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Everything posted by Gobbledygook

  1. Well, this chapter is named Second Chances, maybe they'll fix rage and in the process, figaure out a way to port it to us.
  2. Hey, Hyperstrike! Thanks for the frameworks. I'm gonna stress test the crap out of 'em. You ever plan on doing the same for any of the other armor sets?
  3. Getting ready to roll the new toon up this weekend, just had a thought pop up in my head though. With Shinobi-Iri having 65% crit chance on a single target attack from hide, with the Scrapper global proc, does that, does anyone knows how those affect each other? Would we be able to get a near guaranteed crit out of hide on our big single target hitter? I mean, I know it's no Stalker AS, but, hell maybe I'm just to damn tired, and I've been playing too many Br00Ts lately so my head is fried. If you're feeling adventurous, try and answer, if not, I understand, lol.
  4. I believe this same stubbornness is what led us scrappers to solo AV's with no Temps or insps. Next project is a Tank to solo all the TF's @ +4/x8
  5. Hey! BZB!! /e pokesdemonwithastick That's sick. Can I be your sidekick?
  6. Stop it, I already have to many alts to play as it is!
  7. Shield With shield you can softcap your defenses, get a +hp power, resistances, and your taunt aura is also a +dam aura (giving the largest boost with 10 enemies around you), and an AoE tele-nuke. Combined with electric melee you get outstanding AoE capabilities. Elec comes with it's own tele-nuke. St damage is the only are where this comes up short, though, I believe that can be rectified with an epic snipe.
  8. Thanks for the clarification. I'll just wait until they give Regen a second chance. Hopefully with the majority of your reccomendations included.
  9. Thank you! Wasn't sure I had the mojo to pull off a spell to summon someone as powerful as you. But since I have you here, is this a stealth buff to regen? Brute > Regeneration > Fast Healing: This version of the power should no longer ignore healing enhancements Would it make a noticable difference? Is it time to try /Regen again? Thanks for all the help you provide to the community.
  10. So, is it Wai now? Can I slot 3 in my Willpower toons?
  11. Wait, what? Critting out of hide, on a Scrapper? Is that on /Nin? If so, now I have another alternative to roll.
  12. Hi all, I have never played a scrapper before and I have a few questions. Hi, welcome to Scrapperdom. I have a character concept that is pretty near and dear to my heart (a character that I have had for like 20+ years going back to the pencil and paper game GURPS Supers). I have rolled him as a mind/psy dominator and it's cool, but I want to try going in another direction. I'm considering rolling him up as a scrapper or a brute. I get that brutes typically have higher survivability and maybe a more constant flow of damage, but scrappers have a higher damage ceiling (please correct me if I'm wrong about this). Brutes are generally more survivable, you’re right on the money there. Brutes have the Tankers resistance cap of 90% while Scrappers damage resistance cap is lower, at 75%. Brutes also have higher base hp, and a higher hp cap. As far as damage goes, though, you have that part a bit backwards. The same way that a Brute has a higher dam res cap than Scrappers, they also have the highest damage cap in the game. Not that any can reach said damage cap without outside assistance. (Buffs and such) Brutes also have to contend with fury generation and decay for their damage. Their base damage is lower than Scrappers, so in the beginning of a fight, they would deal less damage, but as they are attacked, and they attack, they build fury, which improves their damage output. Scrappers begin dealing a certain amount of damage and maintain that, with the exception of criticals. I was going to go with Psy/something. I'm not too sure of what secondary to take. I was thinking WP, Inv (mostly because they aren't too graphic) or perhaps EA (I could role play the energy aura as a psychic shield). I don't want to take something like Ice, Stone or Bio due to the graphics not really going with my concept. Is Psy a pretty decent primary? While I have only played Psi once, it is a very good set. Most mobs do not resist it, but the ones that do, (robots), do so heavily. What would a Psy/something have over a brute of the same build? The only advantage I could see Scrapper Psi having over Brute Psi, is that because of Brutes lower damage modifier, they normally do not get the full effect of +dam buffs, like in build up powers. What secondary would pair well with Psy? Out of the three armors you mentioned you were interested in, I would play the Energy Aura as a Scrapper, as Defensive sets have little difference between the melee AT’s. 45% def is softcap whether you’re a Brute, Tank, Scrapper or Stalker. If you were to play any of the other armors though, I’d say roll a Brute. One of the powers in /Ea is Energy Cloak, which makes you invisible. You could roleplay that you were using your mind to block yourself from peoples sight. Ty in advance! No Problem, hope I didn’t get sidetracked too much. P.S. I suck at formatting.
  13. Just a reminder, this still hasn't happened yet.
  14. Ss for Scrappers!! *This message has been brought to you by an insane person*
  15. Hi all, I have a Rad Armor/Fire Melee brute that I plan on having two builds for. One is of course for farming. Those builds are easy to find though. What I'm looking for assistance with is general content. I currently have a build that is hard-capped to s/l/f resistances, and respectable AoE (still need to get a few sets to finish the farming build). Since I left AE though (in my early 30's), I have noticed that Rad seem to be lacking in the ST department. This may just be a skewed opinion though. I normally build toons to solo AVs, as I'm not big on teaming, unless it's for TFs and iTrials. Any guidance thaat could be provided is helpful, even an solid, high damage st attack chain would be great.
  16. Wait, are people making builds in MR with the proposed changes?
  17. I may be the only one experiencing this, most likely operator error. I have gone into the mission selection in Oroborous, but can not find the mission listed. When I look under Champion, there are only three story lines listed. Clamor and Destruction, Ring of Peebles, and Hear and Now. I would post a screenie, but for some reason, can't seem to locate the right file folder.
  18. Thanks for this. Coming back after a 4 month layoff and this looks to be very useful, as I have forgotten about attuned IO's and some of the other things you mentioned in here.
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