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Discussion: Disabling XP No Longer Increases Influence


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17 hours ago, Coyotedancer said:

It isn't an exploit if it's working as intended... which the simple extra-INF-instead-of-XP setting, even when used in a level 49 mission. was. It was the added effect of that setting combined with never-consumed Patrol XP that was exploitative, not simply the trade-off setting.


Jimmy & Company may not *LIKE* the way that setting worked at level 49, but it wasn't broken. It was working the same way it has since the original devs added it way, way back when as an incentive to get people to exemp.

I still farm on my brute, however, now I think farmers will(and should) be a bit more frivolous with their inf. When I build back my billions(spent it making two high end 50s), I know I'm going to start storing it on some 50s. Keep the purps and such from the farms and store em on other 50s too. I was gonna start donating to contest and such seeing as I'd have the inf back in no time, but I'll need all the inf I can get for these builds.

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Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



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13 hours ago, Vanden said:

My main has 417 hours on him, and with no farming or overt marketeering paid for the IOs for two other characters and himself. He has enough resources on him to IO another one or two, and many of those hours came after I stopped using that character's resources to IO characters, AND I bought a lot of IOs directly with merits.

You're uh....not supposed to use merits for IOs.

Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



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11 minutes ago, Seed22 said:

I still farm on my brute, however, now I think farmers will(and should) be a bit more frivolous with their inf. When I build back my billions(spent it making two high end 50s), I know I'm going to start storing it on some 50s. Keep the purps and such from the farms and store em on other 50s too. I was gonna start donating to contest and such seeing as I'd have the inf back in no time, but I'll need all the inf I can get for these builds.


I have to admit... I horde my purple drops. 😅

I've never put those up on the market, because I know I'll eventually use them on some alt or other. 


A few favorite procs and specials also get kept and stuck in my base bins, just because I like to give them to less build-focused friends as gifts.


Pretty much everything else does get tossed to Wents, though, either as a raw recipe or as a crafted enhancement, depending on what salvage I happen to have sitting around. I suspect I'll keep doing that regardless of the INF changes, since I prefer attuned sets when I'm actually doing a build for one of the gang.


Over all, the loss of INF is noticeable, but it's not the End of All Things. It just means it'll take longer to build up the resources I need to complete whatever project I'm working on.

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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A friend of mine who also has a farmer and never did the 49 farm thing, used to put up all his recipes and salvage drops on the AH dirt cheap for quick sales. Now out of protest sells it all to the vendors. Once his farmer hits vet level 99, he will delete it and have a new farmer ready to take it's place.

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Dazl - Excelsior Grav/Kinetic Controller (SG - Cosmic Council) | Dazl - Everlasting & Torchbearer Grav/Energy Dominator

Shadowspawn - Excelsior Dark/Dark Stalker | Pyro Kinetic -Everlasting Fire/Kinetic Corrupter | Nova Pyre - Everlasting Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster (OMG)

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Personally, this hurts my play style outside of farming.  I solo level from level 1 to level 50.  I have XP turned off whenever I team, and am usually malefactored.  I also disable XP once at veteran level 100, which I achieved with XP turned off while malefactoring.  Now my characters only get half the INF and some drops while teaming, and you get more drops while soloing.

Edited by Apparition
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20 hours ago, Lockpick said:


So, you are quoting an explanation of an exploit to say it is not an exploit?  That seems strange...


In the post, "Then you change your XP While Exemplared setting to "Double Influence, No XP". This will actually double your influence and makes farming at level 49 more profitable than farming at 50."


I remember reading this thread before I started my farmer (Spines/Fire) and thinking that if it is more profitable at 49 than 50 that would definitely be an exploit.  I never used and got my farmer to 50 and haven't really touched him since.  Farming just wasn't my thing.


However, let's look at the chart in the quote:


  Inf Per Minute Inf Per Hour Clear Time
Rad/Fire (New) 2,300,107 138,006,431 23:20
Spines/Fire 2,295,431 137,725,907 21:59
Rad/Fire (Old) 2,288,810 137,328,603 Unavailable
Savage/Fire 2,250,996 135,059,786 22:28
Claws/Fire (Farm) 2,170,498 130,229,936 23:14
Claws/Fire (Content) 2,105,686 126,341,219 24:38
Elec/Fire 2,010,323 120,619,380 25:02


$2M influence per minute?  How is that in any way rational?  I would really be curious to see what it is now after the change because I would bet it is still extremely high.



Quoting myself, how lame...


I did 2 farming runs on my Spines/Fire Brute on Briggs Fire Farm (#125).  The first run I didn't take into account drops.  Prior to the 2nd run I removed all recipes and salvage from my character.  I am a below average farmer.  I have this one farmer who I leveled up through farming this one AE arc.  I usually played once a week to let my patrol XP max and I would play the farm until my patrol XP was gone and then would do it again the following week.  I have a mix of regular IOs and set IOs and have the tier 1 alpha.  I have not finished this build and will probably not finish it.  I don't have a baseline of earning because I never calculated it before. 


If I was to run this farmer and get the 2nd run numbers as my average (which seems reasonable), I would get over 400K Inf/Min.  It would take me about 30 minutes to earn enough influence to get $12M, which is generally the price for a PVP IO. 


The option I often use when I need money is to run a flashback mission that earns me 12 merits every 10 minutes on average.  I could get 36 merits in 30 minutes and exchange for 108 converters and sale those converters for $9.72M inf.  This supposes I get $100K per converter and after AH cut.  Of course, it will take more time because I have to wait for it to sell.


Another option is to craft and play converter roulette, which will take longer, but could probably get me more inf. 


In any of these scenarios a strong farmer or a strong marketeer would leave me in the dust from an inf accumulation standpoint.  That being said, the amount I can earn will easily be enough for me to fully kit a character I level from 1 to 50 and the difference between farming and merits doesn't seem that different to me, which is a good thing. 


I'm still not understanding all the doom and gloom.


Anyway, numbers:



Run 1: 9:00

Starting Inf: 15,259,638

Ending Inf: 18,149,997

Gain: 2,890,359

Inf/Sec: 5352.52

Inf/Min: 321,151


Run 2: 8:51

Starting Inf: 5,259,055

Ending Inf: 8,167,960

Gain: 2,908,905

Inf/Sec: 5478.16

Inf/Min: 328,689.8



Purple: 0

PVP: 0

Orange: 1 = $10K at Vendor

Yellow: 0

Regular: 6



Orange: 0

Yellow: 6 * 15000 = 90,000 (if sold at AH)

Regular: 17 * 500 = 8,500 (if sold at AH)



SOs: 3


SOs + Reg Recipe: 589,859 (sold at Vendor)

Salvage, Yellow: 6 * 15000 = 90,000 (AH)

Salvage, Regular: 17 * 500 = 8,500 (AH)

Orange Recipe: 10,000 (sold at Vendor)


Inf gained from selling drops: 698,359

Gain: 2,908,905

Total: 3,607,264

Inf/Sec: 6793.34

Inf/Min: 407,600.45




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6 hours ago, Seed22 said:

You're uh....not supposed to use merits for IOs.

You shouldn't buy ATO's with merits, but purple recipes are not a bad deal, since it would cost you about the same in influence on the market, especially if you have the salvage to craft them.

Dazl - Excelsior Grav/Kinetic Controller (SG - Cosmic Council) | Dazl - Everlasting & Torchbearer Grav/Energy Dominator

Shadowspawn - Excelsior Dark/Dark Stalker | Pyro Kinetic -Everlasting Fire/Kinetic Corrupter | Nova Pyre - Everlasting Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster (OMG)

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6 hours ago, Crimsonpyre said:

A friend of mine who also has a farmer and never did the 49 farm thing, used to put up all his recipes and salvage drops on the AH dirt cheap for quick sales. Now out of protest sells it all to the vendors. Once his farmer hits vet level 99, he will delete it and have a new farmer ready to take it's place.

This might be the most meaningless protest I've ever seen for anything.

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To the Community,


Wow, what an awesome 6 months it has been; in the last 6 months I've helped over 200 characters reach the level cap of 50, I've helped characters achieve accolades, badges, and given Influence to those starting out. I loved this game and its community. I was really happy the game was brought back, and given new light. I was excited to help others. I was excited in getting rewarded for helping others. With my rewards I would , of course help myself so that I could, in turn, pay it forward. Once I was up-to speed in a couple of days I was then able to focus on builds, and what do build require in game money. Before this latest "wonderful" Patch I could make enough money in an hour that would allow me to spec out my farmer  and different toons all together, it was great. Now I make 1/100 of what I do in an hour. I now have to spend more time away from important things like work, sleep , and family to help my COH Homecoming community. I can no longer take an hour break for lunch to help people in the community by making millions of dollars in Influence and giving it back. I now have to invest hours (usually takes about 10-20 hours to make 20 million before I could make that in 1 hour)  to help others now. Those of you who are reading this could say why should I care about this person who's a nobody and who is complaining about this? Or He's never helped me why should i care? 


The Reasons,

1. No incentive to get to lvl 50, in the regular game at 50 you could get double influence and no xp, when at a lower level or exemplared (not any more). This feature gave higher level players incentive to stick around a help others because now when they farm through AE mission they make money for them self while helping others get to the same lvl.

2. Free market > Communist Regime, the Developers have not studied economics. when you take away money from the Economy you create a larger gap between high teir players who may have multiple toons who can make more money per hour , and lower level players who are newer or just wanted a game to play with friends.

3. Auction House Exploits, The Richer Will get Richer and the poor stay poor, what i mean is the lack of available income made by every single farmer goes down you loose a large amount of income into the economy so items that where 1-3 million now become worth 15-20 of million, and  the items that where 15-20 million will be worth 70-100 million. (Literally the Devs have created inflation ball that will roll down the hill and kill this game)

4. Less play time, the people who want to make there 20 million an hour are going to create multiple accounts taking up space from others (which is wrong but it will happen)

5. Ruining the integrity of the game again creating inflation, changing the money system is wrong this why the OG Devs didn't like making changes to influence because they where smart enough to realize what a HUGE! impact it is in the game.

6. Not Staying true to the Historic value of the game. When you start to remove features that shipped on the game in 2004 now there should be repercussions, Because they change a core functionality of the game.(Devs you forced my hand, NCSoft this would be the time to appeal and shut it down)



In closing ive wasted 6 months of my life playing through a game that might as well should be shutdown like whats the point anymore, why should a valuable player who helps other first play anymore, there sure isn't any reason to hit 50 , theres no reason to go past lvl 10 because everything you need to get the most out of your character will either be unobtainium, or so expensive that it makes no sense to entertain the time it takes to the make money. Even if you are blessed by the R&G GODS and you get the enhancement you need it will be more valuable to sell it then craft it which is disgusting. After this one little tiny change in the game COH Homecoming has lost a very valuable player. Good luck to those that will continue in the struggle. To the Devs Good luck with whatever BS you think you are preventing and have fun with the mess you created. 





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What in the blue blazes are you doing that it now takes ten to twenty hours while farming to earn 20 million INF?


I get it, I do.  I don't like the change.  It cut my INF intake by half while both farming and while just doing regular content.  But by no means did it cut it down to 1/100th.

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Same. I don't like it but it's still faster than the figures you quote here before the change. Just did a test run on my IOed (no purples or Winters sets other than the odd purple Proc) Warmace / Rad Brute who isn't designed for farming at all. Did the outdoor city map. Took me 25 mins and I ended up after selling everything for 5 inf with 17 million. I started off with nothing and lobbed everything onto the market with no regard of asking prices. 


That's me, not particularly Farm friendly or doing anything remotely smart and it's about 1/2 my previous rate (that farm seems to have changed too, the Corrupt Security bosses had disappeared) but it's still 2 ATOs in 25 mins.



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Buy converters at 90k-ish, pick up shit IO by setting bids low and waiting, then just hit convert to make profit with less effort than what a farmer had to do; turn a worthless taunt IO into a Miracle +Recover.  Little bit of inf to start, skies the limit if RNGesus is your friend. 


I don't like it either, they could of handled it better.  Triple nerf, no 49, patrol exp, and double influence option removed.  Could of fixed the first 2 with removal and changed double to 25%.  The 49 exemp, kinda an obvious exploit while patrol exp multiplied it yet patrol exp does dick when you are 50.  The lack of communication tips it, announce a week before hand to the whopping 3000 active accounts during prime time and you would of seen a slight surge of people milk it.  Nothing mentioned, backlash as you can see. 


Let's hope the AH taxes go up and drops take a hit, convert costs go up from 1 to 5 for those random tosses.  Gotta balance that economy.

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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10 hours ago, Haijinx said:

Sounds like a made up story TBH 

Oh it's true and no more meaningless than this nerf.

Dazl - Excelsior Grav/Kinetic Controller (SG - Cosmic Council) | Dazl - Everlasting & Torchbearer Grav/Energy Dominator

Shadowspawn - Excelsior Dark/Dark Stalker | Pyro Kinetic -Everlasting Fire/Kinetic Corrupter | Nova Pyre - Everlasting Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster (OMG)

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