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If you were to add a zone to Paragon City...


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What about a portal to the Rikti Home World?


Instead of being on the defense all the time, with the raids and all, why can't we have a portal to their world so we can visit some payback on them.


Unless we already have this, in which case, nevermind.

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Retirement Zone for Old Supers?  You know, tapioca pudding rewards and young punks the ancient Supers can pound, then stand around for 30 minutes talking about the old days over the poor schmuck while waiting for the police and ambulance

Edited by Snarky
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15 minutes ago, Snarky said:

Retirement Zone for Old Supers?  You know, tapioca puddin rewards and yound punks the ancient Supers can pound, then stand around for 30 minutes talking about the old days over the poor schmuck while waiting for the police and ambulance

Throw in some hot nurses and you got yourself a deal!

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I did think of something else that came to mind reading people's responses here, of things I used to do back in the day and I think it'd be kind of fun if there were a more "true" experience towards it that, honestly, the underground city of Orenbega would probably be perfect for.


Two things I would do a lot on live before the existence of the DFB was to gather a team with the intention that we would not stop running the sewer network until would got as far as it exited (this would take you somewhere into Skyway or Steel depending on where you turned), and it was a path that got folks into their teens easily, especially on a 2XP weekend. It was about the challenge of going as far as you could without "coming back out" because back then there was no check point, once you got that far in, if you hit the Hospital you weren't coming back.


The other thing I found to be a fun challenge was in the 20's and hitting the Striga Island Council Base, the "Wolf's Throat" where the base goes underground for a stretch and is just filled wall to ceiling with enemies. Same premise as the sewer run: Go as long as you can, if you die, you're done, tap out, it's over. The goal was to make it to the other side alive. Now most of you might be thinking "Well yeah, sure, grab a team that's easy." No, the kicker on this challenge was to do it solo.


So what if we had that Orenbega style map as an actual zone, casually filled and milling about like a Circle of Thorns "city zone" with transport rings to weird sections, and active underground pools, and the deeper you go, the harder the enemies get.


And of course, there's no hospital to save you.

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3 minutes ago, Sir Myshkin said:

So what if we had that Orenbega style map as an actual zone, casually filled and milling about like a Circle of Thorns "city zone" with transport rings to weird sections, and active underground pools, and the deeper you go, the harder the enemies get.

That would be interesting if there was a mixture of friendly, neutral, and enemy groups within the zone - imagine if it was co-op to boot, with villains possibly aggroing some enemies, and heroes still others.  I'm kind of picturing the underground in Demolition Man, only with magic!

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15 minutes ago, Sir Myshkin said:

So what if we had that Orenbega style map as an actual zone, casually filled and milling about like a Circle of Thorns "city zone" with transport rings to weird sections, and active underground pools, and the deeper you go, the harder the enemies get.


And of course, there's no hospital to save you.


Remember that there's some Oranbega maps that have a prison section.  THAT'S where the defeateds end up.  And while they're beating on the cell 'doors', the NPC's are talking about how best to go about commandeering their bodies. 


(for an added bonus, if someone logs out in the Oranbega jail, their "Day Job" buff on return is a confuse debuff, that makes all of the CoT read as friendlies/untargetable, but any heroes/villains that show up are now fair game.  Yes... it's a coop PvP zone.)

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AE ARC's (So Far!)


15252 Child of the Tsoo - [SFMA] Ninjas, sorcerers, and human trafficking (Origin Story - Stick Figure/Storm Lotus)

50769 Hunt of the Eclipse - [SFMA] Finding something that was lost to Arachnos for nearly 20 years (Origin Story - Daisy Chain)

53149 Spells as a Service - [SFMA] When a young hacker makes a connection between magic and mathematics and encodes it into a computer program, chaos breaks loose!

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16 minutes ago, MistressOhm said:


Remember that there's some Oranbega maps that have a prison section.  THAT'S where the defeateds end up.  And while they're beating on the cell 'doors', the NPC's are talking about how best to go about commandeering their bodies. 


(for an added bonus, if someone logs out in the Oranbega jail, their "Day Job" buff on return is a confuse debuff, that makes all of the CoT read as friendlies/untargetable, but any heroes/villains that show up are now fair game.  Yes... it's a coop PvP zone.)


I hadn't forgotten about it, the idea of it though means that there would be some form of "checkpoint", which defeats the purpose of "if you die, you're back to square one." Plus, in many cases, those prison cells are often further in, meaning it would put a person beyond their "level", which then asks where do you put the prisons? How many? Easier I thought to just not have them at all! Ahahah!

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As always, the concept expressed in my OP somehow quickly mutated and tangents took off.  It has been an interesting discussion so far.  Let me just note that I'm not trying to dismiss the CoV material, I was just focusing on Paragon City right now. Likewise,  I'm not trying to ignore the idea of fixing current zones, that's another topic (one dear to me).  I was trying to get a response regarding specific areas of the Paragon City map itself, though there've been many wonderful ideas not tied to any map location.  I'd like to comment on several:


On 11/5/2022 at 1:10 PM, El D said:

3 or 5 would be the most interesting, with 5 winning out due to the landmass shape alone - that witch hat/Nightmare Before Christmas mountain curl is so much more interesting than yet another 'Here's a box of war walls.' Also because, for a coastal city, Paragon has a massive dearth of actual coastline in-game or beaches that aren't attached to islands.


As for content, there's a lot that could be done with it. Coralax invasion like what @Glacier Peak said - or have the Virtea finally appear in-game, since we've got fish monster costume bits now. Have it become 'Little Praetoria' overlooked by a Vanguard base (or/also a U.S. navy base). Include some kind of secret villain lair hidden in there somewhere, trying to take advantage of the refugees (Malta? Knives of Artemis? New group?). Do all of the above and more.


Just whatever is done, please don't surround it with war walls.

Are the Virtea something reference in red side?  I don't play there much.  I'm actually surprised, however, that I've not seen this before, after years in the game.


I never considered the amount of coastline.  With Peregrine Island, Talos Island, Siren's Call, and Independence Port, I'd always thought of Paragon City as coastal, but yes, I can see the need for expansion in that category, and #5 definitely qualifies.


War walls, for any that don't know, were done to cover early-era MMO zone transfers.  Peregrine Island shows the progress made.  The game transitions to Talos Island if you swim far enough south.  While I'll be very pleasantly surprised if we ever do get a new zone,  wall-less zones should be possible.


On 11/6/2022 at 9:44 PM, tidge said:

Can we please have the "under-mountain" zone between Port Oakes and Cap Au Diable first?

As I mentioned above, it's not intended as a competition.  The discussion was speculative, and focused on Paragon City.  I'll be happy to start a Rogue Island thread version.


On 11/6/2022 at 11:38 PM, Yaliw said:

I'd like to see 'suburbia' added. I know it sounds weird but we have nothing like it.





Closest thing we have is Croatoa, and that's more like a satellite village with farms, and what probably used to be state park territory.  I add my voice with all the others so far in saying I'd really like to see this if by some blessed miracle we actually do get new zones.  I'd probably drop it either next to Croatoa, or one or more of the zones to the south.


On 11/7/2022 at 4:48 AM, Pyriold said:

Up above. I want a moon base zone with reduced gravity, would be a blast. And next a space station without any gravity.

Moon base someday, absolutely.  Both concepts have major consequences for travel powers.  Teleportation almost becomes a necessity in a "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king" kind of way.


On 11/7/2022 at 6:12 AM, Disruptor said:

Would be cool if there were a plains/fields farm-type country area. No buildings or trees, maybe a couple of giant moving futuristic portal corps farm tractors you can jump on, perhaps they could be part of an event where they take damage from some mob attacking it and will stop moving. Basically a kind of payload you must protect so portal corps or maybe even the city can get their crops/resources or some such.


it would be sunny and bright, lots of grass, crops, cornfields, maybe a bunch of cows/horses/pigs and poachers


you could run missions protecting crops and the land, maybe their is a group of evil scavenger gold miners or oil diggers that wanna destroy the land for profit.

I'd not really considered completely rural as a zone idea.  Your future farm tractors sounds fun.  Maybe it could tie a bit more tightly to the city story if at least part of the zone were an experimental farm (of the future?) run by a corporation.  Say...Crey, with some sinister ideas.  I seem to recall a sci-fi story (I don't recall where) where corn was genetically altered to make it (that specific breed) addictive.  Run with something like that, and have heroes brought in by the remaining farmers who the corporation is leaning hard on to force the sale of their farms to the corporation.


On 11/7/2022 at 10:50 PM, Sir Myshkin said:

How about we fix the zones we have? Faultline has been under construction for twenty years!

As stated above, I love the idea of fixing existing zones, I've actually commented on it repeatedly over the years, and I truly hope it happens, but it's a different topic than the one laid out.


23 hours ago, Marine X said:

Just a few Ideas by looking at where the areas are:

PDA 1: Airport/Spaceport with a Tram Station at the Terminal. Skyraiders/Council presence to the East, and Cabal in the West. Some Family activity to the south .( 25-30 )

PDA 2: Hydra from Perez come here following the river to Spawn, nearly endless sea of Young Hydra and a Mysterious Rikti Presence. ( 15-20 )

PDA 3: A Blue Zone with similar to Redside island architecture, and populated with minor Redside Factions up to no good. Coralax along the coast. ( 20-25 )

PDA 4: A Forest Maze similar to the ones featured in Goldside Missions populated with Devouring Earth with seeds of Hamidon towards the Center. ( 45-50 )

PDA 5: Main Malta Base, they haven't ever really had a defined Stronghold outside Missions so here we are, and it has access to land and sea spaces for variety. ( 45-50 )

PDA 7,8,9: Suburban Areas with winding streets, Parks and each one with a lurking Group Presence in the shadows, Circle, Cabal, & Clockwork. ( 10-20 )


First off, I really appreciate the attention to the OP that you put in, and your well-thought answers.  PDA 1 is a perfect idea, and the one for 7,8,9 looks pretty organic to the map layout.


PDA 5 is intriguing.  I never really considered Malta to need a main base, not like Striga Island at any rate.  Malta always struck me as a hard-to-pin-down group: smaller, cellular, temporary bases.  Setting that thought aside, yes, I think 5 might work for a Malta base.  Visually it looks like a control point for sea access to the city.  I'd not have an open base though, like the Council has.  Malta is too sneaky for that.  I'd think more like "coastal tourist town up top, Malta base underneath".  Maybe have access via elevator chairs in the barbershop. 😉



19 hours ago, High_Beam said:

It took me a little to think out what I would like and reading other peoples input is fabulous.  This was about adding a zone not doing something with the zones they have (Kallisti Wharf with more than Market Crash) or ressurecting an old zone (Galaxy City as a hard hazard zone).


Airport-Spaceport - You zoom in close enough on the game map that came with the box and you will see a Skyway International Airport.  I could see that as a hub zone that had spawn points to "other venues", like gate 3 sends you to Paris or London and you get an instanced zone with a flavored mission.  Just add some "beyond the glass" images of the iconic objects (Eiffel Tower, Big Ben) while staying in the city zone.  Collect the stamps on your passport (badges) and add whatever enemy you want (new or used).  And it can be the launching pad (see what I did there) for a moon base mission or just another general lab skin but called an orbiting space station or whatever.


Suburbia - Yeah that one is interesting to me because someone said Nemesis plot and someone said Stepford wives and that works.  Maybe the mechanic of shifting alignment could be put into play, you know they are allies then turn.  You don't know who is normal or not so at any moment they could turn.  That's just the street.  Then you could totally go with secret cabal of menace or nemesis plot or magic or whatever.  I mentioned the Synthoids from GI Joe, just watch "There's No Place Like Springfield" and not say damn, that's freaking devious, and feel bad for Shipwreck.


Refugee Zone - This is one that I have pondered since the release of the Second Rikti War material.  The canon says the Traditionalists made peace with us and there is even allusions to establishing diplomatic ties and of course AMA Lore saying that they might have been allies in the fight against the Battalion.  But working with what is there, a small pocket where the good Rikti are and are trying to help us (cure the lost, deal with the imported Hydra, stop the Restructurists that are still causing problems).  Or if you are RIkti weary we could do it with Praetorians.  A whole small zone (not too big) of Praetorians who have no home but still want things to be like home and you have to deal with those entities that are trying to reshape our world to their image vice adapting to it.  There are several angles for moral story telling there.

First paragraph: yes, absolutely correct.


Man, I love your ideas!  The passport stamp idea is fun.  I wonder if it could be converted to some sort of mini-game/reward system?  The shifting alignment concept in suburbia, if entirely random, would keep things fresh by being a different experience each time.  The Refugee Zone is fantastic.  I actually could see it either as its own or as a rebuild of part of a current destruction zone.  Storyline with changing facade where you protect construction crews clearing rubble and laying down a quick-build village of pre-fabricated parts.  Once done, get into a main story arc.


Actually, I read "refugee zone" and the first thought I had was a "Hooverville" to reference the tent villages of the poor in the post-stock market crash of the early 1930s.  The refugees being those people displaced by all the city destruction, but too poor to move away.  Not so much tents as pre-fab mini-homes, trailers, and whatever else could be quickly assembled to house the displaced.

15 hours ago, Rishidian said:

What about a portal to the Rikti Home World?


Instead of being on the defense all the time, with the raids and all, why can't we have a portal to their world so we can visit some payback on them.


Unless we already have this, in which case, nevermind.

Let me pitch a variation of that.  If I recall the lore correctly, the Rikti remain a thorn in our side because they have a small portal to their homeworld and troops trickle in.  What if we can expand on the Mothership Raid?  Fight our way, not just to the center and stand there hammering opponents for a half hour, but searching for the small portal, and forcing our group through in an effort to push back/close the portal from the other side.  Eventually we're repelled, and the portal either remains or is somehow rebuilt, but it expands our actions and the concept.

14 hours ago, biostem said:

I'd love to see something like a a large interior zone - maybe the large tower in KW or a sprawling shopping mall.

I could see this combined with the Suburbia concept.  A shopping mall could work in context, and be treated like a zone-within-a-zone, like Terra Volta is to Independence Point. Perhaps a partially abandoned shopping mall (like too many are today).  The abandoned parts have had villain groups moving in, and the remaining shopkeepers are asking hero help to clear them out.  Along the way in the story, we can investigate the sinister reason behind the ice cream shop having 32 flavors of ice cream.  😉

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1 hour ago, Techwright said:

Are the Virtea something reference in red side?  I don't play there much.  I'm actually surprised, however, that I've not seen this before, after years in the game.


I never considered the amount of coastline.  With Peregrine Island, Talos Island, Siren's Call, and Independence Port, I'd always thought of Paragon City as coastal, but yes, I can see the need for expansion in that category, and #5 definitely qualifies.


War walls, for any that don't know, were done to cover early-era MMO zone transfers.  Peregrine Island shows the progress made.  The game transitions to Talos Island if you swim far enough south.  While I'll be very pleasantly surprised if we ever do get a new zone,  wall-less zones should be possible.


The Virtea are a Redside thing, but they've never been more than a section of the Coralax background lore or appeared in-game. This is their only blurb from the Homecoming wiki:



Extending their control over the oceans of Earth, the Coralax became masters of the Virtea, a race of humanoid fish creatures that tend to stay in very deep water. The primitive, nomadic Virtea are not overly violent but will defend themselves and their loved ones fiercely. Dominated through a combination of charm, intimidation, and mental strength, the Virtea serve the will of the Coralax.


I just figure it'd be a neat way to expand an extremely limited but really interesting enemy group previously locked to specific areas in one side of the game, especially considering the existing Coralax mobs are all just one palette swapped coral person model and the coral golem - and that their level range Redside is abysmally narrow. Have Merulina wake up, send out more Shaper priests, upgrade the Coralax, and add in the Virtea followers to support them (giant Deep One-esque fish people would make fantastic Elite Bosses). Given that they hate humanity's pollution of the Earth, there's tons of angles to be done with that which could easily fill up a new zone with content - none of which have to be the 'evil deity-thing sends out its minions for world domination' plot that's pretty overdone by this point in CoH.


The player has to save a Crey lab being attacked by Coralax forces only to find out it's been polluting the area with chemicals, so then they must decide whether to spare the scientists/let them face the legal system or offer them up to the Coralax for morality content. A Praetorian scientist - or better yet, Riptide - is attempting to make peaceful contact with Merulina's followers, using Praetoria's focus on eco-friendly technology and clean living to build common ground only to reveal that they've been developing anti-Coralax tech in-secret because they're similar enough to the DE that most Praetorians would have understandable second-thoughts. Hell, could even have Coralax team up with the players and the Praetorians against the Devouring Earth, whose horrific combination of mad science and black magic is viewed as even more of a corruption than normal pollution is.


Tangent aside, yeah Peregrine Island is definitely what I was thinking about with the urge for no war walls. I totally understand why they were put in mechanics and lore-wise, but zones can be made without them now (and frankly, the Rikti take them down often enough that they don't serve much purpose anymore >.>).

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Global is @El D, Everlasting Player, Recovering Altaholic.

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On 11/7/2022 at 4:48 AM, Pyriold said:

Up above. I want a moon base zone with reduced gravity, would be a blast. And next a space station without any gravity.


This has only been asked for since like i2 >.<

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8 hours ago, Techwright said:

As always, the concept expressed in my OP somehow quickly mutated and tangents took off.  It has been an interesting discussion so far.  Let me just note that I'm not trying to dismiss the CoV material, I was just focusing on Paragon City right now. Likewise,  I'm not trying to ignore the idea of fixing current zones, that's another topic (one dear to me).  I was trying to get a response regarding specific areas of the Paragon City map itself, though there've been many wonderful ideas not tied to any map location.  I'd like to comment on several:


Are the Virtea something reference in red side?  I don't play there much.  I'm actually surprised, however, that I've not seen this before, after years in the game.


I never considered the amount of coastline.  With Peregrine Island, Talos Island, Siren's Call, and Independence Port, I'd always thought of Paragon City as coastal, but yes, I can see the need for expansion in that category, and #5 definitely qualifies.


War walls, for any that don't know, were done to cover early-era MMO zone transfers.  Peregrine Island shows the progress made.  The game transitions to Talos Island if you swim far enough south.  While I'll be very pleasantly surprised if we ever do get a new zone,  wall-less zones should be possible.


As I mentioned above, it's not intended as a competition.  The discussion was speculative, and focused on Paragon City.  I'll be happy to start a Rogue Island thread version.


Closest thing we have is Croatoa, and that's more like a satellite village with farms, and what probably used to be state park territory.  I add my voice with all the others so far in saying I'd really like to see this if by some blessed miracle we actually do get new zones.  I'd probably drop it either next to Croatoa, or one or more of the zones to the south.


Moon base someday, absolutely.  Both concepts have major consequences for travel powers.  Teleportation almost becomes a necessity in a "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king" kind of way.


I'd not really considered completely rural as a zone idea.  Your future farm tractors sounds fun.  Maybe it could tie a bit more tightly to the city story if at least part of the zone were an experimental farm (of the future?) run by a corporation.  Say...Crey, with some sinister ideas.  I seem to recall a sci-fi story (I don't recall where) where corn was genetically altered to make it (that specific breed) addictive.  Run with something like that, and have heroes brought in by the remaining farmers who the corporation is leaning hard on to force the sale of their farms to the corporation.


As stated above, I love the idea of fixing existing zones, I've actually commented on it repeatedly over the years, and I truly hope it happens, but it's a different topic than the one laid out.


First off, I really appreciate the attention to the OP that you put in, and your well-thought answers.  PDA 1 is a perfect idea, and the one for 7,8,9 looks pretty organic to the map layout.


PDA 5 is intriguing.  I never really considered Malta to need a main base, not like Striga Island at any rate.  Malta always struck me as a hard-to-pin-down group: smaller, cellular, temporary bases.  Setting that thought aside, yes, I think 5 might work for a Malta base.  Visually it looks like a control point for sea access to the city.  I'd not have an open base though, like the Council has.  Malta is too sneaky for that.  I'd think more like "coastal tourist town up top, Malta base underneath".  Maybe have access via elevator chairs in the barbershop. 😉



First paragraph: yes, absolutely correct.


Man, I love your ideas!  The passport stamp idea is fun.  I wonder if it could be converted to some sort of mini-game/reward system?  The shifting alignment concept in suburbia, if entirely random, would keep things fresh by being a different experience each time.  The Refugee Zone is fantastic.  I actually could see it either as its own or as a rebuild of part of a current destruction zone.  Storyline with changing facade where you protect construction crews clearing rubble and laying down a quick-build village of pre-fabricated parts.  Once done, get into a main story arc.


Actually, I read "refugee zone" and the first thought I had was a "Hooverville" to reference the tent villages of the poor in the post-stock market crash of the early 1930s.  The refugees being those people displaced by all the city destruction, but too poor to move away.  Not so much tents as pre-fab mini-homes, trailers, and whatever else could be quickly assembled to house the displaced.

Let me pitch a variation of that.  If I recall the lore correctly, the Rikti remain a thorn in our side because they have a small portal to their homeworld and troops trickle in.  What if we can expand on the Mothership Raid?  Fight our way, not just to the center and stand there hammering opponents for a half hour, but searching for the small portal, and forcing our group through in an effort to push back/close the portal from the other side.  Eventually we're repelled, and the portal either remains or is somehow rebuilt, but it expands our actions and the concept.

I could see this combined with the Suburbia concept.  A shopping mall could work in context, and be treated like a zone-within-a-zone, like Terra Volta is to Independence Point. Perhaps a partially abandoned shopping mall (like too many are today).  The abandoned parts have had villain groups moving in, and the remaining shopkeepers are asking hero help to clear them out.  Along the way in the story, we can investigate the sinister reason behind the ice cream shop having 32 flavors of ice cream.  😉

Hey you didn't @ me! I had a good idea 💡


Edit: Actually meant to post something of a reply lol


You said:


"While I'll be very pleasantly surprised if we ever do get a new zone,  wall-less zones should be possible."


There's three warwall-less zones in Praetoria too.

Edited by Glacier Peak
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1 hour ago, Glacier Peak said:

Hey you didn't @ me! I had a good idea 💡


Edit: Actually meant to post something of a reply lol


You said:


"While I'll be very pleasantly surprised if we ever do get a new zone,  wall-less zones should be possible."


There's three warwall-less zones in Praetoria too.

Sorry, sorry!  I got a bit confusaled, after all, I was already replying to 10 others.  You're quite right, it was a good post (see below).  And you're quite right, Praetoria also has wall-less zones.


On 11/5/2022 at 12:20 PM, Glacier Peak said:

Cut Talos in half north and south, take the north portion and combine it with the 5 box. Then add water enemies or Coralax. And a giant whirpool near the greek islands. And some giant cyclops. And the rest of the Odyssey.

All is good, the whirlpool idea is genius, though I'm not sure what the execution of it will be beyond visual.  Do players suffer damage if getting into it? Do they get killed if pulled to the center? Are water powers able to counter it?  Inquiring minds want to know.  Makes sense to continue the Greek theme, though would it be if Talos were divided?  Only if the northern and eastern war walls were taken down, I feel, so it maintains a perceived continuity.


There does seem to be a need to have some sort of opponent or story in the northern bay.  That's a lot of unused space.  Currently, only the ghost ship travels there, but not always.


If we have the wire frames for snakes, do we have enough to make a Giant Monster Charybdis?


By the way, did you notice the map has one extra island to the east in the Talos bay?  One wonders what that might have been.

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4 minutes ago, Techwright said:

Sorry, sorry!  I got a bit confusaled, after all, I was already replying to 10 others.  You're quite right, it was a good post (see below).  And you're quite right, Praetoria also has wall-less zones.


All is good, the whirlpool idea is genius, though I'm not sure what the execution of it will be beyond visual.  Do players suffer damage if getting into it? Do they get killed if pulled to the center? Are water powers able to counter it?  Inquiring minds want to know.  Makes sense to continue the Greek theme, though would it be if Talos were divided?  Only if the northern and eastern war walls were taken down, I feel, so it maintains a perceived continuity.


There does seem to be a need to have some sort of opponent or story in the northern bay.  That's a lot of unused space.  Currently, only the ghost ship travels there, but not always.


If we have the wire frames for snakes, do we have enough to make a Giant Monster Charybdis?


By the way, did you notice the map has one extra island to the east in the Talos bay?  One wonders what that might have been.

The whirlpool idea was brought on by my experience in the Halloween base @Dacy was spotlighting on Everlasting. In it, you get dropped down in to a whirpool and it spins you around then you end up in a different area. Could be like that in some regards, and that was made entirely with base parts. I know I'm missing a lot from the Odyssey story as it pertains to monsters, but the idea takes the theme from the islands north of Talos anyways and could be an easy transition in to an expanded Warrior story line. 


I'm certain the snake model could scale and since Stheno was a sister of Medusa in the mythology, it could be another way to tie in the story aspect. 


I'll have to swim up there again, but I thought that island was in Peregrine Island...

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4 hours ago, krj12 said:

I've wanted a level 50 extension to Croatoa for quite a while.  This is about the only fantasy based zone in the game, and I don't count the gothic horror based Dark Astoria as fantasy, really.


That about the Hollows?

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5 hours ago, krj12 said:

I've wanted a level 50 extension to Croatoa for quite a while.  This is about the only fantasy based zone in the game, and I don't count the gothic horror based Dark Astoria as fantasy, really.

I don't want more Croatoa, but definitely at least one more non city area/small town with surrounding countryside would be good.

AE SFMA Arcs: The Meteors (Arc id 42079) Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part One. (Arc id 26756) X | Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part Two. (Arc id 26952) | Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part Three. (Arc id 27233) Darker Deeds: Part One (Arc id 28374) | Darker Deeds: Part Two. (Arc id 28536) | Darker Deeds: Part Three. (Arc id 29252) | Darkest Before Dawn: Part One (Arc id 29891) |

Darkest Before Dawn: Part Two (Arc id 30210) | Darkest Before Dawn: Part Three (Arc id 30560) |

 Bridge of Forever ( Arc id 36642) | The Cassini Division (Arc id 37104) X | The House of Gaunt Saints (Arc id 37489) X | The Spark of the Blind (Arc id 40403) | Damnatio Memoriae (Arc id 41140) X  The Eve of War (Arc id 41583) | Spirals: Part One. (Arc id 55109) |  Spirals: Part Two. (Arc id 55358) |  Spirals: Part Three. (Arc id 57197)

I Sing of Arms and the Man (Arc id 42617) | Three Sisters (Arc id 43013)

(Pre War Praetorian Loyalist.  Pre War Praetorian Resistance.  Pre ITF Cimerora.  Post ITF Cimerora. X = Dev Choice/Hall of Fame )

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On 11/9/2022 at 9:18 AM, Techwright said:

I'd not have an open base though, like the Council has.  Malta is too sneaky for that.

Exactly, I was actually thinking virtually no structures above ground at all, wooded with occasional security patrols and spawns tucked out of sight. The main base would be under ground and use a variation of the Arachnos Submarine Base. It could be accessed from several directions through almost hidden tunnels, much like the one in Faultline beneath the Dead Tree and would be considered part of the main map. There could be Mission Doors within the base to accommodate Missions given out by contacts, which could be Double Agents, Defectors or Infiltrators, and you would never be sure you weren't being set up. Ahh, the Intrigue.

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" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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32 minutes ago, Marine X said:

Exactly, I was actually thinking virtually no structures above ground at all, wooded with occasional security patrols and spawns tucked out of sight. The main base would be under ground and use a variation of the Arachnos Submarine Base. It could be accessed from several directions through almost hidden tunnels, much like the one in Faultline beneath the Dead Tree and would be considered part of the main map. There could be Mission Doors within the base to accommodate Missions given out by contacts, which could be Double Agents, Defectors or Infiltrators, and you would never be sure you weren't being set up. Ahh, the Intrigue.

Just so long as they have nice wide and tall tunnels.

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13 hours ago, Darmian said:

I don't want more Croatoa, but definitely at least one more non city area/small town with surrounding countryside would be good.

There is enough farmland in AE 🙂

Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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19 hours ago, biostem said:

I wonder how hard and/or different it would be to implement something like a 1940s or 1970s Atlas Park, via Ouroboros or some other form of time travel...

Not sure.  1940's Atlas Park would be very different.  For one thing, it might not be called Atlas Park yet.  For another thing, the statue would not be built yet, and probably would not be until the world war was over, due to metal requirements during time of war.  Skyscrapers, if it had them, would probably be in an Art Deco style, and lower buildings might range from old Victorian Italianates to emerging Modernism styles.  Street layout might be different, too.


The 1970s would have the Atlas Statue and Park but a lot of the buildings would likely be in the Brutalist style.


Either way, it would mean a lot of work, though the 1970s one might not be as rough if they used the old Atlas Park as a starting template.

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