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Purples should be removed from the AH


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16 hours ago, Dz131 said:

That's fine, it's just an idea to give the game longevity, and allows gearing up a character feel like more of a accomplishment.  

that's not giving a sense of accomplishment, if anything it's giving more of an incentive to farm, since that's the most efficient way to get purples.

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18 hours ago, Dz131 said:

It gives the game longevity. This is the exact lesson Diablo 3 learned with the auction house.  People get bored quickly when you can buy the best loot and there's nothing to strive for, hence the constant calls for more content.  As of now the best way to gear up in CoX isn't to play the character, it's to roll a farmer and buy everything you need.  I think this is the opposite of the way the game should work.  

Yeah this doesn't make any sense man.  What do people do when they've gotten all their purples from drops if there isn't any new content to use them on?  New content keeps people interested, not doing the same stuff over and over until your eyes bleed.  you're assuming stuff based on your opinion and assuming everyone plays for the same reasons you do.  games coming up on 16 years old and its still going with people playing.  pretty clear some aren't bored.  And yeah, purple sets are not that great either.

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17 hours ago, Dz131 said:

That's fine, it's just an idea to give the game longevity, and allows gearing up a character feel like more of a accomplishment.  

I have over 50 characters. This isnt a standard MMO where you grind endlessly on one toon. MOreover, there's no subscription, so no need to include drudgery to keep people paying month to month.


Look, I'm sorry that the early MMO's tricked you into thinking that grinding was an accomplishment, or that play needed to be "work". But its time to break free of crappy game design Stockholm Syndrome. 

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15 hours ago, Dz131 said:

The same argument can be used for using cheats in a single player game to instantly have end game gear.  The longer road is usually the more fulfilling one.

We could also just double their prices in merits and make drops rarer, or remove drops entirely, and that would be even more fulfilling!


But I think you're missing a significant thing: CoH, like most MMOs, is a social game. People like being able to trade stuff they don't need for stuff they do need.

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2 minutes ago, seebs said:

We could also just double their prices in merits and make drops rarer, or remove drops entirely, and that would be even more fulfilling!

Why not decrease the Argo Cap to 1?

Make AH fees 110% of selling price?

Remove all autonomy and become a vendor?


City of Fulfillment!

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3 minutes ago, Obus Form said:

Why not decrease the Argo Cap to 1?

Make AH fees 110% of selling price?

Remove all autonomy and become a vendor?


City of Fulfillment!

When people tell me that "harder to succeed" makes a game better and more fun, I propose that they get a modified router which drops 50% of packets and use that. Instant fun!

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1 minute ago, seebs said:

When people tell me that "harder to succeed" makes a game better and more fun, I propose that they get a modified router which drops 50% of packets and use that. Instant fun!

The drop rate would be abysmal.


[(1/60 chance to get randomized account-bound-only Very Rare)  x  (low drop rate of Very Rare)]^5  =  City of Hopelessness 


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14 hours ago, ShardWarrior said:

Not to mention mind numbingly tedious, repetitive and incredibly boring.  This is a major reason for leaving games like WoW.  I will never forget running Scholomance 157 times and never getting the drop I needed to complete a set.


Which isn't the case with CoH, as you get Merits, and can buy whatever you need.  You also get Emp Merits at level 50, which can be turned into Reward Merits, which goes back to buy whatever you want.


There is no, "Grinding forever and never getting the drop you need" in CoH, as Reward Merits will lead to whatever you want.

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On 4/15/2020 at 4:30 PM, Dz131 said:

It gives the game longevity. This is the exact lesson Diablo 3 learned with the auction house.  People get bored quickly when you can buy the best loot and there's nothing to strive for, hence the constant calls for more content.  As of now the best way to gear up in CoX isn't to play the character, it's to roll a farmer and buy everything you need.  I think this is the opposite of the way the game should work.  

Yet on the live servers when people had to pay upwards of a billion influence for ONE purple, they still bought them.  They still made builds geared around them.  They still made every effort to get them.  There were still plenty of people with fully purpled builds.

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5 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

Based on a relatively small sample set, I think purples drop too frequently.  More specifically, I think they are dropping faster than people are slotting them. 


I'd like to see their drop rates cut in half or more.

Based on a small sample set, I think they drop too infrequently. The rate should be at least doubled.

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On 4/15/2020 at 5:15 PM, Dz131 said:

That's fine, it's just an idea to give the game longevity, and allows gearing up a character feel like more of a accomplishment.  


Buying my first house for my wife and stepson was an accomplishment. Learning to ride a bike was an accomplishment. Shooting 40 out of 40 on my last marksmanship exam in the Army was an accomplishment.


We all have different views on what accomplishment means. For me, in game, soloing the ITF at max diff with my main was an accomplishment. Hitting 666 vet levels on him was an accomplishment. For some, getting all the badges is an accomplishment.


Grinding through content instead of powerleveling and never twinking a character with funds from another alt is an accomplishment.


Do what you want. Play how you want. Don't try to frell over the rest of us that don't agree with your definition of accomplishment.


I buy my purples from the market cuz it's not difficult to rake in the inf, regardless of how one might choose to rake it in.


The game continues to be played by me because of alts now in a way it didn't back before the snap. I enjoy how I play it now, just as I enjoyed how I played it then in a different way.


In short, to the topic, /jranger.

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On 4/15/2020 at 5:30 PM, Dz131 said:

It gives the game longevity. This is the exact lesson Diablo 3 learned with the auction house.  People get bored quickly when you can buy the best loot and there's nothing to strive for, hence the constant calls for more content.  As of now the best way to gear up in CoX isn't to play the character, it's to roll a farmer and buy everything you need.  I think this is the opposite of the way the game should work.  


I am not going to lie.

This is what I pretty much do. 

I create a toon and PL it to 50. 


The OP isn't wrong either on the Diablo comment.  It is pretty much what they did and why.  


Mind you maybe the AH idea isn't the best. 


But I really do not play my toons from level 1 to 50. 

I have tried.. But once I get one dead day of grouping I jump to AE and PL them up to 50. 

You can hit 30s pretty darn fast on a farm and then hit 40s fast. Once you get to mid 40s you are cranking out about a level per 1 or 2 farm missions. 

its about or close to 20 comic con fire missions to get to 50. 


And between all my toons I can mix and match IOs.. I have many, many purple IOs that I do not sell and are all drops.  

I keep many IOs because at odd times you can't get a Red Fortune  from AH because either they are out or you have to pay 3 million for a recipe or a crafted IO but you might have a Reactive Defense that you can convert to Red Fortune.


So his AH idea might not be the best but his overall point is correct..


AE farms are great for the player like myself that just doesn't have the mindset to play the AH market meta game..  

A simple example is many of the components for these new IO sets have increased in value and the numbers listed in AH for quantity available is super high. 

At this point I have over 20 level 50 toons, All IOed.. with about 8 petless or semi petless masterminds, which are also IOed running 3/8 mission setting..  I have a whips KIN mastermind doing 3/8.  Couldn't do it without farming the money and PL the toon to level 50. 


I think its nuts to have to spend 25 million on winters IO or a winter pack. 


IO sets ruined the game..  When it was just IOs you needed a full team and you wanted a full team..

Today you don't need a full team for anything. 


They should have made it where you could only get a few sets and bonuses.. 

Again my Whips Kin petless mastermind is fully typed defense capped..  


So his overall concept has some merit..    

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On 4/17/2020 at 2:55 AM, Foxfyre said:

Yet on the live servers when people had to pay upwards of a billion influence for ONE purple, they still bought them.  They still made builds geared around them.  They still made every effort to get them.  There were still plenty of people with fully purpled builds.

You need to understand that by the time AH and these sets came out people where already sitting on Billions of influence when we just had Single Origin IOs..  There was just nothing to do with your money once you hit 50..  


I have many more high end builds today then I did back in the day because I decided to create a farmer after my 2nd toon and my first 50..  I PL my farmer with my AR Device guy in the Comic Con S/L city map.. 



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1 hour ago, plainguy said:

I think its nuts to have to spend 25 million on winters IO or a winter pack.

Just so you know... the winter pack price (as well as the heroes and villains / rogues and vigs packs) are not set to that price by the players.


As far as the winter IOs? Looking at WInter's Bite, the supply is in the single digits, the bids in the hundreds.

Same as I'm looking at frozen blast. People are *listing* that high because other people will *buy* them at that (not all, obviously, with 100+ bids sitting there.)


I'm not sure if these drop at all. The packs are meant to be INF sinks, to begin with, so don't expect that to change much. Though they are higher than the other packs.  The IOs? Maybe they need to be a drop to ease that supply problem. Because those are some fairly lopsided numbers.

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