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Yellow Salvage, what's up with that?

Yomo Kimyata

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On 9/4/2023 at 12:57 AM, Without_Pause said:

I saw on Sunday I think it was the last 5 were 10k with a 50k. I dumped anything over 5 in storage and got it down in the 7k range. I just checked at it is at 7.5k.


PSA:  Always remember that the last 5 merely prints where the last five *purchases* were made.  It doesn't say a lot about where the goods are being offered.


If you buy a pack of gum with a $100 bill and tell the bodega to keep the change, that doesn't mean gum is selling at $100 a pack.  Inflation isn't that bad!  Yet.


Who run Bartertown?


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6 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


PSA:  Always remember that the last 5 merely prints where the last five *purchases* were made.  It doesn't say a lot about where the goods are being offered.


If you buy a pack of gum with a $100 bill and tell the bodega to keep the change, that doesn't mean gum is selling at $100 a pack.  Inflation isn't that bad!  Yet.


A couple of months ago I could put a bid on uncommon salvage for 1k and pick it up within a play session. I can now put in a 7k order, and it sits.

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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  • 3 months later

hello everyone, apologies

but it might be me screwing things up.

I buy generic at 500

yellow at 50,000

and orange at 500,000

its just faster and easier to add or subtract zeros as I craft things.

once again I'm sorry if I've inconvenienced anyone 

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Its easy to criticize a suggestion but can you suggest an alternative?

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On 12/6/2023 at 12:44 PM, Saiyajinzoningen said:

hello everyone, apologies

but it might be me screwing things up.

I buy generic at 500

yellow at 50,000

and orange at 500,000

its just faster and easier to add or subtract zeros as I craft things.

once again I'm sorry if I've inconvenienced anyone 


I post yellow salvage for 1000 each... so thank you for the extra money!  😄 


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On 12/6/2023 at 12:44 PM, Saiyajinzoningen said:

hello everyone, apologies

but it might be me screwing things up.

I buy generic at 500

yellow at 50,000

and orange at 500,000

its just faster and easier to add or subtract zeros as I craft things.

once again I'm sorry if I've inconvenienced anyone 

It's not you.

A person (or persons) has raised the price floor for uncommon salvage by placing hundreds (thousands?) of bids at an inflated amount (currently 20,002, was 13k a week or two ago). They appear to have actively kept the standing bids at around 125k (I've watched it steadily drop to 122, 121, only to be jacked back up again).

This has been going on for maybe two months now? Three? Somewhere around there.

I'd say encourage everyone to sell their uncommon salvage to help clear the clog.

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1 hour ago, Necrophidian said:

A person (or persons) has raised the price floor for uncommon salvage by placing hundreds (thousands?) of bids at an inflated amount (currently 20,002, was 13k a week or two ago). They appear to have actively kept the standing bids at around 125k (I've watched it steadily drop to 122, 121, only to be jacked back up again).

Thats like 4 or 5 minions worth of kills at level 50.

even then many people are not listing at 1k much these days since its quicker and easier to vendor.

20k for yellows feels nice as a seller, makes it worth listing

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On 12/12/2023 at 3:45 PM, Necrophidian said:

It's not you.

A person (or persons) has raised the price floor for uncommon salvage by placing hundreds (thousands?) of bids at an inflated amount (currently 20,002, was 13k a week or two ago). They appear to have actively kept the standing bids at around 125k (I've watched it steadily drop to 122, 121, only to be jacked back up again).

This has been going on for maybe two months now? Three? Somewhere around there.

I'd say encourage everyone to sell their uncommon salvage to help clear the clog.


i don’t think it’s possible for one person to manipulate the price


as an experiment on another thread complaining about the price of common salvage i spent about 200M buying up every common salvage above the 10K seed price. the value immediately fell below this as soon as i stopped, despite theoretically the only stock available now being the 10K seeded price

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1 hour ago, MoonSheep said:


i don’t think it’s possible for one person to manipulate the price



On 12/12/2023 at 10:45 AM, Necrophidian said:

It's not you.

A person (or persons) has raised the price floor for uncommon salvage by placing hundreds (thousands?) of bids at an inflated amount (currently 20,002, was 13k a week or two ago). They appear to have actively kept the number of standing bids at around 125k (I've watched it steadily drop to 122, 121, only to be jacked back up again).


There are a large number of bids sitting at 20,002 Inf. I suppose it doesn't matter if it is a single player or a group of players... I've observed exactly what @Necrophidian described. When the sales price is above 20,002 I am assuming that is 'impatient' buyers working explicitly against the bolus of those bids at 20,002.


I am also assuming that some fraction of the 100k+ outstanding bids are other players who put it lower bids... and I half-suspect that the goofball with the 20,002 Inf bids also has a bunch of similarly inflated, but slightly lower bids as well.


The real mystery is why anyone would go through the bother... I understand that the common::uncommon drop rates are greater than 4::1, and that uncommons are necessary for crafting all of the desirable (uncommon, rare, PVP, Superior) recipes... and I can believe that changes in farming habits can be responsible for a smaller supply... it simply seems impractical to try to make inf while strangling the supply of uncommon salvage (intentionally or otherwise). Just keeping all those buy bids in play implies that the person(s) responsible are grinding in an unrewarding way.

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On 12/17/2023 at 11:01 AM, tidge said:

The real mystery is why anyone would go through the bother... I understand that the common::uncommon drop rates are greater than 4::1, and that uncommons are necessary for crafting all of the desirable (uncommon, rare, PVP, Superior) recipes... and I can believe that changes in farming habits can be responsible for a smaller supply... it simply seems impractical to try to make inf while strangling the supply of uncommon salvage (intentionally or otherwise). Just keeping all those buy bids in play implies that the person(s) responsible are grinding in an unrewarding way.

I suspect there is no real reason for them doing it beyond the fact that they can. They might think they're helping the market, or helping newbies, or it's just for giggles. Maybe this is how they craft in bulk or something? (You can reach a point where 20k vs. 2k is a meaningless difference, so why not just bid at 20?) Maybe it's none of these things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Regardless, it's happening, and it's been happening for weeks. Also, it's not the first time it's happened (though it's perhaps the most sustained effort I've seen). Regardless, I'd encourage folks to take advantage of it, because it could stop at any time. I notice some of my own under 20k bids filled recently, so, at some point since I last posted, the floor was lowered, but, as I type this, it's pinned back at 20,002 again.

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16 hours ago, Necrophidian said:

 (You can reach a point where 20k vs. 2k is a meaningless difference, so why not just bid at 20?)

I would argue that this is the case for the majority of the player base.  It sucks for those who are not in this category, but for the rest of us, we just spend whatever it takes to get what we want when we want it.. 


Blame it on AE farming. I used to be a hater, then I joined the farming crowd. Now I can make more in one day of farming, than I did in my entire time leveling up my main.  That being said,  25M for a purple enhancement is now nothing to me, and spending 20k on salvage doesn't even begin to get me worked up.  Sure I will attempt to be frugal and will place low bids, but I also don't want to spend more than I have too and my time is worth more to me than waiting for the auction house to grant me a win for a low ball bid.



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I never got into farming. But I was an active marketeer on live, and have been marketing fairly consistently on Homecoming for years now. I probably have around 100 billion at this point. When I market these days, it's because I see a niche (usually, but not always, a particular set) being neglected, and I try to get it back on track. The user base is small enough that items can get volatile, which can be a drag for the casual shopper.

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This person / persons have steadily upped their standing bids over the last couple of months -- it was at like 12,002 for a while and then 15,002 etc. and lately up to 20,002.  I really don't know why they're doing it, but they are steadily driving the market higher.  It does just irk me that yellows used to go for 1000-2000 and now I pay 20,500 each - sure on an enhance I sell for 7MM it doesn't make that much of a difference, but it is irksome.

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On 12/21/2023 at 12:20 AM, kelika2 said:

Im seeing rare salvage down from 500k to 225kish

There better be outrage because if something going for 1k to 15k is bad, something going from 500k to 225k means something bigger is happening

I think this is a holiday dip that affected demand more than supply, would be my guess.  Has been going on around Xmas/NY.  Let's see if it sticks.

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  • 4 weeks later

So over the past weekend, for whatever reason, the person(s) maintaining the bid floors on yellows apparently went on vacation or ran out of bids, and yellow prices dropped down to 5K or lower at points. Now the bids are back setting a floor at 10,005.  I applaud the dedication and effort. 

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I had a couple of pieces of Yellow salvage I put up sell for 2000 so the supply seems to be eating up the queue of Buy orders.


Also I'd note that the reliable price of Orange salvage seems to have fallen.  For ages I could get 500,000 within a day 95% of the time, recently it seems to have come down to 450,000 and all my Sales set for 500,000 aren't moving at all.

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  • 2 weeks later
On 3/11/2020 at 1:03 PM, Saikochoro said:

I fully admit that I’m impatient, but I have generally been paying 50-100k in the last few days to get the “buy it now” price. 

Even just 2-3 weeks ago it 5k. 

I have 15k bids that go unfilled for well over an hour. Which sucks when I see that last 5 going for 12k. Yet I bid 15k or even 25k and it doesn’t get filled. So I just resort to 50-100k. 

On this.... I'm new so take my observation with a grain of salt but I'm seeing the same when I post for sale. I'll post something and then the history will show stuff being bought for more than my post yet mine isn't sold. I'm wondering if there are glitches in the history.

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1 hour ago, WuTang said:

I'm wondering if there are glitches in the history.


The market sales history bugs are some of the most well documented bugs on this forum. Here's one thread, there are many others:




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On 1/30/2024 at 10:41 AM, WuTang said:

On this.... I'm new so take my observation with a grain of salt but I'm seeing the same when I post for sale. I'll post something and then the history will show stuff being bought for more than my post yet mine isn't sold. I'm wondering if there are glitches in the history.

To this specifically, it makes sense given how the market works. You do not see the seller's price in the history, but what the buyer offered to buy it at. Yours may not be selling because there are others listings offered for sale lower than your price. Those sales showing up that are higher than your price are going to the people who listed their for sale lower than you.


Example; let's say I list a few hundred yellow salvage for 1. Yes -- 1. I just want to dump them.

Then, you list yours for 100. Still a very low price, but you expect they'll sell.

A third player goes to the market and wants a stack of yellow salvages. That person bids 25000 each, because they just want it all now.

Those sales will go to me, and I'll get all 25,000 each, less the 10% listing fee. 

Yours won't sell until all mine are gone.


Someone could have bought mine for 1, but they never expect those buy orders will fill. Why? Because too many other people are bidding much higher; and just like that the sells got to the one who listed the lowest, the buys go to those who bid the highest.


Buyers usually are impatient, and they can't see the posted sell prices, so they offer a bit on the high side. And the next buyer sees those, and tends to bid just as high. They most all want them right now, they know they wont' get them so long as someone else is bidding higher, and don't feel it's worth the wait to get yellow salvage at a better price.  Because honestly, to serious crafters, 10k or 25k or such is a tiny amount of money that won't hardly affect their costs or profits.


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8 hours ago, Andreah said:

To this specifically, it makes sense given how the market works. You do not see the seller's price in the history, but what the buyer offered to buy it at. Yours may not be selling because there are others listings offered for sale lower than your price. Those sales showing up that are higher than your price are going to the people who listed their for sale lower than you.


Example; let's say I list a few hundred yellow salvage for 1. Yes -- 1. I just want to dump them.

Then, you list yours for 100. Still a very low price, but you expect they'll sell.

A third player goes to the market and wants a stack of yellow salvages. That person bids 25000 each, because they just want it all now.

Those sales will go to me, and I'll get all 25,000 each, less the 10% listing fee. 

Yours won't sell until all mine are gone.


Someone could have bought mine for 1, but they never expect those buy orders will fill. Why? Because too many other people are bidding much higher; and just like that the sells got to the one who listed the lowest, the buys go to those who bid the highest.


Buyers usually are impatient, and they can't see the posted sell prices, so they offer a bit on the high side. And the next buyer sees those, and tends to bid just as high. They most all want them right now, they know they wont' get them so long as someone else is bidding higher, and don't feel it's worth the wait to get yellow salvage at a better price.  Because honestly, to serious crafters, 10k or 25k or such is a tiny amount of money that won't hardly affect their costs or profits.


Yeah.... I've just figured that out. It's actually not a bad system and allows for fumbles and huge gains on both sides equally. It maybe the most complicated AH I've used but that's made up for with It's fairness to those that use it on both side of the inf. Compared to say WoW, where everybody just undercuts (to the white meat) even when that system doesn't require it, and it just becomes a buyer's market.

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