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On 7/15/2022 at 5:26 PM, Zodai said:



I have an issue with Montague Castanella (Steel Canyon University)'s dialogue. When I talk to him outside of a mission, it gets me this placeholder text, with nothing of actual substance included. Talking to him during a mission, the text for starting a mission, and the text when ending a mission seem to all be okay, but when you're not currently in a mission his dialogue seems completely bugged.


This APPEARS to be happening regardless of relationship level with him, but I can't be sure as I've yet to complete it. I'm currently on what I think is my third mission with him, and will update once I finish the mission line whether it's still present.


I was told this was the appropriate place for issues such as these, but let me know if that's not the case!


21 hours ago, The Caretaker said:


This particular issue is a legacy problem that persists across a LOT of contacts, requiring either 1) A better generic statement or 2) A lot of customized work to fix individually. At the moment, it's down on the priority list but not forgotten.


I made an attempt to simply expand it with a more flavorful variation of the same. So now, it will say "Hello, {PlayerName}, what brings you by today?"

hc_sig copy.jpg


There comes a time in which all stories must come to an end. It's a shame, hero, that you and your people aren't writing the end of yours. We've taken it upon ourselves to be the author of this universe's story, and your chapter will be added to the ever-growing story of how we dictated the path for all life.


Posted (edited)

found at character creation for tankers with radiation melee says it does toxic damage but the info shows fire damage


now this may be same for all at's with radiation melee


Edited by Selune Do' Might
added wrong png file at 1st so corrected

At scrapper power selection, the description for 'Energy Melee' misspells 'upon' in the line "...will enter Energy Focus uppon hitting an enemy."


  • Developer

I may defer these typos to @Booper or @CaptainPowerhouse

7 hours ago, Selune Do' Might said:

rad melee typo 2.PNG


7 hours ago, muggtonp said:

At scrapper power selection, the description for 'Energy Melee' misspells 'upon' in the line "...will enter Energy Focus uppon hitting an enemy."



In the development workflow, I'm leaning away from making powers changes - they go through more iterations and so changes I make may get lost or cause conflicts. @Booper can you make a note of these if I don't?

hc_sig copy.jpg


There comes a time in which all stories must come to an end. It's a shame, hero, that you and your people aren't writing the end of yours. We've taken it upon ourselves to be the author of this universe's story, and your chapter will be added to the ever-growing story of how we dictated the path for all life.


Posted (edited)

I didn't think to take a screenshot/copy dialogue at the time, but in the mission 'Defeat Lt. Krieg and Crew' from Lt. Demitrovich in Nerva Archipelago (her Nullifer gun arc, specifically), Lt. Krieg's dialog is messed up. The wiki says his lines are supposed to be '...' and 'Uh, no.' but the ellipse and comma were bugged and replaced with something else. I can't recall exactly what, just that it was obviously wrong.


Edited by VeiledOwl
typo, ironically

Making an AE arc? Want a quick reference sheet to color coordinate your custom enemies' costumes and powers? Check out my AE Powerset Color Cheat Sheet! [Last updated: December 2024]


So... not sure if these count as "typos" but they are certainly text that needs correcting...


The lists generated by:





Also the list of slash commands found in the Help Window--> User--> Slash Commands looks like it's 20 years old with many obsolete commands. I'd guess the whole help window should probably be reviewed.


This might seem like a lot of work, but I've already done most of it (not the Help Window though). Check out the pages for those commands at the Wiki. All the info is there.  I am still working on the slash commands at the wiki, but I should be done in less than a week.


Some decisions need to be made, such as how complete do you want these generated lists to be? Personally, I would include ALL the working window names. Options... just copy the options.txt file, basically. Slash commands... might need a little more thought and decision making. I can give you the cmdlist with obsolete commands removed, or I can give you the working commands in the cmdlist and other cherry-picked commands that are worthy and useful, or I can just give you a complete listing of all known working commands. 


It's really up to you and how much thought you want to put into it all. Frankly, if you update these lists with any of the information I have, they would be greatly improved... whether they're complete or not.


Lastly, I can help out in a couple different ways. If you want, I can send you the lists that I have in the format you prefer. Then you can just copy and paste. Or, I can send you a list of items that are no longer available or new items not found in the lists.   Whatever is easier. 🙂



The primary Menu (Status Window--> Menu) has a radial dialog button missing in front of the "Enhacnements" menu item.  There are also no radial dialog buttons in front of Arena, ID, Persona Info, Chat Handle, Options, Support, and Quit. 


While selecting the Ice Melee set for stalker, the description for assassin's ice sword claims that the power is part of some dual blades combos - "This power is needed... combination attacks." 



Posted (edited)

When creating a new character Tanker with Stone Melee, all the melee powers have no damage without Fiery Embrace.


Seismic Smash:


15.86 fire damage on target

Only using Fiery Embrace


35.24 smashing damage on target

Only using Fiery Embrace


4.00 magnitude hold for 6.40s on target

Only using Fiery Embrace


This also affects Brute Stone Melee and Scrapper Stone Melee.

Edited by kawless
Found more

This is stretching the definition of "typo," but there's an issue with the popup message that every character gets the first time a Tip drops for them. The popup explains the basics of the alignment system, how doing tips will fill up the bars, etc. The issue is that since exploration badge tip missions were added, the first tip a character gets is most likely going to be one of those exploration badge missions, which don't interact with the alignment system at all. The text in the window was written when Alignment and Morality missions were the only kinds of tips you could get, and hasn't been updated since. It basically needs to be rewritten without the assumption that those are the only kinds of tips.

Posted (edited)

In Doctor Arvin's mission Find Patient Zero in Praetoria, the Manslayer holding the homeless woman hostage is missing his description: BOSS_DISPLAYINFO is the only thing in the text box. Not sure if it's a mission specific thing or if other Manslayers have the same issue.


T.E.S.T. Provost from Doctor Steffard's mission Aprehend Seer 0293 has the same thing in his description.


In Nerva Archipelago, Psimon Omega's mission 'Steal ore sample, research data' has the send off dialog say "There's a boat waiting at the docs to take you to Paragon City." instead of docks.

Edited by VeiledOwl

Making an AE arc? Want a quick reference sheet to color coordinate your custom enemies' costumes and powers? Check out my AE Powerset Color Cheat Sheet! [Last updated: December 2024]

  • 2 weeks later
Posted (edited)

So, symphonic control's descriptions need an editorial review, I guess.


Description of Aria of Stasis:

" Your audience they take psionic damage and is rooted in place by Aria of Stasis. Stronger foes might still be able to move, but will do so at a reduced speed."


Er... unless we're-a Mario, something like "Your audience is rooted in place and takes Psionic damage" would work better.


Hymn of dissonance:

" Hymn of Dissonance causes pain on its listener, the pain can be disruptive enough to hold them in place. Stronger foes might persist, but will still attack at a reduced speed."


Again... Weird structure. Try -


"Hymn of Dissonance causes pain in its listener that can be disruptive enough to hold them in place."


Melodic binding:

" Melodic Binding immobilizes your target in place and inflict psionic damage. Stronger foes might still be able to move, but will do so at a reduced speed. This power also applies a mag 1 stun that will make the target more vulnerable to stuns."


Inflicts psionic damage.  Also that last sentence can probably end at the "applies mag 1 stun."


Impassioned Serenade:


 You serenade your target with an impassioned song, charming them into fighting for you.

Note: this power inflict dot for up to 30 seconds as long as the target is confused.


Should be this power inflicts, DOT should probably either be capitalized or expanded into Damage over Time, and "Up to 30 seconds as long as the target is confused" is, itself, confusing. Possibly "Up to 30 seconds or as long as the target is confused?"


Enfeebling Lullaby is ... ok...ish.

" A song that will put even elephants to sleep. Enfeebling Lullaby will relax foes, causing them to sleep and their attacks will do reduced damage for some time."


The elephants sentence is weird. Flavor text, sure, but the flavor is ketchup lutefisk mint ice cream.  The second sentence could be improved. Say:

"Enfeebling Lullaby will put foes to sleep. Even if awakened, their attacks will do reduced damage for some time."


Confounding Chant:


 Confounding Chant will disorient anyone that hear it, while dealing psionic damage over time.

Note: this power will only inflict damage for a longer window as long as the target is stunned.


Should be "anyone that hearS it. " The comma is probably unneeded.

The second sentence is, again, weirdly structured. I'm not sure "note" is needed. "This power will only inflict damage as long as the target is stunned" would make more sense.




 You summon an entity capable of repeating your songs a short while after you have executed them. This entity will be mostly passive and only repeat slightly weaker versions of your songs only after you have executed them. Type ''/release_pets'' in the chat window to release all your pets.


Not sure the /release_pets thing is needed. Also, both the phrase "after you have executed them" and the duplication *of* that phrase are awkward. That could probably be cut completely.

Edited by Greycat
  • Thumbs Down 1

When engaged in Ghost Widow's "Time after Time" story arc, through Oro (if any of that matters), all contacts have the same dialog error in their "more important task" dialog, displaying the text "PlayerName" in the dialog instead of the character's actual name.


A Level 50 character, in Cimerora (via LFG queue) calls Montague Castanella, and got a "Hello there, PlayerName".


This was to launch the introduction to Imperious.


Random NPC dialog in Night Ward:




Should be something a little more informative.

  • Sad 1
Posted (edited)

Gladiator's Armor and Impervious Skin icons are the same now.

Edited by Nando
Not sure if this is the topic for post, excuse me if not

Dr. Graves mission to check in with the other contestants, with the recent destruction of the Mercy Island Architect Entertainment building under entirely innocent circumstances the mission now sends you to Vault Reserve, which is correct behavior.  The clue you are given from this mission talks about Day Job sites but still lists AE as a example even though you've yet to visit one if you're sticking to the script.  I suggest that instead of using AE as an example Day Job, Vault Reserve should be there instead with the mention of an Infamy bonus on mission completion.  Additionally the clue has outdated information concerning the Black Market Day Job, which now grants Brain Storm Tokens on mission clear rather than providing a Black Market teleporter like the clue states.


Haven't looked at it, but I assume Twinshot's Day Job clue also has the incorrect information as well for both AE and Wentworth's.




  • Thumbs Up 1

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.


Montague Castanella breaks the fourth wall when I call him around level 35 to get the mission to travel to Cimerora and talk to Imperius:




(He says, "Hello there, PlayerName")

  • Haha 1
On 9/4/2022 at 8:56 AM, Bertg58 said:

Montague Castanella's a bit confused.


Yup, still does that. Any chance of a quick fix for this? Just happened to me again.

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