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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I feel that would be antithetical to the spirit of a good /jranger however.
  2. By the way, stray thought: costume contests usually have, uh, you know, prizes... *awkward cough*
  3. He doesn't say much... frankly I think we're too intimidated to try and strike up conversation. Hero Core 2.costume
  4. But just think of the amazing hair-metal band of heroes we could put together, PF!
  5. That's what they always say right before they get arrested! Seriously though, it's nice to see it spelled out like this. I'm not ever hurting for money, but I wouldn't mind having a larger chunk ever-present to draw from. Now if I can just get past the "this is boring like homework" aspect of the whole thing...
  6. Who's the patron saint of those chalky little heart candies with sayings on them?
  7. They may have the best OS but they're still sending out free CDs, how archaic is that?
  8. I'm probably being stupid saying so, but this seems it would be easy, low-hanging fruit to reach for, yeah.
  9. That's an interesting idea, seems to me we might move them into those zones so that they are acceptable year round (and yes, open up BBNewYear in the chalet for year-round too).
  10. I would have said "sure, long as you couch it friendly like" but I can see few like that, not one little bit. Online discourse has really gotten rough. I freely try to offer compliments because I know someone going "cool look!" always brightens my day, and I certainly offer help if someone's expressing trouble (I once got to explain about slotting for Stamina to a brute I was teaming with at low level who was suffering). If nothing else, you could always phrase it something like "I see you skipped Awesomeness Power, I loved that on my brute, what was your thinking behind that?" Make it more of a conversation that a one way street.
  11. I shouldn't have to justify what I want to you, really. Just listen when someone says this is what they want and accept it maybe? There's precedence for not gating holiday stuff in some form, the ski chalet itself is open year round now. Skipping over all the other straw-manning and slippery sloping (heh, "ski chalet," slippery slope") that follows... well I guess I've addressed all that as far as need be.
  12. People may enjoy things you don't in this game. Really, crazy to imagine but happens you guys! I'm for some form of this idea as there's no reason I feel to gate content in any form these days; it's a hold-out from "gotta keep them subbed!" thinking. I don't have a solid idea how to do this - triggering it in a zone for say 30 minutes after a TF or something isn't a bad idea, much like say the zombies; maybe a Null the Gull setting? - but I just don't see any reason to not figure a way to make it happen whenever a player or team wants it to. This applies to all the holiday-themed stuff. I'm really not seeing any solid arguments against this in this thread.
  13. This is a take on a cobbled-together bot character I have, maybe this can work for you too. Hopefully I've got all this uploaded right... Hero Core.costume
  14. "Thoroughly," I hope. Serious answer though, my suggestion would be to go for a ranged damage dealer/ holds etc.. Back on live I was fine playing either ranged or melee, but these days, having to race from one target to the next because I wasn't close enough to hit them feels like too much work. It's easier to hang at the back of the group and pick off targets.
  15. So how do we post screen shots again, sign up for some image hosting site or something?
  16. I was just hovering my blaster near that Atlas bridge that gores over that one lake right? Saw some guy doing the usual purse snatching, one-shotted him, and saw the civvie do this exact thing. Then the pair respawned, did it again... and again... each time the civvie ran towards me then away; once they even jumped off the bridge first. It'd be fun to see them perform some parkour to try and get as close to me as they can to thank me, but ultimately I don't care.
  17. Devs confirmed to be out to get us, but at least put a smiley on it!
  18. Speaking of farming, maybe this would explain why the devs on Live sort of let it exist within AE? I dunno, but it's a thought I'd like to see explained or torn down. Just curious!
  19. I know I saw him standing around in Pocket D a coupla days ago, so at least two or three minutes. (It's funny, but he looks taller on the forums than he does in real life)
  20. Well the wiki page doesn't mention a badge, I thought I'd heard there was one. But it does turn out they randomly hand out temp buffs or debuffs, I had no idea!
  21. I was still just at 35, I had just finished the badge arc, went and finally leveled and took my first Patrol Pool power, and then called him up.
  22. I'm speaking without benefit of any programming skill here (as with so many other subjects!), but that doesn't seem like too bad an idea to implement these days. I can't imagine a saved but not published story uses up all that much space and resources. Someone else can chime in and say I'm dumb, of course, but please only on this topic!
  23. This is what I discovered with my squishie blaster a few days ago. Jet pack + low settings = I was out in like 2 minutes.
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