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Help I keep getting mezzed


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Running a beam/dev, lvl 34, basic IO slotted only. I have SS/CJ/SJ, Tough/Weave, Field Op.  Was running arc from Brickstown/Crey's Folly and with Freakshow and Crey I am having a bit of a struggle with getting mezzed (Held, Slept, Immobilized specifically) 

What can I do? I know once you start slotting sets you can build up mezz protection. I chose blaster b/c of Highter dmg and target cap, but wondering if a Beam/Traps would have been better. Didnt want to run Sentinel for beam. 



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Aegis proc and the Impervious skin proc can help, combat jump protects against immobilize, you can slot a Steadfast Protection proc or a Karma proc for KB protection. Tactics helps with confuse.


Thats the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

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Mezzing is part of the trade off you get for being a blaster.  🙂  Carry break frees.  Set bonuses help too, but they only reduce the duration of the mez, not protect you from it. 


You shouldn't have any trouble with immobs since you have Combat Jumping - if you do, then they are stacking a lot of them on you.  And since you have Jumping pool, you can pick up Acrobatics for hold/KB protection.


Don't forget your T1 and T2 primary and T1 Secondary can still be used while mezzed - they've saved my life many of times while mezzed.  


Once you're incarnate, you can get Clarion Core Destiny for perma mez protection.


Till then... carry break frees. 😄 

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Also, you could team up with a tank or a brute who will keep aggro off of you. Or with a defender or corruptor who can give you mez protection.


I know, I know. No one ever wants to team up with other people and I'm a bad bad man for even suggesting it.

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If it fits in your build, Rune of Protection from the Sorcery pool works as a long-term (60 seconds?) BF, but does not accept recharge enhancements. Increasing range defense also reduces hits getting through as many mezzes are delivered through ranged attacks 


Target priority works well too. Kill - ahem, “arrest” - the mezzers first. Break LOS to minimize exposure. Active play. You can also pre-BF, akin to @Frozen Burn’s suggestion. 

Edited by Nyghtmaire
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The Splintered Soul Project: (Nyght****) 21 and counting (18 max). 


DSorrow: “Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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All good advice above. It's also helpful to use the mezzing tools blasters have available to them. The stuns and holds aren't nearly as powerful as those available to controllers but they can make all the difference. Learn which are the most problematic enemies and get your mez in first, unleashing that alpha aoe rotation can wait a beat or two.

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If you're soloing, then all of the advice above is good, and you will just get mezzed sometimes. I think for the long term, using IOs to improve your ranged defense is the simplest way to avoid most crowd control. Thunderstrike and Artillery are not that expensive.


On teams though, I think the curious nature of Beam Rifle makes it especially low-aggro, at least if you're trying to use the disintegration mechanic. Since you're going to be focusing single-target attacks against just one target to cause disintegration spread, you should only really aggro that one target. By the time you're ready to switch to AoE for the payoff, all the other mobs should have had ample opportunity to get aggro from other sources.

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I addition to the ideas above changing up the notoriety may help as well though not in the way you're probably thinking.  Problematic mobs/mezzers may be more prone to showing up at a given spawn size or difficulty so try tweaking up as well as down.

And no one has mentioned Defense Amplifiers though after recent changes they may not be a full time solution.

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This is interesting since I have a dark/dev blaster in the same level range and for someone without full time mezz protection I hardly get hit by mezzes at all. I think there are quite a few reasons for that some specific to dark and its control element and synergy with devices, and also that I am hover blaster using rune of protection (albeit I wasn't getting mezzed much even before I picked up ROP). But concentrating on your build, you really want a stealth IO to go with Field OP. And then you always should be able to set up a trip mine, hit the enemy with a smoke bomb, then aim and snipe the biggest threat in your mob before your enemy has time to react. Maybe from there you can proc out an AOE attack with your own mezz effects to further minimize the effectiveness of any counterattack. Anyway your best defense as a blaster against being mezzed is the power of your alpha strike.

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18 hours ago, graeberguinn said:

Running a beam/dev, lvl 34, basic IO slotted only. I have SS/CJ/SJ, Tough/Weave, Field Op.  Was running arc from Brickstown/Crey's Folly and with Freakshow and Crey I am having a bit of a struggle with getting mezzed (Held, Slept, Immobilized specifically) 

What can I do? I know once you start slotting sets you can build up mezz protection. I chose blaster b/c of Highter dmg and target cap, but wondering if a Beam/Traps would have been better. Didnt want to run Sentinel for beam. 



when you get your ATOs put Defiant Barrage in Disintegrate.  u gotta use it so much itll proc a lot.


until then, carry breakfrees and team with tanks.  also the p2w vendor has a defense booster that gives status protection for scaling inf costs.  worth it for an hour of not being stunned as easy.  beam/traps would be better for solo but kill times are pretty low compared to blasters.

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Lots of good advice above me.


Get proactive about doing unto the mobs first.  You've got good primary/secondary synergy, in that you can use Lancer Shot + Taser to stack Stuns on a Boss.


Another thing to note: part of Blasters' Defiance is that you can use your T1 and T2 primary, and your T1 secondary attacks while mezzed.

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Fire/Dev here.  I use:



—Fly prot, Immob, -KB%


—Immob, Hold, KB



—Confuse, Perception, veng is awesome


Clarion!!!  The 120sec version


Defense & Smoke Grenade (can’t mez you if they can’t hit you)


Defiant Barrage in your best AoE (mine is Fireball)


My biggest weakness is Stun, so yeah definitely slot mez resistance


Hover negates close AoE & Melee mezzes so positional defense


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formerly @JimmyVine (on Infinity & Victory)

currently @Cenozoic (on Reunion)


Cenozoic (Mind/Psionic Dominator) ... Los Infiernos (Fire/Devices Blaster) ... Slof (Stone/Spines Tanker) ... Zen's Furnace (Illusion/Dark Controller) ... Cryovolcano (Earth/Cold Controller)


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On 12/5/2021 at 1:18 PM, graeberguinn said:




This is part of your issue. Brickstown is mezz central. There's tons of mobs there with very high chances to Stun or Sleep you, and it happens around a time when the only real counteroptions aren't that attractive. 


In the 50s you'll be able to take the anti mezz Destiny Clarion power and not worry about it nearly as much, so the good news is its only a temporary issue.


You should try to slot an anti-kb somewhere in your build early. You can take Combat Jumping if you need to avoid Immobilize.

Edited by oedipus_tex
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On 12/8/2021 at 1:24 PM, Cenozoic said:

[dropping knowledge]


Frickin’ bible right here. 

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The Splintered Soul Project: (Nyght****) 21 and counting (18 max). 


DSorrow: “Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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On 12/5/2021 at 11:40 AM, Haijinx said:

ATO mezz protect proc in one of your AOEs

Really?  I tend to put it in either my T1 or T2 blast power so I can de-mezz myself if needed.

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Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55.


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Let's talk about how you deal with mezzes prior to IOs and ATOs and all the other temp buffs that HC gives us. Roll the timeline back to when we only had SOs and ED, that's how you learn how to play a blaster proper.


Even a group of 3 +1 mobs can be a challenge under those conditions depending on mob faction. Playing a blaster under those conditions requires awareness, both of your surroundings and of mob faction/problem targets.


You need to understand the problem targets from each faction that presents the greatest threat to your character, it's not always the boss. Consider a group of freaks with a Boss Freak Smasher, a chief stunner and a mad freak slammer, which one is the biggest threat to you? It's the chief, because it has tesla cage that can mez you from a distance and allow the hard hitting boss and minion to close in on you. When you engage that group the Stunner should be the first target you incapacitate. Against the crey the common problem targets are the crisis unit and the radiologist, as the former has sleep grenades and the latter has radiation infection that will debuff you, another trick to dealing with the radiologist is to break line of sight once the debuff lands. These are things no build will teach you.


Use the tools at your disposal, you can aim-snipe and try to one shot it from stealth, snipes are not guaranteed one hit kills against LTs though. You can use your own mez on it and take out of action. Are you opening with lancer shot which has a guaranteed stun? Or if you are up against bosses are you trying to stack stuns on it with Lancer shot and Taser? Did you take taser? did you skip it because "blasters shouldn't be in melee," even when taser has a 20 feet range?


There's also the art of pulling and using Line of sight to minimize how many opponents you engage. That's useful when there are multiple problem targets in a group, use a weak attack and joust the blast so that you are behind cover when the attack animates. 


Bottom line if you play a blaster like a brute and charge into everything you are going to fail. IOs/set bonuses can certainly cover up the lack of fundamentals a great deal for scrub content, but when you get on harder content like challenge runs with set bonuses disabled, those fundamentals will come in really handy.

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Liberty, Torchbearer, Excelsior, Everlasting

Jezebel Delias

Level 50 Fire/Elec/Mace Blaster


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On 12/5/2021 at 2:18 PM, graeberguinn said:

Running a beam/dev, lvl 34, basic IO slotted only. I have SS/CJ/SJ, Tough/Weave, Field Op.  Was running arc from Brickstown/Crey's Folly and with Freakshow and Crey I am having a bit of a struggle with getting mezzed (Held, Slept, Immobilized specifically) 

What can I do? I know once you start slotting sets you can build up mezz protection. I chose blaster b/c of Highter dmg and target cap, but wondering if a Beam/Traps would have been better. Didnt want to run Sentinel for beam. 




I have to go with assumptions because you give little to no detials.


1) You are soloing.

2) You are not targeting to destroy the mezers first

3) Your are fighting at short distance instead of at max range.

4) You don't have the first two primary powers

5) You are not carrying break frees.

6) You don't have Teleport Target


Why do I bring up these assumptions?

1) If you were teaming, you might have a defender with you that can give  you status (mez, sleep, hold, etc) protection, or a tank to taunt the mezers and spin them away from you so that you don't get mezed, or a stalker to assassin strike the mezers, 

2) If you target to take out the mezer first, then they won't have as much of a chance to mez you.

3) The further away from a mezer, the less likely you are to be mezed. You can out range them.

4) If you are playing a blaster, you can always use your first two primary powers ... even if you are mezed, slept, held, etc.

5) If you are getting mezed too much, obviously you should be carrying more break frees

6) If you had teleport target, you could set up a minefield and teleport the mezer into it or at least use it as a pull to lure them into it.


I really need more details before I can give a better answer.



Edited by UltraAlt

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Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

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3 hours ago, Chelsea Rorec said:

Blaster T1 and T2 primary attacks can be used when mezzed.

I always put the ATO mez proc in there.


I like putting in a devastation chance for hold (adds up to 3 chances to put a hold on your target per minute each).

It isn't unique. You can put it in both the T1 and T2 primaries. 6 chances to hold per minute.

Also much cheaper than an ATO if strapped for inf.

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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