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Patch Notes for January 28th, 2020

The Curator

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I want to say first and foremost, I do appreciate the quick turn-around on attempting to fix the scattering issue from last week.


However, after the patch today, I have to say, that for me, the issue seems even worse than last week. I logged in to see how the fix went and instantly crashed while loading into the map. That's not connected to the issue at hand I would imagine, but it was a sign of things to come. Send in the error report, reload the game and of course, my character is dead.


Visit the hospital, get back to the mish and start 'farming'. I ran a Rad/Fire brute on the typically used fire farm map and as soon as I drop Burn, more than half the mobs run to the hills. Contaminated Ground and Blazing Aura running, and I usually lead off with BU - Atom Smasher before dropping burn. So mobs "should" be well taunted to stay in Burn, but they are not.


Last week, I'd get 2 or 3 mobs running at most and now it really does seem to be half the group. Could it be my own perception, absolutely. Even if it is though, mobs are still running away and this is apparently abhorrent behavior that was meant to be fixed. Unfortunately it seems as though it is not.

Hello, my name is Ynaught and I am an altaholic.

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1 hour ago, Ry said:

Thank you for all the bug fixes but I have one teeny weeny point to make. Why nerf Battle Axe? It’s an already an underplayed set and inferior to War Mace so why stomp on the poor guy more? Seriously that’s just upsetting 😞


1 hour ago, JackDaniels said:

Yes i don't see nerfing a power set that is already underplayed as it is. why touch Battle axe??



11 minutes ago, Jon said:

RIP Battle Axe

Image result for candlelight vigil


Refer to:



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Well...I actually thought the lack of cut scenes in iTrials was a good thing, but I suppose we have to make sacrifices for the newer players that may have never seen them. 

As for the rest of the fixes - that was fast work! 

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  • Mastermind > Pain Domination > Painbringer: This power had a 1% chance of knocking down a buffed ally. This has been removed.

Wait, really? That would have been funny to keep. I get why it was removed, but the idea of an ally buff that kd's them is funny.

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4 minutes ago, Twintania said:

Wait, really? That would have been funny to keep. I get why it was removed, but the idea of an ally buff that kd's them is funny.

Yep, and it had been there for years.

  • Haha 1

Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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26 minutes ago, Veelectric Boogaloo said:

anyone else having tequila shut down immediately after it finishes patch/checking? I can get on by double clicking quickly but it's too fast to get to the options and revalidate. New issue after today's patch. Happens with and without admin.

Not me: I just patched without trouble and got in fine.


Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer

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1 hour ago, jshmoe1236123 said:

Getting the same right now.

I logged on to my Spines/Fire Brute and can confirm that Burn + Blazing Aura is causing some -- but not all -- enemies to flee.  I'm running Briggs at +4x8.  Burn has always caused enemies to flee, like most ground patch powers.  But the taunt in Blazing Aura usually held their attention strong enough to keep them from fleeing. 


But since the recent patch and patch fix went in, it seems to be working differently.  Burn still seems to trigger the "flee", and Blazing Aura still triggers aggro, but neither do so at 100% efficacy.  The fleeing mobs do run far away, and they do eventually come back.  But if I've moved away from their spawn point, they return to the spawn point, instead of me.


I don't know if this is Working As Intended or not, but it's definitely different from either the pre-patch and post-bad-patch/pre-fix behavior.  I actually kind of like it, as it's a bit more challenging.  I always thought it was dumb of them to just stand in the fire forever.  But I didn't like it when all of them ran away, either.  Now a few run away while most stay.  This will take some adjustment on my part.


Edited by Rathulfr


Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer

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Still testing, so far liking what I see except for burn.


Also any update on a fix for Paladin in KR?   A theory I think I saw somewhere on discord was that the malfunction might be due to the Shining Stars just standing there and not despawning.

25 alts with all the badges!

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8 minutes ago, Rathulfr said:

I logged on to my Spines/Fire Brute and can confirm that Burn + Blazing Aura is causing some -- but not all -- enemies to flee.  I'm running Briggs at +4x8.  Burn has always caused enemies to flee, like most ground patch powers.  But the taunt in Blazing Aura usually held their attention strong enough to keep them from fleeing. 


But since the recent patch and patch fix went in, it seems to be working differently.  Burn still seems to trigger the "flee", and Blazing Aura still triggers aggro, but neither do so at 100% efficacy.  The fleeing mobs do run far away, and they do eventually come back.  But if I've moved away from their spawn point, they return to the spawn point, instead of me.


I don't know if this is Working As Intended or not, but it's definitely different from either the pre-patch and post-bad-patch/pre-fix behavior.  I actually kind of like it, as it's a bit more challenging.  I always thought it was dumb of them to just stand in the fire forever.  But I didn't like it when all of them ran away, either.  Now a few run away while most stay.  This will take some adjustment on my part.


Can somewhat confirm this, I just updated and played 5-6 rounds in Briggs Comic Con fire farm on my Spine/Fire brute.


I will say I had very few that did NOT return to me....just took 3-4X longer for them to do so, and I'd occasionally have to go throw an attack at them to re-aggro them....which isn't a huge deal if I'm moving to another spawn.  


However, if I use my Lore BP pet (the Untouchable one), his rain holds mad aggro and I'll maybe only have 4-5 runners out of the entire map.


It's on my own I'm now seeing aggro-holding abilities changed.  It's not unplayable, but does add a couple mins clear time for the map.



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5 minutes ago, Crysis said:

Can somewhat confirm this, I just updated and played 5-6 rounds in Briggs Comic Con fire farm on my Spine/Fire brute.


I will say I had very few that did NOT return to me....just took 3-4X longer for them to do so, and I'd occasionally have to go throw an attack at them to re-aggro them....which isn't a huge deal if I'm moving to another spawn.  


However, if I use my Lore BP pet (the Untouchable one), his rain holds mad aggro and I'll maybe only have 4-5 runners out of the entire map.


It's on my own I'm now seeing aggro-holding abilities changed.  It's not unplayable, but does add a couple mins clear time for the map.



I decided to re-run at +0x8 to see if the mobs behaved any differently.  It seems like I saw 1 or 2 more runners per group, but that may be RNG from a relatively small sample size.  Aside from that, the new behavior is the same: most stay, a few run and come back, and still fewer run and return to spawn point (if I've moved away from the spawn point).


Edited by Rathulfr


Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer

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10 hours ago, The Curator said:
  • Invention > Build Snow Beast: should no longer show as a PString in mail attachments.
  • Invention > Sentinel ATOs should no longer show as a PString in mail attachments.

PString in your mail attachments?   They've got pills for this type of thing.  (I've been told)  




Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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4 minutes ago, PeterDutcherJr said:

What's up with all the tanker and brute nerfs?

They're not nerfs: they're adjustments to the buffs they just got.  They're still net buffs, not nerfs.


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Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer

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3 minutes ago, Rathulfr said:

I decided to re-run at +0x8 to see if the mobs behaved any differently.  It seems like I saw 1 or 2 more runners per group, but that may be RNG from a relatively small sample size.  Aside from that, the new behavior is the same: most stay, a few run and come back, and still fewer run and return to spawn point (if I've moved away from the spawn point).


I have noticed a significant increase in the number of runners during fire farm runs. Not a complaint, since I think that under no circumstances should the game be balanced around farming in any way. But I think it does act as an indicator of how the game mechanics work under extreme circumstances.


The mobs seem to want to attack at range much more often now, and will not hang around in a burn patch nearly as well as they used to.


Even on regular missions I have noticed that mobs seem to take off running much more often and for longer distances that they used to. That is a much more subjective observation, however, than the one concerning farm mobs. My current primary character is a fire/rad controller who will drop debuff auras on mobs that can be dangerous if they take off running and go through another spawn. So, I may be a bit more sensitive to it than I used to be.

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Does the scattering happen if people are at or below the aggro cap?  Or is it mainly when people are past the aggro cap?


I'm wondering if the runners drop aggro and the extras end up being aggroed by the new taunt mechanics so the runners keep on running as they are now the ones past the aggro cap?

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10 hours ago, The Curator said:

Mastermind > Beast Mastery > Fixed a bug introduced in last patch where the pets attack chains were not working as designed.

I've been running my beasts mastermind pretty heavily the last few days, and I didn't notice any weirdness? What did I not notice?

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Regarding Burn, I was running farms last night and did notice some mobs running away (FAR away!), but it was primarily bosses as everything else dies too quickly. I just finished testing it again and noticed no difference from last night.


Since the bug appeared, thee run time increased about 30 secs when BP Incarnate is up, and about a minute when is in cooldown, averaging around 5,5 minutes now.


Is it a big deal? No, but it is annoying, especially since the only fun part about farming (aside from helping lowbies) is trying to be as fast/efficient as possible >_<


All in all, thanks for all of the work you guys are doing!

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Since this morning's patch, whenever I enter my base, I am stuck inside of the base portal. Typing /stuck does not free me from it. I am able to leave the base, or enter base edit mode to get free, but since I do not grant base editing to all members, this is an issue.


I guess the first question would be if anyone else is experiencing this issue?


(also posted in help and support)

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3 hours ago, JackDaniels said:

Yes i don't see nerfing a power set that is already underplayed as it is. why touch Battle axe??


It's a meaningless change in that Cleave won't hit even the lower caps unless mobs somehow stack on top of each other.  It's a 10' 20 degree cone, so even theoretically it's hard to hit four; in practice you'll rarely hit more than 2.  The change was made to have it be consistent with kindred powers.  Those are Broad Sword's Head Splitter and Katana's Golden Dragonfly.  (Note that Cleave is not as comparable to War Mace's Shatter as it does about 20% more damage while Shatter is an 8' 45 degree cone.)

Edited by csr
Fixed parenthetical statement
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