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If your alts formed a team...


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I had this random thought today and couldn't get it out of my head.  What if 8 of your alts banded together and formed a team and were presented as a "final boss" the same way the Freedom Phalanx and Arachnos are presented at the end of the LRSF/MLTF.  No incarnates, but all the powers they have access to at level 50 and Archvillain strength.  What would your alts' team look like and how difficult would they be if we had to face them?  I know this is probably doable in AE, but I figure it's fun to think about without going through the process of building the fight, plus AE critters don't get pools or epics.


My team would likely consist of a Fire/Dual Blade Tank, Radiation/Dark Brute, Staff/Electric Scrapper, Archery/Energy Blaster, Katana/Reflex Stalker, Electric/Storm Controller, Psi/Dark Corrupter, and Thermal/Ice Defender.  From what I can imagine, the Defender would have to go down first as she's a healer/buffer like Numina, and most of the rest would be a massive pain to fight.  The Controller would have to go down fast too since he can keep everyone's end at zero and on their asses with the storm knockbacks, tornadoes, and thunder clouds.  The Tank and Brute can both self-rez, and the Corrupter can also rez so she'd need to be kept away from the corpses.  The Stalker is near impossible to hit or see, and the Scrapper is surprisingly durable making both a pain to fight.  The Blaster would probably be the easiest, but he can hit you from another county so he'd be a constant threat no matter where you try to pull them away to.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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2 minutes ago, ZorkNemesis said:

What would your alts' team look like and how difficult would they be if we had to face them?

If I were driving them or if the games AI were driving them?  From the various times I've faced my doppelganger/shadow/clone in various missions, the latter ain't too bright.

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2 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

If I were driving them or if the games AI were driving them?  From the various times I've faced my doppelganger/shadow/clone in various missions, the latter ain't too bright.

Lets assume they're smarter than the AI, but still AI controlled.  More human-like, like things players would actually do I guess.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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Shield/Mace Tank
Fire/Fire/Mace Blaster
Ice/Ice/Mace Blaster
Fire/Rad Corruptor
Ice/Kin Corruptor
Ice/Cold Corruptor
Rad/Stone Tank
Ill/Dark Controller

Controller and Ice Corruptors would have perma-hasten, the Cold Corruptor would have burnout with heat loss. So, you'd have 6 rains, 3 Blizzards (2, plus the 1 after burnout use) dropping within a very short time frame, plus two infernos with fulcrum shift. So, a pretty big initial blast of damage. 3 scourges to whittle things down the rest of the way. 

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I'm one of those people who'd have to have at least one and more like two full leagues to take my alts.  Given that I can probably come up with an eight AV team that would have 3-5 debuffers (dark, rad, etc.) a tank and 2-4 damage dealers at range or melee.  Five Fearsome Stares outgoing with a similar number of the -res dark power whose name suddenly escapes me and then multiple nukes and layers of AOEs from the damage dealers?  A player team would need a bunch of Clarions and Barriers plus probably capped +tohit to even TRY and fight back.  A lot of Domination boosted Confuses wouldn't hurt either.

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Ooh this is neat!


Poison/Fire( this one solo’d ITF and can probably do crazier stuff)




EM/Rad Brute


Water/Ice blaster


If they could be carried over as I currently have them? You’d have an impossible to beat team. The tank doesnt die unless you’ve got SERIOUS debuffs, which you won’t, thanks to the poison/fire. The rest is ridiculous damage, and the nice little off healing and rez of both the /Dark and /Pain. Oh and Necro/Dark being the king of -ToHit. 


Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



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Trying to figure out which 8 of mine would be my challenge.  I'm guessing those with 250+ alts would have it worse.




Tank: Shield/Street Justice (gaining the team-related advantages of Phalanx Fighting and Grant Cover)

Corruptor: Radiation/Empathy (Primary healer with rez)

Controller: Illusion/Storm (my Swiss Army Knife with something for any scenario, including being a minor teammate healer)

Corrupter: Dark Blast/Dark Miasma (including good personal and minor teammate healer with battle rez)

Controller: Fire/Kinetics (with leadership pool and fire mastery)

Controller: Electric/Storm (end drain, ice mastery, minor healing)

Controller: Ice/Cold (with ice mastery)

Blaster: Energy/Energy (with knockdown slotted)

      -- alternate: Blaster: Fire/Ice


We may not drop them right away, but we'd lock them down so hard they'd have time to let the horror of their end sink it, and be unable to do anything about it.



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Bots/FF - offense and defense in one pint size package
Rad/Rad Defender + Earth/Rad Troller - serious control plus a double helping of rad debuffs
Fire/Fire + Ice/Ice blasters - pure pain plus a light spicing of control.
Fire/Fire and Fire/Shield tanks - Grant Cover + a double helping of 'esplody PbAOE goodness
Elec/Elec brute - more pain

The problem you face against this team is the defensive powers of the ranged types synergize so nicely.  (Bubbles, plus two Choking Clouds from the rads, plus Frigid Protection from /ice.)  Properly positioned, they'd be very vulnerable to AoE but a very tough nut for melee range...  Especially with the tanks and the brute running interference.  Not to mention Stoney and the 'bots.  (Which sounds like a great name for a really bad 80's cover band.)

To take this team on...  Job #1 is to stun, sleep, or hold the /rads before they can get their debuffs off.  Job #2 is to kill arrest the Mastermind and get her bots off the field.  Then you go back and handle the /rads.  That's the key problem with this team - it's simultaneously very tough, but also very fragile.  If you can get the MM and the /rads off the field without being mauled yourself, it turns into a pure battle of attrition.

Given that the key phase of the battle is fought at range, to take them on I'd want a team slanted support and Blaster heavy.  To win, you simply have to take out those first three ASAP...  and there's no time to close the range in that phase.

Edited by Doc_Scorpion

Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - Paragon Wiki updated for Homecoming!  Your contributions are welcome!
(Not the owner/operator - just a fan who wants to spread the word.)

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The stacked Manuevers, Tactical Training: Manuevers, Mind Link, Shadowfall, Steamy Mist, Far Sight and Fade, along with all of the personal +Def they all carry would make the fight a complete whiff-fest.  It would be a very boring and annoying fight that either would be unbeatable or would require a team with 8 sets of Tactics and a full tray of yellow insps. 


Napkin math says that with 8 of the worst offenders, I could get around 150% defense on some, and over 200% on others, full time.

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They would likely be unbeatable, being able to have high resistances, very high defenses and massive debuffs very few teams would be able to even hit them, provided that the AI had them work together.


You'd have an Invuln tanker with around 50% defense and high or capped resistances both inherently and via team buffs.  A Dark/Dark Defender capable of nuking enemy tohit chances into the floor along with other nasty tricks.  A pair of controllers,  Fire/Rad and Ill/Rad, capable of massive damage and extreme debuffs.  A pair of scrappers, Spine/Electric and Electric/Shield who have massive defenses, great resistances and high AOE damage.  A Kinetic/Sonic defender for buffage and -res debuffage.  Finally you'd have a Fire/EM blaster who's soft capped to Ranged & AOE damage.  All of them stacking Leadership for +damage and +tohit.  Add the AV goodies to that team and I wish you good luck.  Of course the AI we have would piss away most of their advantages and likely allow you to separate and defeat them in detail.  Assuming competent players behind them I'm not sure they're beatable.

Guardian Survivor, occasional tanker and player of most AT's.

Guides: Invulnerability Tankers, The first 20 levels.  Invulnerability Tankers Soft Cap defense





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I have a tendency to make theme SGs based on incredibly trivial reasons.  One of my most recent is The DEFCON Five, a team of super Secret Service agents whose main role is to protect the POTUS's nuclear football (sometimes from him/herself).  The ATs and power sets were chosen based on the code names for each level of DEFCON, and a little bit by what I felt like playing.  All of them are level 15-16 right now, but I'm thinking ahead.


DEFCON 5:  Fade Out -- Ice Melee/Radiation Armor Stalker

DEFCON 4:  Double Take -- Illusion Control/Electrical Affinity Controller

DEFCON 3:  Round House -- Martial Arts/Ice Armor Brute

DEFCON 2:  Fast Pace -- Fire Blast/Radiation Emission Corruptor

DEFCON 1:  Cocked Pistol -- Storm Summoning/Dual Pistols Defender


Looking at it now, an incredibly offensive group, but maybe not the most synergistic.  

Who run Bartertown?


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Shield Defense/Energy Melee Tanker

Dark Melee/Shield Defense Scrapper

Dual Blades/Energy Aura Stalker

Dual Pistols/Ninja Training Blaster

Ice Blast/Kinetics Corrupter

Plant Control/Savage Assault Dominator

Time Manipulation/Thugs Mastermind

Cold Domination/Water Blast Defender


I considered swapped my cold/water defender for my poison/sonic defender.

Even those these aren’t my absolute most powerful characters (some are like the tanker) for each role they are still pretty darn strong. This would be a tough boss battle to fight if they were all buffed to AV levels. All them are softcapped to several, if not all, types/positions (some even incarnate softcapped) individually. All the melee have great resist at least 50% of the time. Also best not to think of the defender as a squishy in this set up 🙂Then add in the support from the corruptor/defender/mastermind and they are pretty much immortal. 

The tanker is ultra tough, but can hit incredibly hard with energy melee. Have the kinetics back it up and look out for one shots from the tank. Not to mention the extreme damage from the stalker, scrapper, blaster, and corruptor. Then you’ll have the high damage dominator potentially locking down the group or confusing them. Not sure how powerful the mastermind pets would be given the mastermind would be AV level. Would that make the Bruiser an EB? Even so the mastermind would provide a consistent supply of semi powerful adds plus gang war fairly often on top of its support function. Depending on how big the team fighting my alts is my alt could be perma damage capped by the kinetics unless the raid team takes out the corrupter.  My alt team would also have a lot of recharge backing them up.


Would be a fun fight!

Edited by Saikochoro
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47 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

Claws/SR scrapper

Claws/SR Brute

SR/Claws Tank

Shield/EM Tank

Fire/Bio Sentinel

Fire/Time Blaster

Fire/Dark Corruptor

Dark/Time Controller


I wouldn't want to face that group.


Spin, spin, spin, inferno, inferno, spin, spin, inferno. 

Energy transfer for the one tanker that got super lucky and evaded some of the AoE. 

Pretty sure the raid team would be killed by just the spamming of spin and inferno haha

Edited by Saikochoro
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Team "Squishy" : 

Carnifax : Illusion / Dark controller 

Kerriae : Plant / Storm Controller

Modul-8 : Time / Sonic Defender

Bullitt Time : DP / Kin Corruptor

Crom Cruaich : Fire / Nature Corruptor

Thermodynamic Flux : Ice / Fire Blaster

Tempore : Water / Time Blaster

Mombie : Necro / Nature Mastermind 


Bring snipes....



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It'll be easy, your contact said...

Just skip into Oranbega and find some book with a magic ritual in it, they said...

No problem, right? You go in there and rob those silly ghost-wizards all the time, don't you?

It'll be a cake-walk! 



About that... 


'Looks like the spooks may have gotten a little tired of uninvited guests rampaging through their home and taking their stuff...

They're not throwing the behemoths and ghosts at you this time... 




So, I'd start that line-up with Semnai and the Aegis of Serenity... a Thorn Wielder and a living Ward spell (Broadsword/Bio Brute, built around ridiculous regeneration, and Illusion/Time Controller with ludicrous recharge), then add in Kai and Tes for Moar Damage (KM/Bio Stalker and Street/Shield Scrap built with shredding things in mind), Oreviel and Ivory for pure evil (Rev is a Rad/Dark Defender designed to debuff ALL THE THINGS, while Ivory is a Time/Dark Defender who was built to be able to jump right into the middle of groups with a crazy melee partner), while ending the line-up with Tavaris (My Dark/Bio Sentinel Death Mage, who's a little more controllery than blasty, plus tough enough to off-tank with) and Sarhadi (Dark/Dark/Soul "Tentacle Blaster", who also leverages the control and debuff bits of Dark-).


I'm not sure how they would fare in the end, but there would be tentacles EVERYWHERE, nobody would hit nuthin' and whoever got cornered by Tesamun and then spiked by Kaikara would probably have a few choice words to share with their contact regarding any more missions to go and "borrow" things from the Circle for a bit. 😆




Edited by Coyotedancer

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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Being a casual player, you guys would tear through my team rather easily. There's nothing really tricky here. My dominators and mastermind are still fairly low level, so they don't make the team. No corrupters, controllers, defenders, or tankers.


Lisliren: Fire/Willpower Sentinel
Dale Endeavor: Street Justice/Invulnerability Brute
Copper Cat: Psionic/Willpower Stalker
Yukihime: Ice/Ice Blaster
Sizzlepop: Fiery/Willpower Scrapper
Crystal Snowflake: Ice/Invulnerability Sentinel
Sarah Sorrow: Dark/Willpower Sentinel
Shandilok: Kinetic/Regeneration Scrapper

Edited by Mirai
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Interesting idea. I had to go back and look:


  • Oedipus Tex: Earth/Savage Dominator
  • Social Medium: Electric/Psi Dominator
  • Pinball Blizzard: Gravity/Storm Controller
  • Cold Reader: Ice/Psi Dominator
  • Sarcopha-Guy: Dark/Energy Dominator
  • Chilly Pepper: Fire/Ice Dominator
  • Late Fee: Dark/Martial Dominator
  • Radio Iceotope: Ice/Rad Stalker (LOL)

Hope you brought some breakfrees. 

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My 'A team' would probably look a bit like this.


Terror of the Depths: Savage/Dark/Soul

Dyne and Dash: Stj/EN stalker

Starflash: Warshade

Lilith Mk. 3: Ice/time/dark corruptroller.

Claws for Alarm: Claw/bio/soul scrapper

Augmented Reality: Gravity/Storm controller

Vaccine: Poison/DP defender

Frozen Fiend: Demons/Cold MM


Lots of damage and mitigation, with a bit of support mixed in to soften up even the toughest targets. Bring lots of buffs.


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Gonna have to scale some of my guys up to their "final forms" for this exercise, cause my stable of 50s tanks just isn't gonna cut it...


Crimson Shroud - Dark/Elec FearTank

Rad Riding Hood - Savage/Rad Brute Helpless Little Girl

Max Damage - EM/Bio Scrapper

Roger Omnibus - Crab Spider Leaderbean

Eternity's End - Time/Ice Defender

Shock and Awesome - Elec/Elec Defender

Grass Fed - Nature/Water Defender

Vinterhage - Plant/Cold Controller


A team built with buffs in mind. Defensively everyone is def & res capped, backed by layers of regen and absorb. Offensively they're loaded for bear with absurd to-hit, recharge and damage bonii. They don't bring a ton in the way of debuffs, and aren't exactly stacked for crowd control. But who needs any of that when they're effectively untouchable & and can reliably hit through double-MoG? 🙂



So many alts, so little time...

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2 hours ago, oedipus_tex said:

Interesting idea. I had to go back and look:


  • Oedipus Tex: Earth/Savage Dominator
  • Social Medium: Electric/Psi Dominator
  • Pinball Blizzard: Gravity/Storm Controller
  • Cold Reader: Ice/Psi Dominator
  • Sarcopha-Guy: Dark/Energy Dominator
  • Chilly Pepper: Fire/Ice Dominator
  • Late Fee: Dark/Martial Dominator
  • Radio Iceotope: Ice/Rad Stalker (LOL)

Hope you brought some breakfrees. 




So many alts, so little time...

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