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What else are you playing right now?


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I am a VIKING. Emerging from the Black Forest, my troll-hide garb covered in sweat, mud, and blood. I trudge toward my banner-hall. My weapons are warped, tools shattered, but in my travel sac is a load of prized copper and tin. By morning, I will have a fine new bronze spear added to my arsenal.




Anyone else enjoying Valheim?



Edited by twozerofoxtrot
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I've somehow found myself mildly addicted to a very pretty little turn-based, "collect the creatures" monster-battle game called Onmyoji. A friend suggested it as a casual F2P time-waster that I could play either desktop or on my phone, because she thought the characters involved would appeal to me.


She was not wrong. 😆


Now I'm in the process of assembling and leveling a collection of stabby/blasty/ridiculously-stylish shikigami to go forth and slap around other summoners and their pets. 






I wish my katana scrap had Onikiri's attacks.

I ❤️ my stabby, stabby Onikiri.


Pretty-boy sword-bro be FIERCE, man. 







Edited by Coyotedancer
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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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  • 3 weeks later

I picked up the demo of Loop Hero after seeing it on the Devolver youtube channel.  I retreated successfully from my first two or three loops, then I slew the Lich on my first attempt against it.  I then proceeded to die and die and die again.  Still, a very engaging game, and now I've gone and bought the full version.


Goodness gracious, do I miss the demo game marketing model.  Free-/Shareware demos are the absolute bomb!  I'm glad indie devs have revived this.  Hell!  There's a LOT of things I'm glad that indie devs are doing.  And thanks to Devolver Digital for supporting that (unless they're just really, really sneaky about being dickheads, at least).

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Because screen shots are WHAT I DO... even when I'm not playing around in the City...




Seimei, my summoner-of-choice, and his pet dragon, along with my three favorite shikigami. (Dragon-gal in the back is Gozen, guy in the middle is Kiri and the bird-girl in front is Ubu. They're kind-of a wrecking crew. I ❤️ them all.)



Edited by Coyotedancer

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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Let's see, haven't done that much really as I'd like to. But I've been playing WoW, wanting to reach Max level and I kinda did at 50, haven't bought SL. Was playing FFXIV but taking a break from it. Persona 5 Phantom Strikers, loving the game so much. Haven't played for quite some time ever since I've played WoW again. I'm playing some Blood Bowl 2 as part of a discord group Premiership, just done my week 3 game. Tried some Cyberpunk 2077, but the game is still very rough. Going to play Warzone soon after I play CoH.
I'd like to get back into FFXIV, Phantom Strikers and play Persona 4 Golden.

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I found an interesting game after watching a streamer play it for a bit.  It's called Fights in Tight Spaces.  It's a deck building rougelike tactical game where you're a dude getting into fights in close quarters (picture the elevator fight from Captain America Winter Soldier, or other people compare it to the opening of Casino Royale?).  A lot of the strategy in the game involves finding ways to land strikes but also positioning foes in such a way that they attack each other instead of you.  It's a lot of fun and games are pretty short (about 2-3 hours for a full play if you make it to the end).  Currently in Early Access so hopefully more to be added.

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Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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Currently playing honest characters in Skyrim and Fallout 4, and finding it very refreshing.


What do I mean by "honest?"


Well, over the years I've loaded up both games with tons of mods, many of which can make your character OP in ways you might not expect.  I recently figured out how to create mod profiles using a mod manager, and for each game I made a profile in which the more over-the-top mods have been trimmed away, leaving only the cosmetic and"quality of life" mods I coudln't bear to part with.


In addition, I realized I was falling into specific playstyles in each game - virtually unkillable mage/rogue hybrids in Skyrim, and Charisma/Luck monsters in Fallout 4.  Instead, I'm now playing a straight-up 2H heavy armor fighter in Skyrim, and a Perception/Agility special ops type in Fallout (a re-creation of my first character, in fact).  Both are strong in their way, but both also have deadly weaknesses, which means I'm now playing both games much more tactically than I had been for a while.


Also still playing Civ5, and I'm glad to announce that in my current Emperor-level game, my Indonesia finally has a real chance of winning.  Once I upgrade the last of my Kris Great War Infantry and double my fleet, I think I have a real chance of challenging an over-extended Greece.  If successful, I'll have to decide if I want to go for my first World Domination win ever, or a more comfortable but more boring Cultural victory.


BTW, this is with 7 AI players on a huge map, with Diplomatic victory disabled.  Yes, I'm a wimp - but much as I love 'em, Indonesia really needs the handicap.

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  • 1 month later

I'm waiting for things to get back to normal so I can enjoy playing pioneer and commander at the local Magic card shop. Although Magic Arena has been pretty decent substitute in the meantime. City Skylines is pretty great, the new Tetris Effect, Civ6, and a bunch of titles on the PsVita because vita rocks. 😁 

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Just did a play-through of Turok 2 remaster on PC.  I'd completed it on N64 back in the day a couple of times, and it was quite the nostalgic romp to do it again.  Although, mouse and keyboard was WAY WAY WAY more pleasant than playing on the Trident of Despair.


I also reinstalled Raptor:  Call of the Shadows, and just sorta do a wave here and there.

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  • 4 weeks later

...ouch on the Mahjong.  Though it does bring back memories of my first and last office job back in the '90s.


Anyway, back in Lord of the Rings Online after feeling a bit of shameful joy at Amazon's cancellation of their LotR game.  If you're ever on Landroval and see Vafri the Mennonite Dwarf, give a wave!

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A month ago or so I picked up a game on sale called CrossCode.  The game's a 16-bit styled action RPG that crosses games like Zelda and Alundra with a talent-tree leveling system.  I wasn't expecting too much out of it but it's ended up becoming one of my favorite games in a long time, to the point where i've now put close to 70 hours on the game.  Excellent combat, great puzzle design, amazing soundtrack and a fantastic story to go along with it.  I highly recommend it for people who like these sorts of dungeon-exploring type games.



(Also available on consoles)

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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I've been slowly nibbling at replays of perfect save files of The Legend of Dragoon (PS1 Classic) and Final Fantasy X on PS Vita. I've also dabbled in Conan Exiles, NMS, and Subnautica. I'm also really excited for the Halo Infinite game. 

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@TheOtherTed, @Yomo Kimyata, @Kyksie ... you are all clearly way beyond my level at the Civ series. 


Despite playing 1 through 4 (mostly 2 and 4), I've only managed to beat Immortal a couple of times - using ideal map/nation/leader combos in 4. 🤣


Recently made the jump to 6 as it and it's veritable litany of packs were bundled for half price.  Still adjusting to the vast differences and finding all the new must-haves and various tricks.


Still, love the way the series serves up little moments of perfection:




Probably would have been easier to see that in regular view rather than strategic, lol.  

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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10 hours ago, InvaderStych said:




Still, love the way the series serves up little moments of perfection:




Probably would have been easier to see that in regular view rather than strategic, lol.  

Why are the Civ 6 graphics so "Art" looking?  🙂 I thought Civ 6 graphics were more advanced like what I saw on Steam?

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59 minutes ago, Palehood said:

Why are the Civ 6 graphics so "Art" looking?  🙂 I thought Civ 6 graphics were more advanced like what I saw on Steam?


That's a "Strategic" map view that gives a little extra zoom to the map and makes it easier to see hexes, resources, and units at scale.  Should have switched back for the screen cap but I sort of forgot, lol. 🙂


Regular graphics are this (random img from google):





There are some very nice touches to the graphics, it would be great if map rotation was more intuitive, zoom went out further, and you could see a flat view.  That's all minor UX stuff though; the overall look is fantastic, especially once cities start to flesh out.  And then there's the natural wonders ...




(also not my img)

Edited by InvaderStych

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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