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10% Completion Rate


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I have been playing (every single day) since August 8, 2019.  I have 110 toons and 11 of them are full T4 incarnates, effectively finished.  They will, of course, still get to come out and play, especially with theme teams and farming and whatnot.  I still have spurts of new toon ideas, but I am trying to be more responsible to my girls and give them the time they deserve rather than always making new ones.  Right now, I finished another room in my base and am going to sit down to play some toon, but it is a giant game of eeny meeny minee moe to decide which one!  


What is your completion rate and how important is it?  Does it matter at all?


Have you found yourself slowing down after a year or more (or less) of being back in our beloved City?

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I'm at the complete opposite end of the spectrum... I have 47 characters now, counting the two fire farmers on my secondary account.


Snickerdoodles, my little black cat-girl Stalker over on Torchbearer, is the only one of the gang who isn't a finished, equipped and Incarnated 50. So... I have something in the neighborhood of a 95% completion rate? And since Snickers is closing in on 40 now, it won't be all that long before it's 100%. 😄 And yes. Finishing them all is important to me. If I'm going to keep a character, it bothers me to leave them incomplete.


That said, aside from a pair of level one "mules" I made to hold specific recipes... Characters who'll probably never actually be played... I haven't added anyone new to my lists in a couple of months. I've pretty much tried everything I was interested in at this point. I don't want or need any more alts. I guess that counts as "slowing down"? Given the way I tend to concentrate on one character at a time, finishing them before I make the next, I suspect it's close enough. 




Edited by Coyotedancer
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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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Goose egg for me.  0%.  


I have T4 for alpha, lore, judgement, and T3 Destiny for my Mind/Kin controller.  I do plan to get him fully done. Someday. 

If I'm not distrac-



I have 3 other 50's, none even have an alpha yet.  Been having fun levelling my other alts for the time being.


I'll probably incarnate out a couple other characters at some point. 

But character concept wise, only the Mind/Kin needs it, since he's kind of the Gandalf of the bunch. 

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I periodically run stats on numbers, levels, ATs, inf, etc.  None of my 50s are "finished", but I generally get them at least to their alpha slot.  I just don't find 50+ content interesting or difficult enough to keep playing once I've unlocked incarnate stuff.  Maybe I should try harder, but I'd rather put a level or two on one of my lowbies to figure out whether or not I like Kinetic Melee, for example!


Some stats:


Number of alts:  104

Number of 50s:  13

Number of 1s:  6  (These are generally place holders for names I liked.  Some may get deleted.)

Mean level:  26.2


Most populous server:  Excelsior (30)

Heroes:  82

Villains:  21

Praetorians: 1


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Who run Bartertown?


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Out of 59 chars, four have all T4s, but my badger has quite a few varieties to use.

50 of them are level 50 and I have been recently working on getting them more complete.   And am toying with a DB to track stuff.  The spreadsheet is getting unwieldy.

36 of my chars have finished all their dayjobs though...

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48 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

If we're using all T4 as finished, then 3 out of 36 for me, perhaps a fourth(not positive).


But my Dark/Earth Dom has 9 or 10 T4 Incarnate powers, so maybe she counts a few times?

Whatever metric you wanna use to decide 'finished' is great, some people are finished when they have all the badges, some when they T4 alpha, some T4 everything.  It'd be great to hear what some people consider finished, as well!  I am just a simple gal so all T4 is a simple way to call my girls 'done'.  


@LiquidBandage pfft we dun need no stinking badges 😛  (I am a giver, I leave the badges where they are so my badging friends can get them!)

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It's only been a couple of months for me, but a similar situation has begun to occur.  I was on the way to completing Legionette, and quite satisfied to do so at the expense of the other eight characters waiting for attention, when I made the mistake of poking around in the sentinel options in Mids'.  Now Legionette is giving me displeased glances when I log in (i moved her to the top of the list when i became enraptured with her, before she was even level 20), knowing that I'm going to click Antianeira and log into her instead, leaving her with unfinished Incarnate abilities.


But I will finish these two before I start, or return to, something else.  Really, I will!  Pinky swear!

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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1 hour ago, EmmySky said:

Whatever metric you wanna use to decide 'finished' is great, some people are finished when they have all the badges, some when they T4 alpha, some T4 everything.  It'd be great to hear what some people consider finished, as well!  I am just a simple gal so all T4 is a simple way to call my girls 'done'.  

For me done is going to vary a bit by character. 


So that puts me at about 7.5 in that case. 


A few I reached my build goals like accolades, IOs, and incarnates.


I was pretty much done with my Ice/Fire Blaster as soon as I did a solo Master ITF. Still room for improvement on him, but I feel I've peaked with that character. 


Impeccable Girl was my first 50 on HC, an Elec/SD Scrapper and I've done everything I want to with that character. Her build is extremely sub par, but I'm leaving it as is so I can always remember how rusty I was. But it's ok, she's retired to the top of the Atlas statue in AP and enjoys her days on the market. 

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"Done" for me is having their completed set-IO build and at least T3s for each of their iToys. (I'll build them T4 iPowers if they happen to get VR salvage drops at some point, but I aim for T3s, which are plenty good enough for the way I play otherwise. Most of my gang end up with a mix of T3 and T4 powers as a result... Only the very lucky or the very favored get across-the-board T4s.)


I'm not a badger here... I had more than enough of that back-in-the-day... so badge totals and day jobs and all that never come into it. 

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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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4 hours ago, EmmySky said:

I still have spurts of new toon ideas, but I am trying to be more responsible to my girls and give them the time they deserve rather than always making new ones.

I've actually come to the same "conclusion" that you have. At one point, I had like 80+ level 50's that I power-leveled to "try them out" and several of those combinations didn't work out for me as well as I had hoped. Nothing on the game, I'm glad I made them and even "wasted" my time on them because they were cornerstones into what I did and didn't like. I did end up deleting a few combinations, yet oddly I've re-rolled a few! I still may end up re-rolling some of my oldies and trying out a new build for them. However these days I am very careful when I make new toons that its build is finished and I have a clear concise goal for that character's existence as well as an appropriate theme. I have branched out of trying to find the "best of all" combinations for things and I've now dabbled more into more fun themes that are still very effective that have elements of gameplay I truly enjoy. 🙂 

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I tend not to go aggressively over board on character creation and target combinations with sets I haven't played at all. With that in mind, I've mostly excluded a lot of what I already played on Retail. About the only thing I've repeated is Dark Armor (I just really like that armor set), and re-rolling my Fire/FF for posterity's sake. My process is roll it, level it to 50, slot it, get at least its Incarnates unlocked and that's when I consider them "good to go." I know I can rollback on any of them at a moment's notice and they'll be good out of the gate, and any future play will be incentive to continue working on further advancement of their iToys (stealing that from above). With that being my typical process, I'd consider myself perpetually 100%. I don't really bounce around between projects.

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One of my goals is to have a level 50 melee character running the 'standard' (i.e. tanker, brute, or scrapper) versions of every armor set and every melee attack set.  I may make an exception here for Stone armor, which I rather dislike.  Then again other sets I thought I wouldn't enjoy, like a Dark Armor/Savage Melee tanker, turned out to be more fun than I figured.  Most recent ding here was an Energy Armor/Broadsword brute, not the world's greatest combination for DPS, so I will be speccing her as a tanking brute; and a Claws/Fire scrapper, who is pure DPS.  Up and coming here is Ice Armor/Ice Melee on a tanker. 


I now have a level 50 character of every AT except any Kheldian or Arachnos, with the single exception of defender.  Kheldians do not interest me; when I played them on old live they always seemed starved for slots.  I now have a defender (poison/dark) at level 30, which is a new personal best for me for the AT. 


I have almost 5 full pages of characters on Torchbearer, and of those 28 are level 50.  All but one or two of the 50s has all their incarnates unlocked.  All with the unlocks become +3 incarnate level very quickly; transcendent merits make sure of that.  That's generally the point where I consider a character 'finished'; they will continue to receive small upgrades after that but sll the big milestones have been passed.  More recently I've been going back and revising builds on my early characters, who were eagerly slotted with whatever dropped, and acquiring more planned set bonuses on them. 

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TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

Spread My Legions - #207 | Lawyers of Ghastly Horror - #581 | Jerk Hackers! - #16299 | Ecloga Prima - #25362 | Deth Kick Champions! - #25818 | Heaven and Hell - #26231 | The Legion of Super Skulls - #27660 | Cathedral of Mild Discomfort - #38872 | The Birch Conspiracy! - #39291

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None of my characters have full T4s. This happens mostly because none of my characters have Judgment as I don't like the effect having it has on gameplay (plus, it's often pretty hard to justify concept wise) and I take the T3 Lore just for the +1. The rest of the incarnate abilities are usually a mix of T3/T4 depending on how much benefit the upgrade from T3 to T4 would yield.

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Sunsinger - Fire/Time Corruptor

Cursebreaker - TW/Elec Brute

Coldheart - Ill/Cold Controller

Mythoclast - Rad/SD Scrapper


Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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I don't count T4s, etc. for "finished."

"Finished" is when their story is completely done and I have nothing else I feel I can do with them besides, say, sit in one of the club bases and drink.


At that metric... 0% 🙂

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( Marine quietly puts away his Abacas, and prepares to speak.......)

I have a about XXVI Characters of which I have VI that are L+ and about as far as I will get them, I have several very close behind. I always get the Incarnates unlocked and slotted with the Alpha to TIV. ( I thought the roman numerals would add an air of sophistication, ahem... ). Badging is something I try to do on every one but there are some I will never have after years of trying. ( mostly the Ski badges, just can't seem to ever complete a run, which is hilarious considering I was a Ski instructor in my youth.) I have limited play time so I am happy with what I've got so far.


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" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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I count 50 as potatoes, and everything else above that as gravy.


I don't get to potatoes too often, much less gravy. 

Edited by cranebump
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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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For me T3, full set of IO's and 4 passives unlocked is generally complete. By that metric I would say 35%. I'm not really creating new alts anymore as much as power leveling the old ones while farming. 

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Dazl - Excelsior Grav/Kinetic Controller (SG - Cosmic Council) | Dazl - Everlasting & Torchbearer Grav/Energy Dominator

Shadowspawn - Excelsior Dark/Dark Stalker | Pyro Kinetic -Everlasting Fire/Kinetic Corrupter | Nova Pyre - Everlasting Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster (OMG)

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