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Everything posted by Hedgefund

  1. I don't know if this helps debugging (which I'm sure is happening fervently) this or not, but I just noticed that it looks like it's possible that records for an item I just purchased (Superior Frozen Blast proc) got mixed into what I was searching for (Call to Arms A/D/R) I don't know for certain those 23M records are from what I bought, it just struck me as very coincidental.
  2. Just curious, was that a Croatoa mission with Fir Bolg? It seems in most missions trapped citizens are in main rooms, maybe in a corner but for that one particular mission they can be in those side rooms you just don't even bother entering since there are never mobs in them (except for this).
  3. I need to do a major cleanup of my mids versions, I've got a few. I too had the melee secondary for the version I had loaded when I initially checked this, but closed that app and opened my latest (v2.6.0.2) and it properly loaded the Kinetics secondary.
  4. This isn't a formal review, but I can save you 70M that would otherwise be wasted - don't slot Microfilaments in Swift and Hurdle. Those two powers use no endurance and standard lvl 50 Run and Jump IOs give better values (42.4 vs 33.3).
  5. No. Is Cloud Senses overpowered? It gives even more ranged def, the same recharge and a damage proc to boot. Is Oblit overpowered? It gives more def (to melee) a smidge less recharge (5%) and a damage proc to boot. Is Mocking Beratement overpowered? It gives more def bonuses (one of them = 3.13) and more recharge. Is Perfect Zinger overpowered? It gives a 3.13% def bonus, a bit less recharge and a damage proc to boot. Is Malaise's Illusion overpowered? It gives a the same def and recharge and a damage proc to boot (though it could be argued the damage is a negative for many). This is off the top of my head, there may be more non-exotic IOs that give similar bonuses for some defense and recharge and I haven't heard any of them referred to as "overpowered" before.
  6. I really like the Stupefy set, it gives good ranged def and recharge (3.13% and 6.25% respectively). Unfortunately I find I have to be careful about slotting it. To get the ranged def bonus you have to go all-in and 6 slot, so no kb-kd proc can be used to minimize the kb. While I can make it work on a blast set st stun, (like Screech or Stunning Shot) it's pretty much a no-go for a control aoe stun. So, my suggestion is to change that knock back to knock down.
  7. Interesting. I can't "shed some light" as in give an explanation, but I happen to have both a Sonic Resonance MM and Def and indeed, Liquefy for the MM takes kb sets but the Def does not. I just logged into both to see. Weird... may be a bug.
  8. ROA's animation time was halved in a recent patch. Specifically:
  9. Oh definitely, I should have mentioned I was just going through bank missions to get Invader and the temps and was set to 0. So I'm not trying to oversell it, but certainly Dominate wouldn't be 1-shotting even cons without the procs. This character's still in its first hour of actually being played, so I have't cranked up to +4 yet for anything, or even +3.
  10. I just PLd a Fort and just got to 50 and started playing it. For Dominate I went with Glad Jav Acc/Dmg Glad Jav proc Apoc Dmg Apoc proc Unbreakable Constraint proc GW proc OMG, it's not rare for this to one-shot minions. I need to re-think my ST hold in all my trollers/doms now.
  11. Sonic/Mental lets you find your sweet spot and cone cone cone (3 good ones, 2 from sonic, 1 from MM).
  12. If I may make a request.. How about a "basics" guide? By that I mean something to show how to make a base with the following: 1) Portals to all zones (Rogue Isles, Paragon and beyond) 2) Crafting stations Invention worktable Empowerment stations (both arcane and tech) 3) Storage salvage enhancements inspirations 4) Med Bay + nurse 5) Pillar of Ice and Fire Maybe an intermediate one (or maybe basic+) for these: 1) Trainers 2) merit ATM 3) Quartermaster 4) Facemaker
  13. Here's a popular recipe: What do I, the new user with no historical knowledge of high demand items and their price, do here? List it for 3,000, list it for 3,001? I, the new user with no historical knowledge of high demand items and their price, looks at this and thinks that 3,000 is the usual price and someone spent 751,003 in a raging bout of "buy it now". Even I, the grizzled vet who can look at a recipe and at least put it in a bucket for a price range, am not certain what to make of this. This is what happens when there's no trust in the data presented. I appreciate the interactivity of devs here, if it's not too much trouble l'd love to see a GM comment on where this lies on their priority queue.
  14. Thermal has 2 debuffs, both on a long-ish timer (Heat Exhaustion & Melt Armor) but with a decent recharge build are perma-able. Is the MM set on FF? If s/he goes /Cold and you go Thermal, well, the world will be your oyster.
  15. Let's be frank, 200 merits is the floor, many people (100% of people that are me) brought in a different alt for each round for 400 merits total. So to the "leave the zone cap alone" crowd, are you ok with the reward merit going to about 10 merits? Because that's the amount that aligns it somewhat with other merit rewards.
  16. Take a knee (that is - go into Rest) against a minion with no mez, like a CoT Guide (the one with the sword). Go afk for a long, long time. By now my decision path is: If a lowbie (< 45) that I'm grinding levels with, then BiB. If a character I PLd to 50, then PJ
  17. Excellent! I wish I could be in "fly on the wall" mode for the next Hamikazi attempt.
  18. Lord Recluse is another. You can do any of the patron's fourth arc in Oro to unlock.
  19. I was about to start a thread for this, but I'm glad to see it's been brought up before, but sadly buried on page 8 now. I took 2 screenshots to show. I don't see them above so I'll still share: First, here's Defender's Bastion A/D/E This was the result regardless of how many times I refreshed. Next is an interesting case that would return 2 different sets of results for Sentinal's Ward. 1 result set looked reasonable (7Mish sales, not included due to my laziness). The other is below: I could refresh this with "find" and the result would rotate from empty (no results), this result of 275k and 500k and the "right" one (right in parenthesis because I don't know that it's right). Small editorial time - if I won a contest to be dev king for a day, this is what I'd have fixed. Users are getting bad, unreliable data. Data that's used to make decisions with in-game currency. This needs to be 100% right, 100% of the time. Please please please move up the priority list.
  20. A means of checking in game data while out of game. Info about badges, both obtained and missing, about what characters have filled buy orders or sales. I could go on about what information I'd like to see from this terminal in the city.
  21. Good post, I hope it gets lots of likes. Everybody knows that the most helpful reply to someone saying they're having trouble is to tell them "lolz its ez 4 meeeee!"
  22. That mission is the finale to Scirroco's second arc. Unless you went straight to that arc via Oro, you should have already completed the first arc (when you fought Serafina) and have the patron powers already unlocked. Scirocco's arc is IMO a tier ahead of all the other 3 for difficulty. It's the one I choose when I feel I have a character looking for that kind of challenge. It's the one I avoid if I don't. That particular mission is even notable for Scirocco's arc, you could face Ice Mistral twice (she spawns both in a static mob placement and also as an ambush) and Scirocco himself is far from easy. All this to say, fret not, you've reached the 1% of content that's actually hard. With EBs, you should be able to handle that mission with one teammate. What I'd do with an SOd character for this is bring t3 insps. Maybe 8 purples and 8 t1 purple insps. A t3 + t1 = 45% def. This is to allow a 4 minute fight for each of Ice Mistral (you can skip her static mob) and Scirocco. I honestly don't know if that's too much or too little, but it feels right. Add 4 break frees (t1 is fine) and the rest t3 reds. Don't engage either of the EBs until Dom is ready to fire. A good insp loadout goes a loooong way to covering up deficiencies for a short while. The conventional wisdom, for those just seeking the path of least resistance to open patrol pools, is to choose Black Scorpion.
  23. I don't get the notion that it's bad for Stalkers and I really really like my Scrapper. The endurance "heal" basically covers endurance woes from the time you get it to when you don't need it any more due to bonuses. I also don't get the notion of "trading raw defense" either. This was very easy to soft-cap to all positions. Then on top of that you've got the bag of tricks. To the question about the Stealth (Shinobi-iri) ability, no way should you skip it. It's not just stealth (which as mentioned above, stacks with another form of stealth for pve invis) but a key component for +Def (5+ %). So ultimately to the main question posed - yes, it's good.
  24. I know it's not a bug, but man oh man for something that gives no rewards, they're a real pain. Fortunately with Oro, if you're looking to unlock LRSF, you can just do any of the patrons' 4th arc. I'll probably never do this mission from BS again.
  25. My final quality check is to select Windows> Sets and Bonuses and just scroll down to look for red. Sometimes it doesn't matter (like a small hp buff given in the 2nd slot when you're chasing the bonus in the 4th), sometimes it does.
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