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Characters where you took the WHOLE Primary and Secondary


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Yesterday I managed to get a second controller to 50.  She was a pure concept build, a plants/poison controller, Circe of Aeaea.  She isn't built for soloing and I will admit, I have very little notion what to do with a controller, but I'm currently reading a book about Circe and I decided to make a character based on her. 


Game needs transmogrification control where you get to change mobs into Rikti monkeys and the like.


But at any rate, when I took the final power it dawned on me: I took every single power in the primary and everything in the secondary.  I still had room to take Super Jump, Hasten, Stealth and Invisibility, Conserve Power and Energy Torrent - and those are the only pool powers in the build.  Everything else is core.  She has painfully slow DPS but just about any kind of debuff you might want.


And it struck me as unusual.  There's almost always something, a Provoke or a Time Bomb, that you just don't feel a need for.  Not here: every power I signed up for seemed worthwhile, or at least, better than a pool power.  


Wondering if anyone else had a character like that.

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TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

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Bio/Titan Weapon Tanker takes everything in both sets !

TW: all the attacks are great and they don't mix well with attacks from EPP and PPP because of the long redraw and momentum mechanic. Bio is also an all star set where everything is good

Edited by Seigmoraig
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I couldn't say what builds, but yeah, I've done it in the past. Some sets have skippable things, some are just chock full of goodies.  (And some are situational - I often run dual builds, especially on support characters. Group build, lots of the primary/secondary, solo build, possibly as few as 3-4 powers out of it.)

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Street Justice/Energy Aura Stalker.


I like having a variety of attack options, as the whole 'optimised attack chain' approach feels dull to me.  My attack chain is "whatever is recharged and feels appropriate right now", so that meant all of StJ for options.  And Energy Aura doesn't have any real duff powers, even if I only took the T9 and dropped a recharge in the default slot to free up slots for other powers; and because it didn't really need anything else.

Edited by Li_Sensei
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I would say, do you enjoy that toon the way yopu developed him\her? if answer is yes than no need wonder if it is right or wrong to have build it like that imo. This is a game about heroes, superpowers and imagination ultimately. We may tend to uniform to what the most do but it's all about our own perspective. Me myself asked many builds to other players and i can see that all are similar, all build to solo or to farm, all are great but i can't feel them completely mine if you know what i mean

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I've never done this.  I've come close, but never 100%.   

My Mind/Kin controller is 9/9 for his primary and 7/9 for his secondary.   

My Claws/SR is mirror image, 7/9 for the primary, 9/9 for the secondary.

Heck, even my Plant/Psi Dominator skipped a few powers in both trees.

9/9 for BOTH?  Never.


Some of this is no doubt a leftover from character building on retail, needing to plan on Fitness and a Travel Power.  

And I do like adding in Leadership toggles where they fit.

And then I get quirky and do wierd things like take the Prescence Pool on my Dark/Dark corruptor to get the self-rez option, becuase his backstory involves him being cursed and can literally never die and stay dead.

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I pretty much always nine-out-of-nine'd on Survival Sets back on Legacy, not fully comprehending the crash of the Tier 9s really makes them situational to the point of silliness.  Support Sets I also tended to nine-out-of-nine, unless there was something like Repel from Kinetics (also, for a long time, I didn't take Siphon Speed, since I didn't realize how much the stacking +Recharge helped, and my concept didn't really "mesh" with the running around all silly nilly at high speeds.  That's changed now).


Lemme seeeeeee . . . 


Nope.   Doesn't look like it.


I know some people may flip their lids over this, but I generally avoid the AoE Attack Powers.  Cones in particular.  Too finicky for me, and I'm not playing to maximize my clear-rate on x8 missions:  I'm here to enjoy myself.

The crashy Tier 9s also get skipped these days.

Any single-target Immobilize Powers, unless I'm forced to take it (Hello Gravity Control) because the alternative is less fun.

Any Mastermind Primary Attack Power.  Just . . . blah.  Such Endurance hogs, and the Prestige Attacks have always been sufficient to supplement my Henchpets.


So, yeah.  About the only way I'd be able to make an All Nine Primaries / All Nine Secondaries character comfortably would be if they enabled Support / Support or Support / Survival as an Archetype.

For the record:  I am not against that.  That -does- sound like my idea of fun.

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I build a SJ/Regen character with the concept of a guy focused on street level activity (gangs and others the everyday citizens see).  He does team with other heroes on bigger things sometimes (Task Forces).  I've taken all of my primary and secondary up through lvl 32.  The concept is so strong on this one that I don't have travel powers beyond sprint + ninja run or a Longbow Mini Jest Pack.  I know if I stick with the concept I'm not taking him into an Incarnate or certain difficult zones (Shadow Shard).  He's fun to run around hitting things with though.


I use him mainly to enjoy content.  I've taken him through all of Faultline, Half the Hollows (outleveled), and ran the Frealympics story line.  I've done Posi 1 & 2 and Citadel with him.  I'm really looking forward to Freakbashing in Yin's TF.


I have 2 lvl 50's who shot up rather quick.  Now I'm ready to sit back and grab content as I'm leveling.

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1 hour ago, Heraclea said:

Wondering if anyone else had a character like that.

On Live, once the level cap was increased my Inv/Energy Tanker had all primary and secondaries taken... and this was before powers could be IO mules. These days, it is rare that I have a toon with enough variety in primary/secondary to want to take each power. Kudos to all that do!

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2 hours ago, Seigmoraig said:

Bio/Titan Weapon Tanker takes everything in both sets !

TW: all the attacks are great and they don't mix well with attacks from EPP and PPP because of the long redraw and momentum mechanic. Bio is also an all star set where everything is good

My TW/WP scrapper is 8/9 for both sets; didn't take Provoke or the self-rez.


There were powers I put off on the plants/poison; was not in a hurry to take the Confuse, and put off Poison Trap for probably too long.  It does help keep too friendly mobs at bay.  Burnt most of my stockpile of unslotters when I realized I should not put the controller sets in powers that take damage enhancements.  Like I said, this character is a bit out of my comfort zone. 

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TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

Spread My Legions - #207 | Lawyers of Ghastly Horror - #581 | Jerk Hackers! - #16299 | Ecloga Prima - #25362 | Deth Kick Champions! - #25818 | Heaven and Hell - #26231 | The Legion of Super Skulls - #27660 | Cathedral of Mild Discomfort - #38872 | The Birch Conspiracy! - #39291

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2 hours ago, Heraclea said:


But at any rate, when I took the final power it dawned on me: I took every single power in the primary and everything in the secondary.  I still had room to take Super Jump, Hasten, Stealth and Invisibility, Conserve Power and Energy Torrent - and those are the only pool powers in the build.  Everything else is core.  She has painfully slow DPS but just about any kind of debuff you might want.


And it struck me as unusual.  There's almost always something, a Provoke or a Time Bomb, that you just don't feel a need for.  Not here: every power I signed up for seemed worthwhile, or at least, better than a pool power.  


Wondering if anyone else had a character like that.

Thats how I build all my toons.  I have some who are different because I dont take any sleep type power that is just broken with the next AoE and I dont take any confuse type powers that diminish my XP gain.  Also my upcoming PB rework (she is 50 but needs incarnates) is human only so skipping some powers there.

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I do that a lot with characters when leveling up with sets I haven't played. This lets me try all the powers so that by level 50 when I respec them I have a good feel if certain things can be dropped. I believe my Dark/Dark stalker still has all the powers in both sets.

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Dazl - Excelsior Grav/Kinetic Controller (SG - Cosmic Council) | Dazl - Everlasting & Torchbearer Grav/Energy Dominator

Shadowspawn - Excelsior Dark/Dark Stalker | Pyro Kinetic -Everlasting Fire/Kinetic Corrupter | Nova Pyre - Everlasting Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster (OMG)

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I think one of my first characters Grav/Kin I took everything... this was before APPs and the level cap was 40. Theoretically she didn't need travel because of Inertia Reduction.. but since she was Grav/ I felt compelled to take Flight and Group Fly for theme! 


I think it was before the level cap raised, but she definitey took Singularity so it was after Fold Space got changed into the pet. 

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Retired, October 2022.

Fallout Engineer Rad/AR Defender || Peacemoon Empathy/Psi Defender || Svarteir Dark/Dark Controller

Everlasting || UK Timezone

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There is only one so far, that is my Nature/Water Defender! I find I love all of what Nature has to offer in terms of its beautiful green picturesque animations as well as Water, and all of the powers get used regularly! 🙂 Love this toon, but it does make for tight slotting!

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5 hours ago, Heraclea said:

Wondering if anyone else had a character like that.

Not a single one.  I have MANY characters where I took 9 powers from the primary *OR* 9 from the secondary, but not a single one that took all nine from both.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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I'm all about the concept character, and it's never happened to me where all the powers fit the concept of the character I was going for.

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"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Polishing up a rebuild of my Time/DP/Soul Defender build into a Time/DP/Power build ... and with that one change (and a bit of reshuffling of enhancement slots) was able to do a 9+9 of primary and secondary with 1+1+1+3 powers from pools (the 3 are the Leadership toggles!).  It's a thing of beauty ...



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Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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My main has all the Street Justice and Willpower powers and they all have a place in how I do things.  That being said, I think its the only one of mine that does.

Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior

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If I remember correctly, on my very first lvl 50 on Live, I did take every single primary/secondary power. I was a Storm/Psychic Defender. This was back where Storm was still sort of rare. You'd see it on Controllers, but very few Defenders played it and this was before Villains. I originally took Gale as my first power because I told myself I would use it properly to reposition enemies and not just randomly spam Gale immediately on mobs like I would see /Storm controllers do in low level missions. Also wanted O2 for the mez protection and a heal if my group really needed it. Even though it isn't the greatest 'heal' power. Back then there were still many players attached to the notion of support = heals and I was worried they would be angry if I joined the group blindly and didn't have a heal. At this time, only FF didn't have a heal out of the Defender primary sets and people LOVED bubblers back then! So, I was really worried I would disappoint if I joined as a "Defender lfg" in chat and then I'm Storm with no heal. 🤷‍♂️ I guess I caved to pressure.

Every other Storm power I unquestionably wanted. Back then most would skip Tornado, but admittedly, that was one of the powers I was most looking forward to. So, I didn't skip it at all. Got quite a lot of use out of it too. I'm surprised it wasn't very popular before KB > KD slotting tbh. If you used it in a cave or stupidly open hallway, that's on you, but there were plenty of warehouse, office, and other mishs where I could very easily find a corner to use it on and 'hold' a boss on lockdown. Was also free damage on AVs. I'm earnestly shocked it used to get such bad reviews from the community back then. If I were to do it all over again, the only power I'd possibly skip from Storm would be Thunder Clap. Very rarely seemed to work well and would sometimes get me killed turning off my Hurricane herding to go use it without knocking the mobs further than I wanted.

As for my secondary, Psychic Blast tier 1 was probably one of the worst defender tier 1's back then. So, of course I wanted Subdue after being forced into Mental Blast. Took snipe for soloing. Psychic Scream I probably could have skipped because even though it was a great power in the set, it didn't mesh well with Storm and herding given the cone size, but I remember taking and trying to use it. TK Blast and Will Domination were ofc the better powers in the set.  Psionic Tornado I had to take because I wanted two Tornado's. 🌪️🐄🏡🌪️ Yes, that was legit my only reasoning for it back then. Most people rated it as a skippable power. Scramble Thoughts I definitely could have skipped, but I clearly remember taking it in an effort to double down on Disorient mag and try to make Thunder Clap useful for bosses. Psychic Wail I also probably could have skipped back then because I didn't use my nuke often given the crash, but I wanted it for fun.


That's the only character I ever took all powers for and even reading what I wrote, I'm regretting it haha, but it was fun back then and my first lvl 50.


Edited by Strawberry
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50 Kinetic Melee / Regen Scrapper  🐊


50 Pain Domination / Fire Defender  🍰 

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