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-For me its the hard headed people who can't follow simple instructions, the meme (Don't step in the fire) will never die, but if I tell you to not use AoE's or pets on the Vaz boss, I expect you to listen.


-Delusional IO set users, yes I also have a billion inf, I also park the enhancement ego, and realize that I'm only as strong as my wallet.  Saying general statements like "I tank Recluse easy" without mentioning your 1.5 billion inf toon is false advertising son. Your IO's tank Recluse easy, you just happen to press a few buttons.

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I think my biggest peeve is folks that will say in LFG, for example: Level 50 blaster lfg. 

What? If you are looking for a group to team with, there's a the Find Member button right on top of that box you just typed in. That's where you look for people to join your team. Or, if you can't see that, type /search (/sea for short). 

Nobody should be broadcasting "LFG". Form the darn team! If you're not comfortable leading, nobody cares. Simply state that you're new, but you want to do whatever it is in your mission list, or a tf, or whatever it is you want to do. 


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4 minutes ago, Ukase said:

I think my biggest peeve is folks that will say in LFG, for example: Level 50 blaster lfg. 

What? If you are looking for a group to team with, there's a the Find Member button right on top of that box you just typed in. That's where you look for people to join your team. Or, if you can't see that, type /search (/sea for short). 

Nobody should be broadcasting "LFG". Form the darn team! If you're not comfortable leading, nobody cares. Simply state that you're new, but you want to do whatever it is in your mission list, or a tf, or whatever it is you want to do. 


Are you saying the Looking for Group channel should not be used to Look for a Group?

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6 minutes ago, Ukase said:

I think my biggest peeve is folks that will say in LFG, for example: Level 50 blaster lfg. 

What? If you are looking for a group to team with, there's a the Find Member button right on top of that box you just typed in. That's where you look for people to join your team. Or, if you can't see that, type /search (/sea for short). 

Nobody should be broadcasting "LFG". Form the darn team! If you're not comfortable leading, nobody cares. Simply state that you're new, but you want to do whatever it is in your mission list, or a tf, or whatever it is you want to do. 



3 minutes ago, summers said:

Are you saying the Looking for Group channel should not be used to Look for a Group?

No, I'm saying that it's a peeve of mine to see several people looking for group when they could be recruiting to fill their own team. 

It's one thing to want to do a given task force, or a mission, and ask folks to join you. It's quite another to ask to join every active group at the same time. 

I never said I was rational. I just said it it was my biggest peeve (in game). 

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Yeeeah. That kind of thing is exactly what the LFG channel is for. o_O


My peeve basically comes down to Spreadsheet Warriors trying to tell other people what they should like and play... You know the ones. The people who'll go on endlessly. like it's some kind of cardinal sin and total BadWrongFun to actually enjoy "sub-optimal" ATs like Sentinels or Peacebringers, or certain powersets or what-the-hell ever.


I find myself just wanting to post that "Shhh. Let people enjoy things." cartoon every time they start. <_<

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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice


Leaving any kind of noisy /power/aura/ going when they are doing something that doesn't require it.

Training, building an ae arc, whatever, you don't need Flame Aura or auto-Heal going during all that.

  • Like 6
1 hour ago, NodHero said:

Leaving any kind of noisy /power/aura/ going when they are doing something that doesn't require it.

Training, building an ae arc, whatever, you don't need Flame Aura or auto-Heal going during all that.


That's why I used to do all of my crafting and marketeering in Imperial City the last couple of years prior to shutdown.  Power suppressing auction house FTW.

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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Greycat said:

Anything with "healer," either "Healer LFG" or "Looking for healer." Long standing thing since live.


This. I constantly see "healer LFT" in the LFG channel, and it takes all of my willpower to not give the snarky response of "what's a healer?" back to them.

Seriously. "Healer" doesn't mean anything in this game. Are you a Defender? A Corruptor? Controller? Are you running Empathy? Kinetics? Pain Domination? Radiation Emission? I mean really. This isn't World of Warcraft. We don't have "healers" in this game. We have support. That's one of my all-time favorite things about this game; the diversity of the support role. Advertising yourself as a "healer" tells me virtually nothing about your character or powerset.

On another note, I know this will get me flack, and I know people can play what they want, but two big things that irritate me are petless Masterminds and "pure" Defenders. Petless Masterminds, okay, I can understand if you want to challenge yourself, but you're literally just a really weak Corruptor. You have all of three attacks that suck up all of your endurance and do such negligible damage you might as well not even be there, and your secondary is the weakest of the archetypes because of MM modifiers. Same goes for the "pure" Defender builds, usually Empathy, running nothing but their primary and not dealing any damage at all. I understand the game is not that challenging, and I understand there's not a whole lot of content that requires everybody to be playing at peak performance, but you're just slowing things down and being carried by the rest of the team with those two.

You may all insult and belittle me now. 😛

Edited by GastlyGibus
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Global Handle: @Gibs

A guy with unpopular opinions.

Posted (edited)

The egotists are my biggest annoyance on this game. You know the type... THEY always know best. They know what powersets you should be choosing. They know what playstyle you should enjoy. They know what powers you should pick and the exact order in which you should click them. Yeah, you’ve played YOUR character for untold hours, know it inside out, love it, but they feel the need to lecture you about it. They even want to tell you exactly what you should find fun. 

Then, of course, should you have the sheer temerity to not immediately prostrate yourself before them and acknowledge them as the singular truth-seers and experts supreme, expect the build-shaming to start. 

Edited by CaptTastic
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5 hours ago, summers said:

Are you saying the Looking for Group channel should not be used to Look for a Group?

Across all games, across all worlds, across time and space, the LFG is something that you get more out of if you put more in.


If you write something generic, you don't stand out. If you write "L42 Blaster looking for blueside  missions team, any level", the display of the most minimal effort shows what sort of team you're looking for, which means that people running similar content are much more likely to pick you up.

3 hours ago, SuperPlyx said:

Ok,everybody buff up"


everybody buffs




..."umm,the buffs only last so long"



"Gather for RA" the defender calls, halfway across the map, unmoving. 


"RA in 20 seconds".


"Gather for buffs". 


"RA in 10 seconds". 


Just run into battle, fire it off and pull out again. If you're running radiation, chances are you've got most of the aggro anyway. 

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Doctor Fortune  Soulwright Mother Blight Brightwarden Storm Lantern King Solar Corona Borealis
Blood Fortunado Dark/Dark Corruptor Rad/Rad Brute Gravity/Time Controller Storm/Water Defender Peacebringer Dark/Dark Tanker
The Good Missions Guide: A Heroic Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Blueside Guide Easy IO Cheat Sheet 
The Mean Missions Guide: A Villainous Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Redside Guide Fortunatas are the Bestunatas
3 hours ago, NodHero said:

Leaving any kind of noisy /power/aura/ going when they are doing something that doesn't require it.

Training, building an ae arc, whatever, you don't need Flame Aura or auto-Heal going during all that.

This, so much. Any toggle with a visible pulse or similar effect does not need to be on all the time.


In that same vein. . . Masterminds, you don't need ALL of your pets with you EVERYWHERE you go.


My other pet peeve is probably one I shouldn't say, since it would likely annoy a lot of people. . .

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Mine is the endless spam in the lfg channel by people looking to tag along on fire farms. I know it shouldn't but it really annoys me. Play the game people.


Speaking of endless lfg spam, what is it about recruiting for a dfb that seems to require 5x the number of messages than any other tf/trial? We know you're at 6/8. We heard you the first 5 times...


Actually I have so many of these. Worried I might not be the most tolerant person in the world...


Buffers who call people to gather. That's a relic of a very different game. Drop the buff when it's available, try to hit as many people as you can and don't hold up play. If someone misses it they miss it. It'll be up again in a while.


Tankers who don't just dive in. Corner pulling can be useful in some circumstances but standing in full view of a group and taunting so they spread out never is.


Anybody who uses bright, opaque power fx. If you only solo then sure, go nuts. But on a team it just makes it impossible to see what's going on. This is particularly a problem with certain shields (cold and thermal) and ranged powers where the user never has to experience what it's like to be stood in the middle of what they are vomiting onto the battlefield.

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1 hour ago, parabola said:

Tankers who don't just dive in. Corner pulling can be useful in some circumstances but standing in full view of a group and taunting so they spread out never is.

Keep in mind, not everyone is an IO'd out tanker. If, for example, my Invuln tanker who isn't IO'd out (running on SOs) is going up against Arachnos or Carnies, they're probably not going to leap in due to the heavy Psi damage which can AND WILL spike her down, especially if a mob has a Tarantula mistress Boss, a Fortunata Boss and a regular Fortunata in it.


Also the reason people put more spam out for DFB is because you'll often get people just having created new characters who won't have seen the previous messages.


The people complaining about 'gather for buffs', it's just considered polite ok, Jesus H Christ, I want to make sure everyone gets the buff, I'm sorry if a little courtesy upsets you >.>

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1 hour ago, DR_Mechano said:

Keep in mind, not everyone is an IO'd out tanker. If, for example, my Invuln tanker who isn't IO'd out (running on SOs) is going up against Arachnos or Carnies, they're probably not going to leap in due to the heavy Psi damage which can AND WILL spike her down, especially if a mob has a Tarantula mistress Boss, a Fortunata Boss and a regular Fortunata in it.


Also the reason people put more spam out for DFB is because you'll often get people just having created new characters who won't have seen the previous messages.


The people complaining about 'gather for buffs', it's just considered polite ok, Jesus H Christ, I want to make sure everyone gets the buff, I'm sorry if a little courtesy upsets you >.>

Oh sure, I'm not saying tanks can't split groups up due to survivability concerns (hence the corner pull reference). However I've seen tanks on more than one occasion stand away from a group they could handle perfectly well and taunt them. The group just spreads out as some open fire and some run in, some others may have been missed altogether and are free to attack whoever. Jump in the middle then taunt the outliers has to be the best basic strategy in 95% of cases.


The same argument about dfb spam could be made for any tf though. People are logging on all the time and wouldn't have seen earlier messages. People recruiting other trials and tfs don't seem to see the need to spam lfg relentlessly like they do for dfb. It strikes me as odd, and annoying.


I get the gather thing and way back in the mists of time I did it myself. But these days it's just unnecessary. Hold the buff until the next spawn, once engaged position yourself halfway between the melees and the ranged guys and fire it off. Anyone it misses likely doesn't need it anyway and has wandered off to find their own challenge, and good luck to them. I know people calling for buffs generally mean well and I don't mean to imply otherwise, but it can slow things down considerably.


People asking to Doorsit.  Skipping the game's content by powerleveling toons using a specialized build and special AE farm map is bad enough, but I understand it from a "I enjoy the min/max" mindset.  But having a total stranger power level you using their toon and map?  Even though there are people happy and willing to do it, that's just a whole other level of wrong in my mind. 

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Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow



I don't announce or call for buff-gathering when I'm teaming on my support characters. It really is just as easy, as Shred and others have said, to fire the buffs opportunistically at points where most of the team is in one place.


I *do* traditionally announce buffs when I'm ship raiding with my Empaths, though. When I'm getting ready to fire off their auras and Barrier or Clarion, I always do them together and will typically broadcast to the league chat with something like "Buffs in the Bowl in 5... 4..." just to give the herders a few seconds warning to hop back in if they want those effects,


I'm sure it's annoying to some people... But given how many people actually DO come jumping back into the middle of the murderball when I do that? It also seems to be useful to some of the crew.

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, NodHero said:

Leaving any kind of noisy /power/aura/ going when they are doing something that doesn't require it.

Training, building an ae arc, whatever, you don't need Flame Aura or auto-Heal going during all that.


What, I can't leave Sonic Repulsion on the 90% resist all/55% defense all tankers? 😞



I used to be really into all that GATHER FOR BUFFS, BUFFS FOR ALL, NoOo they're missing a shield!!! stuff. Now I just go about my day and if you're there, you're there. If you're not, you shoulda been.

Edited by kiramon
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10 hours ago, Ukase said:

I think my biggest peeve is folks that will say in LFG, for example: Level 50 blaster lfg. 

It is the LFG channel, not the LFM channel, so technically that's its purpose.  That being said, if you're LFG and you see a bunch of other people also LFG, form a team.

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I have recently learned to use the star system in-game and the folks who have 1 star are my avoid folks.  Self described healers, like the one dude who created a team but wouldnt set the mission until he entered, then said okay y'all go do damage I am a healer.  Or egotists, like the tank that joined a team in progress then said why is anyone but the tank drawing aggro? while we were steamrolling.  Or the wanna-be coaches who tell you every single thing you gotta do, okay folks we're gonna go left and I want you blasters to stay in the back and scrapper you follow the tank...blah blah blah.  


Three stars go to go-getters who will at least form a team but have no real skill for leading, the tank who has to wait for his buffs before charging in and the folks who follow along okay but don't bother reading team chat and seem to wander around confused most of the time.


Those, along with what some other folks have listed, are my current peeves.  The list changes daily with my mood 😝


Biggest pet peeve - people who lurk in the Help Channel waiting to fart out "THAT'S WHAT GOOGLE IS FOR!!!" the very instant a question comes in.  What they are basically saying is, the Help Channel is exclusively for asking questions whose answers cannot be found after an exhaustive google search.  If that is the case, why even have a Help Channel?


Also a peeve - people who AFK in a spawn zone, (like the parking lot outside of Portal Corp) whose presence effectively prevents mobs from spawning until the camper moves/is DC'd.


Also a peeve - tanks who herd mobs on the streets and spend the next 45 minutes trying to kill them with their arsenal of piss-poor attacks; meanwhile, nothing can spawn behind them.


I killed them.... Con Carne


When I'm minding my own business some kinetics shows up to buff me.


Everytime I see kinetics I avoid them now. (Now electric affinity as well)

I don't even go mission now why are you buffing lol.

It is especially apparent on atlas park so I avoid that place now too.

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