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Casual Server?

Maestro Mavius

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I just spent the last hour using search but came up with no answers. All I found was a lot of bitter arguing where I realized this is a very heated issue for some. Let me state up front and clearly, this is not a complaint about the way people play, if you are having fun more power to you! But I'm not having fun recently and I'm simply looking for a potential solution. 


I don't like feeling like a leech. Teaming recently has been less than fun as a result. I've only been back for a month and half and I'm an altoholic, my highest level is currently 42. I enjoy discovering new combo synergy and concepts and lean towards support more than DPS. 


I'm on Excelsior and the 1-25 game is great. Past that however I feel like a sidekick continually rushing to keep up when I might as well be door sitting. This week I ran 3 Citadel's, 2 Synapes, 4 Yin's and a handful of Talos/Bricks radio teams and I was 100% superfluous. I made sure none of them were speed runs but 1 or 2 Vet levels on the team and I might as well quit and look elsewhere. I'm racing to keep up with the Vet level 400 Blaster on a Moonfire that is tanking the whole map, by the time I get done casting Lightning Storm the mob is dead and we're moving on. 90% of my powers are useless, I have no chance to try them out to see what works because none of it is needed anyways. I don't think I've even fired off Tornado since I picked it so I still have no idea how to utilize it properly. 


I tried running with less than 8 after reading that suggestion here. Didn't matter, there always seem to be 1 or 2 toons on the team that can solo Hami and can't wait to show the rest of us we aren't needed. 


I tried forming teams of 'SO only' within specific level ranges but end up getting a single response in 45 minutes. We duo a few maps and the other person groans and leaves. 


I've tried forming connections with like minded players I come across, global friending and trying to strike up friendships but inevitably find them engaged and unresponsive on following days or having gained 40 levels in 8 hours and not having any alts to jump to, they bring me along on their shiny new PI radio team but the above pattern still plays out.  


So I'm left hopping from PUG to PUG hoping I'll get lucky and land on one that lasts a while and doesn't have a 'ringer' that doesn't actually need the rest of us. This produces more frustration than enjoyment however. 


Again, I'm not bemoaning the vet levels that are enjoying the game. They've earned the right to show off, they've earned the ability to not really need my holds and buffs and to play the game the way they want, but I'm not having fun and I don't want to stop playing if there is an easy solution. 


I'm hoping one of the lesser populated servers might be my answer, but before I go spending transfer tokens and renaming, I figured I'd come here and explain my problem and see what the community suggests. Would the RP server be a better fit for someone less inclined to get fully pimped out and then start playing? I'm not against RPing in character if that's required. 


Is a particular server more geared towards casual play? Is there a server with less Vet Levels playing low level content? Point me in the right direction please! 

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This complaint is a common one, but what you talk of is done at all levels. If content is ran at +0 or +1 it is literally the easiest possible. Content done at the easiest is... easy. Easy content is rushed.


Trying to go slowly is something we force ourselves to do, not something that happens.


Even when I solo the TFs I notice there is no challenge to it. I'm mostly immortal, so there is no sense of danger, there is only a long series of missions with a ton of flimsy enemies that need to be arrested.


This is part of the whole 'but if I kill them without fear then why do I need buffs or a Controller?'.



The answer to all of this is rising the difficulty level. There is no half way around it. If the content is too easy obviously people will just blitz it like a warm knife through butter.


I'm not going to say you will find people willing to tackle difficult content while leveling but try advertising your TFs as +2, and if you find +2 too easy, then +3. But advertise the fact, don't spring it by surprise. Literally say you're aiming for more difficult missions so anyone who joins will do it knowingly.

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I mostly play with friends, either real-life ones, or people I've known online for years.

Only one of them played CoH when it was live, so most missions and ATs are still new for us, and as a result we take it slow.


If you want to take it slow, then I suggest trying to find people like that, then try to have them join CoH and play together.

Sorry that I don't have any better advice.


I think the main issue is that a lot of people on the servers have played the live game for many years, and know the optimized builds and strategies.

We instead go for a Plant Control/Nature Affinity character, and then things slow down...

Edited by RogerWilco
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The adventurous Space Janitor reporting for duty. Cleaning the universe since 1992 and Paragon City, the Rogue Isles and Praetoria since 2011.


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Don't fret. We do exist. Like @Sovera said, there are those who like to take things slow. There are also those who dislike IO sets, those who like the dynamic of dependent team play, and those who prioritise concept and RP. Of course, compared to most people who prefer to be steam-rolling avatars of death that leave scorched earth in their wake, we're a small minority. But we do exist... in all shards. A month or so in, it is normal to feel everything seems to be speeding by while you're standing there like a headless chicken. You get used to PUGs. And hopefully, sooner or later, you find the people who play more of your style and pace.

Incidentally, I'm part of the Long Riders. However our time zones and play hours don't coincide as often so we don't seem so "active" as an SG. But if you're willing to give it a go, hop on over to Torchbearer and give a shout for an invite.

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1 hour ago, Sovera said:

if you find +2 too easy, then +3. But advertise the fact, don't spring it by surprise. Literally say you're aiming for more difficult missions so anyone who joins will do it knowingly.


I probably should have mentioned that everything I've been running has been at max difficulty. I think seeing the sea of purple foes melting like butter is what's bothering me the most. Even on my scrappers and blasters I rarely have time to tab and attack before we're moving on. 


I played on live for 8 years, from issue 4 to shutdown, used to host Mothership raids weekly and was PCSAR patrolling the Hollows way back. I suppose I'll just have to keep trucking and hope to find a tight knit group of like minded players. I might look into the Long Riders as suggested. I mainly play from 8am to noon central time so that could also contribute to it. 

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Just now, Maestro Mavius said:


I probably should have mentioned that everything I've been running has been at max difficulty. I think seeing the sea of purple foes melting like butter is what's bothering me the most. Even on m scrappers and blasters I rarely have time to tab and attack before we're moving on. 


I played on live for 8 years, from issue 4 to shutdown, used to run Mothership raids weekly and was PCSAR patrolling the Hollows way back. I suppose I'll just have to keep trucking and hope to find a tight knit group of like minded players. I might look into the Long Riders as suggested. I mainly play from 8am to noon central time so that could also contribute to it. 


Ah, I thought you were talking about leveling since you spoke of Citadels and Synapses and Yins.


...you're seriously playing those at +4x8 and they melt so fast you're too slow to help?

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On 1/17/2022 at 6:19 AM, Six-Six said:

Don't fret. We do exist. Like @Sovera said, there are those who like to take things slow. There are also those who dislike IO sets, those who like the dynamic of dependent team play, and those who prioritise concept and RP. Of course, compared to most people who prefer to be steam-rolling avatars of death that leave scorched earth in their wake, we're a small minority. But we do exist... in all shards. A month or so in, it is normal to feel everything seems to be speeding by while you're standing there like a headless chicken. You get used to PUGs. And hopefully, sooner or later, you find the people who play more of your style and pace.

Incidentally, I'm part of the Long Riders. However our time zones and play hours don't coincide as often so we don't seem so "active" as an SG. But if you're willing to give it a go, hop on over to Torchbearer and give a shout for an invite.

Echoed. I have my "fast play" toons on Excel, and don't mind that style of play. But I have to say, I've been enjoying the smaller population of Torch when running my slow play toons. If you run off nights, as I often do (in particular, every THU evening, EST), it feels like your character is one of a small number of defenders. And since we're trucking along old-school style, the challenges of the game remain relevant (and, as my struggles/faceplanting against DE with my poor, squishy blaster recently showed, a cure for hubris). I've played so much content that I don't recall even seeing back in the day (and certainly not these days, without a concerted effort). 


If you'd like to join our casual slow-grind, you can hit me up at my global (@cranebump). If I'm not on Torch, I will hop over and give you an invite. I'll always drop what I'm personally doing to run with a Rider (well, I won't hop off a TF, but, you get the idea). Anyhoo, give us a shout. We'll be happy to have you. We don't always run across each other due to the issues @Six-Six mentioned, but when we do, we try to run together.

Edited by cranebump
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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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3 hours ago, Maestro Mavius said:

I'm on Excelsior and the 1-25 game is great. Past that however I feel like a sidekick continually rushing to keep up when I might as well be door sitting.

Make a character on Torchbearer, Everlasting and Indomitable as well. Cover all your bases.
Post your Global Name, or friend me at @Ghost Owl.
Lots of people would be happy to explore with you.

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There really is an intersection of optimization and feeling useful that feels like it doesn't matter what we do. Some sets are just not as useful once everyone has softcapped def.  


The only way you really control what happens in a group is if you run it and advertise it a certain way. Don't fill all the slots and crank the difficulty, still to easy split into two groups. 


Just some thoughts because avoiding the optimized torched earth play is hard when teaming in a lot of things.

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53 minutes ago, Sovera said:

you're seriously playing those at +4x8 and they melt so fast you're too slow to help?


Only when there are a few Vet Level 100+ on the team. Ran a Manticore the other day with everyone at mid 30's and we were wishing we'd lowered the difficulty but it turned out to be a blast! 

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2 hours ago, Maestro Mavius said:

I don't like feeling like a leech.

I get this.  Seriously.  I think this is the biggest issue with this game.  Your post did a good job identifying this issue.  You pointed out that it shows up mostly at the 40s, and also in the couple of TFs that people frequently exemplar back to.  And this is coming from someone who is absolutely guilty of being the level 50 who exemplars down to blow up a Manticore TF (I've become more conscious of this in the last 6 months and I generally avoid doing this now).


Alternately, now I've got 1 toon I turned off xp at level 40 with the intention of running level 20-40 content.  And I have a 2nd toon where I turned of xp at level 20 and I've been running level 0-25ish content.  This toon has been very fun, and gets a lot of play time lately.  But I still run into the same thing you do.  I join a Posi 1 on my level 20, and there's a high level there killing things so much faster then me, that I might as well not be there.


This issue of "feeling like a leech" can also exist in the endgame, btw.  Even if you're a fully maxed toon, if you're on a team of 8 fully maxed toons, running a speed TF, you can literally get left behind by being slow at getting through a door.  Even AV fights you're usually only getting in 5-6 hits on each target.  I generally avoid speed runs and join PUG kill most teams the most.


I'd like to think that creating more post 50 content with real difficulty would help address this issue.  I'm not sure.  Dr Aeon doesn't get run very much (I think they made it too long... I know the time commitment stops me from joining as frequently as I would like).  In theory if the 50s had more content with better rewards to run, they wouldn't exemplar down as much.  I think it might be worthwhile to reconsider the exemplar rules to make an exemplar'd 30 a little closer to than a natural 30.  Some of this may be unavoidable, because they have so many more slots at 50 than at 30.  But I wonder if there isn't some adjustments needed.


In the meantime, my suggestion would be to form your own teams and specify that you want toons level 45 and under (or whatever range you pick).  I think if you specify SO's only, your pool will be too small.  But by restricting the level range, you'll get more players who are fighting at their natural level.



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Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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And this is part of why I like my RP groups and teams. It's not about "melty superfast raaaagh." You joke around, BS your way through a mission and next thing you know it's three hours later and you've had fun without worrying about who did how much damage or whatnot.

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When you want to use your powers exclusively the way you envision them, that means soloing. Teams are going to steamroll, that's just the way it is. Too many think if they get the kill shot they get first dibs on drops or something.


Majority of my alts are soloists, that join teams to kill GMs or do an occasional TF. I do  maybe one TF a week. It's just too much brain drain trying to keep up. And the drops aren't any better than soloing. There are some really good AE arcs to solo. New content created by talented writers. That's my go to against burn out.

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  • Victory: reserved for future use
  • Indom: Schtick, Pummel Pete, Plymouth, Pilkington
  • Reunion: Ghost Legacy, 7s7e7v7e7n7, Mind Funk, Bluto
  • Excelsior: Phrendon Largo, Fred Bumbler, John van der Waals,Allamedia Jones, Tzapt, Sn1pe
  • Torchbearer: Phrendon Largo, Kenny Letter,  Bewm, La Merle, Enflambe', Rock Largo, Bulk of the Weather, Retired Phrendon
  • Everlasting: Phrendon Largo, Krown, Buzz Words, Bicycle Repairman, Dee Fender, Carmela Soprano, Radmental Boy, Beet Salad, Sporanghi,Sue Ahn Cuddy, Fukushima Technician, Snow Globe Girl, Thug Therapist, Apple Brown Betty
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In my opinion jumping to a less populated server will increase your issue not decrease it. This is due to the fact you will have even less options.  If you want to team you will need to fit in there


I would recommend just keep learning.  You said, I believe, that you have not 50d yet.  If you want to experience late game mechanics without a 50 pwning the mission jump onto any TF SF or Trial whose level cap is 45 or less.  This will not solve all problems but it will help.  Our SG does an ITF speed run in 10-13 minutes.  After months of practice I feel useful 20-50% time depending on my map luck lol. There is a rock solid community of speed runners in the game.  I am not one


The SG I joined ( Cosmic Council, Excelsior) does very serious runs almost nightly.  But the SG also caters to the casual crowd with “crawl through content” and “learning the lore” type events regularly.  Finding a community that is interested in the things you are interested in will be key.  This might not mean joining an SG.  This might mean learning where the non speed run players hang out and what stuff they do. 

I would again suggest looking for 45 or less PUG groups advertising “not a speed run”. Good luck

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I can't help but feel that there is hyperbole to make things sound more dire than they are. I can't imagine a +4 Synapse (but +4 anything really) being so fast that no one gets a chance to hit. Even with a level 50 exemplared helping along. Lord knows I've done a +3 Manticore once where we took so long and people died so many times in the first mission we decided to start over with a lower difficulty.


Level 50 TFs sure. Everyone is incarnated and IOed to some degree.

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2 hours ago, Maestro Mavius said:


Only when there are a few Vet Level 100+ on the team. Ran a Manticore the other day with everyone at mid 30's and we were wishing we'd lowered the difficulty but it turned out to be a blast! 

Its not the vet levels.  At 50 (before too but 50 the nitrous kicks in ) there are a number of things that are game changers.  Incarnate powers.  Choose the right ones snd BAM.  Archetype and powersets play a BIG role. The “build”. Having a great build is very important for speed running.  Finally, understanding how to use your character and the mission goals.  These factors will determine whether you are speeding along or casually strolling 

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1 minute ago, Snarky said:

Its not the vet levels.  At 50 (before too but 50 the nitrous kicks in ) there are a number of things that are game changers.  Incarnate powers.  Choose the right ones snd BAM.  Archetype and powersets play a BIG role. The “build”. Having a great build is very important for speed running.  Finally, understanding how to use your character and the mission goals.  These factors will determine whether you are speeding along or casually strolling 


Incarnates won't matter during a Manticore. Forced exemplar means powers will cap out 40. But huge numbers of alts and attempting to get TFC on them all is going to mean a playerbase full of people that have memorized maps, mission goals, next zone, add in everybody sportin all the team ports, no breaks between missions...


Sure.. IF everyone but that one poor true level 35 on the team is 100% tricked out IO-wise, then MAYBE they might feel under-utilized. But even that I doubt. Usually such teams are also rocking tons of leadership, meaning even if they're fighting +5s, they're going to be hitting, contributing, etc.

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My suggestion would be to advertise something like this, "Level 25 Newbie group in Talos. No Vet level characters please. LF4M." The only sub level 50 +4 content I feel like doing on a repeatable level is Frostfire with the lead using 2x XP boosters. I've only done it once without the 2x XP booster and it was a slog. The other times were an absolute death fest. Part of the issue as pointed out is player knowledge. CoH in general isn't being played by newbies. Many people have played this game for years. A level 100+ character has been played a bunch so the player should have a solid grasp of the character and likely in that situation already. Hell, I tend to play red side as a default just so I'm not doing the blue side TFs for whatever time I'm at them for each one.

Edited by Without_Pause

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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My SG on Torch has a static leveling team one night per week. We go from lvl 1 to 50 with the same 8 toons, then start again with new toons. We generally run defeat most TFs at +2 or +3. Our weekly group is currently full, but something like this might work for you. 

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Try creating some alt’s on Everlasting and Torch. Doesn’t mean you have to leave Excelsior, just see if you like the vibe on another server. I play on Excelsior and Everlasting and they are quite different. Play a little on Torch but not enough to give any advise. Excelsior will likely always have that speed mentality, it’s the biggest server so it’s also have the biggest group of tricked out 50’s. 

Now I am guilty of using my incarnates on lower level content, but when I do join a team I focus on helping the team not myself. There is a tendency at times for some high level players to join teams to just end up soloing without the team.

Dazl - Excelsior Grav/Kinetic Controller (SG - Cosmic Council) | Dazl - Everlasting & Torchbearer Grav/Energy Dominator

Shadowspawn - Excelsior Dark/Dark Stalker | Pyro Kinetic -Everlasting Fire/Kinetic Corrupter | Nova Pyre - Everlasting Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster (OMG)

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I play on Torchbearer, and a while back a lot of the people left for Excelsior because they wanted to be on the highest population server.  Most of the ones who left are the "Go go go!" IO'ed to the gills speed-runners.  So there's probably a higher proportion of those over there.  It still happens plenty on Torchbearer, but I'll guess you'd have better odds on another server.


To some extent it's just a problem with HC servers.  They made IOs so much easier to get than on retail that pretty much everyone who wants to can have a maxed-out character.  Before shutdown it was much rarer to have one of those guys on your (PUG) team because most people just couldn't afford it.  So overall the game is just way easier than before.  Plenty of people have lamented this fact (including myself) because of exactly what you described.  Feeling so completely unnecessary on teams.


But be prepared.  It seems like whenever anyone brings this up there is a lot of vigorous pushback from the "You'll pry my overpoweredness and ability to render my teammates superfluous from my cold, dead hands" crowd.


It's just the state of the game in current year.  It kind of feeds into itself too.  You got one guy who's destroying everything and you want actually do something, so maybe you rush ahead to the next group before anyone else can burn the enemies to ash before your first attack finishes animating.  But then the next guy feels the same way so people split, or compete to get to the next group and everyone is rushing at max speed.  I have to admit I get caught up in it too, but if the team lead requests that everyone stay together and work together I do my best to be accommodating.

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15 hours ago, Sovera said:


Ah, I thought you were talking about leveling since you spoke of Citadels and Synapses and Yins.


...you're seriously playing those at +4x8 and they melt so fast you're too slow to help?

There have been times I've been on teams where I've never even had to CONSIDER popping a insp.  That's what happens when everyone drops 1/3 of a bill minimum on their chars.  Hell, one of my Stalkers I had someone ask me if he was part tank because NOTHING hit him.

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