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Armor Chart


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I've heard some others (besides me) ask about a comparison chart of armor sets, but I've also heard some suggest that such a chart would not really be that helpful.  I'm pretty new to Homecoming, so after someone recently pointed me to Mid's Hero Builder (big thanks to that person),  I thought I would make a chart for myself.  I like to see lots of numbers at a glance, and in a table format.  You'll quickly notice that I have not included all the armor types....only the ones I'm actually considering.  So yes, I made it for me....but thought I would share it in case there are any other new/returning players who would enjoy seeing it.


Note 1 = The top row for each set is the numbers for defense.  The bottom row is the resistance numbers.  Also, all numbers are with no enhancements.


Note 2 = At the bottom I was going to list the numbers for extra pool skills, but for some reason, the numbers did not show up in Mid's (except for Tough and Weave)...that is, they did not impact the totals on the totals chart.  If someone knows these numbers, or can tell me why they don't show up on Mid's, that info would be greatly appreciated!


Note 3 = If any of the more knowledgeable players find a mistake, feel free to point it out!  :)


ADDENEDUM -- I'm going back into Mid's, and some of the totals are showing different numbers...so maybe I had something extra clicked on....not sure.  I've never posted a chart like, and maybe I'm out of my league, lol.  Oh well, if I need to pull this thing down, just say so!  It won't hurt my feelings.


REWORKING THIS CHART...Will post the (hopefully) corrected version soon.


Edited by kcfalcon
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If you're looking at a toggle power then you need to make sure the power is turned on in Mids,  Click the little button to the right of the power name and it should turn green and the values will show up in the totals window.


If you're getting weirdly high Res values in the totals, make sure you're looking at the numbers for PVE, not PVP.  (Options --> Configuration --> Effects and Maths --> Show Values for Critters)

Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

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21 hours ago, kcfalcon said:

I've heard some others (besides me) ask about a comparison chart of armor sets, but I've also heard some suggest that such a chart would not really be that helpful.  I'm pretty new to Homecoming, so after someone recently pointed me to Mid's Hero Builder (big thanks to that person),  I thought I would make a chart for myself.  I like to see lots of numbers at a glance, and in a table format.  You'll quickly notice that I have not included all the armor types....only the ones I'm actually considering.  So yes, I made it for me....but thought I would share it in case there are any other new/returning players who would enjoy seeing it.


Note 1 = The top row for each set is the numbers for defense.  The bottom row is the resistance numbers.  Also, all numbers are with no enhancements.


Note 2 = At the bottom I was going to list the numbers for extra pool skills, but for some reason, the numbers did not show up in Mid's (except for Tough and Weave)...that is, they did not impact the totals on the totals chart.  If someone knows these numbers, or can tell me why they don't show up on Mid's, that info would be greatly appreciated!


Note 3 = If any of the more knowledgeable players find a mistake, feel free to point it out!  🙂


ADDENEDUM -- I'm going back into Mid's, and some of the totals are showing different numbers...so maybe I had something extra clicked on....not sure.  I've never posted a chart like, and maybe I'm out of my league, lol.  Oh well, if I need to pull this thing down, just say so!  It won't hurt my feelings.


REWORKING THIS CHART...Will post the (hopefully) corrected version soon.


@Croax made a nice one for Stalkers that I found helpful.



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12 hours ago, LiquidBandage said:

This feels like ground Booper might have already covered. I don't know for sure though.

Maybe, but I thought that @Bopper was doing primary comparisons instead, and someone else did the comparative survival spreadsheet. Was it @Werner?


In any case, @kcfalcon, the reason that you were told that it may not be that helpful is because additional factors such as IO sets, mitigation from your primary, and other factors have as much or more of a difference on your survivability than strictly looking at defense and resistance numbers from your armor set. It's good to know the general strengths and weaknesses of each set for building, but a specific build can overcome any of those (in either direction; a bad build can make a good armor set trash as easily as a good build can plug holes in a weaker set).

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45 minutes ago, siolfir said:

someone else did the comparative survival spreadsheet. Was it @Werner?

Back in the old game, I had a survivability spreadsheet that I used to calculate some of the aspects of survivability of various specific builds and assign a final score, but it was never a general comparison of armor sets, and others have made better spreadsheets than I did. And these days, survivability is enough higher that my old spreadsheet would be mostly meaningless, as it only measured the basics of defense, resistance, and regen/healing. In a modern high-end survival build (edit: Brute and Tanker, anyway), you can handle those basics to the point where straight damage no longer kills you - debuffs and exotic things kill you.

Edited by Werner
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When deciding an armor set, I ask a series of questions:


1.  What’s the thematic choice?  This trumps all.  There are very few things you *can’t* do with any given set.


2.  Do I want defense or resistance or healing or combinations?  I tend to prefer resist sets for brutes and tanks, for example.


3.  What are the bells and whistles?  For example I generally try to avoid sets where I need to activate mez resist.

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11 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

When deciding an armor set, I ask a series of questions:


1.  What’s the thematic choice?  This trumps all.  There are very few things you *can’t* do with any given set.


2.  Do I want defense or resistance or healing or combinations?  I tend to prefer resist sets for brutes and tanks, for example.


3.  What are the bells and whistles?  For example I generally try to avoid sets where I need to activate mez resist.

Agreed, this is generally the best way to choose. Define flavor first, in both theme and gameplay, then pick what fits within the remaining options.


For scrappers there's an important side question, let's call it 3b: does it have an aggro aura? Because scrappers don't have native aggro management, the difference in gameplay experience might be significant. Sets with aggro auras will keep enemies glued to you most of the time, sets without aggro auras will have enemies scatter near the end of a fight.

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I read a lot of Tank builders posts.  To boil what I have learned down to a short response: The best Tank for difficult content tends to vary depending on what that content is.


Invulnerability.  One of my favorite Armors.  Very good.  I think everyone can agree.  Has a Psi hole it is near stupid to try to patch, and you can fit a VW bug through it.  Any serious content dishing out a ton of Psi attacks and this will be a second rank super.  All the other Armor types have similar strengths and weaknesses.  That seems to be part of the inherent design.


Remember, drama drives story.  With no drama there is no tension.  An Armor type that provides ultimate protection against everything would reduce drama considerably.  THe original Devs chose to honor storytelling and Comic Lore by making no one great at everything.  Every Super has weaknesses.  Except Spiderman.  Odd, really.

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Just a quick note... Invisibility suppresses 100% of it's value when in combat.  If that's actually Stealth you're showing then it suppresses 1/2 of it's value in combat.  Somewhere there's a setting in Mid's to show in-combat values.


Plus, if I were doing this, I would also include showing the values with 3 level 50 IOs enhancing the power, perhaps on it's own sheet.

Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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On 11/30/2020 at 7:32 AM, Snarky said:

... Every Super has weaknesses.  Except Spiderman.  Odd, really.

Old school Spiderman, straight A student, made his web fluid in his bedroom lab but it could run out and at the worst possible time; drama. But no kryptonite.


IDK if I would consider it a "weakness" but when he got his spider-powers he was an awkward kid in high school and there's that FEAR someone might learn his secret identity. And on prom night! Oh Noes.

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"What are dominators... Much like a spider traps a bug, wraps it up, then starts chewing on it when it's completely unable to escape or defend itself."

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Will this do?:-)

D&D 5e: Medium Armor – Brandes Stoddard

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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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Intended to drop in the old descending AC chart at first, but this one won out.:-)


(I'm a Dungeon World GM these days, and FATE).

Edited by cranebump
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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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Thanks for the tips!  This makes a lot of sense...and helps to take some of the pressure off, really...knowing that weaknesses and "holes" are part of the game.  I've been in so many games where...if you didn't pick the right class or have the right build, you weren't wanted on teams.  I'm getting the feel that it's not that way here...that you really are free to play what you like...and are still welcomed!   Awesome!


Anyway, I think I finally picked out weap/armor/AT, and I started a new thread with some questions that came up as I was working on it.

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On 11/30/2020 at 7:32 AM, Snarky said:

Every Super has weaknesses.  Except Spiderman.  Odd, really.

Uh, Spidey is super unlucky.

I am sure the Unluck disad in Champions came from Spider-man. (Pretty obviously the Luck advantage came from James Bond!)


Not sure if he is that Amazingly, Spectacularly unlucky as he used to be, but it was obvious how unlucky he was in the older comics and, once Black Cat was around, there was no end to the compounded unluck. 

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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