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Slotting procs to the far left


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Once a slot is added to a power, that slot is ALWAYS with that power.  The only thing that turns a slot "off" is being Exemplared more than 5 Levels below when the Power the slot is in is taken.


So if you have a power you take at Level 6 and put the last slot into it at Level 50 ... even when Exemplared down to Level 1 that last slot from Level 50 is "still there" and working for that power.

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Procs always go on the right. I won't slot them before I have the slot they'll go into.


There may be exceptions and these can sometimes pass. But if I've frankenslotted a power then I will unslot and move things if it otherwise means not having sets together.


I realise I didn't answer the question but this is super important.

Edited by Lines
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Why make this political? I prefer to slot mine in the alt left, or alt right, or far lft or far right or even sometimes in them with independents. No need to SLOT them solely based on your one sided political views. Sheesh!

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Hello, My name is Shred Monkey, and I've used unslotters before to slot my enhancements into the proper sequential order. 


Procs go to the right and only to the right.  I really wish I hadn't opened this thread and learned there are people out there who do otherwise.

Edited by Shred Monkey
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3 hours ago, Shred Monkey said:

Procs go to the right and only to the right.  I really wish I hadn't opened this thread and learned there are people out there who do otherwise.

It gets worse! I like to alternate. 

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9 hours ago, Shred Monkey said:

Hello, My name is Shred Monkey, and I've used unslotters before to slot my enhancements into the proper sequential order. 


Procs go to the right and only to the right.  I really wish I hadn't opened this thread and learned there are people out there who do otherwise.

Tru dat.


For me, enhancements or IOs go in a logical order...well, logical to ME, anyway.


* Endurance reduction - you generate the power

* Accuracy - then it hits

* Damage/Hold/Stun/Whatever - then it affects target

* Recharge - then it recharges.


Simple, eh?


Once IO sets come along,  quads first, triples, doubles with damage, doubles without damage, singles/procs.  Sets stay grouped, so a Javelin Volley quad would be followed by a JV double and only then a Detonation triple.

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I don’t respec much at all so my IOs generally get slotted in A) the order I can buy them and B) if it’s already slotted with SOs they go into whichever slot least impacts performance (i.e. I don’t drop a dam/end IO on top of an acc SO unless I’ve already got enough Acc in the power).

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If I'm doing a respec, I slot them in the set order. If I'm leveling I slot them in order of effectiveness with the slots that are already placed (similar to what @Chris24601 listed above). And yeah, the KB-to-KD proc was the first slot in TK Blast on my (melee-focused) Widow, because while leveling I either used it on runners (and wanted them still within range) or hit it on accident and was trying to hit Follow Up instead since they were next to each other in the tray.

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I slot procs and all other sets in the place where they do the least damage to the enhancement values of the generic IOs they're replacing.   If the set has an Accuracy/Damage button it probably overwrites a Damage IO.   ATO procs almost always get put on top of a Recharge.  The level of the replaced enhancement also makes a difference; I will overwrite the 25 sooner than the 40.  This means that the sets generally do fill in from the left.   All of this also means that the placement of the set IOs are, in the last analysis, indistinguishable from chance.

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3 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

I don’t respec much at all so my IOs generally get slotted in A) the order I can buy them and B) if it’s already slotted with SOs they go into whichever slot least impacts performance (i.e. I don’t drop a dam/end IO on top of an acc SO unless I’ve already got enough Acc in the power).

I still slot them in set order, just leave gaps with non set enh to keep the order right,  I find it disturbing others don't  Where is your OCD!!!!!

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This is why I don’t slot - too complicated, and what do you get for your troubles?

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On 12/22/2019 at 7:39 AM, solarstriker said:

I've always slotted procs to the far right, for the sake of order. But started thinking, maybe they will be available at lower levels if slotted to the far left.

No. The game knows what level you were when you picked the power, but it doesn't record when you added slots to the power, just how many slots you have in it. To my knowledge, this is deliberate, to prevent adding an unnecessary level of complexity when building a character that might be exemplared to a lower level. For example, a character taking a power at level 8, adding one slot to it at 9, then adding three more at 50. If the slots were tagged by level, exemplaring to 10 would make it important what order the enhancements were slotted, so that you'd have to consider what level you might exemplar to for each slot in each power. Instead, taking the example above, if they exemplared to 10, the power would have five slots. The enhancements would be scaled down, and likely the set bonuses would be gone, but all five slots will be active.

Edited by srmalloy
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I have to agree with the majority. OCD says procs go to the right. Except for KB to KD, which go on the left. And maybe Force Feedback. But definitely not others.
And they have to be arranged by color.. you can't mix Hold and Ranged damage procs, all the reds and all the oranges have to be split.

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I slot my procs all willy-nilly.


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