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Posted (edited)

Re read my 1rst post here :

It's combined with secondary and epics : FootStomp + DarkObliteration + Rad Therapy/Ground Zero = only Boss alive.

Thats up to 4 large AoE.

Edited by Funkenstein

My Tanker Folder is filling up with builds as I work through trying to find the most consistent and best options for a primary that gives the most support for the least amount of slots. @Cipher posted up some very interesting metrics today about power set selections at 50. Took a gander at the Tanker portion and the top two choices weren't much of a surprise. I did find it interesting that Energy Melee was as high up as it was. I will definitely be looking closely as this for focusing on a couple of the "lower favored" sets between the melee classes to see how this process may impact them specifically. While not a 1 for 1 trade off, given what's there, I'm betting the less-chosen sets are the "not as strong" feeling choices people are making.



  On 8/31/2019 at 3:59 PM, Funkenstein said:

Re read my 1rst post here :

It's combined with secondary and epics : FootStomp + DarkObliteration + Rad Therapy/Ground Zero = only Boss alive.

Thats up to 4 large AoE.


You're in luck as I will be visiting some time with Radiation Armor specifically for its two AoE effects, but @Hjarki does still have a valid point about efficiency. You are incorporating more than just what Radiation can do on its own in your purview of the set though, and when isolated to just Rad versus Dark, there's certain aspects about the sets themselves that change the dynamic. I'm not going to say one is better than the other for any specific reason, but there are things each can do that are unique compared to the other and can potentially have a significant impact on how they play out.


Keep an open mind about the cross comparison. Procs can change the game.


Testing Update

Beta Server is still in mimic mode and hasn't been kicked back over to full unlock mode yet, so bit delayed on moving forward with testing specific builds to their full extremes. I've gotten most of the builds rounded out at this point though, I have 14 15 in total put together, but most likely not going to go through 14 15 total tests. I'm definitely going to run a few specific Primary sets to make sure their "Proc Maximized" approach performs well, and a few builds are going to head out to some folks that "tossed a hat in the ring."


Primary v. Secondary Evaluations

I evaluated as many of the sets as warranted to look for prime resolutions to making the optimal build for a proc paired (and ideally set-bonus-less) secondary. Super Reflexes is definitely the easiest one (whether that was obvious or not) given it takes very little effort to get that build to 45%. Something interesting about SR, is doing it with a Tanker it can hit 59% in a fast hurry, so balancing that down a bit gives some power flexibility. I ended up working Titan Weapons in to SR since it was essentially the only set that allowed the most freedom to mess with Titan and have both extra power choices, and slots.


Slots are definitely the biggest struggle here. Trying to balance out where and how slots get allocated to give the secondary the most breathing room for power selection, the potential to get an effective use out of a few epic powers, and how all the attacks get worked out was an interesting challenge. Some Primary Sets surprised me like Invulnerability, leaving me with a pretty wide margin of slots to use (48), and a couple of situations with Resistance based sets where the shear lack of any defensive powers and heavy defensive slotting left more versatile power choices and a few extra slots to shuffle around. If I was able to hard-cap Resistance values (or get real close), I completely avoided any kind of defense based platform and left the rest of those builds to focus on proc performance beyond that. Electric ended up probably being the easiest to balance out at ~90% across the board. Dark has several gap areas, but if it flips on four toggles and gets hit with a 20% defense shield, it's probably one of the most unkillable options to play.


With each primary I looked at options for a paired secondary that might either compliment, or benefit from the nature of the primary it got paired with. Some choices were natural selections a lot of players already take, so it became more an evaluation of 'how much better do procs make this popular pairing'? I mentioned in a previous post about the "Flavour of the Month" analysis of power set selections and popularity, and how I was going to look towards that for sets to focus on.


What I pulled from that was the top four, and bottom four choices from Tanks, Scrappers, Stalkers, and Brutes. I then pulled the commonalities and made sure that those sets were represented some how.

From the bottom of the Melee class chain for Defensive sets: Ice Armor, Super Reflexes, Energy Armor, Electric Armor, and Dark Armor.

From the top of the Melee class chain for Defensive sets: Bio Armor, Shield Defense, and Willpower

From the bottom of the Melee class chain for Attack sets: Kinetic Melee, Ice Melee, Martial Arts, Battle Axe

From the top of the Melee class chain for Attack sets: Electric Melee, Radiation Melee, Super Strength, and Spines


When I do a final collection of build posts, all of these sets will have some kind of representation. There will also be one non-Tanker build I drop in this process because Tanks don't have Energy Armor (why not?! /em sadface), and I was belligerently insistent on doing a "Strong and Pretty" proc build so there will be a Brute War Mace/Energy Armor among the masses.


Some other specific builds I want to hype up early:

  • Bio Armor/Energy Melee
    • There's already been some floating mentions about Energy Melee getting a more significant review for Melee classes, and not just the Dominator Assault set. No mentions of a when, just that the current "dev team" is "looking into it."
    • Energy Melee has a lot of bad history, and I wanted to see what Procs might do to change this set in a meaningful way.
  • Radiation/Spines
    • Talk came up about Radiation's extra AoE capabilities baked into the Primary, and I really wanted to look both at those, and Spines for procs, and see what could be done about making a "Proc Blender." Rad Armor just made the most sense to try this out with.
  • Super Reflexes/Titan Weapons
    • I want to see just what a raw TW Proc Build can do!

Going to toss in some options here because having templates ends up being a big request for some. I grabbed some basic "Blanks" as I was calling them, for a few Primary sets where any Secondary can be dropped into them and proc-loaded. These are (mostly) contained slot options that don't need any (if much of any) extra add ins from the attack set. I only grabbed a few of them:

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But Mysh, this wall of text and no testing?!

Not quite, I did actually drop a couple of builds onto test to get started, but I didn't want to go crazy encase the server gets wiped on the next load-up, or there's an issue with parsing the unlock of Incarnates on Beta for existing toons.


So what did I test? Shield/Rad. Loaded it up and took it for a spin to start really testing that Contaminated spread and how procs reported back. I have a huge hour long data log to flip through, but I can say early that Procs do, in fact, trigger off the contaminated spread effect. I went around just punching one thing with just Radioactive Smash over and over, and over, and over, to kick those triggers. They're definitely procs floating off the Pseudo Pet that's delivering around Contaminated from the primary target. It pretty much is to the point where I can run in with Irradiated Ground on, put RS on auto-fire, and walk away for a few minutes.


Despite not having access to Musculature or Ageless for testing, it looks like the build is fairly self sustained without the Incarnate tools. I can pretty easily clear 52-54 Rikti spawns in the RWZ within a couple of minutes by bouncing Atomic and Shield Charge. I did collect some footage of this thing plowing through Rikti, and I'll probably put that together once I can do "final" testing after Beta restoration. I did also run out and punch a Pylon, a lot, to get a pretty core time to measure against. Without the incarnate slots unlocked, (so no damage balancing with Musculature, it took me 10:30 to take down a Pylon.

  • Like 5
  On 9/5/2019 at 6:33 AM, Sir Myshkin said:
  • Radiation/Spines
    • Talk came up about Radiation's extra AoE capabilities baked into the Primary, and I really wanted to look both at those, and Spines for procs, and see what could be done about making a "Proc Blender." Rad Armor just made the most sense to try this out with.
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I can personally attest to rad melee being a "proc blender" as my live build has irradiated ground fully proc slotted and it simply chews up herds. I tested it with a friend who had traditional damage slotting in his IG, and the results were pretty significant in favor of the procced out version.

  • Like 1

Status Update

Tanker Testing is officially on hold for approximately a week. Confirmed estimation of time before the server will be wiped (so all current stuff gone, which sucks, but is expected), and the status of things reset to "cheat mode" given "sometime next week."



I was just pinged by your reply so I noticed the thread. Some of the experimental changes going to the test server next week target tankers, so that might mess up with your plans, although it also means it's a great time to get testing done on tanker changes.

  • Like 2
  • Thanks 3
  On 9/7/2019 at 5:55 AM, Leandro said:

I was just pinged by your reply so I noticed the thread. Some of the experimental changes going to the test server next week target tankers, so that might mess up with your plans, although it also means it's a great time to get testing done on tanker changes.


I'd dare say that Tanker changes fit perfectly into my plans! And you'll have a pretty solid play-by-play of them right here 😄

Posted (edited)
  On 9/5/2019 at 6:33 AM, Sir Myshkin said:

Invulnerability Blank:

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This is most intriguing, and has me considering revising my expensive planned Inv/EM build using your layout for the armor powers. (It's moderately ludicrous, and has way to many winter enhancements in it, so it's about 900M-1B, even with prices where they are now.)


A couple things, though - one, you saved the build with Invincibility set to 10 enemies, which made me think you'd somehow managed to softcap def with only armor powers and sets, which nearly made my head explode, and two, you can put a pair of Cytoskeleton Exposures in Tactics to get the same end cost and slightly more to-hit without needed to use level boosters on the IOs.



On another look, there's some weird choices in this build. The one that stuck out at me was Maneuvers. You've six slotted it, putting in five of Red Fortune, but all that gets you over putting in a three slot LotG is .09% defense (and, admittedly, .09 less end/s, but end really shouldn't be a problem for most secondaries, once slotted.)

Taking those three slots and moving them to Tough Hide and Combat Jumping lets you get two more LotG three-sets. That's 20% regen, 3.4% more HP, and 1.28% defense - and that's with changing the +5 LotG Defense from Tough Hide into a +0, so you can use attuned IOs instead.

There's also the aforementioned Tactics slotting thing, and I don't quite know why you put a fourth piece of Aegis in Temp Invuln. There should be plenty of incidental S/L resist floating around in any tanker build that would free up that slot - just putting in the two ATO sets will push you up over 90%, in fact.

The only other change you might want to consider, if you're not wedded to getting the Preventative Medicine resist and recharge bonuses, is pulling two slots out of that and frankenslotting it with the Heal/Recharge from all the 50 healing sets (Panacea, Numina, Doctored Wounds and Preventative). This actually gives you a slightly faster recharge and nearly identical heal values, while saving you two more slots. 


So, here's my proposal for a revised Inv tanker shell- it gets you a bit more defense across the board, still gets you to S/L softcap with nothing but the Tanker ATOs, has higher regen and barely higher HP total, and has a little extra to-hit to boot. And you go from 39 free enhancement slots to 42. The only things you lose are 13.75% recharge (from losing the Preventative Medicine and Red Fortune sets, slightly higher end-drain (from .98 to 1.1/s), +2% damage and 3.8% global EndRdx.


Personally, I've always had more trouble getting all the enhancement slots I want for attack powers on my Inv tankers, so every free enhancement slot is golden. Even if it's not being used for your proc monster build, I suspect this sort of template could be very handy for a lot of people, so thanks for putting it out there.


Hasted Invuln Template:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • (A) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%
  • (13) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All)
  • (A) Aegis - Resistance
  • (3) Aegis - Resistance/Endurance
  • (13) Aegis - Resistance/Recharge
  • (A) Panacea - Hea/Recharge
  • (5) Numina's Convalesence - Heal/Recharge
  • (5) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Recharge
  • (7) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime
  • (A) Reactive Armor - Resistance
  • (11) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Endurance
  • (33) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Recharge
  • (A) HamiO:Ribosome Exposure
  • (9) HamiO:Ribosome Exposure
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
  • (17) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
  • (17) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
  • (A) Reactive Armor - Resistance
  • (15) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Endurance
  • (23) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Recharge
  • (A) HamiO:Cytoskeleton Exposure
  • (31) HamiO:Cytoskeleton Exposure
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (21) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
  • (19) Reactive Defenses - Defense
  • (19) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance
  • (25) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All)
  • (31) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
  • (27) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
  • (29) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
  • (50) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
  • (50) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
  • (A) Empty
  • (A) Empty
  • (A) Empty
  • (A) Empty
  • (A) Empty
  • (A) Empty
  • (A) Empty
  • (A) Empty
  • (A) Run Speed IO
  • (A) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance
  • (11) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery
  • (A) Jumping IO
  • (A) Performance Shifter - EndMod
  • (15) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
Edited by kenlon
  On 9/7/2019 at 8:10 PM, kenlon said:

So, here's my proposal for a revised Inv tanker shell- it gets you a bit more defense across the board, still gets you to S/L softcap with nothing but the Tanker ATOs, has higher regen and barely higher HP total, and has a little extra to-hit to boot. And you go from 39 free enhancement slots to 42. The only things you lose are 13.75% recharge (from losing the Preventative Medicine and Red Fortune sets, slightly higher end-drain (from .98 to 1.1/s), +2% damage and 3.8% global EndRdx.


The thing is, it's all about those +Recharge bonuses. When looking at a proc-focused build, you can't rely on set bonuses coming out of the powers you'll be significantly stacking procs in to, so if we need to hunt down recharge, it has to be in the areas where set bonuses are possible, and that's in the Primary for Tankers. Unfortunately the very fact that you pulled out nearly 14% global recharge invalidates the changes, and makes them not possible to accept. This is the reason that there are the 7.5% LotG and a 5-set of Red Forturnes, specifically for the extra 5% Recharge and no other reason.


The idea behind leveraging procs in the attacks is not having any recharge enhancements in those abilities, which means no set bonuses coming from there. As for the ATO's the only portion of any of those that can be leveraged in a few places are four pieces from the 'Might of the Tanker' set to get the extra 10% Recharge.

  On 9/8/2019 at 3:15 PM, Sir Myshkin said:

The thing is, it's all about those +Recharge bonuses. When looking at a proc-focused build, you can't rely on set bonuses coming out of the powers you'll be significantly stacking procs in to, so if we need to hunt down recharge, it has to be in the areas where set bonuses are possible, and that's in the Primary for Tankers. Unfortunately the very fact that you pulled out nearly 14% global recharge invalidates the changes, and makes them not possible to accept. This is the reason that there are the 7.5% LotG and a 5-set of Red Forturnes, specifically for the extra 5% Recharge and no other reason.


The idea behind leveraging procs in the attacks is not having any recharge enhancements in those abilities, which means no set bonuses coming from there. As for the ATO's the only portion of any of those that can be leveraged in a few places are four pieces from the 'Might of the Tanker' set to get the extra 10% Recharge.


I knew you were hunting recharge, but I figure the core of a Tanker is to be able to take hits, and thus any build is going to have to balance hitting the defensive targets needed with taking procs to increase damage.  If you decide that you need those recharge bonuses, it just takes you from 42 open enhancement slots down to 37, and you still are better set for tanking than you were before.

  On 9/7/2019 at 5:55 AM, Leandro said:

I was just pinged by your reply so I noticed the thread. Some of the experimental changes going to the test server next week target tankers, so that might mess up with your plans, although it also means it's a great time to get testing done on tanker changes.



Now, THIS is something that I am looking forward to.

Playing CoX is it’s own reward


Welp, the tanker changes on Beta sure puts a wrench into this testing. Not sure how long until the changes go live, so whatever is discovered will be TBD. Also, everything tested won't necessarily go live, so that makes any potential findings inconclusive. 


As for the changes, the increase in endurance would certainly benefit a proc build. However the increase in damage cap and base damage helps a traditional build. 


The changes to AoE will help a proc build, as I suspect the base values will stay the same (boost range should not change ppm calculations). So having an 8 foot aura hitting in a 16 foot radius is definitely nice.



PPM Information Guide               Survivability Tool                  Interface DoT Procs Guide

Time Manipulation Guide             Bopper Builds                      +HP/+Regen Proc Cheat Sheet

Super Pack Drop Percentages       Recharge Guide                   Base Empowerment: Temp Powers

Bopper's Tools & Formulas                         Mids' Reborn                       

  On 9/11/2019 at 9:08 PM, Bopper said:

The changes to AoE will help a proc build, as I suspect the base values will stay the same (boost range should not change ppm calculations). So having an 8 foot aura hitting in a 16 foot radius is definitely nice.


This does pose an interesting question on how they set that formula up. When does it check for the proc chance, and which modification is it going to use. I don't recall seeing this in the initial discussion but... that one particular thread got kinda crazy long in a hurry with folks' opinions so if anything updated on that, I didn't catch it. If it checks and validates, then extends, or extends, then checks and validates. I mean, in general that's kind of weird...


I don't feel the evaluation will change too much though, as an overall. The damage buff isn't bad, but I already did most of my planning around the idea of making sure there were both reasonable damage enhancement (90-110%), and procs on top of that so that each power was ideally maxed. This update just adds more "oompf" now. Will semi invalidate a bit though for what changes don't go through.

  On 9/11/2019 at 9:08 PM, Bopper said:

The changes to AoE will help a proc build, as I suspect the base values will stay the same (boost range should not change ppm calculations). So having an 8 foot aura hitting in a 16 foot radius is definitely nice.




The changes to Bruising will hurt a proc build a lot too, so it all comes out a wash really.


Minor update:

Yes the Tanker changes on the test server hit, but shortly after a change was made in trying to instance the Rikti Mothership Raid that has Pylon's now spiked to level 54, which dramatically changes that aspect of my testing for simple ST performance scales. I had also still been under the weather for a bit so I couldn't jump into the test server immediately after the patch, and thus missed my small original window of opportunity. I do have a pile of stuff that's been completed, but I wanted to keep things concise and together without separating data sets. If the Pylons don't get corrected shortly, I'll withhold that aspect for the time being and post what I do have for a few builds.


For those who requested to help test builds, I'll be shooting those out. If there were any others that wanted to take some stuff for a test drive, shoot me a message. I know the current dev team would appreciate any mileage they can get out of Tanks right now.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Tanker Testing: Update #2


Shield Defense/Radiation Melee:


There were a couple of sets that I started doing preliminary testing on at the beginning of September before Justin became a Pineapple, and Rikti Pylons became viscous player hating towers actually they've kinda always been that. We expect, and somewhat know that most cases of what gets tested here for Tanks is mechanics we have certainty that work at this point. Melee attacks are an aspect of one of the most prolific parts of the game, and a lot of people plug in procs here and there and get a lot of random experience with them, but typically no one is shoving all the procs in at once, like we are here. This becomes more a test of "what happens when I overfill the cookie jar."


Incidentally, there is something odd going on with Irradiated Ground that is demonstrating inconsistencies with how it handles reporting back on procs like the -Res ones. When monitoring Pylon times I came across several concerns to the point where I recorded just that single powers interactions on a single target and caught irregularities in the duration of its debuffs (cutting short). While concerning as there's no pattern or warranted excuse for the error, the procs still do go off at a considerable rate. I will be reviewing video from Pineapple with Irradiated Grounds running and contrast to see if the problem persists as I assume it will.


For survival, of course many of these Tank primaries are going to do well, they're Tanks, they're built for it! Well, to a degree, I'm bending builds to do everything within just one half of my slot options. Still, Shield is definitely an easy set to reach target goals with, and was incredibly self sustaining. My initial testing for SD/Rad was without any Incarnates what-so-ever due to the restrictions when test was still 'Justin.' I ended up recording some of that prelim survival before an attempted Pylon run, and have parsed it into a little >5:00 video 🙂 I compressed the Pylon time down though as it is 10:30's of my bashing on a bag of HP until it dies. This footage gave for a nice contrast against pre and post Tank changes, too, as I now have a post-pineapple SD/Rad put together. I did a few alterations to power choices since I wasn't stuck taking Contaminated Strike, and tossed in Gloom for a ranged, strong ST attack. I know I said earlier that the situations with Pylons were hindering things, but I decided to do a one-off contrast and beat down a level 54 Pylon with this build. It came back with a 13:09 time.


Yeah, that's longer, what the heck, right? Well, slow down that thought train a bit. The Pylons were set as "Objects" scaled to a level, when we went and punched them before the game just treated them as a level 50 even-con. The "bug" (if we're calling it that) currently altering the chemistry of Pylons into 54 meanies is causing a scaling issue. Damage got reduced to about 5/8ths of the original impact, and all debuffs were also reduced (-13% for the -Res compared to -20 before). The fact that I still managed that time is worth merit in the bump in damage. I'm estimating that a corrected time for the Pylons, on this particular build, should be more around 8:00 give or take 0:30. I will also note that this, of course, included incarnates in the mix; a T4 Musculature, Degen, and Hybrid Assault Cores.


For a bit of contrast, I took some numbers out of the game:


Radiation Siphon and Devastating Blow w/ Musculature T4 Core against a 52 Rikti:

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Without T4 Musculature against 52 Rikti:

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Some contrast to that from Pre-Pineapple:

Radiation Siphon was hitting for 40.23/120.7 + ~65 on basic procs

Devastating Blow was hitting for 56.28/168.86


We're definitely not talking about a huge difference, but one that matters on an over-time scale. Proc based builds definitely benefitted more with Bruising than without, however: Even if a slight shift in power gives the Tank more "consistent" overall damage, we were really bent on maxing the given opportunities, and having -Res boost the scale of Procs was nice to have when it came to ST foes. However, as a holistic picture, it probably doesn't matter to loose it because we weren't getting that initial -20% set up on every single target we punched, so things like AoE's weren't every really going to benefit from it. Given that, the loss of Bruising isn't likely to be much, grand-picture.


Stealth Edit Add:

Proc Choices


Some notes I forgot I wanted to add, on terms of the powers within the set. Since Radiation Melee does have a -Def component, we get access to another puddle of Procs, and the Achilles Heel -Res. Irradiated Ground can technically take this proc, and it does pop a lot within that power, but I've come to the determination that carrying it within a ST power like Radioactive Smash is kind of necessary to keep at least that one -Res proc more consistent, giving Tanks the chance to maintain that unique aspect of debuff still.


Devastating Blow is likely going to need a smidgen of Recharge to bring it within line for an effective attack chain. I dropped the Acc/Dam/Rech Hecatomb in as it doesn't need to be much, just a hair to get it in line with a full chain of RS>Gloom>RS>DB without much of a gap (a hair at the tail end off Ageless that gets filled with Fusion and Hasten a lot).


Nearly all of the attacks can be crammed with four procs, and perform well with that many shoved in and appropriate balance given to the last two slots to pack in a little Acc/Dam/End into them.


Because Irradiated Ground re-drops itself every 5/s, packing it with some extra damage procs ends up being well-worth the investment because it gets that trigger chance each drop. Beyond that it doesn't seem like that Pseudo-pet ever has accuracy issues, so just using a single End Redux with five procs seems to be working out just fine. I haven't come across too much of an issue otherwise. I'll probably do a separate to-hit check validation to make sure, but... damage still showed a ton so!



Energy Melee & Bio Armor


Lets talk about Energy Melee, that wonderfully infamous set that so many folks try and play, and so many more hate to play. I got an opportunity to really sit down and just muck-about with EM on Justin (what else did I have to do). Procs transform this set in a beautiful way. Not saying they don't do beneficial things for other sets, but they really drag this set forward on the scale of "is this viable right now?"


I posted some early info on another thread in the Brute sub section talking about a bit of the secret that is Proc-EM.


Bone Smasher:

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Whirling Hands:

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Energy Transfer:

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This is being done without Musculature padding the remainder of the damage enhancement that puts the attacks from 60-70% up to 110-120% for their personal damage too. I couldn't even begin to explain it, but I don't think there was a circumstance I didn't just see proc numbers constantly floating above heads with Whirling Hands. And Energy Transfer hitting for 894 (!), with the extra value added in that should crack 1,000 points. On a Tank. That's firing off 300 points of damage in procs alone which is half of what the power hit for to begin with! Add in the combination of Bio Armor to push up some additional +Dam values, and this thing was actually really fun to kite around the RWZ with punching things into oblivion. Energy Punch, Bone Smasher, Whirling Hands, Energy Transfer, and Total Focus were all hitting like trucks, and it was just a glorious day for Energy Melee. I wont say that the set may, or may not still need reviewed, but Procs definitely change the landscape of this power set in a pretty big way.


If we get our normal Pylons back in the RWZ on Pineapple, I'll likely revisit SD/RM and take Bio/EM for a run against them. One to get the former another metric to scale against, and the latter to see what Proc-EM can do! If someone was adventurous enough to build one on the living server, I'd encourage the effort.



Shield Defense/Radiation Melee/Soul Mastery Build:

Footnote to add, Mid's doesn't reflect Pineapple conditions, obviously, so Contaminated Strike (in the build) was actually Radioactive Smash, but slotted as CS is.

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Bio Armor/Energy Melee/Pyre Mastery Build:

Footnote to add, this is as was tested (and currently functions on the living server). In the advent of the Pineapple server conditions for Tank Testing, Barrage would get swapped with Energy Punch, and then that opened power slot would get replaced with Total Focus. In my initial test I wanted to try a build using Char, and even though it is a bit longer recharge and lower base damage, it hit(s) like a truck on its own and probably (even with the test changes) has more consistent value than Total Focus because it animates in a third the time.

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Last But Not Least A little video of running around as an SD/RM/Soul Tank on Pineapple:



Edited by Sir Myshkin
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  • Thanks 1

Gold star! Very, very interesting Energy Melee info.

While likely not going to change slotting on Energy Transfer or Total Focus, I will totally try re-slotting Whirling Hands and leaping's Spring Attack for a damage dealing boost.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum


That should have been "Gold star! (as always!!)"

This research and testing is greatly appreciated. It opens up a lot of variety and options.


Thank you,


-back to lurking

  • Like 1

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum


Tanker Testing Update #2.1


Remember not that long ago (Monday, it was last Monday) when I said I traveled into the RWZ and bloodily beat a level 54 Pylon to arrest and it took 13:09 and I speculated that a normal-conditioned Pylon would probably happen in 7:00-8:00 minutes?


Remember that?


I was wrong. I was really, really wrong. I did it in 3:40.

/em wait for the record scratch.


So yeah, hopped back on with the same build, loaded in near a Pylon and jumped on it; heck I didn't even pre-load Ageless! Started bashing away and realized that the HP bar was shrinking something awful fast, and Ageless still hadn't refreshed, and then it did, and then the Pylon exploded and I went "...huh." Figured I'd try it again with Hybrid on, see what happens. Repeated success, faster time. The test changes for Tanks made a pretty incredible bump in their ST performance, I'd say that's pretty straight forwardly apparent right now. Of course it wouldn't be fair of me to not include a video, for posterity.



Now that Pylons are restored, I'm going to revisit this aspect of the testing with Bio/EM and also talk about some of the results that have come back in regards to Ice/Stone (Leviathan and Soul) thanks to legwork from @Rylas.

  On 9/23/2019 at 7:34 AM, Sir Myshkin said:

Tanker Testing Update #2.1


Remember not that long ago (Monday, it was last Monday) when I said I traveled into the RWZ and bloodily beat a level 54 Pylon to arrest and it took 13:09 and I speculated that a normal-conditioned Pylon would probably happen in 7:00-8:00 minutes?


Remember that?


I was wrong. I was really, really wrong. I did it in 3:40.

/em wait for the record scratch.




I noticed you had the Tier 2 power and not the Tier 1 Contaminated Strike.  Now that they have unswapped the T1 and T2, how much does that change things?


  On 9/24/2019 at 1:38 AM, Lifeblood2112 said:

" especially considering Agility and Spiritual both negatively impact proc probability. "  Can you elaborate on this please?



They count as a recharge enhancement, which lowers the probability of your procs triggering. You can read about it in the Procs Per Minute Information Guide in the Guides Forum (also, link is in my signature block). There you will find the formulas that explain this.

PPM Information Guide               Survivability Tool                  Interface DoT Procs Guide

Time Manipulation Guide             Bopper Builds                      +HP/+Regen Proc Cheat Sheet

Super Pack Drop Percentages       Recharge Guide                   Base Empowerment: Temp Powers

Bopper's Tools & Formulas                         Mids' Reborn                       

  On 9/23/2019 at 11:44 PM, Caulderone said:


I noticed you had the Tier 2 power and not the Tier 1 Contaminated Strike.  Now that they have unswapped the T1 and T2, how much does that change things?



Technically, from a raw standpoint on the power itself, Contaminated Strike actually has a slightly better DPA over Radioactive Smash (54 vs 52), but in practical use, Smash has a higher chance to trigger Contaminated which makes it the better power. The difference between them in a ST scenario is pretty slim, and they can be slotted the same way. What's interesting is that Strike--due to its shorter animation time--would result in a gap in the normal attack chain as is, if I double it up to fill that gap, it reduces DPS even further. Running it with a .5-.7/s gap is safer than over-extending by .4/s.


I suspect that Strike over Smash would end up closer to a 4:00 time. I can't honestly see a super-huge reason to try and cram an additional attack into the build just to get a slightly-better performing ST Containment trigger when the build carries Shield Charge (an AoE so good that it can be justified to splash into a ST chain).

  On 9/24/2019 at 4:02 AM, Sir Myshkin said:

Technically, from a raw standpoint on the power itself, Contaminated Strike actually has a slightly better DPA over Radioactive Smash (54 vs 52), but in practical use, Smash has a higher chance to trigger Contaminated which makes it the better power. The difference between them in a ST scenario is pretty slim, and they can be slotted the same way. What's interesting is that Strike--due to its shorter animation time--would result in a gap in the normal attack chain as is, if I double it up to fill that gap, it reduces DPS even further. Running it with a .5-.7/s gap is safer than over-extending by .4/s.


I suspect that Strike over Smash would end up closer to a 4:00 time. I can't honestly see a super-huge reason to try and cram an additional attack into the build just to get a slightly-better performing ST Containment trigger when the build carries Shield Charge (an AoE so good that it can be justified to splash into a ST chain).


Your 3 minute times with the PTS tanker energy melee are still better than my PTS rad tanker. I only got four minutes as I posted on the Pylon thread. It seems to me like Irradiated Ground would be better served with some accuracy slotted in instead of 6 procs.

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