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3 hours ago, GunKat said:

Thank you that was very informative. How do you Speed Influence? Is that the flip side of the coin?


I was "speed"ing up to try to get into the game to meet up with a friend.

I meant "spend".




And honestly, you now what they say - sometimes you have to spend money influence to make money influence.


oh, and I think that the tactic advertisers use on YouTube is called "Speed Influence".


So, yeah, go make some influence and buy some of my IO set enhancements.



Edited by UltraAlt

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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9 hours ago, UltraAlt said:

When City of Heroes first came out


Very good history lesson on influence and infamy.  But Praetorians have their own currency -- Information (not infants!) -- so now each side had its own currency.  And UltraAlt was also correct that initially when the Auction House and Black Market first came out (way before Praetorians) Influence and Infamy were different and the Markets were completely separate.  Some things were very expensive on one side and much cheaper on the other side.  It was a mess until the markets, and the currencies, were merged.  They still retain their respective names.  If you kill a critter in a red zone its infamy.  But it's all "Inf" and equal and tradable.

Edited by Bionic_Flea
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55 minutes ago, Bionic_Flea said:

But Praetorians have their own currency -- Information (not infants!)


Thanks, couldn't remember what it was called.



56 minutes ago, Bionic_Flea said:

Influence and Infamy were different and the Markets were completely separate.  Some things were very expensive on one side and much cheaper on the other side.  It was a mess until the markets, and the currencies, were merged.


I didn't think it was a mess. 

I thought it was what the villains deserved. You know, they should have to pay higher prices on the Black Market for their illegal goods with their ill-gotten gains.



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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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14 hours ago, momentarygrace said:

One of the things I do on all my new alts is go to the P2W Vendor and get the free Inner Inspiration. Tips for using it - have at least 3 empty Inspiration slots available before clicking it, it will award you about 3 Inspirations, and very often they include top tier (Large) types.


Use the Auction House to sell top level Isps ( I list them for 100 or less) and you general get some good pocket change for basically no investment.  The cooldown for using the power again is an hour but while I'm playing, it usually comes up again a couple of times. Have empty slots, use the power, sell any Large Insps, good way to get something extra for little effort and basically no investment.


Once you start getting invention salvage drops, you can make some choices about keeping or selling, but it doesn't hurt to sell most stuff. Invention Enhancements won't give you as much  'enhancement' up to about level 25. That's when IOs start being more cost effective, since they don't expire as you level.


Some folks use the auction house to try and get more inf for salvage and recipes, and do great at that. I'm impatient and short attention span so I often just sell everything but orange (Rare) invention salvage and Rare & Very Rare recipes to vendors. Rare salvage will usually bring more from the auction house than vendors will offer.


Anything anyone else posts about all of the above will likely be smarter, this is just my quick and dirty tips for low level alts. 🙂

So, I highlighted a couple of things in your post. 
It's not "about" 3 inspirations. It's specifically 3. The only time you don't get three is if you have certain inspirations disabled at the p2w, or you didn't have room for 3 in inventory. 

The cool down for Inner Inspiration is 30 minutes, not an hour. 

I do appreciate your trying to be helpful, but details do matter when it comes to resources. If a player were to log off for an hour and then return and repeat this process, your helpful advice would have limited his new get rich scheme by half. 

And yes, that's me trying to be silly. Did it work? 

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There's a lot of information in this thread already, but take a gander at the guide in my signature since it is a good read for a new player.

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5 hours ago, Ukase said:

So, I highlighted a couple of things in your post. 
It's not "about" 3 inspirations. It's specifically 3. The only time you don't get three is if you have certain inspirations disabled at the p2w, or you didn't have room for 3 in inventory. 

The cool down for Inner Inspiration is 30 minutes, not an hour. 

I do appreciate your trying to be helpful, but details do matter when it comes to resources. If a player were to log off for an hour and then return and repeat this process, your helpful advice would have limited his new get rich scheme by half. 

And yes, that's me trying to be silly. Did it work? 


No problemo, thanks for the corrections, I have edited my post. 😉



thank you.jpg

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Hello, I too am new-ish and having amassed several hundred million influence using beginners guides, I am wondering how people get the big bucks, billions. Is it just fire-farm for 100m per/hour for 10 hours, or is there something less "brute" oriented as I am a humble dominator of plants and all things ninja star. I've sunk a few hundred millions into Winter packs, and the chance at getting two temp powers instead of two 22m enhancements is just high enough to make it net loss. I guess there is the nightly Hami raid I could join in and sell HOs, but the timing does not align to my hours of operation. 



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46 minutes ago, Thrones said:

Hello, I too am new-ish and having amassed several hundred million influence using beginners guides, I am wondering how people get the big bucks, billions. Is it just fire-farm for 100m per/hour for 10 hours, or is there something less "brute" oriented as I am a humble dominator of plants and all things ninja star. I've sunk a few hundred millions into Winter packs, and the chance at getting two temp powers instead of two 22m enhancements is just high enough to make it net loss. I guess there is the nightly Hami raid I could join in and sell HOs, but the timing does not align to my hours of operation. 




I'm not being the least bit sarcastic when I tell you that the way to make billions is to do the same things you do to make millions, but do it a thousand times more.

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Who run Bartertown?


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21 hours ago, biostem said:

Another quick way to make some "seed money" is to grab the Inner Inspiration power (for free if you haven't already taken Mystic Fortune or Secondary Mutation), from the P2W Vendor.  Make sure you have 3 empty inspiration slots before you use it, and it'll give you 3 random medium or big inspirations.  Depending on which ones you get, you can make up to 50,000 INF by selling them on the Auction House.  There are many guides on how to make lots of INF, here.  Cheers!

50,000 from Inner inspiration drops sounds like a tall tale.

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31 minutes ago, BazookaTwo said:

50,000 from Inner inspiration drops sounds like a tall tale.


In my experience, purples, reds, and greens almost always pay 5 digits when you insta-sell (with purples usually the highest and greens usually the lowest).  Maybe not always 50k, but at least 10k in my recent experience.  50k is not unheard of, but if you are going to list it at 5, expect to get a lot lower.


But your mileage may vary.  Generally in the inspiration market people are either buying it nao or selling it nao so you can drive a truck through the bid-offer spread.

Who run Bartertown?


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4 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

I'm not being the least bit sarcastic when I tell you that the way to make billions is to do the same things you do to make millions, but do it a thousand times more.

This. You learn to be efficient at it, too.

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On 6/14/2022 at 4:33 PM, GunKat said:

Okay, I appreciate the tips, how do you get more influence at lower levels?

  • Have a really nifty costume and enter a costume contest and win
  • Turn off XP (in menu/option) and don't use the XP boosters and run anything that will give you merits or that you can sell. It's a trial called Summer Block Buster or  SBB is advertised on servers sometimes Minimum level 15 to enter at the end you'll have an option to choose a reward - choose the overwhelming force IO (enhancement) then go to the auction house *Wentworth (hero) or Black Market (villain) depending on which side you are playing on and sell that.  (If you started on yellow praetorian side, I think you are stuck in yellow land unless maybe it works in pocket D for a cooperative team?)  Sell that, it will bank you a few million, make sure you research to see how much you should be selling it for and sell it for around that or a little under I usually sell stuff a bit under so I'm assured to sell it if I'm selling it on the market or at least reasonably.  Do that a few times and you'll have a few million (maybe up to thirty depending on how the market is going on sales/purchases of those OF ios).

Earn merits - purchase things at the merit vendor and sell them off - one way is to Go to the Ouroborous zone and go to the giant crystal - look up lvl 15 (ish) range and you will want the mission "The New Recruits" (ask a friend to join you if you are on a character that dies easily or solo it if you want to try it out) This lists all of the Task Forces and their merit rewards you want the one towards the bottom that says "Rule of Three" that is the Old live version of the Positron Task force you will be running https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Old_Positron_Task_Force  (this may take as little as an hour or as long as six depending on your play style) It awards 66 merits - go to the merit vendor purchase random rolls or save them up and purchase a recipe you have researched sells well on the market, some people recommend purchasing and selling enhancement boosters at the vendor - I don't do that, but to each their own.

You can also do the Synapses task force that starts in Skyway city 58 merits can take 45 minutes up to many hours depending on your play style/team. This has an Arch Villain/Elite Boss in it, do not suggest soloing it at a low level if you're not familiar with it or have the build etc for it. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Synapse_Task_Force

  • There are new versions of the Positron Task force that are split up listed here: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Task_Force
  • You can also switch back and forth between hero/villain zones and run low level task forces or strike forces depending on what you would like. 


I think the Summer Block Buster is the quickest way but that's me - Remember to turn xp back on if you've turned it off.

Good luck, have fun!

Buddy the Elf makes debut for HUB Late Night


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On 6/14/2022 at 4:07 PM, Luminara said:


Why you lyin', Bill Z Tootsie Pop?


Wait, how many sl@sh commands does it take to get to the demonic center of a Bill Z Tootsie Pop?


Lets find out...


Ah One @Bill Z Bubba

Ah Two @Bill Z Bubba


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15 hours ago, Thrones said:

Hello, I too am new-ish and having amassed several hundred million influence using beginners guides, I am wondering how people get the big bucks, billions. Is it just fire-farm for 100m per/hour for 10 hours, or is there something less "brute" oriented as I am a humble dominator of plants and all things ninja star. I've sunk a few hundred millions into Winter packs, and the chance at getting two temp powers instead of two 22m enhancements is just high enough to make it net loss. I guess there is the nightly Hami raid I could join in and sell HOs, but the timing does not align to my hours of operation. 



One of the main tricks for amassing a few billion (once you learn the basics and i guess you have) is run your 50(s).  Generating new alts and outfitting them (and running pre 50) costs Influence, and earns less.  Running as a 50 you get Influence and Recipe drops and rewards that add up.  And if you are running the 50 you already have built you are spending nothing



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15 hours ago, Thrones said:

Hello, I too am new-ish and having amassed several hundred million influence using beginners guides, I am wondering how people get the big bucks, billions. Is it just fire-farm for 100m per/hour for 10 hours, or is there something less "brute" oriented as I am a humble dominator of plants and all things ninja star. I've sunk a few hundred millions into Winter packs, and the chance at getting two temp powers instead of two 22m enhancements is just high enough to make it net loss. I guess there is the nightly Hami raid I could join in and sell HOs, but the timing does not align to my hours of operation. 



While the answers you've gotten aren't incorrect, I think each of us does pretty much the same thing, but with different thresholds for a few variables. 

Some deal in salvage, others deal in flipping  - as in buying one item cheap, and reposting it at a higher price - and some deal in taking trash and turning it into gold with the use of converters. 

Some farm. Farming isn't marketing, but farming is a great complement to it, as the drops give you the materials that your marketer would have to purchase. All depends on how you want to do things. With multiple accounts, you can have several afk-farmers raking in small loot, or you can use each to cover different niches and rake in more loot. 

One thing I want to make clear: the auction house doesn't care what AT you are. You can buy/sell as easily as any other AT. 

With regard to HOs...the math says, or it used to say - take the merits. But with the newer types of "special enhancements" from Dr. Aeon, I think if you find a good group of speeders, you can run this a few times in an hour and increase your odds of getting one of those super expensive D-syncs. Some 53's have sold for 2 billion, if you can believe that. And that SF you can do on your own schedule. 

My preferred niches are level 10 pvp IO recipes. Buy them, craft them, convert and sell them. Fairly good margins in that space. 

You mention Winter Packs. You get on average 1.2 IOs per pack. To overcome the trash packs that don't have any IOs, you need to buy in bulk. Like at least 10 at a time. If you can't, well, the risk is there, as you've discovered. 
But, there's a way to increase your profits on the Winter-Os you do get - catalyze them. The superiors sell for about 8-10M more, and a catalyst if you have to buy one will only cost about 2M. 


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15 hours ago, BazookaTwo said:

50,000 from Inner inspiration drops sounds like a tall tale.

I'm guessing you've never bought large inspirations before. 

I'm what you would call a bid creeper. I try to buy the larges at 10k. Yellows, blues...maybe oranges, I can get. Purples, Reds, Greens? Never. (unless I place a patient bid from the night before)

Usually, I'm on a new 50 about to join a tf or trial and I would rather have the inspirations and not need them, then need them and not have them. So, depending on the character, I endeavor to fill my tray with the insps that my character is likely to need the most. 

For buy it now prices, I almost always have to spend 75K or more. 

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On 6/14/2022 at 2:30 PM, GunKat said:

Hi All,


I am new here. I read that "Influence" is the in game currency. How do I gain Influence?



Make a character and go through the tutorial.

Keep the inspirs they give you.

Once you have 5 influ, you can list one of them on the market for 5 influ.

Sell the other after you sell the first one.

Starting buying common/white salvage at like 100 influ.

Sell what you get to a vendor for 250.

Do this with stacks of ten at a time.

Eventually you can go on the market and start buying level 50 common IO recipes.

Same thing. Eventually do it with stacks of ten.

Around 2 mill or so( I haven't been on in a while), start grabbing level 41 Red Fortune recipes.

Craft and use converters on them. Just convert within the same defense type so the cost is 2 converters.

Sell at a profit.

Rinse and repeat.

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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Or level to eight, do one Positron part one, sell merits and have about two million.


Have mercy on the newbies when suggesting to sell stuff for 5/100/250 inf.

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