Lunar Ronin Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 37 minutes ago, PsychicKitty said: Nah the corrupter archetype is in the back seat because when you play them you keep wondering why you are not killing things faster and why your powers take more energy and why you seam to die alot more then any other archtype. That's then when you notice they have less health then everyone else...hmmm The courage doing double damage doesn't seam to do the damagecit reports....hmmm The powers should be able to help but their percentages seam to be super low....combat statistics showing your defensive power giving you barely 5 percent defense when your controller or dominator or defender or anyone else is getting 10 percent....hmm It's why I refer to corruptors as a sidekick archtype.....specifically the side kicks that get into trouble and the main characters have to save all the time. I highly encourage you to look at the combat statistics with them and notice the difference on their damage they do being reported by the game and the actual damage an enemy recieves If you're dying a lot on a Corruptor, then either you need help with your character's build, you need to learn to play the AT, or both. Corruptors don't have less health than everyone else. They have more HPs than Defenders, for one. Corruptors have the same defensive power as Controllers, and a heck of a lot more than Dominators considering that Dominators don't get defensive powers. Yeah, the damage reported on Corruptor powers is wrong. It's been a bug in game for a few years now, it's taking Scourge into account when it shouldn't. That said, Corruptors do more damage than Defenders.
Greycat Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 43 minutes ago, PsychicKitty said: Nah the corrupter archetype is ... and you necro'd a nearly *four year old thread* (last response, October, 2020) for this why? Psychics are supposed to see the *future,* not the past. 2 1 Kheldian Lore and Backstory Guide 2.0: HC edition Out to EAT : A look at Epic ATs - what is, could have been, and never was Want 20 merits? Got a couple of minutes? Mini guide to the Combat Attributes window
Luminara Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 54 minutes ago, PsychicKitty said: The courage doing double damage doesn't seam But the banana walks with the purple buffalo in the spring. 2 1 1 Get busy living... or get busy dying. That's goddamn right.
Psyonico Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 When Professor X asked what I would bring to the X-Men, I proudly stated I have excellent hindsight. He said "I don't see how that would be very helpful" My reply? "Yes, I see that now." 8 What this team needs is more Defenders
BazookaTwo Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 On 10/5/2020 at 12:47 AM, macskull said: Generally speaking, yes. The more complicated answer: there are certain sets and combinations that are better on a Corruptor than on a Defender, and vice versa. I want to ask specifically about pistols/time then because my proctastic (26 dmg% procs) time/pistols defender felt far superior to any of my pistols/ or /time Corruptors I've played.
BazookaTwo Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 Just throwing a theoretical, non maths based idea out there. What if defender's buff numbers were higher, and corruptor's debuff numbers were higher? Seems that would add balance?
Without_Pause Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 42 minutes ago, BazookaTwo said: Just throwing a theoretical, non maths based idea out there. What if defender's buff numbers were higher, and corruptor's debuff numbers were higher? Seems that would add balance? Except buffs can or are more likely to hit a cap, see +DMG. If a Cold Defender could add even more +DEF there is a realistic cap to it. -RES on the other hand is far less likely to get a target to 0 Res. More so an AV, etc. Giving a Corr even more -Res is only going to make them even better. Top 10 Most Fun 50s. 1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute. 10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. "Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."
Without_Pause Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 (edited) 1 hour ago, BazookaTwo said: I want to ask specifically about pistols/time then because my proctastic (26 dmg% procs) time/pistols defender felt far superior to any of my pistols/ or /time Corruptors I've played. Procs are hacks for Defenders and even Controllers depending on the sets. I think I mildly looked at doing a /time Corr, but I also know it is within reason to Def cap a Time Defender using positions verses types. I'm currently at 40.1%/43.9%/42.6% on M/R/AoE, and I continue to tweak the build. I'm not close to doing that on my Fire/time Controller. To clarify, that's without Power Build Up. Edited August 21, 2024 by Without_Pause Top 10 Most Fun 50s. 1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute. 10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. "Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."
Jacke Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 3 hours ago, Luminara said: But the banana walks with the purple buffalo in the spring. Damn, damn, damn. What's the countersign.... Yes, when the grey bullfrog croaks as the chatreuse lily blossoms. 2 1 Remember! Let's be careful out there! City Global @Jacke, @Jacke2 || Discord @jacke4913 @TheUnnamedOne's BadgeReporter Popmenu Commands Popmenu including Long Range Teleport Available Zones Finding Your City Install Root on Windows for HC Launcher, Tequila, Island Rum
MoonSheep Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 i’ve probably already replied to this thread with the same opinion, but i’m a big fan of defenders and have no use for corrupters - however my playstyle is the primary reason i use the secondary on defenders for the debuff properties only and let damage dealers kill things, this allows me to focus on making the buffs/debuffs of the two sets the best they can be and really concentrate on the support role if i had more of a hybrid playstyle i can see why corrupters would be the better choice. there’s something alluring to me of playing the ‘best’ and most powerful version of a buff/debuff set If you're not dying you're not living
Doomguide2005 Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 (edited) 7 hours ago, Without_Pause said: Except buffs can or are more likely to hit a cap, see +DMG. If a Cold Defender could add even more +DEF there is a realistic cap to it. -RES on the other hand is far less likely to get a target to 0 Res. More so an AV, etc. Giving a Corr even more -Res is only going to make them even better. Oh it's worse than trying to hit 0%. The 'cap' is -300% for the resistance floor. And of course for max damage you want to do both and then add procs into the mix since they bypass the damage cap. Edited August 21, 2024 by Doomguide2005
Tsuko Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 is it really a "cor need buffs" topic ? Oo 😄 1 Vous souhaitez rejoindre un canal de discussion 100% Français ? Vous souhaitez faire des TF Chill ou 4 étoiles avec des Francophones de tout pays ? Vous souhaitez avoir accès à la meilleure base de données avec les meilleurs builds et ressources en Français ? "La lune Bleue" est le canal de discussion qu'il vous faut ! N'attendez plus ! Contactez nous en jeu, ou notre Discord
tidge Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 I'm not re-reading this old thread, but lately I've been wondering why I have tended to gravitate more to Defenders than Corruptors recently... I have roughly equal numbers of each AT. For me, it isn't about raw numbers... I think it is because with the Homecoming change to lower the minimum level at which certain primary/secondary (and epic) powers can be taken, I can pretty much get the offense from the Defender secondary "early enough" that I don't feel like I'm grinding up a Defender to get to the point where I can have an attack chain. Obviously Corruptors bloom offensively even earlier. Obviously all AT can leverage Homecoming's power pools/temp powers to fortify an attack chain at low levels. If that sounds like a peculiar reason, allow me to add some more personal peculiarity: When I am looking at Corruptor v. Defender combos, I'm often making the choice (of primary and secondary) based on a concept that more-or-less hinges on the buff/debuff. If the concept doesn't hinge on the buff/debuff I'm likely to roll with a Blaster or Sentinel. With the buff/debuff being primary in my mind, I usually go with the AT that has a buff/debuff set as the primary... so "Defender" typically gets the nod. 1
srmalloy Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 (edited) 15 hours ago, Luminara said: But the banana walks with the purple buffalo in the spring. Моё судно на воздушной подушке полно угрей. (because "May I mambo dogface to the banana patch?" seemed too pedestrian) Edited August 21, 2024 by srmalloy
Snarky Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 On 10/4/2020 at 6:06 AM, Solarverse said: The title sounds a bit of a bash toward Corruptors, but it's not. If anything it could be taken as a "Corruptors might need a buff" statement. Having said that, here is what I have noticed. I can take two virtually identical builds and my Cold/Ice Defender shows a higher DPS than my Ice/Cold Corruptor all day every day. This is primarily due to a Defender having a much higher base damage than a Corruptor. Yes, Corruptors get Scourge, but can we be honest for a moment and realize that by the time an enemy's health is low enough for Scourge to kick in, they would have died with your next attack anyway; even without Scourge? AV fights and Bosses that Self Heal or pop T9's at the last moment would be the exception to this observation. However, just between you and I...personally I don't play Corruptors just for the AV fights at the end of a TF. It has gotten to a point that I honestly can't even bring myself to roll a Corruptor anymore and I have shelved the ones that I do have. What I find hard about this is that I actually love Corruptors, in concept, they are a solid archetype. However, as far as I am concerned, in actual real time game play they pale in comparison to Defenders. My attacks hit much harder as a Defender and I get way better stats from my primary than my Corruptor gets from his secondary. Yet, even after this observation, I still from time to time watch in chat some guy or gal joking on Defenders; like Corruptors are so much better or something. I don't bother getting in to that conversation, but I read it and think to myself...have you even compared the stats between the two? First, in my opinion, Corruptors are so undesirable, the only way I would play one at this point is if the Scourge chance scaled all the way from 100% Health and the chance increases to Scourge the lower the health gets...all the way to 100% chance by time the target gets within 15% Health. This would honestly be the only way I would ever personally play a Corruptor again. I think a Corruptor's base damage is fine, maybe even lower the base damage a bit to balance out the higher chance to Scourge, but I would make Scourge much more useful and worth playing a Corruptor from time to time. But as of right I feel Defenders are far superior to Corruptors in every single way...up until a target reaches 1/8 health anyway....when I play a character, I don't want to wait until my target hits 1/8 health before I start to feel better than a Defender in damage. As a Corruptor, my secondary support is inferior to a Defender...which is fine, that is the way it should be. However, when my damage is also being out classed by a Defender as a Corruptor, I begin to feel very overshadowed. In saying all of this, I am open to the possibility that I am just playing a Corruptor wrong, or maybe building them wrong...however, at this point I do not believe so. My character building skills are's one thing that I am extremely skilled at...which leaves my play style. So I am willing to hear a Corruptor player who favors them a chance to prove me this case, I literally want to be proven wrong. Otherwise, I feel as far as damage and support is concerned, Corruptors are simply taking the back seat to Defenders with the way they stand now...and it just shouldn't be that way. …Corruptors need a buff…? Interesting start. From what I know Corruptors are the only AT where EVERY power combination yields an “S” class teammate. But yes. Let us buff Corruptors. Oh, and Nerf Regen. And of course Nerf Kinetic Melee.
roleki Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 16 hours ago, PsychicKitty said: Nah the corrupter archetype is in the back seat because when you play them you keep wondering why you are not killing things faster and why your powers take more energy and why you seam to die alot more then any other archtype. That's then when you notice they have less health then everyone else...hmmm The courage doing double damage doesn't seam to do the damagecit reports....hmmm The powers should be able to help but their percentages seam to be super low....combat statistics showing your defensive power giving you barely 5 percent defense when your controller or dominator or defender or anyone else is getting 10 percent....hmm It's why I refer to corruptors as a sidekick archtype.....specifically the side kicks that get into trouble and the main characters have to save all the time. I highly encourage you to look at the combat statistics with them and notice the difference on their damage they do being reported by the game and the actual damage an enemy recieves I don't have time to read combat logs on my Corruptors because I'm too busy being awesome. Y'all can keep your Defenders that (checks notes) get an endurance discount if they suck at their job. 1 1 I killed them.... Con Carne
Tsuko Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 Dam 2020 thread, who has necromancer skills ? 🫣😁 Vous souhaitez rejoindre un canal de discussion 100% Français ? Vous souhaitez faire des TF Chill ou 4 étoiles avec des Francophones de tout pays ? Vous souhaitez avoir accès à la meilleure base de données avec les meilleurs builds et ressources en Français ? "La lune Bleue" est le canal de discussion qu'il vous faut ! N'attendez plus ! Contactez nous en jeu, ou notre Discord
Luminara Posted August 21, 2024 Posted August 21, 2024 2 hours ago, Tsuko said: who has necromancer skills ? @Snarky is the resident neck romancer. 5 1 1 1 Get busy living... or get busy dying. That's goddamn right.
Solarverse Posted August 28, 2024 Author Posted August 28, 2024 On 8/21/2024 at 11:32 AM, Snarky said: …Corruptors need a buff…? Interesting start. From what I know Corruptors are the only AT where EVERY power combination yields an “S” class teammate. But yes. Let us buff Corruptors. Oh, and Nerf Regen. And of course Nerf Kinetic Melee. Honestly, I don't even give a shit about this game anymore. Have not played it in well over a year now. Anything that I have ever posted on this forum is null and void. As far as I am concerned, this is no longer City of Heroes. I won't even say what this game is to me because honestly, I don't give a damn enough to argue about it. City of Heroes is dead to me and has been for quite some time. Sorry somebody necroed a thread that was written by somebody who has zero f**k's to give. Nothing personal, Snarky, just don't want anyone to think that I have a dog in this's not my fight anymore; I've long since moved on. 1 1 2 1 SFX and Music Mods by Solarverse (Consolidated) WP/EM God Mode Tank Guide and Build Help Support the Return of Missing Code for Sound Files!
Snarky Posted August 28, 2024 Posted August 28, 2024 38 minutes ago, Solarverse said: Honestly, I don't even give a shit about this game anymore. Have not played it in well over a year now. Anything that I have ever posted on this forum is null and void. As far as I am concerned, this is no longer City of Heroes. I won't even say what this game is to me because honestly, I don't give a damn enough to argue about it. City of Heroes is dead to me and has been for quite some time. Sorry somebody necroed a thread that was written by somebody who has zero f**k's to give. Nothing personal, Snarky, just don't want anyone to think that I have a dog in this's not my fight anymore; I've long since moved on. Not taking anything personal. You know me, just posting for the numbers. Have fun wherever you are wandering. 2
Scarlet Shocker Posted August 28, 2024 Posted August 28, 2024 1 hour ago, Solarverse said: Honestly, I don't even give a shit about this game anymore. Have not played it in well over a year now. Anything that I have ever posted on this forum is null and void. As far as I am concerned, this is no longer City of Heroes. I won't even say what this game is to me because honestly, I don't give a damn enough to argue about it. City of Heroes is dead to me and has been for quite some time. Sorry somebody necroed a thread that was written by somebody who has zero f**k's to give. Nothing personal, Snarky, just don't want anyone to think that I have a dog in this's not my fight anymore; I've long since moved on. Can I has your stuff pls? 2 I neither know, nor care, what the difference between ignorance and apathy is
shortguy on indom Posted August 29, 2024 Posted August 29, 2024 WHAT AM I MISSING?... @Solarverse NOT A NUDGE, JUST WONDERING WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?... THIS THREAD LOOKED KINDA TAME FOR THIS? PvP Capture the Flag! Bring some fun into it....
Game Master GM Crumpet Posted August 29, 2024 Game Master Posted August 29, 2024 Locking necro thread 1
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