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I really must control my Altaholism...*sigh* Here we go again! 


Dreamsurge - Psionic Melee / Electric Armor Scrapper




The Apparitionist - Darkness Control / Psionic Assault Dominator


Edited by Singularis
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The other night some of us on a team were talking about legacy characters after I mentioned that I had created an aged-up version of one of my teen heroes from back in the day. He was 16 then and 28 now, so Mighty Lad became Mighty-Man. (I retconned the dates a bit.)


Mighty Lad: https://www.deviantart.com/dashmccool/art/Mighty-Lad-94031428








Someone else mentioned that the character they were playing was the kid of their original toon from Live, and I wanted to do that, too. Probably my second all-time favorite costume I made (after Mighty Lad) was for a character called Air Force, who was one of my originals. I was in an SG called Sentinels Prime, and once we hit on the whole portals thing and alternate Earths, we created their evil counterparts, Sentinels Crime. So evil Air Force was Air Strike.





So tonight I made the kids of the good Dayton Wright and the evil Dayton Wright, Air Speed (I can't believe that name wasn't taken!) and Air-Raid.







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So we'd just completed running an all Brute ITF and someone suggested we all bring on our squids (Kheldians). Alas, the only one I had was one I'd created back when Homecoming first launched then let sit for 756 days. I kinda hated to ruin his streak of being unplayed but I have other characters who didn't work out that have gone longer. So this is an older creation of mine whose name and style I enjoyed, just not enough to play the character (until now).


I present to you, SPACE BROTHER:




You know, if I could just get platform shoes I might consider going with an entire Parliament Funkadelic theme. 


Hmmm...wonder if the name Bride of Funkenstien is taken? 




Well, let there now be The Bride of Funkenstein:



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Posted (edited)

Here's a favorite costume idea I had, I bounced it between a few ideas and nearly bounced it again yesterday before re-discovering the joys of assassination sneakyboy heroics.  Its Nightlight!  Once he was afraid of the dark, now the darkness is afraid of him!


Now to wait and see if we ever get longer guy hair options.




Edited by skoryy
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 Everlasting's Actionette and Street Ninja

Also Wolfhound, Starwave, Blue Gale, Relativity Rabbit, and many more!


The idea was way different... but after a long time with character creation i think it went WAY BETTER than i expected... so... let's go.

COSMIC AEGIS (scrapper dark/shield)




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When you think 166 pages of costume would cover it all. You always find that new combo that has you zooming in to see how they created some face or costume combination. 
Yea some are close resemblance to some others, which is bound to happen.  But Great stuff. 

All the costumes are great of course but I will say personally, Poster @First Player costumes  always catch my eye and make an impression.  

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Up to this point, Tia had been one of your typical Paragon City residents, for whom muggings and purse-snatchings were an inevitability.  One day, while walking to a bus stop after her office job, she caught a glimpse of a purplish-blue crystal in an alley.  As she went to investigate it, some random Hellion grabbed her purse and pushed her down.  Tia fell back, and that crystal she had spotted earlier became imbedded in her back.  Feeling a surge of power that she'd never experienced before, she struck out at her attacker, quickly defeating him and recovering her purse, before running home as quickly as she could.  After a feverish night, the Kheldian that was in that crystal revealed itself to her, explaining its origins and how the two of them had now become one.  Thus, Tia began a life of heroism, naming herself after the purple-blue crystal that started it all...



tanzanite tia3.jpg

tanzanite tia4.jpg

tanzanite tia2.costume

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So curious about something....


I know how to use /demorecord and I've even managed (over the years) to fiddle with the resultant text files to create my own mini movies.  These days, if you want to capture a video of the game, there's a lot of other ways to vid-cap it but /demorecord has some other useful features....


...the biggest one being that it shows me the PARTSNAME for any in-game character (player or NPC) that make up their costume.


However, it doesn't directly export a .costume file.  So lets say I'm in an ITF and another player has a great costume and I'm like "Oooo, I like those boots, but don't recognize them."  Quick /demorecord and I have the PARTSNAME of the boots they are using (and some other useful details like patterns, etc).  


Has anyone ever tried to directly convert the COSTUME and PARTSNAME list into a functional .costume file?  They are very different formats but in comparing my own demorecord costume data to my actual costume file, I can tell that every single item is in there.  


I'd have figured by now someone would have come up with a way to do this conversion directly.

On 9/7/2021 at 11:46 PM, plainguy said:

When you think 166 pages of costume would cover it all. You always find that new combo that has you zooming in to see how they created some face or costume combination. 
Yea some are close resemblance to some others, which is bound to happen.  But Great stuff. 

All the costumes are great of course but I will say personally, Poster @First Player costumes  always catch my eye and make an impression.  

Aw, thanks man! Much appreciated!

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@Panache man, I dig Sky Devil. That's a great vintage Golden Age/Pulp look.


This is my pulp era vigilante hero Spider Smasher. Heavily inspired by The Phantom's look. I'll post his nemesis, Count Nero, soon as well.


Spider Smasher, Street Justice/Invulnerability Scrapper, Indomitable. (And yes, he sets the Spider Smasher badge title.)



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2 hours ago, TraumaTrain said:

@Panache man, I dig Sky Devil. That's a great vintage Golden Age/Pulp look.


This is my pulp era vigilante hero Spider Smasher. Heavily inspired by The Phantom's look.



17 minutes ago, biostem said:

I love these retro/pulp/golden-age outfits!  Here's my attempt - "The Jet-Setter":



Yeah, I hear ya!  I think the pulp/radio/dieselpunk "era" is my favorite, and several of my characters reflect that.    I've got a relatively new one that is also inspired by The Phantom:


The Rainforest Revenant




If others have great pulp-era heroes, keep 'em coming!

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2 minutes ago, Techwright said:

The Rainforest Revenant

Y'know, I keep wanting to use those resistance goggles, but they don't seem to take the secondary/lens color very well, (but you pulled it off somehow)!

2 minutes ago, biostem said:

Y'know, I keep wanting to use those resistance goggles, but they don't seem to take the secondary/lens color very well, (but you pulled it off somehow)!

I didn't even consider that to be honest.  I was focused on selecting goggles that worked but were not the aviator goggles, as I'd used those too often in my designs.  Perhaps it works because I used a very dark purple on the lens?

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Posted (edited)

My I present Kallisti Robonaut, a Mech pilot Kallisti from another alternate timeline:






and here is her bio




Edit: on a personal note, 5 Sqn was the RAF Squadron my Father was attached to during WW2 in India and Burma.


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The Kallistiverse COH site:



I've been having fun with this KB queen recently.

I don't see this pattern i use much but the circuitry brought to mind those ionized air purifers.

Which led to me think of the blue bubbly blast of Energy blast. (Either you follow or ya don't...lol)

So, here is Ionja Energy/WP Sentinel.



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