" anyway) because what's more lazy than just going BAMPF to hop from melee foe to melee foe? And Arctic Air's confusion effects are good without being "the character's main point," which was one reason I can't seem to level a Mind Dom high enough. I mean, on Mind you'd have to actually click the Mass Confusion, ugh!; with Arctic Air, you just sort of stroll up with it already running you lazy so-n-so (or, you know, BAMPF over). Plus that Spot Prey animation always makes me laugh, it looks like your character's just lost it with extreme rage and frustration, WHO PUT ALL THESE COUNCIL SOBS IN MY WAY?! AGAIN?! And then you tear them all to shreds in seconds, s'great. But maybe don't listen to me, I'm a lazy player. 😉
  11. Go take a Stormy with Hurricane running (or a Grav with Singy out) and go stand near a dumpster in some alley, you can become TRASH LORD EXTREEEEEME!
  12. Someone really needs to explain to dumb people online people the different between "anything animal-themed" and "furries." I mean, Bat-Man is a furry by these standards.
  13. Oh yeah, those terrible CoT maps where at some point you enter a big room with like a temple inside of it, but to continue on the map, you have to go into part of the temple and then find the corridor that goes on... I really hate those maps.
  14. I just took the entirety of the set on a recent character and found these all to be fair assessments. I took Experimental Injection as well but can't recall what I slotted it with, it may have been something for me rather than the receiving teammate, such as the Preventative Medicine proc.
  15. Time for a new alt, TV PITCHMAN, maybe Sonic/Psi, maybe a Dom or something?
  16. "Really hope they do this, if not visually, then in canon books and audio books." Oh, they'll do it six ways to Sunday and then some. And then do it again, only worse - and then once more!
  17. Yeah, this popped up during Live and far as I know, no one's ever tried to really address it. It's pretty well killed my urge to try and write anything for the AE, sad to say. I mean, that's not an earth-shaking loss or anything, but still. It broke some arcs I had up, limits what I can write in the future, and I don't see any point in republishing more of my Live arcs until it's fixed. If it ever will be.
  18. That's me, I'd love to do this in a group but my hours are terrible. I didn't choose PUG life, PUG life chose me.
  19. Please explain. Were there multiple Monty Python & The Holy Grail quotes about look at the bones?
  20. I'd suggest this overall suggestion is another form of power creep in the game,* but those billion Inf horses are already well out of the barn, I know. *Sure there were multi-billionaires back on Live too, but I would suggest there's a heck of a lot more today. This is just the game we run now, and presumably was planned to be this way and is working as intended.
  21. Seconded for Sentinel. I have so far only one Sentinel (Beam Rifle/Rad Armor) , made after they recently revamped the AT, just to give it a try I recently joined a team set up by some poor soloist calling out HALP! in chat. My Sent is near 50 and pretty IOed out, but apparently was just amazing to the guy watching me drop crowds and not in turn getting dropped myself. He's the safest long distance fighter I've ever had in the game.
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