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Everything posted by UltraAlt

  1. If I'm the team leader, I warn them that they are on my team and, if they don't like it, they can leave. If they continue, they get the boot. If they are the team leader, I leave the team. If we are both team members, I might ask the team if they have an issue with my playstyle. I might think if they are just complaining or trying to give me advice. I might tell them what they can do to help me do my job better. Or I might just put them on ignore. (I know, big shocker there) You didn't let anyone die. They killed themselves because they didn't know when to fallback/retreat. There are times when I have fallen on a team, and it was the other players fault, but I can tell you, that pretty much everytime that happened was when a damage dealer or tank that I had buffed/shielded/was-healing for some whacked out reason decided all of a sudden - mid battle - that they were going to stop fighting, figure out where some temp power heal or buff was in there tray, and try to heal or buff me. I mean seriously, yes - it had happened to me more than once.. And, I will admit, that I did get a bit irate about it. I told them to stop bother trying to heal me and fight. If they kept doing it, I would have quit the team without saying anything, but I do think that is different. Seems logical to me, but I've played CoH for years with countless PUGs. Agreed. Unless they are playing you influence to be their pocket healer/buffer/shielder, you are playing your character for your enjoyment. You sound like you are trying to work with the team. It seems that some of the players on the team simply didn't want teammates but minions. (Is this where I have to admit that I have a petless demon mastermind and when a player complained about me not having any minions, I said "I don't know what you're talking about there are 7 of them on the team.") Just because of one jerk? Was anyone else on the team complaining? Doesn't this at least equal out for the jerk that didn't know how to take care of themselves complaining that you aren't babysitting them enough? It seems like your main problem to me is .... The end-game breeds elitists. Make a new character and come back to play the game. The end-game is what is tacked on because the game has been completed, and it gives people that don't want to explore the game in different ways something to do ... primarily to keep them paying for subscriptions and microtransactions - both of which aren't a thing any more.
  2. It shouldn't be. This is an MMORPG and not a 1-player game. The game is designed for teaming. The DEVs over the years have done somethings to make the game more solo-player friendly, but that doesn't need to be taken to extremes. You have plenty of options and don't need to play a set that has powers that only affects others.
  3. and my FIFTEEN complete purple sets! I assume you both mean per character
  4. Who do I feel like playing at the time. Do I have an itch for a certain kind of playstyle, archetype, or power set(s) ... hey, what server am I going to play on... Do I see a character that I haven't actually played for a long time. Am I just logging characters because of how long they haven't zoned into the game ... okay ... really because I market on pretty much all of them and I need to flip stock. I'm I trying to find a character for certain content that someone is recruiting for (because, you know, I'm in the middle of marketing but I do want to team up)? What might they be missing on the team (more relevant once the new page launches). I find Card Hunter to be a good change of pace. F2P with some purchases if you want, but not really necessary to enjoy the basic party to enemy or party to enemy player content. You pick three characters, gear them up (your gear picks put related cards in your card deck for each character), and go into dungeons or or duel other players. https://store.steampowered.com/app/293260/Card_Hunter/ This is not a paid endorsement of this product nor do I gain influence in City of Heroes by promoting the product ( ...or any actual real world money ...)
  5. As long as she is invisible or out of combat range, she can easily heal, shield or buff a character without getting involved in the combat. I would say that this is a very heroic thing to do, but you will get the rando that gets a fly in their tights about getting a helping hand from a guardian angel. If it does damage, it will affect the other person's xp again. I can't remember what the changes are at this point, but, at one point, - if not on a team - whoever does the last hit point of damage on the enemy gets the full credit and rewards. I think you can get away with debuffs but the debuffs may pull agro. If the hero is low on XP, yeah. I would jump the mob. If the hero has plenty of xp, they may be trying to lure some away from the pack. in this case, you could most probably get away doing something to the ones that are farthest away from the hero in question. They will still have the limited number to fight and you can always just weaken the ones that you are fighting so that they can take them out as able. Sounds like she is trying to be heroic to me. I wouldn't knock that ... even though I had to convince a friend that - if they really wanted to run missions - they needed to stop trying to stop every purse snatching in Atlas Park. It didn't look like we were ever going to get to the mission door. You can buff, shield, and heal another player all day and it won't influence their XP gain negatively. With those things, they will be able to gain XP easier and be able to get away with more Leroy Jenkins behavior. There are times when I'll just fly around looking for players to heal/shield in the open world. There aren't as many of them as there used to be. Be a hero. Help those in trouble and fight villany. Don't fight someone else's foes. (but feel free to debuff them .... unless ...) If someone complains because you help them, then leave them alone. Team up! You teammate are always going to want your heals/buffs/shields. Have limited time, but want to help! Join or lead that DFB. Join a DFB, DiB, Posi 1, Posi 2, Yin, or Summer Blockbuster (SBB) - all of these can generally be done in less than a hour. The heals/buffs/shields would be appreciated in these and other team content.
  6. I always took the Corruptors as being less Defendery than Defenders and less Blastery then Blasters .... more of a hybrid Blaster/Defender than an inverse of a Defender.
  7. That appears to be what was happening before unless I'm missing something. Okay. I'm not trying to upset you. I'm just pointing out that you are against the current wiki use because of the inaccuracies that occured over time ... and that the same thing is likely to happen with the spreadsheet over time as well. The only change is really the number of people that will have direct access to edit the information and that your team will check to see that the passcodes are working around the time that they are first added to the spread sheet. (at least, I'm not seeing any indication that you intend to recheck all base codes at a certain frequency of time to see if they are still functional - not saying that you should either, but ... if accuracy is the goal ...) If it is a "base" listing and not a "supergroup" listing, then I see no reason to list base that is not public and does not provide a base code. Can you explain the reasoning of having a base listed on the base list page if it isn't accessible by the "public"? is it a "supergroup" list or is it a "base" list? To my understanding, this is about the "base" list redirected from here https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Supergroup_Base which says: "Open Player Made Base Listing Listings of bases by shard intended for open use by the public, with entry passcodes." Is there some confusion on my part? I understand. You know that I have posts in all the Shard sub-forums with links to the wiki pages "increase base visibility and accessibility for those that want to find bases..." .. on their shard ..."...for whatever reason." I do feel it is pointless to list bases that don't provide a passcode. The base is neither visible or accessible without the passcode. In the end, it looks like you all are going to do what you are going to do. I'm not sure that it is worth my time to even give input at this point. But I will respond.
  8. I am probably like many others ... I have enough billions on-hand in email, dispersed among characters on-hand, in-bound purchases, stuff on-sale, and stuff that is sold that i haven't retrieved the influence from that I have no idea, and it would just be self aggrandizing to take the time to bother to count it. I'll put it this way, I'm pretty sure that I have less than Yomo, but I'm too busy to count it ... ... and I'm not the only one ...
  9. If @Michiyo isn't involved with this yet, they should be. They run the wiki. I meant to put something here to notify them of what is going on when I posted on Saturday or Sunday but I was really tired (I work 12's on the weekends). 👍 well, honestly, I know for sure that most of the bases listed on the Everlasting page were after I made a post about the base listings on the wiki. The Everlasting page had like ... I don't know ... 3 to 4 times or more the number of bases listed after that. So, no, i don't think a bulk of the bases were uploaded to the wiki at that point. I'm assuming someone in the Everlasting base community/rp community started entering bases after I started putting links to the wiki base pages in the forums. Yes. That does appear to be the starting point. The base listings were pretty bare when I ran into them on the wiki the first time. If you look at all the shard base listings, only Everlasting and Excelsior have categories broken down on different tables (and Excelsior only has 2 tables). The other three Shard listings are as they originally were posted (as far as I can tell/remember). I would suggest letting players decide what "purpose" their base has and, if possible, allow them to pick more than one "purpose" if they feel it is relevant - and limiting that to 2 or three. A base can easily be a transport hub as well as an RP location. I do think that the environmental listings on Everlasting's list are all subcategories of RP locations. I'm not even going to ask why ... Talos Key Lounge Dining skyway ...isn't in Talos. I'm assuming it was some kind of zoning issue or a cheaper lease. As CRs, I think you should determine what the list of standard "purposes" should be. You can't have a base without having a supergroup. You have to make a supergroup before you can make a base. In fact, I was in supergroups before there were bases, and I had to buy CoV to get access to bases. Things have certainly changed, but you still have to be in a supergroup in order to make a base. I agree that some people just make a supergroup in order to make a base. I have done that. More times that not, I make characters that are RP characters for that base. But I will admit that I did build one SG base fronting for transit that is actually a mule/alt-storage base. Since you can type in "base" in the wiki search and get: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Supergroup_Base It even words it like you are registering for a base versus registering for supergroup though the process will take you into the sg stuff. "Before building a supergroup base, you must first register the base. Registering a base does not cost anything. This is done by speaking to the Super Group Registrar. Once the base has been registered, a supergroup may then begin construction." How do you do that? ...or are you saying that they are listed by another name in the spreadsheet/wiki or passcode versus the actual name that would show up in the base portal if you were on a team with someone who was an sg member of the base? I understand the use of passcodes pretty much bypasses the SG/Coalition and the systems need to list the base as an option during baseportal entry. Have I been bothering too much to name my SGs by what I want the bases to be called?
  10. I was trying to post the earliest threads/posts you were involved with, but here one with a back-and-forth between us in 2022 about the base listings on wiki. I post, your reply is next, and the next post is my reply back to you. I understand that it was "way back then". It should be obvious from some of my posts that I forget things and get confused, so this just to point out what went on back then and nothing more than that. No. It doesn't even operate for me with the link that you posted on one thread or another thread even when I'm logged into google. Yes, EB, you, and myself did talk about that in a PM and it looks like it was discussed (at least) here as well. I would suggest making a thread for that or using an already existing one (I think there is at least one) and putting that link as well as the base listing excel sheet in your signature and in EB's so that players can have easy access to those. Your goal is noble from my point of view. You know I backed out of the general base building community because I felt it was a bit too elitist. But that doesn't mean that I didn't want to provide my bases for general use/transport and/or RP settings. Some players seem to want that for different RP experiences. Other players would rather not have to deal with creating a base in order to have access to base transport, leveling, and enhancement and insp dealers. "Clubs" get lost in the shuffle and I don't know if many players even know that they exist. There is another dormant Club that was based round checking out bases and roleplaying. It is public so anyone can post on it. It could be used by the Base Building and RP'ing community. Well, there is a point. history. It existed. Leaving it there doesn't harm anyone. I'm assuming in the end (at least I hope), you will be promoting the spreadsheet and being contacted to enter bases on the spreadsheet through the forums enough they will be the go-to, but that doesn't mean that the wiki is irrelevant or that people didn't put time into trying to utilize it when there wasn't any other organized method of sharing the information going on. And, as I indicated, it can become obsolete and just as full of errors as you claim the wiki to be. Do you or EB has a list of the shard base listings and the passcodes from the DEVs and have the ability to keep the spreadsheet updated from that information (not to say all of them, but ones that have been entered into the spread sheet)? (I thought I might have read something somewhere that may have implied that or well ... ... or maybe just ... ... oh, well...) Or maybe you are hoping that players will be better about updating base codes and/or relaying the information that their passwords have changed? As I said, I think that your intent is noble.
  11. I would suggest that both you and EB put the link to the base listing document in your signatures so that it can be easily seen when the two of you make a posts. I think that would be good for the community. People might not know what they are looking for until it is up on the screen in front of them.
  12. I guess the real question is should be avoid using the market and email on Torchbearer and Indomitable until we hear back about this issue?
  13. Okay. I'm not sure where all this information is coming from. The responsibility of maintaining the wiki is on all of us. My personal base listings on the Wiki were entered manually by me and not by anyone else or from any spreadsheet. Last I checked, ALL my base information on the wiki is correct. I don't know who moved information from some spreadsheet to the wiki. I have got to go to sleep and I don't have time to dig through all of this because it mostly seems to be an unnecessary conflict. I can't talk for anyone else's bases, but I can say that one of my bases was moved around from one category to another by someone. I moved it back. I may have even been the one that added "Please do not remove or recategorize other people's base postings." at the top of each of the Shard base pages after that happened. I haven't seen any drastic changes since that was posted and that was a good while back. I agree. There is no reason that the existing information needs to be axed and replaced. The two can coincide on the same page and people can pick which one they want to access. Honestly, I can't edit the google one and I certainly wouldn't do it by accessing it with my google account. I do my utmost to keep my mask on here. Can't we make it a co-op zone? What I have read of this is really not necessary. If people want to use the wiki listing system, fine. If it needs corrections, I already said that I would help with that part. If people want to access the google spreadsheet through a link on the wiki, fine. I would put that on the main base page and on each shard base page if the link on shard base page will access a google sheet that just shows bases for that shard. That would be my suggestion. I must have talked in the forums to Dacy about the wiki pages over a year ago. So I'm a bit confused about the "only recently" comment. And, I found this, from even earlier: This is not to needle or start a conflict, but this has been an ongoing situation it seems. If it comes down to who is "right" about the situation, then it is what it is. I do think the situation should be resolved in a co-operative manner. I have already indicated through PMs that if the base lists needed to be fixed in the wiki as it is, that I would put time in to update it, with the caveat that the people that own the bases are okay with me doing so. Honestly, I don't feel that the google spreadsheet will resolve the issue of stale/changed base codes or who is currently the @ for a base if someone goes dormant as the sg leader and the base moves to another @. That is just something that will occur if players don't update when the change codes or when players go dormant. I appreciate the work that was done on the spreadsheet, and I know a person/people put time into doing it. People have also put time into posting on the wiki. I guess my point is, we shouldn't be wasting anyone's time if the simple solution is finding a way to cooperate instead of trying to replace one another in some show of dominance.
  14. Was it all rush-in tactics? Did you try the dog-pile tactic? Everyone up stairs and around the corner. Melee near the edge of the doorway. Ranged characters farther back and near the 2nd corner. Sniper shoots the closest one and runs up the steps, around the corner, and around the 2nd corner. Everyone else stays put and jump the first guy that comes fully around the corner. Sometimes it will pull up only on 1. I've never seen it pull more than 3 at a time and that was only when the puller was getting sloppy.
  15. Well, they pretty much have a bunch of it covered. The Pocket D is a night club occupying a self-contained pocket dimension. It's a co-op zone for heroes and villains (Loyalist and Resistance? find your own party!) and vigilantes and rogues. At opposite ends of the Pocket D are hero and villain sides. On the hero side, you have an Arena area, AE creating and playing area, etc. On the villian side, you have Null the Gull on top of a truck that can change your alignment and other stuff, the Tiki Lounge, access to the Ski Chalet, etc. Some Holiday contacts show up in the Pocket D and in the Ski Chalet. There is a trainer and a P2W vendor. There is a base portal, and it can be entered from several different zones on the hero and villain side including Atlas Park. On Everlasting, it is a hang out place for role-playing. Long ago, before the Sunset, there were times that the dance floor in the main room would be full of player characters dancing ... not that I have seen on Homecoming .... yet!
  16. Fire/fire is fun energy/energy is fun! And keeps enemies away from you! could go with some radiation/radiation Dual pistol/super reflexes? Energy/willpower? Storm/electric?! Energy/Invulnerability Now I'm not saying to copy these characters. What I'm showing is a bunch of different examples of cool power sets that would be fun to play. Pretty much any combination is fun to play if you create a character conception behind it and play with that character conception in mind. But then... I am a character conception player ... and I'm not at all concerned about mini-maxing ...
  17. I like being on a team and seeing a PuG start out a bit rough and then people figuring out how to work with one another. I've been on some of these. It's fun to try to pull some player's fat-out-of-the-fire a couple of times, but, after that, sometimes they seem like they are using you as crutch, and it gets old fast. The only time it gets routine and confining to me is when a tank or brute is on the team and the expect everyone else to chase them or when several group members complain about knockback. The only time it gets frustrating to me is when it turns into complete team wipes multiple times back to back. Generally, that doesn't happen when I'm a team because I'm long gone before the team wipe happens. Not smart enough to fall back when you need to? Okay then, you are on your own.
  18. I think I have 2 or three dual pistol/ninja and 1 assault rifle/ninja. They are all fun to play. Always end up putting on of the sword attacks on autofire.
  19. Thanks for the info. Makes a lot more sense than a possible resurrection of a pre-Sunset shard. And, of course, I'll be making a least a handful of characters on it once it is up on Homecoming. Every server ends up with it own flavor, and it is interesting to try to find out what that is for each one.
  20. Just go to a trainer and there should be an option. The color panels are on the left. Top part is for the top part of the "The adjective, adjective". Bottom part is for the bottom part of the "The adjective, adjective". I think if you are tagged Roleplaying then the rest of your name will always stay that color. you can use the /roleplaying command to turn the Roleplaying flag on and off. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Roleplaying_(Slash_Command)
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