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What do consider “Soloing AVs” to mean?

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Just curious.  It is true that all’s fair in love and war, but I wanted to see how definitions vary when someone says their build solos AVs.


is it every AV?  Is it at -1 or +4?  Can you use any temp powers or inspirations?  And so on.


For me, I consider a +2 Nemesis AV as my benchmark. I try to only use the powers in my sets, but some builds use Envenomed daggers.  I think inspirations  in your inventory are fair game, but I won’t claim more during the fight.  I don’t use boosters or temp power summons or Lore pets.  I may think of more later.  Under those standards, all of my 50s are AV capable.  Some can go to +4, but not all.


what about you?

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I have never used Envenomed Daggers and never will. None of the Amplifiers, either.

I do not like flinging money at a P2W vendor for a combat advantage. That offends my sensibilities.


Every player is free to do what they will of course, but that's my stance on it, my own personal self-imposed-restriction for my characters.


That said, I will periodically go get myself a Shivan Shard from Bloody Bay. I recognize some consider them not much different / consider me slightly hypocritical on this point. My stance is Shivan Shards were available long before there were ever Veteran Rewards or a Paragon Market,  and to me, such things matter.

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I pride myself on all of my characters Toughness and ability to hang in a long fight and I have many Toons that

can Solo "Sally" at +4 and that's without any fancy special gear. Guess that's all that needs to be said, right, yeah.


I don't actually do SOLO AV's, I could, but with me mostly playing Tanks, it would be like watching paint dry, a thick coat of paint, on a cold rainy day in March.

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" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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I always do AVs either at +0 or +1. I do like a good endurance test every now and then, but +3 or 4 on some AVs is just murder. No thanks. Too much set up. If I have inspirations, great. I'll use them. Temporary powers have never been my thing. In my experience, if I'm in a situation where I have to resort to using Envenomed Daggers, it's time to reset and try again. My attack rotation is usually so tight that trying to fit in some dagger tosses results in a net DPS loss.

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I like to have a challenge in my encounters, especially for AVs/Heros that spawn at level 20 or higher. The added -1 thru +4 depends on how much health I want them to have. If my character needs a boost, I'll use whatever means to improve (Shivans/Signature Summons/Longbow Mech, etc., Warburg Nukes, temporary powers, inspirations, dual boxing support, kiting/pulling, accolade powers, etc). The only thing I haven't used are geometry breaks, because, aside from trying to solo Hamidon, it breaks the veil of fun for me. To each their own!


Edited by Glacier Peak
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3 hours ago, Dark Dove said:

Soloing an AV is defeating a mob that cons as an Archvillain/Hero without the assistance of another player character.  I see no reason to further complicate that definition, so that's where I am.

I agree with this EXCEPT I think you should disclose the conditions like the AV, the level, the powersets, and what additional powers or items were used.  Then we know when we compare that we take all that into account.

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Even-con or higher, no temps, no amplifiers,.  If I'm doing it as a challenge rather than because it's there, no Lore pets or insps either, but I'm pretty much out of the power-gamer Scrapper challenge game now and mostly solo AVs just because I can so I use reds and Lore pets just to speed things up.

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For me, I consider "soloing AV" to be at least even level (+0-2), using only powerset/incarnate powers (why hello there degenerative!) and no p2w buffs, temp pets, etc. Also no shivans/warburg nukes.


Naturally this includes pool powers, but accolades optional since I mostly don't bother getting them.

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I've never had a build that can solo an AV/Giant Monster. That said, I do understand it's possible with a perfectly attuned IO/Incarnate build. Hell, a third of my characters can't solo an elite boss.


That said, I'd imagine it would really depend on the AV and what your power sets are for if you can solo it. An invuln tanker, brute, sentinel, or scrapper would really struggle against Clockwork King and the Carnie AV due to the psi hole in their protections. Heck, any mission with a lot of psi damage is a huge pain for a tanker with a psi hole. Which is most of them.

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Solo it has to spawn as an AV/Hero, or a GM.

On teams I regularly crank it +4×8, I build my toons to survive so I'm really stringent on my builds and regularly delete fully kitted 50+ toons (after I strip them) if they don't live up to my standards.

Me and a VGmate will regularly go over builds on Mids for hours, he also builds to the same standards and regularly solo TF'S at +4.



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     I haven't really done solo AVs specifically as a challenge since Live, mostly i20 and earlier.  Nowadays I consider it pretty much anything done by a single character regardless of pets, inspires, p2w etc.  But I do like to know what those conditions are that the player considered solo.  Are they throwing the kitchen sink into the effort or is it character debuffed, foes buffed, no temps, no inspires etc., or something in between.  

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54 minutes ago, nihilii said:

I find it interesting Yomo specifically asked about "soloing AVs", and many of the replies have turned the question into "soloing an AV".

One is a singular instance, the other implies a trend.


Good point. So the real question is, should we be testing builds by herding all the AVs on @Eva Destruction's Praetorian Invasion map into a single group before taking them down and if so, at what difficulty should that be attempted? Sounds to me like the starting point should be +1 so that they'll be even con against our alpha level shift. Hmmmm.


Edit: Huh. Couple things there. I survived far longer than I expected and for some reason even on a tank, I wasn't able to keep them all aggroed on me. Seemed like even having been recently hit, some would get bored and head back to their spawn points. Exited mission before faceplanting to type this. Heading back in to see if I can actually take them all out one by one at +4.

Edited by Bill Z Bubba
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Fighting an AV by oneself. And since I’m playing characters rather than  testing builds I’ll use whatever it takes not to get stomped.:-)

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1 hour ago, nihilii said:

I find it interesting Yomo specifically asked about "soloing AVs", and many of the replies have turned the question into "soloing an AV".

One is a singular instance, the other implies a trend.

Well, just like being a mass murderer everyone starts trying to get that first one.


The only AV I have even tried to solo was the first tree of thorns respec AV some months ago.  at +0 I was able to accomplish this.  I did use envenomed daggers and a lot of temp pets. I was going for the badge not the bragging rights.


I still owe the original Positron EB at the end an ass whooping.  Everyone abandoned the TF and left my poor Energy Blaster alone.  I still have horrid memories.  

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There is also a HUGE swing of difficulty going from Nightstar, or Diabolique to Reichsman, regardless if -1 or +4. Was on a team of 6 on a EM/Regen Brute as the "Tank" for the Dr Kahn Taskforce at +4 x 8. Had to be rezzed multiple times during the AV fight because I got hit with something my limited resists couldn't handle. We got him, it just took a while, which the Team Leader said was actually hard for less than a full team at that difficulty. It didn't help to have a bunch of his Friends show up:

Countess Crey ( AV )

Gyrfalcon ( AV )

Nemesis ( AV )

Vanessa DeVore ( AV )

That has always been one of the hardest AV Fights I've run into because of the Reichsman's ridiculous amount of hitpoints and the AV spawns.



" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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18 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

is it every AV?  Is it at -1 or +4?  Can you use any temp powers or inspirations?  And so on.


To me, soloing an AV means +0 no temps.  


However, my personal standard is +4 AVs with whatever inspirations I have in my tray.

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Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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11 minutes ago, Marine X said:

There is also a HUGE swing of difficulty going from Nightstar, or Diabolique to Reichsman, regardless if -1 or +4. Was on a team of 6 on a EM/Regen Brute as the "Tank" for the Dr Kahn Taskforce at +4 x 8. Had to be rezzed multiple times during the AV fight because I got hit with something my limited resists couldn't handle. We got him, it just took a while, which the Team Leader said was actually hard for less than a full team at that difficulty. It didn't help to have a bunch of his Friends show up:

Countess Crey ( AV )

Gyrfalcon ( AV )

Nemesis ( AV )

Vanessa DeVore ( AV )

That has always been one of the hardest AV Fights I've run into because of the Reichsman's ridiculous amount of hitpoints and the AV spawns.



I do not make character notes much.  And always forget to look to see if someone has a note.


But if you invite me to a Khan then insist on running it at +4 you will get such a note.


Stupid is not the word.  It is not stupid enough.

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In the words of a certain comedian... "Here's your sign."


I remember joining the Task Force where you face the Clockwork King while on a Trick Arrow defender. Team consisted of a Katana/Invuln scrapper, a Invuln/Fire tanker, me, an Empathy defender, and a controller. Can't remember the controller's spec anymore beyond them having empathy as a secondary. Actually, not sure if they actually used their primary at all. The team would have been pretty damn good against anything else. But well, Clockwork King does do psi damage, which entirely ignores Invulnerability's defense and resistance. Two 'healers' weren't able to keep up with the damage, and I wasn't able to mitigate enough damage either. So of course I got blamed for the party wipe due to my not being a "healer". Couldn't possibly have been the fact the AV was able to bypass the defenses of both the tanker and scrapper. Nor could it possibly be that two party members weren't even trying to pull their weight, but instead were just using direct heals and the rez. No, it must have been the defender who used every single tool at their disposal to try keeping the team alive.


Yeah, I'm still salty about how often I got blamed for team wipes on the strength of not being a "healer", as well as all the times a useless "healer" got credit for keeping the team alive when my dark/rad or rad/rad defender was preventing most of the incoming damage via debuffing enemies into the floor.

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