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Posted (edited)

In Crimson's "World Wide Red" arc, the mission "Check out Chinese/Malta Connection" (5.1.9), the clue you get from defeating the Boss mob says this:

The Missing Connection

After you defeated them, one of the Malta Group soldiers broke down and taunted you: 'We don't know about any China connection. Director 17 just told us to move operation to hear and wait to take you out when you showed up. We know every move you're making, {character}! You might as well give in to our control and join the winning side'

Emphasis mine on the typo 😃

Edited by EmperorSteele

Found a typo in the badge text for the 'Patient Zero' badge. At the beginning it says 'bit off more she could chew' when it should probably say 'bit off more than she could chew'.



Posted (edited)

Bit of Clockwork dialogue I saw in Neutropolis:




Shouldn't the "If-Then" statement actually be, "If NEU.CWK > ATM.CWK Then PRA.BER > PRA.KEY"?

Edited by jonsp1170
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Posted (edited)

Typos from Chimera's story arc, The Power to Control:




From the opening briefing for Part Two: In Due Time. Should be something like, "If I do not, then the balance she and I have established will be shattered, and the outcomes will become unpredictable. And that, <Character>, is what leads to situations like the one we have now."





From the closing debriefing for Part Two: In Due Time. "her daughter" should be "their daughter"





From the debriefing for Part Three: Stronger Than Family. Awkward, rambling sentence, bad comma usage, and some odd word choice. Suggest tightening it up to something like:


Everything you have done up to this point has proven you are a woman/man who knows what she/he wants and takes it. You do not doubt yourself. You do not question your motives. That is a very powerful trait. Very powerful.





From the briefing for Part Four: Thicker Then Blood.


The two sentences in the middle of the first paragraph: the thing that "it" refers to when Chimera says, "You can ... give <i>it</i> to them ..." isn't clearly stated, and it's obviously not anything he talked about previously. Also, the whole structure is just kind of jarring. The sentences should probably be something like, "When someone wants something that badly, you can give it to them--for a price. Or you can cut them down, if what they want conflicts with your own plans. In your case, it's the former. In Belladonna's case, it will be the latter."


However, the whole thing is an odd tangent in the middle of his rant about Cockatrice and his sister. I suggest just cutting the underlined sentences in the first paragraph. So it would read, "He joined Project Phoenix with the promise that he would be close to his sister, a promise that I kept. I allowed him to see her in the times that I deemed fit. Eventually, his visits to her stopped ..."


In the second paragraph, both underlined sections contain simple redundancies. They should read, "... to try to return her to normal ..." and, "This is something that will never happen, but he still clings to this hope ..."


Edited by jonsp1170
Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

On Goldside, (or during the Flashback arc "My Best Friend, Rusty") Penelope Yin's Contact title is the same as Mother Mayhem's title. I believe it should have the word "patient" at the end, to correctly read "The Mother of Mercy Psychiatric Hospital Patient". 

That's their location 😛 

Edited by Aberrant
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Check out the Unofficial Homecoming Wiki! Contributions welcome!


Apologies if this was mentioned already, but when respeccing my elec/elec blaster I came across a couple of typos in the info text for the Dynamo power:

" While active, you to regenerate health and recover endurance very quickly. Overflow energy generated by this power can damages all nearby foes. Damage: Minor(DoT), Recharge: Moderate"

I bolded the typos.

Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster


Pyrolicious' bio in the new winter event wood: Conscience is missing the second "c".


If you set a man a flame, you keep him warm for a day. If you set a man aflame, you keep him warm for the rest of his life.


Technofreak plaque in SW Cap:


'NutriPaste has even earned it's place in the schools of the Isles'


should be


'NutriPaste has even earned its place in the schools of the Isles'


The Souvenir for the Market Crash Trial has two typos.


1) The Title. Jamie Ross's Business Card,

Should be Jamie Ross' Business Card


2) In the 3rd main paragraph: You rescued her from a warehouse where the Freakshow were celebrating their new alliance with none othar than the Sky Raiders.

Should be other

Check out the Unofficial Homecoming Wiki! Contributions welcome!

Posted (edited)

A twofer in Diviner Maros' introductory conversation:


'Past and future are to me a lattice-work of interconnected events, probabilities merging one to another, forming blossoms or realities where they connect. The talent is rare even among the Circle, and to use it with skill is rare still. For this reason I am allowed some autonomy to associate as I choose. I will chose you, now, and offer you riches in Oranbegan gold to play a part in what I have foreseen.'


should be


'Past and future are to me a lattice-work of interconnected events, probabilities merging one to another, forming blossoms of realities where they connect. The talent is rare even among the Circle, and to use it with skill is rarer still. For this reason I am allowed some autonomy to associate as I choose. I will choose you, now, and offer you riches in Oranbegan gold to play a part in what I have foreseen.'

Edited by Cinnder
found one I missed

More Diviner Maros, Defeat Circle in Cavern, debriefing:


'And it begins. For you, this may seem like a starting point, but there is so much that has gone on before. So much that has happened, that could have happened. It all narrows now, as it draws to it's point.'


should be


'And it begins. For you, this may seem like a starting point, but there is so much that has gone on before. So much that has happened, that could have happened. It all narrows now, as it draws to its point.'


I've noted an error in the information description for the power Dynamo in the Blaster Electricity Manipulation secondary.

The first line in the information is missing a portion "While active, you to regenerate health and..." which does not make sense.


Also the tooltip when you mouse hover does not suggest it regenerates health or endurance, which are important features to note I think.





Thanks to 



Diviner Maros, Steal an artifact from cultists, mish debrief:


'I'll handle dropping clues to it's new location through other agents'


should be


'I'll handle dropping clues to its new location through other agents'


Diviner Maros, no more mishs:


'You'll have to decide whether to chose a part, or have one be chosen for you.'


should be


'You'll have to decide whether to choose a part, or have one be chosen for you.'


In AE, I just happened to see this: 

 [NPC] Architect Patron: I think I saw Mirror Spirit in here earlier. She was in his street clothes, but I could tell!


Emphasis added by me. Either there's some sort of story behind this comment I don't know about, or the pronoun is incorrect. Maybe both, lol. 

6 hours ago, Ukase said:

Emphasis added by me. Either there's some sort of story behind this comment I don't know about, or the pronoun is incorrect.

Mirror Spirit's private life should be their own; don't rag on them for lifestyle choices.   :classic_biggrin:


Sgt Shorr contact intro pop-up:


'Sg.t Shorr is leading up a group called the Hammers of Justice, and is recruiting Rogues in the St. Marital area'


should be


'Sgt. Shorr is leading a group called the Hammers of Justice and is recruiting Rogues in the St. Martial area'


or maybe


'Sgt. Shorr is heading up a group called the Hammers of Justice and is recruiting Rogues in the St. Martial area'


Posted (edited)

From the Defeat Neuron, purge software mission from Maria Jenkins:


Neuron (player defeated dialog): Pathetic 

Needs a period at the end.


His own defeat dialog: Even with my defeat, you can not win.

Can not should be cannot.


From Defeat Battle Maiden to gather info:

Battle Maiden's defeat dialog: No, it can not be.


Edited by Black Orchid II
Found another.
Posted (edited)

A Hero's Epic Part Seven

Positron called me. He wants to go with you to the Shadow World to determine exactly what Tyrant's, I mean Emperor Cole's, plan is. Go see Tina Macintyre, I'm giving her the heads up that you are both headed over there.

The comma after Macintyre should be a period or semicolon.


Shadow Earth is Black Swan's personal dimension. She created it using similar methods that the Midnight Squad created used to create the Shadow Shard to imprison Rulaaru. 


From Rescue Positron from Maria Jenkins:

A few years back when we first uncovered Praetoria, Statesman, rest his soul, was kidnapped by Tyrant and held in bonds. We had a theory that Statesman and Tyrant were nearly identical and that lead led us to believe that Statesman was powerless to against their technology. 


 A Hero's Epic The Final Chapter (closeout):

You did it, Lymelight! Positron has been rescued! Lymelight, I don't think I've ever been so proud! Positron sent his early prototype armor to you. He believes that you were insturmental instrumental in stopping a Praetorian invasion, something he and the Freedom Phalanx couldn't have done without your lead. Positron isn't careless with his praise, Lymelight; it seems pretty clear to me that he thinks the world of you. 

Edited by Black Orchid II
Posted (edited)

This is probably a well known one but I didn't want to sift through 20 pages to look for it so...

Encouraged Accuracy: To Hit Buff was labeled Family_Boss_Defense



Edited by Tater Todd
To make the post more clear and concise

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