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With pool stealth now so effective - do you take it and what "rules" do you have for stealthing solo missions?

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On my dual pistol/devices I get stealth from devices.  But I also started picking up stealth from the power pool on my other characters since it is now so effective.


With my blaster I tend to fight any isolated group as I run through a solo mission.  The fights are fast and I enjoy them.  So I don't just skip to the end. 


But with my dominator I often just run to the end if possible and complete the mission.  I often find that unsatisfying.  It doesn't feel like I earned it.


Do you just skip to the end of missions if you can?  Do you do a mixture of fighting and stealth?

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While I do take Stealth (or some combination of powers/IOs providing the same utility) I generally don't skip to the end while soloing unless it's a particularly annoying mission. I'll also stealth the two non-AV missions in Maria Jenkins arc, just because I've done them so many times. On TFs, I will generally stealth any mission that can be stealthed.

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A mix, and it most often depends on time, as in the real world clock. If I'm due to log, I'll start stealthing so as to finish. I might also stealth if I'm really close to levelling, and don't want to have to plow through a lot of "suddenly blue" baddies. Finally, I might stealth to avoid fighting certain types of enemies, for various reasons (like Freaks...I do not like to fight them twice [esp Super Stunners, who always seem to rez, even when I think I'm out of their range]).

Edited by cranebump

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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I generally just plow through without stealthing.  But if I find I'm up against something with hard counters to my build, I might stealth to the end and pop inspirations for the last spawn.

Active on Excelsior:

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I can count on one finger the number of toons I have that don't have stealth.  I wasn't overly happy with the revamp when it first hit but after playing a bit more with it I appreciate the update.  The increased run/jump speed is a nice to have since then I don't need to run sprint all the time.  It also means that I can run a lowbie without a travel power/ temp and still be OK in Atlas and KR.  And then at higher levels I still like the passive speed boost since I rarely run SS.  Stealth was great fun on my Mercs/Traps MM since it allowed me to set up all sorts of ambushes for mobs to run into while managing agro.  All kinds of fun.


For missions it depends on my mood.  I will stealth if I just don't feel like taking on every single group if the mission is not a kill all.  During TFs I host, I always ask.  If the group wants to stealth then I do.  If not then we kill through.  If teaming again I generally leave it up to the person whose mission it is.  But I like to always have the option to just skip to the final fight or grab the glowie.  It is also why all of my builds include TP Target.  So even if the team teleport is down I can still move anyone that doesn't have stealth to the final fight.

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      The vast majority of my characters are built to be stealthy.  I rarely skip to the end, fighting my way.  Stealth for me is an advantage I use to see mob placements like if or who's just around a corner on the map and use that info to decide when and how to start the fight.

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I'm certainly part of the murderhobo crowd here.  I'll take Stealth on characters if power picks and themeing allows for it, but i'm usually using it for the extra defense more than anything and not actuallt sneaking around.  It's great for setting up initial strikes though.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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I used it on my Dark/Invul Brute to do all content 1-50 that could not be done at 50.  Still working on 35-50 that can be done at 50.  


Particularly annoying were blueside 'rescue 17" (yes, 17, multiple times) which after you stealth, find, "rescue" the mission is in fact a kill all


But generally you just stealth to glowie, kill room that has glowie, done.

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My only characters with stealth are stalkers or happen to have stealth because of other powers with stealth in the set. Like energy armor or devices on a blaster, or the shadow fall type from dark affinity.


If I do take stealth power pool its exclusively for a iOS, and usually just 1 lotg recharge.


And I never stealth missions. Unless I end up in a speed TF that is stealthing them.

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Depends on the mission, I skip to the end if I’ve done it loads (how many times can you rescue Dr. Francois without being thanked?) or if the story is really good and I want to get to the next bit (I need to put more slots in patience) but I mostly enjoy romping through and smashing the place up a bit. 

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I think I have one toon with stealth, because it's thematic. If I need to "stealth" something, I liberally apply the "run really fast and hope a stray hit doesn't kill me" method. Insps optional.

Edited by Spaghetti Betty
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Mainly on Excelsior. Find me in game @Spaghetti Betty.

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1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

I also hate Hide and thus Stalkers.




"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

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Depends on the character, but usually, my goal is to finish story arcs as fast as I can for the XP reward at the end, rather than fuss with making XP within the missions. 

To me, Stealth pool is usually a waste. I don't see it as a practical choice, as it doesn't help you kill mobs any faster than a character that doesn't choose the stealth pool. What's the point? To be invisible? As Loc points out, SS + Celerity: Stealth, and you've the same thing. Not like anyone is going to pass up Sprint. 
I guess some folks don't care for SS; to each their own. I find it much faster than flight, and usually faster than teleport, unless the zone or travel area is clear of buildings. Anecdotally, teleport in the central part of Grandville is every bit as annoying as Super Speed. Flight is just better in those situations, and there's a handy jet pack that doesn't cost any slots or powers. 
The only case I can see where I might choose stealth would be in pursuit of a place to stash an LotG - but flight has more utility than stealth, so may as well go that route, or Leadership.  But, that's just my thinking on Stealth. I don't see it remotely useful with the use of Celerity Stealth being an option. Take that away, then I would find a way to fit stealth in most builds. 

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14 hours ago, Loc said:

No need to take stealth pool to stealth. Super speed + stealth proc in sprint will be more than enough. Doesn't hurt to take the stealth pool if you want to of course.

Assuming you didn't want to fly through everything (because you find SS disorienting on mish maps), can you get a similar effect with a stealth proc in Sprint, then run Sprint+Infiltration? I run a lot of "low to the ground" PCs, and will often that to move a bit faster, but not so fast I fly past things.

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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1 hour ago, cranebump said:

Assuming you didn't want to fly through everything (because you find SS disorienting on mish maps), can you get a similar effect with a stealth proc in Sprint, then run Sprint+Infiltration? I run a lot of "low to the ground" PCs, and will often that to move a bit faster, but not so fast I fly past things.

Just put the stealth proc in Infiltration. No need to run Sprint.

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1 hour ago, Uun said:

Just put the stealth proc in Infiltration. No need to run Sprint.

Ah, okay. (Duh...don't know why I didn't just go right there. So used to stacking Infil+Sprint+Athletic Run, etc. for basic get around, I guess).

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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9 hours ago, cranebump said:

Assuming you didn't want to fly through everything (because you find SS disorienting on mish maps), can you get a similar effect with a stealth proc in Sprint, then run Sprint+Infiltration? I run a lot of "low to the ground" PCs, and will often that to move a bit faster, but not so fast I fly past things.


If all you wanna do is run past enemies to get to the end of the map but don't want to use superspeed, even just the stealth proc without the stealth pool or just infiltration should be enough if you're reasonably fast. If the enemies don't get a lot of time to notice you, you don't require high stealth. (Some enemies can always spot you however) Running only SS for example would be the best way to run to the end of the map if you could only pick a single power. I use the stealth proc with it for extra safety and easier time clicking glowies.


However, if you are really uncomfortable at even moderately fast speeds a good option for you would be to just spec into phase shift.

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