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GM Impervium

Lead Game Master
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Everything posted by GM Impervium

  1. okay! i shall wait, then hopefully i can help you!
  2. Hey @Opine! If you're using the Homecoming launcher, it SHOULD produce a crash report screen when the game crashes, and give you options on what kind of crash report to send. If it's not doing this, something is terribly wrong. Either there's software interfering with the game, or you have hardware failure going on. If you're comfortable navigating through Windows, I'll need you to run some tests and send me some files for us to look at to determine the cause of your issues. First, hit the Windows button, or use the windows search function, and type "dxdiag" (without the quotes), and click dxdiag.exe when it comes up. If it gives you the option, run the 64 bit test. Once it's done, click the "Save all information" button, and save the text file it creates somewhere you'll be able to find it (like on your Desktop) Open this file up (in notepad or whatever), and delete any personal information like your real name, save the file, then send it to me via private message. Do NOT post the dxdiag report in this thread!
  3. Also, they tend to hang out in little nooks and crannies under the road, so just doing an aerial sweep won't always cut it. You'll have to find small paths leading under ground.
  4. We had a minor outage this morning, and that banner either automatically popped up, or was copypasta'd from the last time. In either case, just hitting the little x should make it go away, and I'm sure a lead will be by soon to turn it back off now that we're up again.
  5. Also, there's badges for selling items on the AH, many of which grant additional market slots. Otherwise, it's a cheeky way to earn some cash: place tons of bids for half (or less) of the vendor price, wait a day or two, then sell it all to the vendor and cash in!
  6. We JUST gave you one more! It brought the total to a nice even number and everything! Man, people are so ungrateful... =P But yeah, there should be a few more in store with the upcoming page, so stay tuned!
  7. @Erratic1 A couple things I know can do this: Copying a character to test, Adding, promoting or demoting them in your SG, Anything else that might cause the database to "ping" the character for info. If you still suspect something is wrong, please change your game and forum passwords. You may also submit a support ticket, and a GM might be able to poke into your account history to see if different I.P.s accessed it.
  8. The entire point of locking cosmetics behind progression on Live was to ensure that customers continued to pay for an ongoing service. You couldn't look exactly how you wanted out of the gate, you had to be level 20 to get your cape, 30 to get an aura, and had to do certain missions or earn merits to be able to use certain costume pieces. On each character. And you had to keep paying a monthly subscription to get these carrots at the ends of the sticks. Or buy them from the micro transaction store when they added THAT. This was all put in place for the developers and publisher to make money. Homecoming has no financial incentive to keep people playing, we're all just here for the love of the game, so we have no reason to dangle these carrots. Capes, auras, etc, everything unlocked at level one, with no further investment needed. That's how we do things, and that's not changing. We understand that some people ENJOY the carrot-dangling, or would like a more visible way to show off their accomplishments (hypothetically: a special cape you only get once you have over 1,000 badges so everyone knows how cool YOU are), but for most players, that won't fly. Or teleport, super-jump, or run at super-speed. We've already cultivated an expectation of making things more accessible (capes, auras, costume parts, rent-and-requirement-free bases, easier access to Incarnates, etc), and going back on that would be the 3rd worst thing we could do. That said, if people wish to continue to discuss the merits of one view or another, fine, but keep it civil and non-argumentative. Thank you!
  9. Those were changes made in the last big update, not sure why they would be showing up again now.
  10. Locked thread due to issue being resolved by our awesome devs!
  11. Merged similar threads, and locked, as issue has been resolved 😃
  12. Maybe they just like to keep things... Spartan 😎
  13. Hi! Can you post your system specs (OS, Processor, Ram, Video Card, etc)? Just want to see what we're dealing with here. Also, make sure all your device drivers are up to date.
  14. Looking through that list, I can confidently say that you'll appreciate the content coming with page 3 😃 More on-topic, keep the names coming, folks! We're always on the lookout for new Devs Choice candidates!
  15. Most floor/ceiling objects are invisible on their back side, though I don't know whether or not the camera behavior you described would persist. Try a few different surfaces and find out!
  16. I don't believe so, as there's both lore and mechanical distinctions between Incarnate content and Hard Mode content.
  17. Just hid a bunch of posts. It's okay to disagree, but when y'all start making it personal, it's time to step away. Also hid one or two posts responding to the arguers, just because their posts now lack context. As an aside, the current plan is, generally, to make Incarnate buffs meaningful in content going forward, not roll stuff back or take anything away. Though there might end up being an exception...
  18. So, just to re-address it here: We do have content in the works, and it'll be ready when it's ready, but hopefully we'll have more on that Soon (tm). We understand the slow pace of updates can be frustrating, but we want to deliver the highest quality content possible, so that involves a lot of internal testing and revision and double-checking to make sure that we didn't miss some obvious bug or mistake. Also everyone, remember our big rule: Be excellent to each other!
  19. So, a couple things. First, Homecoming wants to be as professional and above-the-table as possible. All of our content is made in-house, so there's no question about whether something "belongs" to someone or what happens to it if they leave the team or no longer play on the server or what have you. There's enough hard feelings going around when we release a feature that looks anything like what someone else may have done, so it'd be a huge can of worms if we just dipped into the "community pool" so to speak and just plugged stuff in. Additionally, there's an issue of compatibility. Without getting into specifics, something that works on one server, may not necessarily work on HC, or vice versa. At least, not without some amount of work, and by that point, you might as well do it all yourself anyway so it fully fits in your code base instead of just plugging in heavily modified code. So basically, it's just best to do our own thing 😃
  20. I know the Devs like to keep things close to the vest, but I don't see any harm in admitting that, as far as I'm aware (and maybe I'm mistaken), there's no plans for Gadgetry to appear in the next Page (which is otherwise shaping up nicely so far!). Beyond that is up to them, and is anyone's guess 😃
  21. Hey all, not trying to come off as censoring discussion, but, can we ixnay on the server drama stuff? Thanks 😃
  22. This whole last page has been charming, but I think we've all had enough of this convo for now.
  23. So, there IS a newer set of drivers available for your video card than what's shown here, and your Open GL version is WAY behind (at 1.1; it's at 3.6 or something right now). Try Downloading the drivers from this site (Win10 64 bit version): https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/amd-radeon-5500-series/amd-radeon-rx-5500-series/amd-radeon-rx-5500-xt You may have to uninstall your current drivers first, though in my experience, modern setup wizards are pretty good at doing that for you as part of the update process. So just download and run the driver package. Let me know if this solves your issue, or you end up needing further assistance.
  24. First, try Windows Update if you haven't already. Second, when you updated your drivers, did you uninstall the old ones first? In any case, can you post your system specs, so we have a better idea what we're dealing with?
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