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Do you have a 'main'? What makes a main? What's the main things about your main that made it your main?

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I have no love for the "holy trinity" in MMOs. Even my tanks take sets that can either heal allies or mez enemies. Doing one thing gets old quickly. 


I like the epics because they have a very broad toolkit so can turn their hand to anything. Back on Live I mained a Peacebringer once I'd gotten my defender to 50 (this was before even City of Villains came out). Believe it or not, there was once a time when they were considered pretty strong (and they were the first casualty of the Balance Wars when set bonuses came around). 


Nowaways, it's Fortunata all the way. They literally do a bit of everything (meleeblastcontrolsneakybuffertanks) so are just really good fun. It's like a dominator and a scrapper were smashed together and given a load of discounted team buffs to apologise for the mediocre inherent power. 

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Doctor Fortune  Soulwright Mother Blight Brightwarden Storm Lantern King Solar Corona Borealis
Blood Fortunado Dark/Dark Corruptor Rad/Rad Brute Gravity/Time Controller Storm/Water Defender Peacebringer Dark/Dark Tanker
The Good Missions Guide: A Heroic Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Blueside Guide Easy IO Cheat Sheet 
The Mean Missions Guide: A Villainous Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Redside Guide Fortunatas are the Bestunatas
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I have two mains. My first level 50 toon, Bastille Boy, has the most developed backstory of any of my characters.  When I started playing the game again, a tough tanker who doesn't die easily is what I wanted. Now, I more often want to be dealing damage or multiplying others' damage. Also, his biography requires him to stay blueside. So I can't use him as my badge collector. I still play him occasionally...and I will certainly bring him out on July 14!


I chose a Rad/Sonic defender, Dr. Iodine, to be my badge collector. He is a lackey of the Rogue Island Police. His services are up for hire, both by foreign law enforcement (e.g. the Paragon Police Department) and by Arachnos. Rad/Sonic solos decently and is a great force multiplier for groups. The best powers in Radiation Emission are available early, so low level Ouro missions are very doable. PVP badges will be the sticky wicket.

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It just happens naturally.  Every time I make a new alt, I play them up and start doing endgame stuff.  And inevitably I find myself saying to myself, "Gee, I sure wish I had brought my...."  When that happens over and over, that alt gets set aside.


Usually it's after I die and I think to myself, "gee if i'm going to die, I might as well be playing a toon that does more damage,"   Or it's after a mission and I think, "man, that took way to long, I should have brought more damage."


So I guess the conclusion is my main is the toon that does the most damage.



Edited by Shred Monkey
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Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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My main was my main because she was first, first character, first character created in an MMO, first to experience Grendel's Gulch, first to experience anything new be it Croatoa, getting lost at night in Perez Park, Incarnate material, a Hami raid or see the Storm Palace.  She was the one who I used pencil and paper to figure out her build a dozen times tweaked over the issues until Mids' existed.  She's the one who first solo'd an AV and other silly scrapper tricks.  She was the first among my 'mains', first of 100+ alts I had on Live.  She was simply First.

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Don't have a most played Main. Many alts. About 3 times as many Heroes as Villains. Keep changing my mind about which would be the best for a badge whore, Nemeroff (DM/SR brute, mid 30s) probably has the most. On Live Main was a Fire/Kin, and my badge-whore. Fire/Kin but not a PLer, still not.

"What are dominators... Much like a spider traps a bug, wraps it up, then starts chewing on it when it's completely unable to escape or defend itself."

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My Main is still my first character I played on live. Then he was an Invul/WarMace tanker. Now he is fully incarnated RadArmor/WM tanker on Indom. I made another Main as an Ice Armor/Stone Melee tank on Everlasting. All have/had the same look. Costume. Phrendon Largo is always going to be a tanker. He just has different flavors on each server.

  • Victory: reserved for future use
  • Indom: Schtick, Pummel Pete, Plymouth, Pilkington
  • Reunion: Ghost Legacy, 7s7e7v7e7n7, Mind Funk, Bluto
  • Excelsior: Phrendon Largo, Fred Bumbler, John van der Waals,Allamedia Jones, Tzapt, Sn1pe
  • Torchbearer: Phrendon Largo, Kenny Letter,  Bewm, La Merle, Enflambe', Rock Largo, Bulk of the Weather, Retired Phrendon
  • Everlasting: Phrendon Largo, Krown, Buzz Words, Bicycle Repairman, Dee Fender, Carmela Soprano, Radmental Boy, Beet Salad, Sporanghi,Sue Ahn Cuddy, Fukushima Technician, Snow Globe Girl, Thug Therapist, Apple Brown Betty
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My main on homecoming is also a recreation of my main from live. Agent R22. He is the character I do all my selling and crafting with. He is the one that I do most of the TFs with. He is the one that I do badging with. I think you get my point here. If I was told I could only play him I would not mind it at all. That being said it is fun to play other characters. However at the end of the day I know Agent R22 is right there in the top spot of character select just waiting for me to log him in. With all that we have been thru together how can I deny him that wish?

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My main is a recreation from the original game.  He's my main because he's the perfect balance, for me anyway, of a theme that's near-and-dear to me, powerset functionality, rich backstory, and costuming options that really make that theme come alive.  I even won an award and artwork of him back in the original game simply by walking late into a room where a large costume-with-backstory contest was being held on that very theme.  I stood with other viewers, curious to see what was going on, and maybe get a few costume ideas, and the organizers noticed my guy and insisted I participate despite being late.    That surprising response kind of sealed the deal to stick with him.  I also play very aggressively as him.  The powerset just fits my thinking.

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My namesake Chance Jackson was a Ma/Regen scrapper, my 1st 50 & along with Cheetatron an Nrg/Dev blaster were my mains prior to leaving the game over regen nerfs, ED, GDN etc.


COV's launch piqued my interest & after trying Bots/Traps during a trial I had an all new main "Liege Cheetatron X" who would go on to be my 1st villain lvl 50 & 2nd level 50 overall which would be followed by DB/Fire, Kin/Nin, StJ/Fire (Brute), Wolf Spider & Time/Sonic


While I have fully recreated, IOd, & incarnated Liege Cheetatron X & the Time/Sonic defender I missed out on incarnating during live I'm finding I'm in no rush to take the 3 other identical powerset recreations of level 50s I had in live to lvl 50 in HC I find myself playing new power set combos instead. Once I'm done IO'ing, incarnating & completing a high level story arc that feels especially signature for a toon I tend to move on. 




TL;DR: I no longer have mains, just 50s & those I'm leveling 



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Right now it's been my PB.  I only played one on live into the 20s I think and abandoned it from there.  My main back on live was an ss/invul brute, and I tried recreating him though I just wasnt feeling it.  Recently after leveling my PB and getting the hang of keybinds i have been loving it.  I play him as human/dwarf (his melee abilities are so satisfying) for level 45+ content and triform for exemping.  Not overly complex, but not an afk AT either, and stupid tanky.

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Before Troo, there were two others. Gy & Tru


Gy, a super strength / invulnerability brute that was great to learn the game with. Gy got to keep the two letter name until shutdown.

Tru, a radiation blast / dark miasma corruptor. This was the one that took the game from like to love. She was the one folks wanted for teams or base raids.


Troo these days lurks behind the scenes pulling the strings while crafting and crushing market pvp. Someday the Energy Transfer foolishness will be reversed.. someday.


Edited by Troo

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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I refer to my Mind/Kin Controller as my main and still think of him as my main, regardless of how much actual playtime he gets. 

But he does get a fair bit of playtime as I'm gradually doing every single Ouroborous flashback on him.


Why is he my main?

  • He was my main on Live.
  • He was the first character I ever created on Live.
  • He powersets were chosen to be as close as I go get to an EverQuest Enchanter, who was my EverQuest main, the game I played immediately before CoH (although their names are different.... Grenndel Mindwalker the gnome enchanter, and Cygnus-X1 the Mind Controller....  Cygnus was taken, but Cygnus-X1 still refers to the Rush songs, so, good enough for me. 
  • Second character I created on Homecoming (created my main villain first on HC, because thought that name might be at higher risk of being taken)
  • First character I leveled to 50 on Homecoming.
  • My favorite control set, Mind.  I looooves me some Confuse.  And I loves being able to force enemies into fighting each other without them even knowing I'm there.
  • headcanon, he's the organizing force of every one of my heroes, and bands them together as a force for good.
  • headcanon, he's been around for a few thousand years guiding humanity as a hidden hand (think Gandalf here....)
  • He can pretty much march into any mission map, solo, regardless of type of enemies or size of spawn, and win. It may take him a LONG TIME, and lots of enemies may defeat each other, but he can get it done. Malta, np, Carnies, np, Freakshow Super Stunners, np, Nemesis, np, Rularuu, np.  Bring it.  He won't be able to solo AV's and GM's, but EB's wont' stop him. 

And really.... if I were forced to delete EVERY CHARACTER BUT ONE.... I'd keep him.

Edited by MTeague
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On 5/22/2020 at 12:43 PM, DrInfernus said:

I've actually never remade the character I played most back on live. In my had I think I had almost mourned him and made peace with his loss! Very silly, I know!

Not silly at all. 


Sure, all of our characters are just fictional avatars, pixels on a screen, on a video game of make-believe.


But an awful lot of us poured a great deal of time and effort and care into making our characters. Some of us created very fleshed out backstories, secret identity names for their characters, and we all spent YEARS playing them, for... perhaps a disturbing number of hours per week 🙂, week after week, month after month year after year.  Maybe with a break for some other game, or for real life, but even if we put it down, we always assumed it would BE there if we came back. And usually it was. 


Until some exec had a sufficiently bad day and decided to take his ball and go home and kill the entire world and multiverse we'd all lived in for eight years. 


It would not surprise me at all if to some people it hit them as if someone they knew had died.  Maybe not a family member, but at least as if you'd walked into the office (back when you could still DO that....) and found out a co-worker had had a heart attack or a bad car accident and didn't make it. 

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I took Starwave off the shelf for a costume contest, then immediately joined our super group, then got into RP, then developed into both my RP and crime bustin' main. All since the quarantine started. Odd how these things work, but it worked!

 Everlasting's Actionette 

Also Wolfhound, Starwave, Blue Gale, Relativity Rabbit, and many more!

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IF they fix Energy Melee, my main will probably be my Energy/Energy Brute, as he's already durable, and will hit hard enough to be a decent "workhorse" character....and he's also one of my few "original" concept characters that aren't homages to something else (mostly Mega Man bosses).  As it stands, if I don't know what's needed for something, I tend to bring my SD/Rad Tanker (styled after Proto Man), as I figure if I'm unkillable, it helps minimize how much of a drag I can be to a team 😜


Otherwise, I have more of a stable of preferred characters at 50 who can provide different key roles a team might need:  A Fire3 Blaster (Fire Man) for ranged offense, a Time/Beam Defender (Flash Man) for Support, and a Earth2 Dom (original character) for Control.  Along with my Tanker, about the only role I still need to fill is melee DPS, which will probably be either my TW/Bio scrapper or my Claws/WP scrapper (Cut Man).....unless something AMAZING happens to Energy Melee, as I said.

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I don't really have one main character, but I can easily identify a subset of my characters that I enjoy more than others. In my case this is usually due to character concept and gameplay feel just clicking better, for example a crunchy melee set like War Mace or TW just feels better to me than Spines.


Sunsinger - Fire/Time Corruptor

Cursebreaker - TW/Elec Brute

Coldheart - Ill/Cold Controller

Mythoclast - Rad/SD Scrapper


Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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  • Retired Lead Game Master

I always had a main on retail - it was never a question for me what badger I was going to grab when it came time to getting something done. Since coming back its been more difficult - my tastes changed from Defenders/Controllers to Tanks and Scrappers. At this point I have one of each of the tanks, some x2 if I wanted to try a new melee powerset combination. I ended up having to do a spreadsheet of all my characters to keep them organized. When my friends and I decide to do any TFs now, I just check it and pick one I like. Badges are still on my radar to do so eventually I will need to choose - but I like so many of them it would be hard to do.

Contact me on Discord (Miss#1337) for a faster response!


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I dont really have a "main" AT character, I have a "main" roleplay character. Lore wise, she is a cyborg, based on shadow run/cyberpunk. But thats a good thing, because it allowes me to try out different ATs and powwerset combinations and explain by her "swapping out parts". That way I can try new things out, and still keep all of her friends/roleplay/supergroup/story contacts.


But if I had to pick my favorte AT, it would be a tie between Mastermind and Crabbermind. I like the gameplay/flow of Crabbermind, but Mastermind just feels stronger, far as solo play goes. I am still learning about the game though, and I am tempted to take another stab at Crab Soldier here soon now that I have a good grasp of the endgame concepts. Sure, they aren't the strongest/most powerful things, but they are the most "fun" which I think is more important. Enjoyment vs bigger pixel numbers. Though I do hope they tweak/update the VEATS soon, as they sort of feel to be in a weird place right now.

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43 minutes ago, GM Miss said:

Since coming back its been more difficult - my tastes changed from Defenders/Controllers to Tanks and Scrappers.

Funny thing is my own tastes have been going in the other direction. I started here with brutes and tanks, now I'm starting to get into controllers. 😄

 Everlasting's Actionette 

Also Wolfhound, Starwave, Blue Gale, Relativity Rabbit, and many more!

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I had no problem remaking my old main from live, for in my mind, his last act of Heroism before the shut down was stopping at Penny Preston's location in Founders Falls, and logging off there. Where he was still protecting her from a stray Rikti Headman, or some Nemesis sniper who was taking pot shots at her. That was the extent of my roleplaying, and it was just enough to survive the void until Homecoming.

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  • Victory: reserved for future use
  • Indom: Schtick, Pummel Pete, Plymouth, Pilkington
  • Reunion: Ghost Legacy, 7s7e7v7e7n7, Mind Funk, Bluto
  • Excelsior: Phrendon Largo, Fred Bumbler, John van der Waals,Allamedia Jones, Tzapt, Sn1pe
  • Torchbearer: Phrendon Largo, Kenny Letter,  Bewm, La Merle, Enflambe', Rock Largo, Bulk of the Weather, Retired Phrendon
  • Everlasting: Phrendon Largo, Krown, Buzz Words, Bicycle Repairman, Dee Fender, Carmela Soprano, Radmental Boy, Beet Salad, Sporanghi,Sue Ahn Cuddy, Fukushima Technician, Snow Globe Girl, Thug Therapist, Apple Brown Betty
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My main(s) are just what's most fun for me.   Ciaraine (Armored Blaster), Kiski (Armored Time/), Kate (Kat/Bio) ... but many more as well, that's just the current top 3.


AE 801 (link) is a variety of missions for fun and challenge, and is designed for a team of 5+ Incarnates.  Just search '801' in AE.

     801 Difficulty Varies: 801.0 Easy, ..., 801.2 Standard*, ..., 801.5 Moderate**, ..., 801.6 Hard***, ..., 801.7 Four Star****, ... 801.F Death.

I may be AFK IRL, But CoH is my Forever Home.

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Alas, I am mainless. Or maybe my mains are plentiful, while also fleeting. It's impossible for me to play a single character over and over again. I usually will make a character that sounds great and start eagerly playing them. I'll either love the combo and play it to 50, or shelf it somewhere along the way. Even if I love the character immensely, get it to 50, unlock incarnates and get all the enhancements slotted, I still eventually feel the urge to start anew. For what it's worth I don't really have favorites for anything in my life (color, tv show, food). I tend to have cravings, and in that moment only one thing will be truly fulfilling. I guess that's kind of how I view my COH characters as well.

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Slight background: I only started playing when HC came back. First ever toon to reach past Level 20 was a DP/WP Sentinel (which also became my first incarnate). I found that Sentinels were very forgiving for newbs so I stuck with them. Tried all sorts of combinations within the Sentinel primaries and secondaries. And after a few alts. I found my "main."

Switch. Dual Pistols, Super Reflexes, Electric Mastery. Switch was/is very fun to play. Durable enough and packs "enough" damage to mow down mob after mob of +2x8 solo. +3 even, but I get impatient sometimes.

Cut to a year after, with more than a dozen incarnates and about 5 pages of alts (I cull the list once I notice it's over 50 toons) ranging from level 5 - 30. This is when I became confident enough to try VEATs and HEATs.

Now my "main" is my name-sake, Six-Six. Soldier of Arachnos with Huntsman build and Mu Mastery. Similar to Switch, he's not the strongest nor the sturdiest, but he is definitely a joy to play, and I don't see myself tiring of him anytime soon. The reason I passed the torch was because I learned so much since I played Switch, that Switch needed a major respec to maximise his potential. And while I aim to do that sometime, I dread the brain power that I have to devote to the task. Besides, Six and Switch have a similar play style with the VEAT coming in slightly ahead. His advantage: team play. While I still solo a lot, I find team play employs a slightly different dynamic. With Switch, I often doubt if I'm bringing anything to the team. On the other hand, with Six, I just show up and the team has double Leadership. Any damage I do is icing on the cake.

Moreover, I believe that there will always be enough damage to go around in teams. So I built Six to be support. He's not an AV killer, but he makes short work of minions and LTs so the damage dealers can deal with the AV. He's not a healer, but he can recall friend from a pickle or swipe their dead body from under a mob so they can be rezzed in a safe place. He's sneaky and fast and can Assemble the Team right at the behind the boss if that's the play. He's got pets and shiny accolades that if things go south during a team run, he can hold the line until everyone is back on their feet. He's got your six. 😃

I have a total of 6 Spiders, but none of them are as fun as Six-Six.



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