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Altitus, Altoholic, Alt-o-maniac


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You know who you are.


If you spend more time in the costume creator than it takes to prepare dinner, you may be an altoholic.

If you have more alternate characters than badges, you may be an altoholic.



alt-o-holic alt-creation-itis alt-itis alt-friendly altism altaholic.. so many terms for having so many characters.


Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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I'm not even ashamed, i made 5 EM characters once I27 went live, spent 1.4 billion and 8k merits to slot them up fully.


I have 38 active fully slotted level 50s

14 Tankers

6 Scrappers

4 Stalkers

4 Brutes

6 Controllers

1 Blaster

1 Sentinel

1 MM

1 Corruptor


I also have about as many "Projects" I'm working on the back end, but its probably going to be a while before they get attention due to my EM obsession at the moment - I have 8 of those.  lol

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I am on a pretty serious non-alt streak.  I have run one character (mostly) since late Oct.  I did stop to quickly 50 an alt, and have made 1-2 and zoned in then left.  


I have re-configured this main's costume a dozen times and recently rewrote the whole backstory.  Does that count?

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I only have 30-40 across all the servers, so less that a 3rd that I had on Legacy. I only have three 50's because getting to max level is just not that important to me.


Sometimes I just roll up a character because I came up with a name, like last night I made a Dual Pistols/Kin named 'Doubleshot Espresso'.


Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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  • 2 years later

altoholic -

I may have a problem.

Currently 158 Toons spread over 3 servers. But at least 29 of them have reached 50 and one is even vet level 68, with all tier 4 incarnates.

I mean who needs real life friends when I can always create another alt....lol


I also have charts and graphs ON EXCEL  to track them. So if my on-line friends need a 30's defender I can see what I have in a flash.




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I have spent the past year focusing on one alt a month.

Getting them lvl'd, badge, and T4'd out.


You know you have altitis when you are scrolling through your list and "discover"  a lvl 1 you don't remember making.


It is a pretty sweet character 🙂 

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/e poofgone



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10 minutes ago, Black Zot said:


Up! Up into man-thing nest! Up to their streets and their cellars! Up to their granaries and their stockyards! Up to their homes and their temples!


(may i please have some more warpstone)

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2 hours ago, JasperStone said:

You know you have altitis when you are scrolling through your list and "discover"  a lvl 1 you don't remember making.

Try coming up with a great name and concept for a character, only to find someone already  took the name, then, a couple months later you're looking through your character roster and not only did YOU create that character with that name already, it's T3'd.  


I knew there couldn't be someone else who made a Mercs/Emp named Missionary Physician.


Currently at 84x 50s and 55x somewhere between 1 and 48.  As of December 2022 I had 1920 unused Enhancement Catalysts, 4044 Emp Merits, 42440 Threads, 6673 Shards, and 26706 Reward Merits spread amongst those 50s, and I have labored on it ever since. 


Oh, 'tis a ponderous chain.  

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Those of you who continue to profess a belief in the Users will receive the standard, substandard training which will result in your eventual elimination.
That will be all.

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My solution is playing each one up from Level 1 to fully T4d Incarnate 50.  Then they go on a shelf of toons I still play from time to time when the mood strikes me.  The rule is no farms and no PI radios before 50.  2xp is good tho.


Between the hours I play, the 50s I occasionally re-play even after they are "finished"... I end up not having really that many different alts.  Maybe 8 or 9 are "finished" and another half a dozen are serious starts on toons I will probably one day finish.



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For now, I've stopped at 130 alts. Reason being, the majority of my alts were getting to the high-20s, low-30s, then just sitting there. I was logging in every day, scrolling through my pages of alts, picking whichever struck my fancy, and playing it long enough to gain a level, then picking another and doing the same. Or I'd roll a new alt, play it hard until around levels 15-20, then move on to something else. As each alt leveled up, I'd move it up in the list, so my alts were all sorted by level. This also had the undesired result of all my alts with primary powersets that I don't especially like (say, dual-pistols) being all clumped together in the same level range where that PS starts to bore me.


I changed my approach after I finally got my 10th character to 50 (and all ten of them sorted to the first character page). Decided to leave all my characters where they are in the list, and work on leveling one page of characters at a time. Rather than play each character until it gains another level, I keep them parked in police stations while I'm not playing them for the Law Enforcer/Arachnos Agent buff, and use that buff as a timer. So I start at the top of the page, and play the first character until that buff runs out, then move on to the next character. By the time I circle back to a character, it has reloaded the buff, "resetting" the timer. So now I have a second page of 50s, for a total of 20, and now I'm working on the third page of 10.


I primarily play "pure" DPS ATs - Blasters, scrappers, brutes, sentinels, and stalkers, though I have a couple defenders, tankers, and corruptors, and I think one dominator. I also have spreadsheets for the DPS ATs, for their primary/secondary powersets, so that I don't duplicate combinations within an AT. The only exception I've made to my "no duplicates" rule is two psychic blast/mental manipulation blasters. One of them started out as a corruptor, which just wasn't working for me, so I rerolled her as a blaster, and psychic blast/mental manipulation was the only combo that would fit her concept, and I already had another such blaster.

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