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90% sure I made this post before for trollers/doms


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2 hours ago, Riverdusk said:

My plant/dark controller has three different uncontrollable pets that have aoe immobilizes.   😀


Only way I can stop them is to try and hang pretty far back at the start of a fight (which I will make an effort to do if it seems that kind of team). 

I love my plant trolls and this is a good point, the flytrap splashes out immobs like candy (and this is not a bad thing).  Staying back is one way to counter that on those types of teams, and quitting the team is another approach . . . one I tend to prefer.  Who wants to be on a team with some lunatic freaking out that some minions got immob'd by a flytrap? (Not me.).  The whole mish is RUINED, DOOOOM awaits the team with errant immobs!  Hmph. Please, spare me.  I'll just find another team.

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3 hours ago, Tahliah said:

I love my plant trolls and this is a good point, the flytrap splashes out immobs like candy (and this is not a bad thing).  Staying back is one way to counter that on those types of teams, and quitting the team is another approach . . . one I tend to prefer.  Who wants to be on a team with some lunatic freaking out that some minions got immob'd by a flytrap? (Not me.).  The whole mish is RUINED, DOOOOM awaits the team with errant immobs!  Hmph. Please, spare me.  I'll just find another team.


Thing is if an AOE Immob has hit them then technically they are AOE Grouped. Mightn't be tight enough for your 8 foot PBAOE to get everything but anyone expecting their 8-10 foot PBAOE to be super-saturated all the time is living in dream land. There's a reason they have an 8 foot radius, they're not designed to be a "group nuke" power. And I say that as someone with a Fire/Claws tank, a DP/Kin and a couple of stalkers. 


Yes, it's lovely when I hit lots and lots of things with Spin or Soul Drain or SuperStaffWhirlyThing but it's not the norm. Or necessary. 


The only powers I have genuine issues with are Dimesion Shifts used on a well controlled mob anyway (because you're potentially blocking the powers of your ranged DPS and Supports) and "Repel Bubbles" (including Hurricane) used 24/7 to spread things out. They're the powers a bit of thought is needed for really. 

Edited by Carnifax
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14 hours ago, siolfir said:

Easy way to avoid the "every mob is AoE immobilized as the first step of any encounter" is to turn off your taunt aura, and stop giving wakies to the controller/dominator who just dropped because they took every alpha. And if they can take the alpha, then just move on to the next spawn, because they obviously don't need you there.

As a frequent player of support or control toons that don’t need no melee, I endorse this message 🙂

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25 minutes ago, kelika2 said:

Sometimes I gatta sit back and tell myself, its just satire forum posting.  No one really plays like that in game around others.

Who’s satire forum posting? And no one really plays like what?

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On 5/16/2021 at 6:10 AM, Techwright said:

I admit I am baffled by the use of sleep attacks anytime in a big brawl, start or fully invested.  Since sleep is easily broken by any other attack, I've always perceived it as a tool to stop a second, nearby mob from joining the fight. 


And on the subject of sleep, why is it that when we sleep opponents, they wake with any hit, but when they sleep us, they can use us as a punching bag for quite some time, assuming we don't have an inspire to break the sleep?


Sleep should be breaking for you getting attacked as well. Sure you don't have another effect on you?


And as for using it in a brawl? I'll use it if I see something armoring up, putting a PBAOE -tohit or dispersion bubble up. Shuts it right off, even if they're only "slept" for a tenth of a second. Cuts right through in most cases.

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Primarily on Everlasting. Squid afficionado. Former creator of Copypastas. General smartalec.


I tried to combine Circle and DE, but all I got were garden variety evil mages.

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So wait, am I supposed to Force Bubble into the spawn first, and then cast Mass Confusion? This seems the most logical course of action.

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16 minutes ago, Sir Myshkin said:

So wait, am I supposed to Force Bubble into the spawn first, and then cast Mass Confusion? This seems the most logical course of action.

Shit like this is why the Rikti are attacking us.

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34 minutes ago, arcane said:

Who’s satire forum posting? And no one really plays like what?


Don't want to put words in their mouth, but I take it as this is blown up as an issue in the forums way more than it is actually a real issue in game.  Only time I tend to see it with any frequency in the real game is on low level teams when the controller doesn't have a lot of powers to use and is probably inexperienced.  Then you get the classic "throw an aoe immobilize on the mob and then die" as they take the alpha.  


Or In the real game if people do want to play a certain way (and especially if they are team lead), they tend to ask politely in team chat something like, "Wait a moment for mobs to gather a bit before controls", and the rest of the team goes "sure".  And that's as much drama as you get.  We visit the forums for the real drama.



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5 hours ago, Greycat said:


Sleep should be breaking for you getting attacked as well. Sure you don't have another effect on you?


And as for using it in a brawl? I'll use it if I see something armoring up, putting a PBAOE -tohit or dispersion bubble up. Shuts it right off, even if they're only "slept" for a tenth of a second. Cuts right through in most cases.


Those are good points.  I'll watch for alternate effects next time it happens, and I appreciate the eye-opener on tactics. 👍👍

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6 hours ago, Riverdusk said:


Don't want to put words in their mouth, but I take it as this is blown up as an issue in the forums way more than it is actually a real issue in game.  Only time I tend to see it with any frequency in the real game is on low level teams when the controller doesn't have a lot of powers to use and is probably inexperienced.  Then you get the classic "throw an aoe immobilize on the mob and then die" as they take the alpha.  



Low level AoE ghetto hold = find a corner or box, queue up your AoE immob and hop in and out of LoS.  In low levels, this is easily a godsend when your team gets overwhelmed by too many foes.  Later on, it could be a means of getting some breathing room for your other minimally slotted AoE controls to recharge.

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On 5/16/2021 at 5:17 PM, Darkneblade said:

Oh noooo! tankers/brutes actually have to walk to enemy in order to attack now!

What a nightmare!


Actually this thread birthed from my fire/ta corr.  fireball was hitting 2-4 targets the whole task force.  a range enhanced fire breath couldnt even 5 targets

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7 hours ago, kelika2 said:

Actually this thread birthed from my fire/ta corr.  fireball was hitting 2-4 targets the whole task force.  a range enhanced fire breath couldnt even 5 targets

How sad. You couldn't burn the whole spawn by yourself and actually had to let your teammates deal some of the damage.


I'll let you know when that's a problem.

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exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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13 minutes ago, ForeverLaxx said:

How sad. You couldn't burn the whole spawn by yourself and actually had to let your teammates deal some of the damage.


I'll let you know when that's a problem.

I cant state how true this is.


The best way to not be offended by teammates is to.... not team.


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So the question really is "Controllers, why are you firing off an AoE immob"


For me, on the 1 or two controllers of the 5 or 6 which have it there are a few reasons.


1: Containment. Controller damage is poop. Contained controller damage is less poop. Our Epics are really, really sad unless you proc them out and/or have Containment set up. Powers like Hotfeet also kind of need everything Containment to be worthwhile.


2: The "Ghetto hold". My Planty does it because otherwise you're not sure what the hell Confused things are going to decide to do. Ditto for high speed Stun walks.


3: StupidPetsAreStupid. Anyone who has ever seen a Fire Imp go chasing after a fleeing enemy, right through another spawn can attest to this.


4: ControlDaKnockback. Most AoE holds will also stop things flying. Because people do run around with stuff like knockback nukes and handclap but don't slot a Kb2kd in there. So it can be a counter to that.


5: Niche reasons. My Elec/Poison uses theirs as part of their sapping routine. Yes, I know "blaa blaa sapping is crap" but it can work quite well against non AVs in a non blitzing team. 


Chances are they aren't spamming them to make you cry. They have reasons of their own (delicious tears are just a side effect).

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12 minutes ago, Carnifax said:

4: ControlDaKnockback. Most AoE holds will also stop things flying. Because people do run around with stuff like knockback nukes and handclap but don't slot a Kb2kd in there. So it can be a counter to that.


This is a good point.  If you managed to get every controller and dom in the game to stop using their AoE holds/immobilizes at the start of a fight, then you'd be complaining about all the people using knockback attacks.  So, pick your poison and learn to live with it.

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57 minutes ago, Carnifax said:

Chances are they aren't spamming them to make you cry. They have reasons of their own (delicious tears are just a side effect).

Say it ain't so Joe!!

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What? According the redditors that permeate the game and the ae babies that do this very thing you speak of, it doesnt happen at all. Just like learn to play around them or something. Youre like spoiling the game or something. Aoe immob on autocast is like the best thing ever man. But people dont do that man. Like wow. I cant even.


Sadly the people that do this thing that never happens dont actually read the forums, chat, think beyond autocast aoe immob like its a really low damage fireball etc....

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4 hours ago, ForeverLaxx said:

How sad. You couldn't burn the whole spawn by yourself and actually had to let your teammates deal some of the damage.


I'll let you know when that's a problem.

So slower killing is not a problem for you?

and besides, its pre-scourge corr damage (since the fight just started)

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2 hours ago, Blackbird71 said:

This is a good point.  If you managed to get every controller and dom in the game to stop using their AoE holds/immobilizes at the start of a fight, then you'd be complaining about all the people using knockback attacks.  So, pick your poison and learn to live with it.

Everyone is making this too complicated.  It's very simple: Is using your AoE immob the way you use it helping the team or slowing it down?  If you think it's helping, for any of the reasons mentioned, then there's no problem, is there?


But if someone is doing it just because they can and they don't care if it's slowing the team down... they're just being an ass, aren't they?

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I have been running a Fire/ Spine tank and having fun using Combat TP to get to mobs quickly.


On a recent TF the team decided to do a speed clear. Going as fast as we can, clear as much as we can.


As we started I said that I would be bringing mobs to the brute. Hit the first group, brute thas their attention, I tp to the second and am bringing them and they are immoblized in place ........ this happened through out the tf run. 


I just it let it go and laughed.


The old days of tanking and herding is gone. I will miss them ...now..... SPEED BOOST MEH!!!!!

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/e poofgone



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