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Is Regen still worth playing?


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It still works fine for me, using a Kin/Regen scrapper, but I'm a casual player. I'm not sure how more hardcore players deal with incoming alpha strikes. I wouldn't recommend it for sentinels, since you don't get status effect protection until level 20 for some unfathomable reason.

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Regen is a deeply flawed gem. It's fun, but it's in a wonky matter. It likely is one of the weakest defense sets in the game, but it still has a unique feel and mechanics. That said, even being one of the weakest defense sets in the game it still works, it just doesn't handle crisis situations well. A lot of the time your regen is high enough that the enemy doesn't really have a chance to beat you; you will literally out-heal anything they can do. However, if you can't out-heal the enemy damage output, it has a MUCH harder time. It's still usable, but I'm not surprised it isn't on tanks yet. How it feels will really depend on how far back you used it. In my opinion it's better than Super Reflexes, but still not in a great place.


If Regen doesn't work, try willpower:  it still has a good amount of regen, and other options besides.

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38 minutes ago, Lost Deep said:

In my opinion it's better than Super Reflexes, but still not in a great place.

I think a majority of players would say SR is better now. Well, at least the hardcore ones that talk here.

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2 minutes ago, arcane said:

I think a majority of players would say SR is better now. Well, at least the hardcore ones that talk here.

SR is miles ahead of Regen


I'd suggest the hierarchy of needs for survival looks something like 


Defense -> Resistance -> Healing -> Passive Regeneration



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8 minutes ago, Haijinx said:

SR is miles ahead of Regen


I'd suggest the hierarchy of needs for survival looks something like 


Defense -> Resistance -> Healing -> Passive Regeneration



At high difficulties yes I agree. I could see casual players not seeing it that way if they aren’t playing at a high enough difficulty to outdamage regen’s sustain. But otherwise yeah totally think SR wins with ease.

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4 minutes ago, arcane said:

At high difficulties yes I agree. I could see casual players not seeing it that way if they aren’t playing at a high enough difficulty to outdamage regen’s sustain. But otherwise yeah totally think SR wins with ease.

Yeah I guess at lower difficulties Regen is really good.  Early END power, click heals, good Status protection power. 


Probably great for soloing arcs to see the content too.   


And of course you CAN build it strong.  Because if you can build a Blaster strong, Of course you can build Regen strong.  And since building Regen strong usually means lots of Recharge, you don't really have to gimp yourself to do it either. 


Damn Regen sounds almost good.  No wonder it needs nerfed.  

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49 minutes ago, Doomguide2005 said:

Even at low levels they backhandedly /Nerf'd Regen.  They made Fitness an inherent, then rubbed salt in the wound, making them all available at level 2 while Quick Recovery comes in at 4th.  

But FH/QR still > Health/Stamina on the buff values. So even with the inherents, you want to crank those up 1st.

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1 minute ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

But FH/QR still > Health/Stamina on the buff values. So even with the inherents, you want to crank those up 1st.

plus no way unslotted, unprocced Health and Stamina are enough to really handle your attacks unslotted for end reduction.  Having All 4 is nice.


So Regen really is the best in that really low level world.


Problem is you don't stay low level very long.  

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4 hours ago, FullEclipse said:

I use to play a katana regen back in the day, then regen got nerfed real bad or so I heard.  Do you all find regen fun to play still or is it too nerfed to enjoy. I loved my katana/regen but would he be worth creating again?

Very, very much worth re-creating.  The very first character I re-created here on Homecoming was my very first character back on Live - a kat/regen scrapper.

It's not an uber set, but you can make it kinda so by investing a ton of inf.  But at that point... it doesn't actually matter what secondary you're using.  That solution is for folks whose primary method of dealing with tactical challenges is to throw Mid's and inf at them.

It's not the most powerful set, it's not the most survivable set.  You probably won't be able to solo the toughest stuff in the game without investing in a ton of set bonuses...  And yeah, it's fragility is legendary, and for good reasons.  But honestly, so what?  I solo just fine with the difficulty turned only modestly up* and I have fun doing so.  And beyond debate, fun is the whole point here.  The one thing you can do wrong in this game is to not have fun.

Go ahead and create the character and see what you think - in the end, that's the only way to know for certain.

* One criticism often leveled at Regen is the inability to handle Alpha...  You can fix that one of two ways, by spending inf and turning it into not-Regen, or by turning the difficulty down to a survivable level.  There's no shame in not running at +4/x8, not matter what the hardcore folks tell you.

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Depends on what you want it to do.  A staff/regen brute is my redside main.  The character was a science experiment, to see if fairly deep pockets could turn a Regen brute into a tanking brute.  It sorta works, but there are situations like just this afternoon when someone redside needed help against Positron.  The character collapsed completely.  I was able to help the fellow finish the mission by leaving the 'tanking' brute behind and swapping to a poison/dark defender who trivializes everything. 


Regen remains great fun on lower level content.  There are still places it shines, such as Hamidon raiding.  But it has poor synergy with attack sets with baroque animations (which is why the experiment chose Staff.)  And when it is overwhelmed, your click buttons will be useless, you'll never have a chance.   I do not recommend it for a first or an endgame oriented character. 

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4 hours ago, Haijinx said:

SR is miles ahead of Regen


I'd suggest the hierarchy of needs for survival looks something like 


Defense -> Resistance -> Healing -> Passive Regeneration



You left out dark armor, that has stealth and two mez auras.  Stealth > Mez > Def > Res > Healing > passive regen.

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2 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

But FH/QR still > Health/Stamina on the buff values. So even with the inherents, you want to crank those up 1st.

Oh no doubt -> 0.30 vs 0.25 before enhancement but it was 

0.30 vs 0.00 until they ... /NERF'd Regen by making everyone's life easier sooner than, pant, pant waiting to burn a power choice on Stamina at 20th.

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11 minutes ago, Snarky said:

You left out dark armor, that has stealth and two mez auras.  Stealth > Mez > Def > Res > Healing > passive regen.

I'd probably further break that into 'active' regen (i.e. click IH or Dull Pain - which is an active way of boosting both health and passive regen and then passive regen) at least when talking about Regeneration and other sets with lots of regen like Willpower.

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