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No aggro cap (only for Tankers)

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6 minutes ago, Display Name said:

The We Have Cake server has no aggro cap at all, so that demonstrates that it works.


Working and being a good idea are two different things. 


As someone that remembers the days of tank herding and is glad that that is dead and buried, no thank you. 

Edited by Apparition
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6 minutes ago, Display Name said:

The We Have Cake server has no aggro cap at all, so that demonstrates that it works.

No... what that demonstrates is that it is possible (which we all knew). It doesn't mean it is something people enjoy, something people want, or something that would benefit the game/players. 

Seeing as that server has a very low population compared to HC... I would not use them as an example of what "works." 

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1 hour ago, Display Name said:

The We Have Cake server has no aggro cap at all, so that demonstrates that it works.

I am certainly not suggesting you leave Homecoming, but I am suggesting that if you want no aggro cap, you play on Cake.  Win win!

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Who run Bartertown?


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I'm going to ask the question why? The OP is missing any explanation of what you think would be achieved by removing the argo cap (as it will henceforth forever be known). How do you think it might improve gameplay? How do you see it affecting team dynamics for the better?

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This doesn't make sense to me. Your average team (not talking about above average teams) can barely handle the mobs now. Most tanks can barely handle what they aggro because the players behind them aren't very good at tanking. I'm not saying that they stink..but there are nuances to tanking that a tanker should know before they gather a large mob. It takes some experience and some common sense. Not everyone has a good supply of both. 

If the team is that fast at killing, then it's nothing for the tank to leave before the mob is completely dead and move on. 

The only way removing the aggro cap makes sense is if the AoE target cap is also removed for blasters/brutes/scrappers, etc. 
That would bring about even more power creep. 

Unless there are some reasons why..I say no. 

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22 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

Blue, Red, or Black?

Who's buying is the question that needs answering before I can answer that...

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"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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I honestly wish there were a way to implement this and everyone be okay with it, and I am sure there is a way, however, nobody has thought it up yet. And since so many people seem to take issue with it, I would advise rather than asking for a taunt increase for Tanks, think up of a way to make it actually work and different than it was before. Unless a new type of idea that revolves around the aggro cap increase comes along, these guys and gals on these boards are pretty much always going to have the same answers.


I'm with you, OP....I don't feel like it was as big an issue as what people make it out to be on these forums, but until a new way of implementing an aggro cap idea is created, their answer will always remain the same.

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I mean, -IF- we wanted to increase the aggro cap JUST for Tankers, I have a workaround solution.


Reverse Bodyguard Pets


Add a mechanic where Tankers periodically spawn invisible Super-Taunt Pets, which reflect any Damage they suffer back to the Tanker.

If the code for Mastermind Bodyguard Damage Shares can't be co-opted to work in this scenario, then just have it that any time one of these Tanker Taunt Pets die, they drain X amount of health from the Tanker, where "X" is the HP of the Taunt Pet.


BAM!  Tanker gets another 17 Aggro for each of these Pets.  Make it part of their Inherent Power.  Give 'em 1 at Level 1, and have them respawn every 15 seconds.


I am not saying this is a good idea, mind you.  There is a LOT that could go wrong.  Just that, technically, a solution exists if we want it to.

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