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Charging for Powerlevelling to level 50

Queen Nefertiti

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Similar discussions went on for weeks on the pre-snap forums about incarnate leveling. Some people absolutely loved how everyone was forced to team to get anywhere. Any discussion about speeding up the solo path was met with damn near hysteria.


Guess who's laughing now, #*&$(*#$&(*#&$#?!?!?!

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42 minutes ago, Snarky said:

Why do people keep posting here?  Everytime someone posts it makes the conversation seem new and...



Arguing on the forums is the true endgame of all MMOs.

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Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

AE SFMA: Zombie Ninja Pirates! (#18051)


Regeneratio delenda est!

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OK... I stated earlier that I don't Power level and stated why.  But I feel like standing up for the PL'ers a bit here.   


I see PL'ing itself as just another mini-game no different than the Pylon Challenges or trying or Speed running TFs.  It's not for everyone, but it's not harmful.


So some players focus on their little mini-game and optimize builds and missions to maximize XP gained or inf gained per minute.  I choose not to play it that game myself, but I don't think it's wrong.  Very much like how I choose not to watch professional pickle ball, but I don't think it's wrong.



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Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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You want to PL, go right ahead. I just can't stand seeing the influx of players begging for somebody to PL them in LFG chat. And since I do not have the power to stop people from begging in LFG chat, I am left with ignoring them as my only option. And my ignore list is racking up fast.


 At this rate I will have half the server ignored by the end of the week. I wish the Devs would create a PL channel for each server to help cut down the chatter on LFG. If they would do that, I could unignore everyone and everyone could be happy.

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4 minutes ago, Solarverse said:

You want to PL, go right ahead. I just can't stand seeing the influx of players begging for somebody to PL them in LFG chat. And since I do not have the power to stop people from begging in LFG chat, I am left with ignoring them as my only option. And my ignore list is racking up fast.


 At this rate I will have half the server ignored by the end of the week. I wish the Devs would create a PL channel for each server to help cut down the chatter on LFG. If they would do that, I could unignore everyone and everyone could be happy.

I am confused - you seem to not want to play with anyone who is PLed but do not want to /ignore them which means you are opening up yourself to being teamed with PLed people.

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Just now, ShardWarrior said:

I am confused - you seem to not want to play with anyone who is PLed but do not want to /ignore them which means you are opening up yourself to being teamed with PLed people.

Because then I could 1 star people based on player experience rather than whether or not they PLed. 


Also, I stated that I understand that not everyone who PLs are new players. So you are kind of taking what I said out of context. So yes, I would like a more effective way to be more selective as to who I ignore, rather than ignoring anyone and everyone who begs for PLs in LFG chat.


I appreciate you asking about that, it gave me a chance of clearing up my motivations.


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35 minutes ago, Solarverse said:

[...] I wish the Devs would create a PL channel for each server to help cut down the chatter on LFG.

That would be very useful, as asking to PL isn't really LFG and the constant squawking for PL does detract from the usefulness of LFG.


Maybe someone could come up with a matchmaking service that will link people looking for PL with people offering to PL.  They can call it "OptNotToGrindr" or something.

Those of you who continue to profess a belief in the Users will receive the standard, substandard training which will result in your eventual elimination.
That will be all.

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I don't mind people paying to power level their characters, and 30 million is probably a pretty cheap fee for that service.


Under certain circumstances it can makes sense. For example I have a level 50 grav/kin controller as my main. After checking the forums for some for build advice, I wanted to try a grav/storm controller and since I have a 50 storm defender I'm familiar with both power sets. So if PL'ed I could still hit the ground running at 50. 


However I wouldn't ever do that because I'm the kind of player that enjoys the ride. With so many AT's and power combo's teaming is always interesting and different at any level. Sure you may not have access to all your powers, but even that can be fun, since you have to effectively use the powers you have. Compared to when the game launched, it's really easy to get to 50 now.  By running DFB, DIB, SBB, TF's, MSR, and ITF you will hit 50 pretty quickly.


If you want to check what you character will be like at 50, you can copy any of you current characters to the test server with the Beta Account Center link. Once copied use the /gmotd to see how to make them 50 and if you use the Freebies Popmenu (see beta forums) you can quickly slot any of the enhancements you want. 

Edited by Crimsonpyre

Dazl - Excelsior Grav/Kinetic Controller (SG - Cosmic Council) | Dazl - Everlasting & Torchbearer Grav/Energy Dominator

Shadowspawn - Excelsior Dark/Dark Stalker | Pyro Kinetic -Everlasting Fire/Kinetic Corrupter | Nova Pyre - Everlasting Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster (OMG)

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15 hours ago, MunkiLord said:

You lose Incarnate abilities when you go below 45. But all those slots and some of the set bonuses remain, so it's still significantly easier. 

  I maybe wrong but I do believe you lose set bonuses from powers not available to use when you exemplar.

  Where's Arcanaville when you need her expertise ?

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49 minutes ago, RCU7115 said:

  I maybe wrong but I do believe you lose set bonuses from powers not available to use when you exemplar.

  Where's Arcanaville when you need her expertise ?

You do, and that's included in the "and some of the set bonuses" part you quoted.

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1 hour ago, RCU7115 said:

  I maybe wrong but I do believe you lose set bonuses from powers not available to use when you exemplar.

  Where's Arcanaville when you need her expertise ?


19 minutes ago, siolfir said:

You do, and that's included in the "and some of the set bonuses" part you quoted.

Set bonuses aren't impacted by power availability, only the level of the specific enhancements. If you exemplar more than three levels below that of the enhancement, then you lose that set bonus. Purple set bonuses you keep regardless of exemplar level. 


If the enhancements are attuned, you keep the bonuses up to three levels below the sets lowest level. 

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6 hours ago, siolfir said:

No! You play the way I tell you to and you like it!





Sir, yes, sir.
Except, well, how SHALL I play it? I'll need a complete How To Play guide, preferably with different chapters for each AT. And I'll need it by log-in time tonight 😉


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4 hours ago, Solarverse said:

I wish the Devs would create a PL channel for each server to help cut down the chatter on LFG

I want to agree. However, a new channel does not address the behavior that could lead players to be in violation of the User Agreement or Code of Conduct.


While 'we' may feel we should get to do whatever we want in-game, that simply is not true. There are boundaries and there are consequences.


(b) If You violate the Code of Conduct then Homecoming may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate Your Account under Section 2(b).
(c) If You help another user of the Game violate the Code of Conduct then Homecoming may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate Your Account under Section 2(b).


Lesser actions:

  • The removal of your character’s name, costume, or description
  • Deletion of your character, supergroup, or Architect mission
  • Restrictions placed on your ability to communicate (eg: a chat ban)
  • Temporary or permanent suspension from our servers


As some have stated in this thread "time is money" or "I should be compensated for my time".

  • Note: The Code of Conduct is explicit, "do not attempt to exchange real money for in-game services or influence".

It is my opinion that Charging for Powerlevelling is exchanging real world currency (time) and barely one step removed from 'real money'. Globally advertising that service could result consequences. 


Edited by Troo
that this will be unpopular with some, I accept

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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1 minute ago, Troo said:

As some have stated by some in this thread "time is money" or "I should be compensated for my time".

  • Note: The Code of Conduct is explicit, "do not attempt to exchange real money for in-game services or influence".

It is my opinion that Charging for Powerlevelling is exchanging real world currency (time) and barely one step removed from 'real money'. Globally advertising that service could result consequences. 

I think this is a pretty wild contrivance.

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5 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


I have to agree. Time is not money. Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


Does that mean that Lunch is an illusion? The equations Time = Illusion, Time + Lunch = 2 Illusion seems to imply this.

Or I could be misreading it, and Lunch is just 2. Like 2 cheeseburgers, 2 slices of pizza, etc.

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1 hour ago, MunkiLord said:


Set bonuses aren't impacted by power availability, only the level of the specific enhancements. If you exemplar more than three levels below that of the enhancement, then you lose that set bonus. Purple set bonuses you keep regardless of exemplar level. 


If the enhancements are attuned, you keep the bonuses up to three levels below the sets lowest level. 

Hm. I knew about the enhancement level and attuned bit, knew that it didn't matter what level you placed the slots, but I thought power availability was part of it too.


Learn something new every day.

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