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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. Check your team tab, make sure you're not on a team. Make sure you have trained up to 50. Not just got to 50. Respec outside of an SG base. Trying respec'ing another character. You don't have to complete it, just see if it's not an account issue. All else fails, open a support ticket.
  2. Ranged Banes can solo, but single target damage is not great. Mace melee banes can solo just fine with the understand that they can be a bit fragile. My fully built out melee Bane can solo most groups at 4x8. Pretty much anything a 4x4. Ranged Banes are great on teams, so much support and AOE damage. Need more defense, check, need -resists, check, need AOE immobilize and damage... Remember you can have up to three builds per character. So, why not both types.
  3. Yep, you hit the bug. If all the AVs die then the mission completes, but at least you got the reward.
  4. VEAT toggles are cheap and I don't proc out my AOEs which saves a lot of endurance.
  5. Ageless is all I need at 50, running Muscular not Cardiac. Not running out of endurance at sub 50 either. I don't use serums on this toon either. That is with dozens of hours of playtime at least. Endurance is not an issue.
  6. General advice to take out specific mobs which buff/support/heals to speed things up. There are three villains that drop triage beacon and at least one shield gen. Good news is that they have weak healers, Fallen something is the primary healer. Generally, fighting against the heroes is harder. As they have multiple good support sets. Ether needs to die quickly as she has both a single and AOE heal which she uses often. Holo man can really mess things up, because his phantom army will distract a lot of villains. This causes a lot of them to die or worse tie up one of the AVs, which leads to a lot of villains dying. In general once any mob uses it's T9, unless you're doing psi damage just ignore them and let the AV/Heroes take them out. I guess I should create a guide.
  7. What was your brute secondary? There are several controller types on the villain side.
  8. Pretty sure you have to defeat all the AVs. We usually take Black Scorpion out first, then Ghost Widow, Lord Recluse is third, so we have not tried taking out LR first.
  9. Currently due to the bug. Once, you defeat the AVs as a hero/vig you get the gift and the mission completes kicking you out.
  10. All good suggestions, which I'll write down. You can catch me on Homecoming discord. Usually in the VEATs forums. Or just IM here.
  11. But that's boring. 😛 Soloing it is a lot of fun, just treat the audience as your teammates.
  12. Glad you figured it out. I will have better UIs next major release to avoid this kinds of issues. As for the overlay not staying on top. There is an issue, where have to run the COH client in windowed mode for the overlay to stay on top. MS Windows makes it very hard to get an overlay to stay on top of a full screen application. I am researching a solution. Thank you for using it!
  13. Could you paste the contents of your overlay.bat file here?
  14. The Nemesis option is the quickest way to get one of the badges, but there is no direct badge. The only reward is what you got. There is a bug though:
  15. There are three waves, you quit just before the end.
  16. If you want to actively soloing it. Support toons works well, because they keep the audience alive. Having 20 bosses fighting for you helps a lot. Trick Arrow/Storm Defender 5:20 solo at 4x8.
  17. This appears to be an alignment issue. Rogues do *not* run into this issue, but Cdo. Once, you kill all the AVs as a Vigilante, the missions completion text appears and you are kicked a few seconds later.
  18. 4x8 with AVs/Heroes. Running as Vigilante. First run, pulled some audience while waiting for AVs to spawn. Once, we took down the AVs, the mission completion dialog appeared rewarding the pet appeared and then kicked up out. We had *not* aggroed any of the heroes. Lots of time left. Next round we charged in once the AVs spawned and took on everyone, AVs, Heros, all of the audence, at once. We were down to Manticore when the missions suddenly completes and kicked us out. We had plenty of time, like 15+ mins left. I think that once you defeat all the AVs the mission completes, but not certain.
  19. New very fun event. It's a challenge to actively solo. Unless you want to sit passively in the back of the zone. Bring friends!
  20. They can have generally good resists, but you have to use set bonuses. And since they don't rely on too many pool powers it's possible to get Provoke.
  21. It's a trade off, Widow don't have psi resist hole unlike SR, but they lose a lot of DDR.
  22. This one for all the reasons you stated. They other two just don't have the utility.
  23. As usual take my comments with a grain of salt. You resists are solid. You'll be pretty un-killable at range. I would like more AOE defense, but I am obsessive. You have crazy amount of recharge already before the FF procs. And the proc rate MBB and MBV is poor. You could use those slots elsewhere. MMB and MBV are pretty weak damage even with procs. I would pick up a Epic pool AOE instead of MBV. At least MMB does 100% KB, where MMV is only 30% and a narrow short cone. The rotation of WAWG, Venom, and Frag will take up all your casting time as it is. Speaking on Epic pools. If you're set on Soul, then Gloom is very single target damage if you slot. I would shift slots to that. Here is my take on an all ranged, support oriented, Bane. Ranged Support Bane - Arachnos Bane Spider Soldier.mbd
  24. What version of MIDS do you have? I am asking because the level 6 power is the new page 7 power, Pain Tolerance. That power won't show up in older version of MIDS. You might need to update MIDS. To answer your question, Pain Tolerance with four pieces Preventative Medicine pieces: Heal, Heal/Endurance, Heal/Recharge, Absorb. 2.25 s/l resists, 3% fire cold resists are the reasons for that slotting.
  25. I think this is a good idea as you will often just be out of range of the next target. And sometimes don't want to be in melee range.
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