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A bit of fourth-wall breaking in the "Find Amanda Gates" mission from Mercedes Sheldon:


[NPC] Juicer Freak: Excelsior, don't fail me now!


It would not have been funny if I wasn't on the Excelsior server at the time.

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2 hours ago, srmalloy said:

A bit of fourth-wall breaking in the "Find Amanda Gates" mission from Mercedes Sheldon:


[NPC] Juicer Freak: Excelsior, don't fail me now!


It would not have been funny if I wasn't on the Excelsior server at the time.


Technically not:  https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Excelsior

But you hear LOTS less about Excelsior compared to Supradyne.

And it's still a bit of "wait, WHAT?" when you see it

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This one was really only funny in context. I got a standalone mission I'd never seen before, to see if I could find Count Crey. I entered the mission, and a Crey Vigilant yelled at me:


"This is a medical facility! You're not sterile!"


It was funny because I was playing my SS/Rad brute.


I looked at the Vigilant sadly, and said, "My whole body is irradiated. Of course I'm sterile."


Then I punched him really hard.

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  • 2 weeks later

Not a quote, but if the dev that did this is reading this message, just wanted to let you know you're a-ok in my book.


Pictured - Nick Rivers, Dr. Flammond and The Torch, all from one my top 10 movies - "Top Secret"




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Showing that even the villains have standards:


[NPC] Anathema: Didn't we abduct that one last week? Oh right. Not up to par.


Update: And another entry from Fautline, showing an awareness of how to use the terrain to advantage:


[NPC] Wolf Spider Enforcer: What say we go grab a hero later and toss him off a cliff? Just make sure it's a super speeder.


Edited by srmalloy
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On 3/27/2020 at 7:24 AM, RikOz said:

I'm wondering if new quotes have been added. I've started seeing Skulls Girlfriends in the Hollows complaining about, "When do things start getting real fun? So far all they do is rip off purses and fight each other."


War Witch said during the mini-con in Birmingham (2008 IIRC) something along the lines of "You see those Skulls and their girlfriends? Well now the girls are going to be breaking up with them" - I think they'd realised that most of the low level groups were pretty well all male and any females were victims so that was putting things on a more even keel



There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator but only a fraction of people understand that.

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  • 3 weeks later

Here's an old one from a friend of mine. First, the setup.


I had an IRL friend who would play CoH on Triumph server. It was my account at the time, since my friend didn't have a computer of their own. Let alone their own copy of CoH at the time. Well, my friend had started teaming up with someone in the hollows, and they /friended each other, teaming up whenever both were online. When this happened they were level 10 or so, having just finished the Hollows storyline (except the trial) and were in Kings Row doing missions. They came across a group of level 50 Malta, complete with some deployed turrets. Presumably some level 50 got killed by an ambush by the group. My friend and his team mate took cover behind a fence, thus avoiding aggro.


Friend: "Malta, who are they?"

Scrapper Teammate: "Donno, think we can take them?"

Friend: "Maybe?"

Scrapper Teammate: "Right, on the count of three we jump over the fence and attack. One."

Friend: "Two."

Scrapper Teammate: "Three, GO!"

My friend jumps over the fence and dies instantly to the turret, his team mate on the other hand runs in the opposite direction, avoiding aggro via ducking around a corner.

Me: "Well, that was a classic hit-and-run strategy."

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All of these popped up in unison when I walked into some mission. My dark soul is a morass of vileness, thanks!56035927-02B5-4926-85F3-6A186408090D.png.115ac7fd4e5b1567d9d4805d387b13e8.png

Edited by Jitsurei
Woops someone else posted it. But “For Lord Nemesis!” really closes it out.
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