DarkWings Posted July 15, 2020 Posted July 15, 2020 (edited) The Consolidated List of Popmenus We already have a guide on how to modify a popmenu to suit your needs and what a popmenu is, Thank you @Zolgar. You can find it here and this one for custom windows, Thank you @Healix. Custom windows is a godsend to using macros & popmenus without cluttering up your power trays. I would recommend reading those two first if you don't understand popmenus or how to install them. Popmenus are highly underrated compared to macros & binds and this post will consolidate most the popmenus found on this forum & ones on the original forum which has fortunately been mostly archived. The downloads will be available here along with the code below them. Special thanks to the creators of the popmenus! This post wouldn't have been possible without you. With that sorted let's get into the list. Note: The popmenus in Italics came from here Utility Ashlocke's Handy Menu courtesy of @Ashlocke Ashlocke's Handy Menu.mnu Spoiler // Ashlocke's Handy menu // Author: @Ashlocke // Version: 1.0 - 06.05.2019 Menu "AHM" { Title "Ashlocke's Handy Menu" Divider Option "&1 Auction House" "ah" Option "&2 Vault and Salvage" "toggle vault$$toggle salvage" Option "&3 Ouroboros Portal" "powexecname Ouroboros Portal" Option "&4 Portable Workbench" "powexecname Portable Workbench" Option "&5 Dismiss All Pets" "petcomall dismiss" Divider Menu "Powers Menu" { Title "Powers Menu" Divider Option "Reveal" "powexecname reveal" Divider Option "Renewal of Light" "powexecname Renewal of Light" Option "Return to Battle" "powexecname Return to Battle" Divider Option "Mission Transporter" "powexecname Mission Transporter" Option "Base Transporter" "powexecname Base Transporter" Option "Pocket D VIP Pass" "powexecname Pocket D VIP Pass" Option "Assemble The Team" "powexecname Assemble the team" Option "Team Transporter" "powexecname Team Transporter" Divider Option "Shadowy Presence" "powexecname Shadowy Presence" Divider Option "Self Destruction" "powexecname Self Destruction" } Divider Menu "Chat Menu" { Title "Chat Menu" Divider Option "Clear All Chat History" "clearchat" Option "Anti Mistell Feature" "t $name, Now you will mistell replies to yourself instead!" Divider Option "Chat Window Default Size" "window_scale chat 1" Option "Chat Window Large" "window_scale chat 2.0" Option "Chat Window Minimal" "window_scale chat 0.8" Divider Option "Your custom channels" "watching" Option "Get Player's Global Name" "Beginchat /get_global_name LocalNameGoesHere" Option "Get Player's Local Name" "Beginchat /get_local_name @GlobalNameGoesHere" Divider Option "Send me a thank you :)" "t @Ashlocke, Thank You!" } Divider Menu "Character Menu" { Title "Character Menu" Divider Option "Invite Alt to SG" "beginchat /altinvite " Divider Option "Build 1" "selectbuild #" Option "Build 2 - lv 10" "selectbuild #" Option "Build 3 - Alpha Slot" "selectbuild #" Divider Option "Flypose 1" "em Flypose1" Option "Flypose 2" "em Flypose2" Option "Flypose 3" "em Flypose3" Option "Flypose 4" "em Flypose4" Divider Option "Exit Mission" "requestexitmission 1" Option "QUIT ALL/RESET MISSION" "teamquitinternal" } Divider Menu "Mastermind Menu" { Title "Mastermind Menu" Divider Option "Dismiss All Pets" "petcomall dismiss" Divider Option "AlakazamReact" "petsayall <em AlakazamReact>" Option "BatSmashReact" "petsayall <em BatSmashReact>" Option "Champions!" "petsayall <em champion>" Option "Chicken" "petsayall <em chicken>" Option "Cower" "petsayall <em cower>" Option "Crouch" "petsayall <em crouch>" Option "Dance" "petsayall <em dance>" Option "Drink" "petsayall <em drink>" Option "Eat" "petsayall <em eat>" Option "Flex" "petsayall <em Flex1>" Option "Grief" "petsayall <em Grief>" Option "Juggle" "petsayall <em juggleballs>" Option "Perform Kata" "petsayall <em kata>" Option "Police Scanner" "petsayall <em listenpoliceband>" Option "Power Down" "petsayall <em powerdown>" Option "Power Up" "petsayall <em powerup>" Option "Protest" "petsayall <em protest>" Option "Read Newspaper" "petsayall <em afk>" Option "Robot Dance" "petsayall <em robotdance>" Option "Sit Crosslegged" "petsayall <em lotus>" Option "Smart Phone" "petsayall <em smartphone>" Option "Texting" "petsayall <em text>" Option "Thumbsup" "petsayall <em thumbsup>" Option "Wave" "petsayall <em wave>" } Divider Menu "Buff Pets" { Title "Shield Pets" Option "Light Fairy" "powexecname Light Fairy Pet" Option "Blue Wisp" "powexecname Blue Wisp Pet" Option "Shield Drone" "powexecname Shield Drone Pet" Option "Shield Oscillator" "powexecname Shield Oscillator Pet" Divider Title "Power Pets" Option "Dark Fairy" "powexecname Dark Fairy Pet" Option "Red Wisp" "powexecname Red Wisp Pet" Option "Power Drone" "powexecname Power Drone Pet" Option "Power Oscillator" "powexecname Power Oscillator" Divider Option "Dismiss All Pets" "petcomall dismiss" Divider } Divider Menu "Vanity Pets" { Title "Vanity Pets" Divider Option "Black Wolf" "powexecname Black Wolf Pet" Option "Cherub" "powexecname Cherub Pet" Option "Clockwork" "powexecname Clockwork Pet" Option "Coyote" "powexecname Coyote Pet" Option "Demon" "powexecname Demon Pet" Option "German Shepherd" "powexecname German Shepherd Pet" Option "Image of the Well Pet" "powexecname Image of the Well Pet" Option "Leprechaun" "powexecname Leprechaun Pet" Option "Liger" "powexecname Liger Pet" Option "Lion" "powexecname Lion Pet" Option "Lioness" "powexecname Lioness Pet" Option "Mekman" "powexecname Mekman Pet" Option "Mini SnowBeast" "powexecname Mini SnowBeast Pet" Option "Redcap" "powexecname Redcap Pet" Option "Rikti" "powexecname Rikti Pet" Option "Shadow Hound" "powexecname Shadow Hound Pet" Option "Spider" "powexecname Spider Pet" Option "Spiderling" "powexecname Spiderling Pet" Option "Spirit Panther" "powexecname Spirit Panther Pet" Option "Vanguard MVAS" "powexecname Vanguard MVAS Pet" Option "Winter Wolf" "powexecname Winter Wolf Pet" Option "Wolf" "powexecname Wolf Pet" Divider Option "Dismiss All Pets" "petcomall dismiss" Divider } Divider Menu "Technical Menu" { Title "Technical Menu" Divider Option "Screenshot No UI" "screenshotui 0" Option "Screenshot Show UI" "screenshotui 1" Divider Option "FPS and Netgraph" "++netgraph$$++showfps" Option "Reload Graphics" "reloadgfx" Divider Option "Draw Distance Default" "vis_scale 1" Option "Draw Distance 2x" "vis_scale 2" Option "Draw Distance 3x" "vis_scale 3" Option "Draw Distance 4x" "vis_scale 4" Option "Draw Distance 5x" "vis_scale 5" Divider Option "Sync To Server" "Sync" Option "Anti Lag Setting 1" "neterrorcorrection 1" Option "Anti Lag Setting 2" "neterrorcorrection 2" } } Teleport Menu courtesy of @heywoods1230 TPMenu.mnu Spoiler // Teleport Menu // Version 20191023.01 // Changelog: // - 20191023.01 // - Initial release // - Implemented "tp-menu", a compact menu of in-game teleports // // Simple menu to consolidate all of the non combat tp's. Customize the menu to your liking. // // Installation instructions: // // (1) Save this file (tp-menu.mnu) in your game's directory, in .\data\texts\English\menus\ . // For example: If your game is installed at C:\CoH\ then the menu needs to reside at C:\CoH\data\texts\English\menus\tp-menu.mnu // // (2) Restart or open City of Heroes. Paste the following macro to create the menu button: // /macro TP "popmenu tp-menu" // // Questions? // Author: heywoods#8172 (Discord) @heywoods (in-game) Menu "tp-menu" { Divider Title "Self" Option "&Base Teleporter" "powexecname Base Transporter" Option "&Mission Transporter" "powexecname Mission Transporter" Option "&Ouroboros Portal" "powexec_location me Ouroboros Portal" Option "Pocket D &VIP Pass" "powexecname Pocket D VIP Pass" Divider Title "Team" Option "&Assemble the Team" "powexec_location me Assemble the Team" Option "&Recall Friend" "powexec_location me Recall Friend" } Extor's Emotes Popmenu courtesy of @Extor Prime and updated by @AboveTheChemist UniversalEmotes.mnu Spoiler // POPMENU file for UniversalEmotes // Changelog: Version 20210605.01 (by AboveTheChemist) // // - added rainbow and lightmagic costume change emotes // - corrected some inconsistent capitalization // // Version 20201201.01 (by AboveTheChemist) // - updated/improved changelog // - added backflip (same as flip, left flip in) // - minor reorder in boom box songs to correct alphabetization // - Adjusted quick keys for Stop and Salute (to avoid having two 'P' quickkeys) // - added ledgesit variants, adjust names in 'Sit' menu to match emotes more closely // - Added descriptors to dances and reorganized dance menu // - Removed non-working dice roll emotes // - added observedice emote (as Observe Dice Game) // // Version 20200218.01 (by AboveTheChemist) // - added many missing emotes from ParagonWiki and some new to Homecoming // // Original Universal Emotes menu by Extor Prime. Menu "UniversalEmotes" { Title "Quick Emotes" Option "&Yes" "local Yes.$$emote yes" Option "&No" "local No.$$emote no" Option "H&uh?" "emote huh" Option "&Thanks" "local Thanks!$$emote thanks" Option "Y&ou're Welcome!" "emote yourewelcome" Option "&Point" "emote point" Option "Attac&k!" "emote attack" Option "&Stop!" "emote stop" Option "&Wave" "emote wave" Option "&Clap" "emote clap" Option "S&alute" "emote salute" Option "&Victory!" "emote victory" Option "C&heer" "emote cheer" Option "&Laugh" "emote laugh" Option "&Drat!" "emote drat" Menu "Idles" { Option "Basketball Bounce" "emote basketball" Option "Cellphone" "emote cellphone" Option "Center Stance" "emote idle2" Option "Clipboard" "emote clipboard" Option "Collapse" "emote collapse" Option "Drink" "emote drink" Option "Eat Food" "emote eatfood" Option "Eat Donut" "emote eatdonut" Option "Float Books" "emote floatbooks" Option "Invent" "emote invent" Option "Laptop" "emote laptop" Option "Lean on Wall" "emote walllean" Option "Listen to Police Band (Hero)" "emote listenpoliceband" LockedOption { DisplayName "Listen to Police Band (Villain)" Command "emote listenstolenpoliceband" Badge MayhemOutlaw } Option "Martial Arts Practice" "emote martialarts" LockedOption { DisplayName "Mission Architect Tablet" Command "emote matablet" Badge ArchitectAccolade } Option "Neutral Stance" "emote idle1" Option "Newspaper" "emote newspaper" Option "Pamphlet" "emote pamphlet" Option "Pushups" "emote pushup" Option "Read Book" "emote readbook" Option "Research" "emote research" Option "Research (low)" "emote researchlow" Option "Sleep" "emote sleep" Option "Smartphone" "emote smartphone" Option "Soccer" "emote soccer" Option "Swoon" "emote swoon" Option "Tea Time" "emote teabag" Option "Texting" "emote text" Option "Yoga" "emote yoga" } Menu "Dancing" { Option "Random Dance" "emote dance" Option "Dance 1 (Elbows by Hips)" "emote dance1" Option "Dance 2 (Fists by Head)" "emote dance2" Option "Dance 3 (Swinging Arms)" "emote dance3" Option "Dance 4 (Waving Arms)" "emote dance4" Option "Dance 5 (Jumping)" "emote dance5" Option "Dance 6 (Flailing Arms)" "emote dance6" Option "Dance 7 (Robot)" "emote dance7" Option "Dance 8 (Karate)" "emote dance8" Option "Dance 9 (Pop)" "emote dance9" Option "Dance 10 (Headbang)" "emote dance10" Option "Dance 11 (Disco)" "emote dance11" Option "Drum Dance" "emote drumdance" } Menu "Boombox" { Option "Random Song" "emote boombox" Option "Altitude" "emote bbAltitude" Option "Beat" "emote bbBeat" Option "Catch Me" "emote bbCatchMe" Option "Dance!" "emote bbDance" Option "Disco Freak" "emote bbDiscoFreak" Option "Dog Walk" "emote bbDogWalk" Option "Electro-Vibe" "emote bbElectroVibe" Option "Heavy Dude" "emote bbHeavyDude" Option "Info Overload" "emote bbInfoOverload" Option "Jumpy" "emote bbJumpy" Option "Kick It!" "emote bbKickIt" Option "Looker" "emote bbLooker" Option "Meaty" "emote bbMeaty" Option "Move On!" "emote bbMoveOn" Option "Notorious" "emote bbNotorious" Option "Peace" "emote bbPeace" Option "Quickie" "emote bbQuickie" Option "Raver" "emote bbRaver" Option "Shuffle" "emote bbShuffle" Option "Spaz" "emote bbSpaz" Option "Technoid" "emote bbTechnoid" Option "Venus" "emote bbVenus" Option "Wah Wah" "emote bbWahWah" Option "Wind It Up!" "emote bbWindItUp" Option "Yellow" "emote bbYellow" } Menu "Games of Chance" { Option "Coin Toss" "emote coin" Menu "Dice Roll" { Option "Dice Roll (Random)" "emote dice" LockedOption { DisplayName "Dice Roll (7)" Command "emote dice7" Badge CouncilRobotBadge StMartialTour1 } } Menu "Rock/Paper/Scissors" { Option "&Rock" "emote rock" Option "&Paper" "emote paper" Option "&Scissors" "emote Scissors" } } Divider Menu "Emotes A - B" { Option "Afraid" "emote afraid" Option "Air Guitar" "emote airguitar" Option "Akimbo" "emote akimbo" Option "Alakazam" "emote alakazam" Option "Alakazam (react)" "emote alakazamreact" Option "Angry" "emote angry" Option "Assume Position" "emote assumepositionwall" Option "At Ease" "emote atease" Option "Attack!" "emote attack" Option "Backflip" "emote backflip" Option "Bat Look" "emote batlookout" Option "Bat Smash" "emote batsmash" Option "Bat Smash (react)" "emote batsmashreact" Option "Basketball Bounce" "emote basketball" Option "Big Wave" "emote bigwave" Option "Binoculars" "emote binoculars" Menu "Boombox" { Option "Random Song" "emote boombox" Option "Altitude" "emote bbAltitude" Option "Beat" "emote bbBeat" Option "Catch Me" "emote bbCatchMe" Option "Dance!" "emote bbDance" Option "Disco Freak" "emote bbDiscoFreak" Option "Dog Walk" "emote bbDogWalk" Option "Electro-Vibe" "emote bbElectroVibe" Option "Heavy Dude" "emote bbHeavyDude" Option "Info Overload" "emote bbInfoOverload" Option "Jumpy" "emote bbJumpy" Option "Kick It!" "emote bbKickIt" Option "Looker" "emote bbLooker" Option "Meaty" "emote bbMeaty" Option "Move On!" "emote bbMoveOn" Option "Notorious" "emote bbNotorious" Option "Peace" "emote bbPeace" Option "Quickie" "emote bbQuickie" Option "Raver" "emote bbRaver" Option "Shuffle" "emote bbShuffle" Option "Spaz" "emote bbSpaz" Option "Technoid" "emote bbTechnoid" Option "Venus" "emote bbVenus" Option "Wah Wah" "emote bbWahWah" Option "Wind It Up!" "emote bbWindItUp" Option "Yellow" "emote bbYellow" } Option "Bow" "emote bow" Option "Bow Down" "emote bowdown" Option "Bring It!" "emote bringit" Option "Burp" "emote burp" Option "Buzz off!" "emote buzzoff" } Menu "Emotes C" { Option "Calculate" "emote calculate" Option "Camera (Antique)" "emote camera" Option "Camera (Modern)" "emote slrcamera" Option "Cameraphone" "emote cameraphone" Option "Card Trick" "emote cardtrick" Option "Catch Breath" "emote CatchBreath" Option "Cellphone" "emote cellphone" Option "Center Stance" "emote idle2" Option "Cheer" "emote cheer" Option "Chicken" "emote chicken" Option "Clap" "emote clap" Option "Clipboard" "emote clipboard" Option "Coin Toss" "emote coin" Option "Collapse" "emote collapse" Option "Crack Knuckles" "emote knuckles" Option "Cross Arms" "emote crossarms" Option "Crouch" "emote crouch" } Menu "Emotes D - E" { Menu "Dice Roll" { Option "Dice Roll (Random)" "emote dice" LockedOption { DisplayName "Dice Roll (7)" Command "emote dice7" Badge CouncilRobotBadge StMartialTour1 } } Option "Dig" "emote dig" Option "Disagree" "emote disagree" Option "Despair" "emote despair" Option "Drat!" "emote drat" Option "Drink" "emote drink" Option "Drink Enriche" "emote drinkenriche" Option "Drum" "emote drum" Option "Drum (low)" "emote drumlow" Option "Dust off" "emote dustoff" Option "Eat Donut" "emote eatdonut" Option "Eat Food" "emote eatfood" Option "Experiment" "emote experiment" Option "Explain" "emote explain" Option "Evil Laugh" "emote evillaugh" } Menu "Emotes F - G" { Option "Facepalm (double)" "emote doublefacepalm" Option "Facepalm (single)" "emote facepalm" Option "Fancy Bow" "emote fancybow" Menu "Fireworks" { Option "Bloom" "emote fireworkbloom" Option "Rocket" "emote fireworkrocket" Option "Sparkle" "emote fireworksparkle" } Option "Fishing" "emote fishing" Option "Flashlight" "emote flashlight" Option "Flashlight (down)" "emote flashlightdown" Option "Flashlight (up)" "emote flashlightup" Menu "Flex" { Option "Flex 1" "emote flex1" Option "Flex 2" "emote flex2" Option "Flex 3" "emote flex3" LockedOption { DisplayName "Ghoul Flex" Command "emote GhoulFlex" RewardToken EmoteGhoulFlex } } Menu "Flight Poses" { Option "Fly 1" "emote flypose1" Option "Fly 2" "emote flypose2" Option "Fly 3" "emote flypose3" Option "Fly 4" "emote flypose4" } Option "Flip" "emote flip" Option "Flip Coin (idle)" "emote flippingcoin" Option "Float Books" "emote floatbooks" Option "Frustrated" "emote frustrated" Option "Get Some!" "emote getsome" LockedOption { DisplayName "Ghoul Flex" Command "emote GhoulFlex" RewardToken EmoteGhoulFlex } Menu "Gifts" { Option "Offer Gift" "emote offergift" Option "Open Gift" "emote opengift" Option "Receive Gift" "emote receivegift" } Option "Grief" "emote grief" Option "Growl" "emote growl" } Menu "Emotes H - K" { Option "Hand" "emote hand" Option "Hands Up" "emote handsup" Option "Hero Loyalty" "emote heroloyal" Option "Hi!" "emote hi" Option "Hiss" "emote hiss" Option "Hmmm" "emote hmmm" Option "Hold Torch" "emote holdtorch" Option "Hot Temper" "emote hottemper" Option "Howl" "emote howl" Option "Huh?" "emote huh" Option "Inspiration" "emote inspiration" Option "Invent" "emote invent" Option "Jackhammer" "emote jackhammer" Menu "Juggling" { Option "Balls" "emote juggle" Option "Electricity" "emote juggleelectricity" Option "Fire" "emote jugglefire" Option "Magic" "emote jugglemagic" } Option "Jumping Jacks" "emote jumpingjacks" Option "Kneel" "emote kneel" } Menu "Emotes L - N" { Option "Lean on Wall" "emote walllean" Option "Laptop" "emote laptop" Option "Laugh" "emote laugh" Option "Laugh 2" "emote laugh2" Option "Lecture" "emote lecture" Option "Lie Down" "emote liedown" Option "Listen to Police Band (Hero)" "emote listenpoliceband" LockedOption { DisplayName "Listen to Police Band (Villain)" Command "emote listenstolenpoliceband" Badge MayhemOutlaw } Option "Look Up" "emote lookup" Menu "Loyalty Poses" { Option "Hero" "emote heroloyal" Option "Vigilante" "emote vigilanteloyal" Option "Rogue" "emote rogueloyal" Option "Villain" "emote villainloyal" } Option "Martial Arts Practice" "emote martialarts" Option "Military Salute" "emote militarysalute" LockedOption { DisplayName "Mission Architect Tablet" Command "emote matablet" Badge ArchitectAccolade } Option "Monkey" "emote savage" Option "Neutral Stance" "emote idle1" Option "Newspaper" "emote newspaper" Option "No" "emote no" Option "Nod" "emote nod" Option "None" "emote none" Option "Noooo!!" "emote noooo" } Menu "Emotes O - R" { Option "Observe Dice Game" "emote observedice" Option "Pamphlet" "emote pamphlet" Option "Panhandle" "emote panhandle" Option "Peer In" "emote peerin" Option "Pick Lock" "emote Picklock" Option "Plot" "emote plot" Option "Point" "emote point" Option "Pool" "emote pool" Option "Praetorian Salute" "emote praetoriansalute" Option "Praise" "emote praise" Option "Propose" "emote propose" Menu "Protest" { Option "Against Loyalists" "emote protestloyalist" Option "Against Resistance" "emote protestresistance" Option "Universal" "emote protest" } Option "Pushups" "emote pushup" Option "Read Book" "emote readbook" Option "Research" "emote research" Option "Research (low)" "emote researchlow" Option "Roar" "emote roar" Option "Robot Powerdown" "emote powerdown" Option "Robot Powerup" "emote powerup" Option "Rogue Loyalty" "emote rogueloyal" } Menu "Emotes S" { Option "Salute" "emote salute" Option "Screen" "emote screen" Menu "Scorecard" { Option "1" "emote score1" Option "2" "emote score2" Option "3" "emote score3" Option "4" "emote score4" Option "5" "emote score5" Option "6" "emote score6" Option "7" "emote score7" Option "8" "emote score8" Option "9" "emote score9" Option "10" "emote score10" } Option "Showoff" "emote showoff" Option "Shocked" "emote shocked" Option "Shucks" "emote shucks" Menu "Sit" { Option "Sit on Ground" "emote sit" Option "Sit on Ledge 1" "emote ledgesit1" Option "Sit on Ledge 2" "emote ledgesit2" Option "Sit on Ledge 3" "emote ledgesit3" Option "Sit on Ledge 4" "emote ledgesit4" Option "Sit on Bench 1" "emote sitbench1" Option "Sit on Bench 2" "emote sitbench2" Option "Sit on Bench 3" "emote sitbench3" Option "Sit on Bench 4" "emote sitbench4" Option "Sit on Chair 1" "emote sitchair1" Option "Sit on Chair 2" "emote sitchair2" Option "Sit on Chair 3" "emote sitchair3" Option "Sit on Chair 4" "emote sitexecutivechair" Option "Sit on Stool" "emote sitstool" Option "Sit on Table" "emote sittable1" Option "Sit on Table 2" "emote sittable2" } Option "Slap" "emote slap" Option "Slap (react)" "emote slapreact" Option "Slash" "emote slash" Option "Sleep" "emote sleep" Option "Smack" "emote smack" Option "Smartphone" "emote smartphone" Option "Sniff" "emote sniff" Option "Soccer" "emote soccer" Option "Spray Paint" "emote spraypaint" Menu "Stances" { Option "Hero 1" "emote stancehero1" Option "Hero 2" "emote stancehero2" Option "Villain 1" "emote stancevillain1" Option "Villain 2" "emote stancevillain2" } Option "Stop!" "emote stop" Option "Swoon" "emote swoon" } Menu "Emotes T - V" { Option "Talk" "emote talk" LockedOption { DisplayName "Tantrum" Command "emote tantrum" RewardToken EmoteTantrum } Option "Tarzan" "emote tarzan" Option "Taunt 1" "emote taunt1" Option "Taunt 2" "emote taunt2" Option "Tea Time" "emote teabag" Option "Texting" "emote text" Option "Thanks" "emote thanks" Option "The Wave" "emote thewave" Option "Threaten" "emote threathand" Menu "Throw" { Option "Confetti" "emote throwconfetti" Option "Rice" "emote throwrice" Option "Rose Petals" "emote throwrosepetals" Option "Snowflakes" "emote throwsnowflakes" } Option "Train Whistle" "emote trainwhistle" Option "Type" "emote type" Option "Ultimate Power" "emote UltimatePower" Option "Vendor" "emote vendor" Option "Victory" "emote victory" Option "Vigilate Loyalty" "emote vigilanteloyal" Option "Villain Loyalty" "emote villainloyal" } Menu "Emotes U - Z" { Option "Waiting" "emote waiting" Option "Walkie Talkie" "emote walkietalkie" Option "Warm Hands" "emote warmhands" Option "Wave Fist" "emote wavefist" Option "Welcome" "emote welcome" Option "Whistle" "emote whistle" Option "Winner" "emote winner" Option "Wounded" "emote wounded" Option "Yadda Yadda!" "emote yatayata" Option "You're Welcome!" "emote yourewelcome" Option "Yes" "emote yes" Option "Yoga" "emote yoga" } Divider Menu "Costume Change" { Menu "A - L" { Menu "Backflip" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccbackflip" Option "2" "cce 1 ccbackflip" Option "3" "cce 2 ccbackflip" Option "4" "cce 3 ccbackflip" Option "5" "cce 4 ccbackflip" Option "6" "cce 5 ccbackflip" Option "7" "cce 6 ccbackflip" Option "8" "cce 7 ccbackflip" Option "9" "cce 8 ccbackflip" Option "10" "cce 9 ccbackflip" } Menu "Cast" { Option "1" "cce 0 cccast" Option "2" "cce 1 cccast" Option "3" "cce 2 cccast" Option "4" "cce 3 cccast" Option "5" "cce 4 cccast" Option "6" "cce 5 cccast" Option "7" "cce 6 cccast" Option "8" "cce 7 cccast" Option "9" "cce 8 cccast" Option "10" "cce 9 cccast" } Menu "Confetti Throw" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccconfettithrow" Option "2" "cce 1 ccconfettithrow" Option "3" "cce 2 ccconfettithrow" Option "4" "cce 3 ccconfettithrow" Option "5" "cce 4 ccconfettithrow" Option "6" "cce 5 ccconfettithrow" Option "7" "cce 6 ccconfettithrow" Option "8" "cce 7 ccconfettithrow" Option "9" "cce 8 ccconfettithrow" Option "10" "cce 9 ccconfettithrow" } Menu "Dimension Shift" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccdimensionshift" Option "2" "cce 1 ccdimensionshift" Option "3" "cce 2 ccdimensionshift" Option "4" "cce 3 ccdimensionshift" Option "5" "cce 4 ccdimensionshift" Option "6" "cce 5 ccdimensionshift" Option "7" "cce 6 ccdimensionshift" Option "8" "cce 7 ccdimensionshift" Option "9" "cce 8 ccdimensionshift" Option "10" "cce 9 ccdimensionshift" } Menu "Drink Formula" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccdrinkformula" Option "2" "cce 1 ccdrinkformula" Option "3" "cce 2 ccdrinkformula" Option "4" "cce 3 ccdrinkformula" Option "5" "cce 4 ccdrinkformula" Option "6" "cce 5 ccdrinkformula" Option "7" "cce 6 ccdrinkformula" Option "8" "cce 7 ccdrinkformula" Option "9" "cce 8 ccdrinkformula" Option "10" "cce 9 ccdrinkformula" } Menu "Energy Morph" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccenergymorph" Option "2" "cce 1 ccenergymorph" Option "3" "cce 2 ccenergymorph" Option "4" "cce 3 ccenergymorph" Option "5" "cce 4 ccenergymorph" Option "6" "cce 5 ccenergymorph" Option "7" "cce 6 ccenergymorph" Option "8" "cce 7 ccenergymorph" Option "9" "cce 8 ccenergymorph" Option "10" "cce 9 ccenergymorph" } Menu "Evil Laugh" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccevillaugh" Option "2" "cce 1 ccevillaugh" Option "3" "cce 2 ccevillaugh" Option "4" "cce 3 ccevillaugh" Option "5" "cce 4 ccevillaugh" Option "6" "cce 5 ccevillaugh" Option "7" "cce 6 ccevillaugh" Option "8" "cce 7 ccevillaugh" Option "9" "cce 8 ccevillaugh" Option "10" "cce 9 ccevillaugh" } Menu "Feather Burst" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccfeatherburst" Option "2" "cce 1 ccfeatherburst" Option "3" "cce 2 ccfeatherburst" Option "4" "cce 3 ccfeatherburst" Option "5" "cce 4 ccfeatherburst" Option "6" "cce 5 ccfeatherburst" Option "7" "cce 6 ccfeatherburst" Option "8" "cce 7 ccfeatherburst" Option "9" "cce 8 ccfeatherburst" Option "10" "cce 9 ccfeatherburst" } Menu "Feather Spin" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccfeatherspin" Option "2" "cce 1 ccfeatherspin" Option "3" "cce 2 ccfeatherspin" Option "4" "cce 3 ccfeatherspin" Option "5" "cce 4 ccfeatherspin" Option "6" "cce 5 ccfeatherspin" Option "7" "cce 6 ccfeatherspin" Option "8" "cce 7 ccfeatherspin" Option "9" "cce 8 ccfeatherspin" Option "10" "cce 9 ccfeatherspin" } Menu "Fireworks" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccfireworks" Option "2" "cce 1 ccfireworks" Option "3" "cce 2 ccfireworks" Option "4" "cce 3 ccfireworks" Option "5" "cce 4 ccfireworks" Option "6" "cce 5 ccfireworks" Option "7" "cce 6 ccfireworks" Option "8" "cce 7 ccfireworks" Option "9" "cce 8 ccfireworks" Option "10" "cce 9 ccfireworks" } Menu "Fur Burst" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccfurburst" Option "2" "cce 1 ccfurburst" Option "3" "cce 2 ccfurburst" Option "4" "cce 3 ccfurburst" Option "5" "cce 4 ccfurburst" Option "6" "cce 5 ccfurburst" Option "7" "cce 6 ccfurburst" Option "8" "cce 7 ccfurburst" Option "9" "cce 8 ccfurburst" Option "10" "cce 9 ccfurburst" } Menu "Fur Spin" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccfurspin" Option "2" "cce 1 ccfurspin" Option "3" "cce 2 ccfurspin" Option "4" "cce 3 ccfurspin" Option "5" "cce 4 ccfurspin" Option "6" "cce 5 ccfurspin" Option "7" "cce 6 ccfurspin" Option "8" "cce 7 ccfurspin" Option "9" "cce 8 ccfurspin" Option "10" "cce 9 ccfurspin" } Menu "Gift Burst" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccgiftburst" Option "2" "cce 1 ccgiftburst" Option "3" "cce 2 ccgiftburst" Option "4" "cce 3 ccgiftburst" Option "5" "cce 4 ccgiftburst" Option "6" "cce 5 ccgiftburst" Option "7" "cce 6 ccgiftburst" Option "8" "cce 7 ccgiftburst" Option "9" "cce 8 ccgiftburst" Option "10" "cce 9 ccgiftburst" } Menu "Howl" { Option "1" "cce 0 cchowl" Option "2" "cce 1 cchowl" Option "3" "cce 2 cchowl" Option "4" "cce 3 cchowl" Option "5" "cce 4 cchowl" Option "6" "cce 5 cchowl" Option "7" "cce 6 cchowl" Option "8" "cce 7 cchowl" Option "9" "cce 8 cchowl" Option "10" "cce 9 cchowl" } Menu "Ice Block" { Option "1" "cce 0 cciceblock" Option "2" "cce 1 cciceblock" Option "3" "cce 2 cciceblock" Option "4" "cce 3 cciceblock" Option "5" "cce 4 cciceblock" Option "6" "cce 5 cciceblock" Option "7" "cce 6 cciceblock" Option "8" "cce 7 cciceblock" Option "9" "cce 8 cciceblock" Option "10" "cce 9 cciceblock" } Menu "Inner Will" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccinnerwill" Option "2" "cce 1 ccinnerwill" Option "3" "cce 2 ccinnerwill" Option "4" "cce 3 ccinnerwill" Option "5" "cce 4 ccinnerwill" Option "6" "cce 5 ccinnerwill" Option "7" "cce 6 ccinnerwill" Option "8" "cce 7 ccinnerwill" Option "9" "cce 8 ccinnerwill" Option "10" "cce 9 ccinnerwill" } Menu "Light Magic" { Option "1" "cce 0 cclightmagic" Option "2" "cce 1 cclightmagic" Option "3" "cce 2 cclightmagic" Option "4" "cce 3 cclightmagic" Option "5" "cce 4 cclightmagic" Option "6" "cce 5 cclightmagic" Option "7" "cce 6 cclightmagic" Option "8" "cce 7 cclightmagic" Option "9" "cce 8 cclightmagic" Option "10" "cce 9 cclightmagic" } Menu "Lightning" { Option "1" "cce 0 cclightning" Option "2" "cce 1 cclightning" Option "3" "cce 2 cclightning" Option "4" "cce 3 cclightning" Option "5" "cce 4 cclightning" Option "6" "cce 5 cclightning" Option "7" "cce 6 cclightning" Option "8" "cce 7 cclightning" Option "9" "cce 8 cclightning" Option "10" "cce 9 cclightning" } } Menu "M - Z" { Menu "Murder of Crows" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccmurderofcrows" Option "2" "cce 1 ccmurderofcrows" Option "3" "cce 2 ccmurderofcrows" Option "4" "cce 3 ccmurderofcrows" Option "5" "cce 4 ccmurderofcrows" Option "6" "cce 5 ccmurderofcrows" Option "7" "cce 6 ccmurderofcrows" Option "8" "cce 7 ccmurderofcrows" Option "9" "cce 8 ccmurderofcrows" Option "10" "cce 9 ccmurderofcrows" } Menu "Ninja Leap" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccninjaleap" Option "2" "cce 1 ccninjaleap" Option "3" "cce 2 ccninjaleap" Option "4" "cce 3 ccninjaleap" Option "5" "cce 4 ccninjaleap" Option "6" "cce 5 ccninjaleap" Option "7" "cce 6 ccninjaleap" Option "8" "cce 7 ccninjaleap" Option "9" "cce 8 ccninjaleap" Option "10" "cce 9 ccninjaleap" } Menu "Nuke" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccnuke" Option "2" "cce 1 ccnuke" Option "3" "cce 2 ccnuke" Option "4" "cce 3 ccnuke" Option "5" "cce 4 ccnuke" Option "6" "cce 5 ccnuke" Option "7" "cce 6 ccnuke" Option "8" "cce 7 ccnuke" Option "9" "cce 8 ccnuke" Option "10" "cce 9 ccnuke" } Menu "Oil Strike" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccoilstrike" Option "2" "cce 1 ccoilstrike" Option "3" "cce 2 ccoilstrike" Option "4" "cce 3 ccoilstrike" Option "5" "cce 4 ccoilstrike" Option "6" "cce 5 ccoilstrike" Option "7" "cce 6 ccoilstrike" Option "8" "cce 7 ccoilstrike" Option "9" "cce 8 ccoilstrike" Option "10" "cce 9 ccoilstrike" } Menu "Peacebringer" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccpeacebringer" Option "2" "cce 1 ccpeacebringer" Option "3" "cce 2 ccpeacebringer" Option "4" "cce 3 ccpeacebringer" Option "5" "cce 4 ccpeacebringer" Option "6" "cce 5 ccpeacebringer" Option "7" "cce 6 ccpeacebringer" Option "8" "cce 7 ccpeacebringer" Option "9" "cce 8 ccpeacebringer" Option "10" "cce 9 ccpeacebringer" } Menu "Pressure Release" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccpressurerelease" Option "2" "cce 1 ccpressurerelease" Option "3" "cce 2 ccpressurerelease" Option "4" "cce 3 ccpressurerelease" Option "5" "cce 4 ccpressurerelease" Option "6" "cce 5 ccpressurerelease" Option "7" "cce 6 ccpressurerelease" Option "8" "cce 7 ccpressurerelease" Option "9" "cce 8 ccpressurerelease" Option "10" "cce 9 ccpressurerelease" } Menu "Presto Chango" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccprestochango" Option "2" "cce 1 ccprestochango" Option "3" "cce 2 ccprestochango" Option "4" "cce 3 ccprestochango" Option "5" "cce 4 ccprestochango" Option "6" "cce 5 ccprestochango" Option "7" "cce 6 ccprestochango" Option "8" "cce 7 ccprestochango" Option "9" "cce 8 ccprestochango" Option "10" "cce 9 ccprestochango" } Menu "Pure Energy" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccpureenergy" Option "2" "cce 1 ccpureenergy" Option "3" "cce 2 ccpureenergy" Option "4" "cce 3 ccpureenergy" Option "5" "cce 4 ccpureenergy" Option "6" "cce 5 ccpureenergy" Option "7" "cce 6 ccpureenergy" Option "8" "cce 7 ccpureenergy" Option "9" "cce 8 ccpureenergy" Option "10" "cce 9 ccpureenergy" } Menu "Rainbow" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccrainbow" Option "2" "cce 1 ccrainbow" Option "3" "cce 2 ccrainbow" Option "4" "cce 3 ccrainbow" Option "5" "cce 4 ccrainbow" Option "6" "cce 5 ccrainbow" Option "7" "cce 6 ccrainbow" Option "8" "cce 7 ccrainbow" Option "9" "cce 8 ccrainbow" Option "10" "cce 9 ccrainbow" } Menu "Rapid Boil" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccrapidboil" Option "2" "cce 1 ccrapidboil" Option "3" "cce 2 ccrapidboil" Option "4" "cce 3 ccrapidboil" Option "5" "cce 4 ccrapidboil" Option "6" "cce 5 ccrapidboil" Option "7" "cce 6 ccrapidboil" Option "8" "cce 7 ccrapidboil" Option "9" "cce 8 ccrapidboil" Option "10" "cce 9 ccrapidboil" } Menu "Salute" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccsalute" Option "2" "cce 1 ccsalute" Option "3" "cce 2 ccsalute" Option "4" "cce 3 ccsalute" Option "5" "cce 4 ccsalute" Option "6" "cce 5 ccsalute" Option "7" "cce 6 ccsalute" Option "8" "cce 7 ccsalute" Option "9" "cce 8 ccsalute" Option "10" "cce 9 ccsalute" } Menu "Smoke Bomb" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccsmokebomb" Option "2" "cce 1 ccsmokebomb" Option "3" "cce 2 ccsmokebomb" Option "4" "cce 3 ccsmokebomb" Option "5" "cce 4 ccsmokebomb" Option "6" "cce 5 ccsmokebomb" Option "7" "cce 6 ccsmokebomb" Option "8" "cce 7 ccsmokebomb" Option "9" "cce 8 ccsmokebomb" Option "10" "cce 9 ccsmokebomb" } Menu "Spin" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccspin" Option "2" "cce 1 ccspin" Option "3" "cce 2 ccspin" Option "4" "cce 3 ccspin" Option "5" "cce 4 ccspin" Option "6" "cce 5 ccspin" Option "7" "cce 6 ccspin" Option "8" "cce 7 ccspin" Option "9" "cce 8 ccspin" Option "10" "cce 9 ccspin" } Menu "Stone Block" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccstoneblock" Option "2" "cce 1 ccstoneblock" Option "3" "cce 2 ccstoneblock" Option "4" "cce 3 ccstoneblock" Option "5" "cce 4 ccstoneblock" Option "6" "cce 5 ccstoneblock" Option "7" "cce 6 ccstoneblock" Option "8" "cce 7 ccstoneblock" Option "9" "cce 8 ccstoneblock" Option "10" "cce 9 ccstoneblock" } Menu "Super Serum" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccsuperserum" Option "2" "cce 1 ccsuperserum" Option "3" "cce 2 ccsuperserum" Option "4" "cce 3 ccsuperserum" Option "5" "cce 4 ccsuperserum" Option "6" "cce 5 ccsuperserum" Option "7" "cce 6 ccsuperserum" Option "8" "cce 7 ccsuperserum" Option "9" "cce 8 ccsuperserum" Option "10" "cce 9 ccsuperserum" } Menu "Vanguard Sigil" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccvanguardsigil" Option "2" "cce 1 ccvanguardsigil" Option "3" "cce 2 ccvanguardsigil" Option "4" "cce 3 ccvanguardsigil" Option "5" "cce 4 ccvanguardsigil" Option "6" "cce 5 ccvanguardsigil" Option "7" "cce 6 ccvanguardsigil" Option "8" "cce 7 ccvanguardsigil" Option "9" "cce 8 ccvanguardsigil" Option "10" "cce 9 ccvanguardsigil" } Menu "Warshade" { Option "1" "cce 0 ccwarshade" Option "2" "cce 1 ccwarshade" Option "3" "cce 2 ccwarshade" Option "4" "cce 3 ccwarshade" Option "5" "cce 4 ccwarshade" Option "6" "cce 5 ccwarshade" Option "7" "cce 6 ccwarshade" Option "8" "cce 7 ccwarshade" Option "9" "cce 8 ccwarshade" Option "10" "cce 9 ccwarshade" } } } } Alphabetic Badge List PopMenu courtesy of @Janrith and later @ROBOKiTTY BadgeList.mnu 188.25 kB · 34 downloads Ultimate Mission Helper courtesy of @Profit and @Living_Hellfire menus.zip 455.64 kB · 211 downloads Spoiler Inspiration Maker Popmenu courtesy of @Microcosm InspirationMaker.mnu Spoiler //Accuracy Inpsiration Combiner // Menu "Accuracy" { Title "Combining" Option "Insight &1" "inspcombine enrage insight$$inspcombine luck insight$$inspcombine catch_a_breath insight$$inspcombine respite insight$$inspcombine sturdy insight$$inspcombine break_free insight$$inspcombine awaken insight" Option "Keen Insight &2" "inspcombine focused_rage keen_insight$$inspcombine good_luck keen_insight$$inspcombine take_a_breather keen_insight$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement keen_insight$$inspcombine rugged keen_insight$$inspcombine emerge keen_insight$$inspcobmine bounce_back keen_insight" Option "Uncanny Insight &3" "inspcombine righteous_rage uncanny_insight$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck uncanny_insight$$inspcombine second_wind uncanny_insight$$inspcombine resurgence uncanny_insight$$inspcombine robust uncanny_insight$$inspcombine escape uncanny_insight$$inspcombine restoration uncanny_insight" Divider Title "Use" Option "Accuracy &4" "inspexecname uncanny_insight$$inspexecname keen_insight$$inspexecname insight" } Damage //Damage Inspiration Combiner // Menu "Damage" { Title "Combining" Option "Enrage &1" "inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine break_free enrage$$inspcombine awaken enrage" Option "Focused Rage &2" "inspcombine keen_insight focused_rage$$inspcombine good_luck focused_rage$$inspcombine take_a_breather focused_rage$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement focused_rage$$inspcombine rugged focused_rage$$inspcombine emerge focused_rage$$inspcombine bounce_back focused_rage" Option "Righteous Rage &3" "inspcombine uncanny_insight righteous_rage$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck righteous_rage$$inspcombine second_wind righteous_rage$$inspcombine resurgence righteous_rage$$inspcombine robust righteous_rage$$inspcombine escape righteous_rage$$inspcombine restoration righteous_rage" Divider Title "Use" Option "Damage &4" "inspexecname righteous_rage$$inspexecname focused_rage$$inspexecname enrage" } Defense //Defense Inspiration Combiner // Menu "Defense" { Title "Combining" Option "Luck &1" "inspcombine insight luck$$inspcombine enrage luck$$inspcombine catch_a_breath luck$$inspcombine respite luck$$inspcombine sturdy luck$$inspcombine break_free luck$$inspcombine awaken luck" Option "Good Luck &2" "inspcombine focused_rage good_luck$$inspcombine keen_insight good_luck$$inspcombine take_a_breather good_luck$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement good_luck$$inspcombine rugged good_luck$$inspcombine emerge good_luck$$inspcombine bounce_back good_luck" Option "Phenom Luck &3" "inspcombine righteous_rage phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine uncanny_insight phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine second_wind phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine resurgence phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine robust phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine escape phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine restoration phenomenal_luck" Divider Title "Use" Option "Defense &4" "inspexecname phenomenal_luck$$inspexecname good_luck$$inspexecname luck" } Endurance //Endurance Inspiration Combiner // Menu "Endurance" { Title "Combining" Option "Catch A Breath &1" "inspcombine insight catch_a_breath$$inspcombine luck catch_a_breath$$inspcombine enrage catch_a_breath$$inspcombine respite catch_a_breath$$inspcombine sturdy catch_a_breath$$inspcombine break_free catch_a_breath$$inspcombine awaken catch_a_breath" Option "Take A Breather &2" "inspcombine focused_rage take_a_breather$$inspcombine keen_insight take_a_breather$$inspcombine good_luck take_a_breather$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement take_a_breather$$inspcombine rugged take_a_breather$$inspcombine emerge take_a_breather$$inspcombine bounce_back take_a_breather" Option "Second Wind &3" "inspcombine righteous_rage second_wind$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck second_wind$$inspcombine uncanny_insight second_wind$$inspcombine resurgence second_wind$$inspcombine robust second_wind$$inspcombine escape second_wind$$inspcombine restoration second_wind" Divider Title "Use" Option "Endurance &4" "inspexecname second_wind$$inspexecname take_a_breather$$inspexecname catch_a_breath" } Health //Health Inspiration Combiner // Menu "Health" { Title "Combining" Option "Respite &1" "inspcombine insight respite$$inspcombine luck respite$$inspcombine catch_a_breath respite$$inspcombine enrage respite$$inspcombine sturdy respite$$inspcombine break_free respite$$inspcombine awaken respite" Option "Dramatic &2" "inspcombine focused_rage dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine keen_insight dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine take_a_breather dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine good_luck dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine rugged dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine emerge dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine bounce_back dramatic_improvement" Option "Resurgence &3" "inspcombine righteous_rage resurgence$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck resurgence$$inspcombine second_wind resurgence$$inspcombine uncanny_insight resurgence$$inspcombine robust resurgence$$inspcombine escape resurgence$$inspcombine restoration resurgence" Divider Title "Use" Option "Health &4" "inspexecname resurgence$$inspexecname dramatic_improvement$$inspexecname respite" } Resistance //Resistance Inspiration Combiner // Menu "Resistance" { Title "Combining" Option "Sturdy &1" "inspcombine insight sturdy$$inspcombine luck sturdy$$inspcombine catch_a_breath sturdy$$inspcombine respite sturdy$$inspcombine enrage sturdy$$inspcombine break_free sturdy$$inspcombine awaken sturdy" Option "Rugged &2" "inspcombine focused_rage rugged$$inspcombine keen_insight rugged$$inspcombine take_a_breather rugged$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement rugged$$inspcombine good_luck rugged$$inspcombine emerge rugged$$inspcombine bounce_back rugged" Option "Robust &3" "inspcombine righteous_rage robust$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck robust$$inspcombine second_wind robust$$inspcombine resurgence robust$$inspcombine uncanny_insight robust$$inspcombine escape robust$$inspcombine restoration robust" Divider Title "Use" Option "Resistance &4" "inspexecname robust$$inspexecname rugged$$inspexecname sturdy" } Breakfree //Break Free Inpsiration Combiner // Menu "Break Free" { Title "Combining" Option "Break Free &1" "inspcombine insight break_free$$inspcombine luck break_free$$inspcombine catch_a_breath break_free$$inspcombine respite break_free$$inspcombine sturdy break_free$$inspcombine enrage break_free$$inspcombine awaken break_free" Option "Emerge &2" "inspcombine focused_rage emerge$$inspcombine keen_insight emerge$$inspcombine take_a_breather emerge$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement emerge$$inspcombine rugged emerge$$inspcombine good_luck emerge$$inspcombine bounce_back emerge" Option "Escape &3" "inspcombine righteous_rage escape$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck escape$$inspcombine second_wind escape$$inspcombine resurgence escape$$inspcombine robust escape$$inspcombine uncanny_insight escape$$inspcombine restoration escape" Divider Title "Use" Option "MezResist &4" "inspexecname escape$$inspexecname emerge$$inspexecname break_free" } #4:Menus with consolidated commands Accuracy //Accuracy Inpsiration Combiner // Menu "Accuracy" { Title "Inspirations" Option "Make Insight &1" "inspcombine enrage insight$$inspcombine luck insight$$inspcombine catch_a_breath insight$$inspcombine respite insight$$inspcombine sturdy insight$$inspcombine break_free insight$$inspcombine awaken insight$$Keen Insight &2" "inspcombine focused_rage keen_insight$$inspcombine good_luck keen_insight$$inspcombine take_a_breather keen_insight$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement keen_insight$$inspcombine rugged keen_insight$$inspcombine emerge keen_insight$$inspcobmine bounce_back keen_insight$$inspcombine righteous_rage uncanny_insight$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck uncanny_insight$$inspcombine second_wind uncanny_insight$$inspcombine resurgence uncanny_insight$$inspcombine robust uncanny_insight$$inspcombine escape uncanny_insight$$inspcombine restoration uncanny_insight" Option "Use &2" "inspexecname uncanny_insight$$inspexecname keen_insight$$inspexecname insight" } Damage //Damage Inspiration Combiner // Menu "Damage" { Title "Inspirations" Option "Make Enrage &1" "inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine break_free enrage$$inspcombine awaken enrage$$inspcombine keen_insight focused_rage$$inspcombine good_luck focused_rage$$inspcombine take_a_breather focused_rage$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement focused_rage$$inspcombine rugged focused_rage$$inspcombine emerge focused_rage$$inspcombine bounce_back focused_rage$$inspcombine uncanny_insight righteous_rage$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck righteous_rage$$inspcombine second_wind righteous_rage$$inspcombine resurgence righteous_rage$$inspcombine robust righteous_rage$$inspcombine escape righteous_rage$$inspcombine restoration righteous_rage" Option "Use &2" "inspexecname righteous_rage$$inspexecname focused_rage$$inspexecname enrage" } Defense //Defense Inspiration Combiner // Menu "Defense" { Title "Inspirations" Option "Make Luck &1" "inspcombine insight luck$$inspcombine enrage luck$$inspcombine catch_a_breath luck$$inspcombine respite luck$$inspcombine sturdy luck$$inspcombine break_free luck$$inspcombine awaken luck$$inspcombine focused_rage good_luck$$inspcombine keen_insight good_luck$$inspcombine take_a_breather good_luck$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement good_luck$$inspcombine rugged good_luck$$inspcombine emerge good_luck$$inspcombine bounce_back good_luck$$inspcombine righteous_rage phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine uncanny_insight phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine second_wind phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine resurgence phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine robust phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine escape phenomenal_luck$$inspcombine restoration phenomenal_luck" Option "Use &2" "inspexecname phenomenal_luck$$inspexecname good_luck$$inspexecname luck" } Endurance //Endurance Inspiration Combiner // Menu "Endurance" { Title "Inspirations" Option "Make Catch A Breath &1" "inspcombine insight catch_a_breath$$inspcombine luck catch_a_breath$$inspcombine enrage catch_a_breath$$inspcombine respite catch_a_breath$$inspcombine sturdy catch_a_breath$$inspcombine break_free catch_a_breath$$inspcombine awaken catch_a_breath$$inspcombine focused_rage take_a_breather$$inspcombine keen_insight take_a_breather$$inspcombine good_luck take_a_breather$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement take_a_breather$$inspcombine rugged take_a_breather$$inspcombine emerge take_a_breather$$inspcombine bounce_back take_a_breather$$inspcombine righteous_rage second_wind$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck second_wind$$inspcombine uncanny_insight second_wind$$inspcombine resurgence second_wind$$inspcombine robust second_wind$$inspcombine escape second_wind$$inspcombine restoration second_wind" Option "Use &2" "inspexecname second_wind$$inspexecname take_a_breather$$inspexecname catch_a_breath" } Health //Health Inspiration Combiner // Menu "Health" { Title "Inspirations" Option "Make Respite &1" "inspcombine insight respite$$inspcombine luck respite$$inspcombine catch_a_breath respite$$inspcombine enrage respite$$inspcombine sturdy respite$$inspcombine break_free respite$$inspcombine awaken respite$$inspcombine focused_rage dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine keen_insight dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine take_a_breather dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine good_luck dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine rugged dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine emerge dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine bounce_back dramatic_improvement$$inspcombine righteous_rage resurgence$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck resurgence$$inspcombine second_wind resurgence$$inspcombine uncanny_insight resurgence$$inspcombine robust resurgence$$inspcombine escape resurgence$$inspcombine restoration resurgence" Option "Use &2" "inspexecname resurgence$$inspexecname dramatic_improvement$$inspexecname respite" } Resistance //Resistance Inspiration Combiner // Menu "Resistance" { Title "Inspirations" Option "Make Sturdy &1" "inspcombine insight sturdy$$inspcombine luck sturdy$$inspcombine catch_a_breath sturdy$$inspcombine respite sturdy$$inspcombine enrage sturdy$$inspcombine break_free sturdy$$inspcombine awaken sturdy$$inspcombine focused_rage rugged$$inspcombine keen_insight rugged$$inspcombine take_a_breather rugged$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement rugged$$inspcombine good_luck rugged$$inspcombine emerge rugged$$inspcombine bounce_back rugged$$inspcombine righteous_rage robust$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck robust$$inspcombine second_wind robust$$inspcombine resurgence robust$$inspcombine uncanny_insight robust$$inspcombine escape robust$$inspcombine restoration robust" Option "Use &2" "inspexecname robust$$inspexecname rugged$$inspexecname sturdy" } Breakfree //Break Free Inpsiration Combiner // Menu "Break Free" { Title "Inspirations" Option "Make BF &1" "inspcombine insight break_free$$inspcombine luck break_free$$inspcombine catch_a_breath break_free$$inspcombine respite break_free$$inspcombine sturdy break_free$$inspcombine enrage break_free$$inspcombine awaken break_free$$inspcombine focused_rage emerge$$inspcombine keen_insight emerge$$inspcombine take_a_breather emerge$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement emerge$$inspcombine rugged emerge$$inspcombine good_luck emerge$$inspcombine bounce_back emerge$$inspcombine righteous_rage escape$$inspcombine phenomenal_luck escape$$inspcombine second_wind escape$$inspcombine resurgence escape$$inspcombine robust escape$$inspcombine uncanny_insight escape$$inspcombine restoration escape" Option "Use &2" "inspexecname escape$$inspexecname emerge$$inspexecname break_free" } Costume Change Popmenu courtesy of SnowGlobe CostumeChange.mnu Spoiler This was created by Snow Globe on the cityofheroes.com forums, all thanks should go to this wonderfull canadian. 🙂 "n an effort to understand the popmenu/quickchat menus, I made a Costume Change Emote menu. It has all the current costume change emotes, it will disable (as much as one can) emote groups that you do not have access to, and it has access to the 6th costume slot for VEATs. It does not have quick keys as there is a limit as to how many quick keys are in a popmenu." // ccemotes PopMenu // Written By: "Snow Globe" // Version 1.3 // // Usage: // /popmenu ccemotes // /bind <key> popmenu ccemotes // /macro <name> popmenu ccemotes // Menu "ccemotes" { Menu "Basic" { Menu "Back Flip" { Title "Back Flip" Divider Option "Costume slot 1" "cce 0 CCBackFlip" Option "Costume slot 2" "cce 1 CCBackFlip" Option "Costume slot 3" "cce 2 CCBackFlip" Option "Costume slot 4" "cce 3 CCBackFlip" Option "Costume slot 5" "cce 4 CCBackFlip" Option "Costume slot 6" "cce 5 CCBackFlip" Option "Costume slot 7" "cce 6 CCBackFlip" Option "Costume slot 8" "cce 7 CCBackFlip" Option "Costume slot 9" "cce 8 CCBackFlip" Option "Costume slot 10" "cce 9 CCBackFlip" } Menu "Evil Laugh" { Title "Evil Laugh" Divider Option "Costume slot 1" "cce 0 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume slot 2" "cce 1 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume slot 3" "cce 2 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume slot 4" "cce 3 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume slot 5" "cce 4 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume slot 6" "cce 5 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume slot 7" "cce 6 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume slot 8" "cce 7 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume slot 9" "cce 8 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume slot 10" "cce 9 CCEvilLaugh" } Menu "Howl" { Title "Howl" Divider Option "Costume slot 1" "cce 0 CCHowl" Option "Costume slot 2" "cce 1 CCHowl" Option "Costume slot 3" "cce 2 CCHowl" Option "Costume slot 4" "cce 3 CCHowl" Option "Costume slot 5" "cce 4 CCHowl" Option "Costume slot 6" "cce 5 CCHowl" Option "Costume slot 7" "cce 6 CCHowl" Option "Costume slot 8" "cce 7 CCHowl" Option "Costume slot 9" "cce 8 CCHowl" Option "Costume slot 10" "cce 9 CCHowl" } Menu "Salute" { Title "Salute" Divider Option "Costume slot 1" "cce 0 CCSalute" Option "Costume slot 2" "cce 1 CCSalute" Option "Costume slot 3" "cce 2 CCSalute" Option "Costume slot 4" "cce 3 CCSalute" Option "Costume slot 5" "cce 4 CCSalute" Option "Costume slot 6" "cce 5 CCSalute" Option "Costume slot 7" "cce 6 CCSalute" Option "Costume slot 8" "cce 7 CCSalute" Option "Costume slot 9" "cce 8 CCSalute" Option "Costume slot 10" "cce 9 CCSalute" } } Menu "Epic Archetypes" { Menu "Peacebringer" { Title "Peacebringer" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCPeacebringer" Storeproduct CTATPEAC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCPeacebringer" Storeproduct CTATPEAC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCPeacebringer" Storeproduct CTATPEAC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCPeacebringer" Storeproduct CTATPEAC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCPeacebringer" Storeproduct CTATPEAC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCPeacebringer" Storeproduct CTATPEAC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCPeacebringer" Storeproduct CTATPEAC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCPeacebringer" Storeproduct CTATPEAC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCPeacebringer" Storeproduct CTATPEAC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCPeacebringer" Storeproduct CTATPEAC } } Menu "Warshade" { Title "Warshade" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCWarshade" Storeproduct CTATWARS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCWarshade" Storeproduct CTATWARS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCWarshade" Storeproduct CTATWARS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCWarshade" Storeproduct CTATWARS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCWarshade" Storeproduct CTATWARS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCWarshade" Storeproduct CTATWARS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCWarshade" Storeproduct CTATWARS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCWarshade" Storeproduct CTATWARS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCWarshade" Storeproduct CTATWARS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCWarshade" Storeproduct CTATWARS } } } Menu "Holiday Packs" { Menu "Confetti Throw" { Title "Confetti Throw" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCConfettiThrow" Storeproduct CUCPHPCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCConfettiThrow" Storeproduct CUCPHPCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCConfettiThrow" Storeproduct CUCPHPCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCConfettiThrow" Storeproduct CUCPHPCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCConfettiThrow" Storeproduct CUCPHPCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCConfettiThrow" Storeproduct CUCPHPCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCConfettiThrow" Storeproduct CUCPHPCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCConfettiThrow" Storeproduct CUCPHPCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCConfettiThrow" Storeproduct CUCPHPCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCConfettiThrow" Storeproduct CUCPHPCO } } Menu "Gift Burst" { Title "Gift Burst" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCGiftBurst" Storeproduct CUCPHPPR } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCGiftBurst" Storeproduct CUCPHPPR } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCGiftBurst" Storeproduct CUCPHPPR } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCGiftBurst" Storeproduct CUCPHPPR } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCGiftBurst" Storeproduct CUCPHPPR } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCGiftBurst" Storeproduct CUCPHPPR } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCGiftBurst" Storeproduct CUCPHPPR } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCGiftBurst" Storeproduct CUCPHPPR } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCGiftBurst" Storeproduct CUCPHPPR } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCGiftBurst" Storeproduct CUCPHPPR } } } Menu "Incarnate" { Menu "Fireworks" { Title "Fireworks" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCFireworks" Storeproduct CTIECCFW } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCFireworks" Storeproduct CTIECCFW } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCFireworks" Storeproduct CTIECCFW } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCFireworks" Storeproduct CTIECCFW } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCFireworks" Storeproduct CTIECCFW } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCFireworks" Storeproduct CTIECCFW } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCFireworks" Storeproduct CTIECCFW } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCFireworks" Storeproduct CTIECCFW } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCFireworks" Storeproduct CTIECCFW } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCFireworks" Storeproduct CTIECCFW } } Menu "Ice Block" { Title "Ice Block" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCIceBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCIB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCIceBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCIB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCIceBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCIB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCIceBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCIB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCIceBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCIB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCIceBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCIB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCIceBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCIB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCIceBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCIB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCIceBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCIB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCIceBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCIB } } Menu "Nuke" { Title "Nuke" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCNuke" Storeproduct CTIECCNU } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCNuke" Storeproduct CTIECCNU } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCNuke" Storeproduct CTIECCNU } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCNuke" Storeproduct CTIECCNU } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCNuke" Storeproduct CTIECCNU } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCNuke" Storeproduct CTIECCNU } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCNuke" Storeproduct CTIECCNU } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCNuke" Storeproduct CTIECCNU } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCNuke" Storeproduct CTIECCNU } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCNuke" Storeproduct CTIECCNU } } Menu "Pure Energy" { Title "Pure Energy" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCPureEnergy" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCPureEnergy" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCPureEnergy" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCPureEnergy" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCPureEnergy" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCPureEnergy" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCPureEnergy" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCPureEnergy" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCPureEnergy" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCPureEnergy" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } } Menu "Stone Block" { Title "Stone Block" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCStoneBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCStoneBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCStoneBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCStoneBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCStoneBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCStoneBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCStoneBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCStoneBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCStoneBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCStoneBlock" Storeproduct CTIECCSB } } } Menu "Animal Pack" { Menu "Feather Burst" { Title "Feather Burst" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCFeatherBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCFeatherBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCFeatherBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCFeatherBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCFeatherBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCFeatherBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCFeatherBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCFeatherBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCFeatherBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCFeatherBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEB } } Menu "Feather Spin" { Title "Feather Spin" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCFeatherSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCFeatherSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCFeatherSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCFeatherSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCFeatherSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCFeatherSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCFeatherSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCFeatherSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCFeatherSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCFeatherSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFEF } } Menu "Fur Burst" { Title "Fur Burst" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCFurBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCFurBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCFurBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCFurBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCFurBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCFurBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCFurBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCFurBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCFurBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCFurBurst" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUB } } Menu "Fur Spin" { Title "Fur Spin" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCFurSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCFurSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCFurSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCFurSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCFurSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCFurSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCFurSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCFurSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCFurSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCFurSpin" Authbit AnimalPack Storeproduct CUCPAFUF } } } Menu "Magic Pack" { Menu "Lightning" { Title "Lightning" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCLightning" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPLC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCLightning" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPLC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCLightning" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPLC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCLightning" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPLC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCLightning" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPLC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCLightning" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPLC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCLightning" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPLC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCLightning" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPLC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCLightning" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPLC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCLightning" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPLC } } Menu "Presto Chango" { Title "Presto Chango" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCPrestoChango" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPPC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCPrestoChango" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPPC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCPrestoChango" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPPC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCPrestoChango" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPPC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCPrestoChango" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPPC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCPrestoChango" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPPC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCPrestoChango" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPPC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCPrestoChango" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPPC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCPrestoChango" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPPC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCPrestoChango" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPPC } } Menu "Spell Cast" { Title "Spell Cast" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCCast" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCCast" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCCast" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCCast" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCCast" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCCast" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCCast" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCCast" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCCast" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCCast" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSC } } Menu "Spin" { Title "Spin" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCSpin" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCSpin" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCSpin" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCSpin" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCSpin" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCSpin" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCSpin" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCSpin" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCSpin" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCSpin" Authbit MagicPack Storeproduct CUCPMPSP } } } Menu "Martial Arts Pack" { Menu "Ninja Leap" { Title "Ninja Leap" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCNinjaLeap" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMANL } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCNinjaLeap" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMANL } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCNinjaLeap" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMANL } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCNinjaLeap" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMANL } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCNinjaLeap" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMANL } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCNinjaLeap" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMANL } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCNinjaLeap" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMANL } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCNinjaLeap" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMANL } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCNinjaLeap" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMANL } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCNinjaLeap" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMANL } } Menu "Smoke Bomb" { Title "Smoke Bomb" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCSmokeBomb" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMASB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCSmokeBomb" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMASB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCSmokeBomb" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMASB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCSmokeBomb" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMASB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCSmokeBomb" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMASB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCSmokeBomb" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMASB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCSmokeBomb" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMASB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCSmokeBomb" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMASB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCSmokeBomb" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMASB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCSmokeBomb" Authbit MartialArtsPack Storeproduct CUCPMASB } } } Menu "Mutant Pack" { Menu "Dimension Shift" { Title "Dimension Shift" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCDimensionShift" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUDS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCDimensionShift" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUDS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCDimensionShift" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUDS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCDimensionShift" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUDS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCDimensionShift" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUDS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCDimensionShift" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUDS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCDimensionShift" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUDS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCDimensionShift" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUDS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCDimensionShift" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUDS } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCDimensionShift" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUDS } } Menu "Energy Morph" { Title "Energy Morph" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCEnergyMorph" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUEM } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCEnergyMorph" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUEM } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCEnergyMorph" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUEM } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCEnergyMorph" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUEM } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCEnergyMorph" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUEM } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCEnergyMorph" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUEM } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCEnergyMorph" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUEM } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCEnergyMorph" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUEM } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCEnergyMorph" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUEM } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCEnergyMorph" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMUEM } } Menu "Rapid Boil" { Title "Rapid Boil" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCRapidBoil" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMURB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCRapidBoil" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMURB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCRapidBoil" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMURB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCRapidBoil" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMURB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCRapidBoil" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMURB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCRapidBoil" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMURB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCRapidBoil" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMURB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCRapidBoil" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMURB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCRapidBoil" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMURB } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCRapidBoil" Authbit MutantPack Storeproduct CUCPMURB } } } Menu "SteamPunk Pack" { Menu "Oil Strike" { Title "Oil Strike" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCoilstrike" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCoilstrike" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCoilstrike" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCoilstrike" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCoilstrike" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCoilstrike" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCoilstrike" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCoilstrike" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCoilstrike" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCO } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCoilstrike" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCO } } Menu "Pressure Release" { Title "Pressure Release" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCpressurerelease" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCpressurerelease" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCpressurerelease" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCpressurerelease" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCpressurerelease" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCpressurerelease" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCpressurerelease" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCpressurerelease" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCpressurerelease" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCP } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCpressurerelease" Authbit Steampunk 1 Storeproduct CUCPSCCP } } } Menu "Super Science Pack" { Menu "Drink Formula" { Title "Drink Formula" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCDrinkFormula" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSDF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCDrinkFormula" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSDF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCDrinkFormula" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSDF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCDrinkFormula" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSDF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCDrinkFormula" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSDF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCDrinkFormula" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSDF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCDrinkFormula" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSDF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCDrinkFormula" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSDF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCDrinkFormula" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSDF } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCDrinkFormula" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSDF } } Menu "Super Serum" { Title "Super Serum" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCSuperSerum" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSSE } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCSuperSerum" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSSE } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCSuperSerum" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSSE } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCSuperSerum" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSSE } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCSuperSerum" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSSE } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCSuperSerum" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSSE } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCSuperSerum" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSSE } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCSuperSerum" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSSE } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCSuperSerum" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSSE } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCSuperSerum" Authbit SupersciencePack Storeproduct CUCPSSSE } } } Menu "Vanguard Pack" { Menu "Vanguard Sigil" { Title "Vanguard Sigil" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 1" Command "cce 0 CCVanguardSigil" Authbit VanguardPack Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC Storeproduct CUCPVGSI } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 2" Command "cce 1 CCVanguardSigil" Authbit VanguardPack Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC Storeproduct CUCPVGSI } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 3" Command "cce 2 CCVanguardSigil" Authbit VanguardPack Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC Storeproduct CUCPVGSI } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 4" Command "cce 3 CCVanguardSigil" Authbit VanguardPack Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC Storeproduct CUCPVGSI } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 5" Command "cce 4 CCVanguardSigil" Authbit VanguardPack Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC Storeproduct CUCPVGSI } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 6" Command "cce 5 CCVanguardSigil" Authbit VanguardPack Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC Storeproduct CUCPVGSI } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 7" Command "cce 6 CCVanguardSigil" Authbit VanguardPack Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC Storeproduct CUCPVGSI } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 8" Command "cce 7 CCVanguardSigil" Authbit VanguardPack Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC Storeproduct CUCPVGSI } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 9" Command "cce 8 CCVanguardSigil" Authbit VanguardPack Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC Storeproduct CUCPVGSI } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume slot 10" Command "cce 9 CCVanguardSigil" Authbit VanguardPack Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC Storeproduct CUCPVGSI } } } Menu "Unlockables" { Menu "Murder of Crows" { Title "Murder of Crows" Divider Option "Costume slot 1" "cce 0 CCMurderOfCrows" Option "Costume slot 2" "cce 1 CCMurderOfCrows" Option "Costume slot 3" "cce 2 CCMurderOfCrows" Option "Costume slot 4" "cce 3 CCMurderOfCrows" Option "Costume slot 5" "cce 4 CCMurderOfCrows" Option "Costume slot 6" "cce 5 CCMurderOfCrows" Option "Costume slot 7" "cce 6 CCMurderOfCrows" Option "Costume slot 8" "cce 7 CCMurderOfCrows" Option "Costume slot 9" "cce 8 CCMurderOfCrows" Option "Costume slot 10" "cce 9 CCMurderOfCrows" } } } "Copy the above code into a text file (not through MS Word), and save it as "\data\texts\English\Menus\ccemotes.mnu" in your City of Heroes folder. You may have to create the folders. Usage: /popmenu ccemotes /bind <key> popmenu ccemotes /macro <name> popmenu ccemotes Activating these methods will place the menu at the cursor location. The bind would probably be the best method to access this window." All Popmenu courtesy of Scur It is mostly a whole bunch of powers with some extras. All.mnu Spoiler //All //By Scur Menu "All" { Menu "&1 Buffs" { Option "&1 Rest" "powexec_name Rest" Option "&2 Mystic Fortune" "powexec_name Mystic Fortune" Option "&3 Mutation" "powexec_name Secondary Mutation" Option "&4 Shadowy Presence" "powexec_name Shadowy Presence" Option "&5 Self Rez" "powexec_name Resuscitation" Option "&6 Rez Ally" "powexec_name Resuscitator$$powexec_name Revive Ally$$powexec_name Resurrect" Option "&7 Reveal Map" "powexec_name Reveal" Option "&8 Self Destruction" "powexec_name Self Destruction" } Menu "&2 Travel" { Option "&1 Prestige Power Slide" "powexec_name Prestige Power Slide" Option "&2 Ninja Run" "powexec_name Ninja Run" Option "&3 Jump Pack" "powexec_name Zero-G Pack$$powexec_name Jump Pack" Option "&4 Jet Pack" "powexec_name Jetpack$$powexec_name Raptor Pack$$powexec_name Traveler's Jet Pack" Option "&5 Walk" "powexec_name Walk" } Menu "&3 Teleportation" { Option "&1 Ouroboros" "powexec_name Ouroboros Portal" Option "&2 Pocket D" "powexec_name Pocket D VIP Pass" Option "&3 Mission Teleporter" "powexec_name Mission Transporter" Option "&4 Base Portal" "powexec_name Base Transporter$$powexec_name Base Teleporter" Option "&5 WW Teleporter" "powexec_name Consignment House Transporter$$powexecname Day Trader Teleporter$$powexecname Enhanced Day Trader Teleporter" Option "&6 Assemble the Team" "powexec_name Assemble The Team$$powexec_name Summon Teammates" } Menu "&4 Pets" { Option "&1 Combat-Buff Pet" "powexec_name Light Fairy Pet$$powexec_name Dark Fairy Pet$$powexec_name Blue Wisp Pet$$powexec_name Red Wisp Pet$$powexec_name Shield Drone Pet$$powexec_name Power Drone Pet$$powexec_name Shield Oscillator Pet$$powexec_name Power Oscillator Pet" Option "&2 Non-Combat Pet" "powexec_name Clockwork Pet$$powexec_name Demon Pet$$powexec_name Mekman Pet$$powexec_name Redcap Pet$$powexec_name Rikti Pet" } Menu "&5 Accolades" { Option "&1 Vanguard Medal" "powexec_name Vanguard Medal" Option "&2 Geas of the Kind Ones" "powexec_name Geas Of The Kind Ones" Option "&3 Eye of the Magus" "powexec_name Eye Of The Magus" Option "&4 Elusive Mind" "powexec_name Elusive Mind" Option "&5 Crey CBX-9 Pistol" "powexec_name Crey CBX-9 Pistol" } Menu "&6 Day Job Powers" { Option "&1 Combat Shield" "powexec_name Combat Shield" Option "&2 Baton (stun)" "powexec_name Baton" Option "&3 Rune (+ vs. non-human)" "powexec_name Rune Of Purification" Option "&4 Frag Grenade" "powexec_name Fragmentation Grenade" Option "&5 Web Grenade (immob.)" "powexec_name Web Grenade" Option "&6 Smoke Bomb (blind)" "powexec_name Smoke Bomb" Option "&7 Sleep Gas (sleep)" "powexec_name Sleep Gas" Option "&8 Tear Gas (hold)" "powexec_name Tear Gas" } Menu "&7 Extras" { Option "&1 Search" "Search" Option "&2 Find Member" "Findmember" Option "&3 Who in Zone" "Whoall" Option "&4 Hide" "Hide" Option "&5 Stuck" "Stuck" Option "&6 Location" "Loc" Option "&7 Netgraph ON" "Netgraph 1" Option "&8 Netgraph OFF" "Netgraph 0" Option "&9 FPS ON" "Showfps 1" Option "&0 FPS OFF" "Showfps 0" } } Interface Color Chooser courtesy of Djeannie It is also in the Useful Commands popmenu. Interfacecolorchooser.mnu Spoiler //Interface color chooser by Djeannie Menu "IntColors" { Title "Default Interface Colors" Divider Option "Red Windows (Villain)" "window_color 166 050 050 135" Option "Blue Windows (Heroes)" "window_color 050 153 255 135" Option "Grey Windows (Praetorian)" "window_color 113 113 113 135" Divider Title "Pretty Interface Colors" Option "Brown Windows" "window_color 111 073 000 135" Option "Green Windows" "window_color 000 170 000 135" Option "Orange Windows" "window_color 200 090 000 135" Option "Purple Windows" "window_color 153 051 204 135" Option "Pink Windows" "window_color 210 117 210 135" Option "Rich Blue Windows" "window_color 000 050 190 135" Option "Teal Windows" "window_color 000 155 155 135" Option "Yellow Windows" "window_color 255 220 000 135" Divider Title "Stark Interface Colors" Option "Black Windows" "window_color 000 000 000 135" Option "White Windows" "window_color 255 255 255 135" Divider } UsefulCommands courtesy of Djeannie A big list of Useful Commands. UserfulCommands.mnu Spoiler //Custom commonly used commands //By Djeannie Menu "Useful_Commands" { Title "Useful Commands" Option "&1 Info" "info" Menu "&2 Other Information" { Divider Option "&1 Enhancements" "manage" Option "&Incarnate Abilities" "windowtoggle incarnate" Menu "&Market Interface" { Option "Just Looksie" "toggle auction" LockedOption { DisplayName "Vet Market Access" Command "auctionhouse" Badge Loyal_Customer } } Divider Option "&2 Find" "search" Option "&3 Who" "whoall" Option "&4 What Map?" "whereami" Option "&5 Self Info" "infoself" Menu "&6 Supergroup Mode" { Option "&1 Enter SG Mode" "sgmodeset 1$$t $name, Entered SG Mode!" Option "&2 Exit SG Mode" "sgmodeset 0$$t $name, Exiting SG Mode!" } Option "&7 Title Change" "titlechange" Divider Option "&Stuck" "stuck" Divider Menu "Netgraph and FPS Info" { Option "&1 Netgraph on 1" "netgraph 1" Option "&2 Negtraph on 2" "netgraph 2" Option "&3 Netgraph off" "netgraph 0" Option "&4 Show FPS on" "showfps 1" Option "&5 Show FPS off" "showfps 0" Divider Option "&6 All On" "netgraph 1$$showfps 1" Option "&7 All Off" "netgraph 0$$showfps 0" Divider } Menu "Interface &Colors" { Title "Default Interface Colors" Divider Option "Red Windows (Villain)" "window_color 166 050 050 135" Option "Blue Windows (Heroes)" "window_color 050 153 255 135" Option "Grey Windows (Praetorian)" "window_color 113 113 113 135" Divider Title "Pretty Interface Colors" Option "Brown Windows" "window_color 111 073 000 135" Option "Green Windows" "window_color 000 170 000 135" Option "Orange Windows" "window_color 200 090 000 135" Option "Purple Windows" "window_color 153 051 204 135" Option "Pink Windows" "window_color 210 117 210 135" Option "Rich Blue Windows" "window_color 000 050 190 135" Option "Teal Windows" "window_color 000 155 155 135" Option "Yellow Windows" "window_color 255 220 000 135" Divider Title "Stark Interface Colors" Option "Black Windows" "window_color 000 000 000 135" Option "White Windows" "window_color 255 255 255 135" Divider } Divider } Option "&3 Combat #'s" "toggle combatnumbers" Menu "&4 Team Teleport Prompt" { Option "See Prompt On" "option_set PromptTeleportFromTeammates 1$$t $name, Team Telepot Prompt is Enabled!" Option "See Prompt Off" "option_set PromptTeleportFromTeammates 0$$t $name, Team Teleport Prompt is Disabled!" } Option "&5 Reveal Map" "powexecname reveal" Option "&6 Mystic Fortune" "powexecname mystic_fortune" Option "&7 Secondary Mutation" "powexecname secondary_mutation" Divider Option "Self Destruct" "powexecname self destruction" Divider Menu "Vet & Buff Pets" { Option "&Non-Combat Pet" "powexecname Clockwork Pet$$powexecname Demon Pet$$powexecname Redcap Pet$$powexecname Rikti Pet$$powexecname Mekman Pet" Divider Title "remember to turn off hover/fly" Option "&Buff Pet" "powexecname Light Fairy Pet$$powexecname Dark Fairy Pet$$powexecname Power Oscillator Pet$$powexecname Blue Wisp Pet$$powexecname Red Wisp Pet$$powexecname Shield Drone Pet$$powexecname Power Drone Pet$$powexecname Shield Oscillator Pet" } Menu "Summoned Help (temp Pets)" { Option "&1 Shivans" "powexecname Shivan Shard" Option "&2 SnowBeast" "powexecname Build SnowBeast" Option "&3 Vanguard HVAS" "powexecname Vanguard HVAS" Option "&4 Backup Radio" "powexecname Backup Radio" Divider Title "Hero Summoned Help" Option "&Amy's Ward" "powexecname Amy's Ward" Option "&Warwolf" "powexecname Warwolf Whistle" Option "&Clockwork" "powexecname Clockwork Connection" Option "&Longbow Mech" "powexecname Longbow Mech" Divider Title "Villain Summoned Help" Option "&Zombie" "powexecname Loa Bone" Option "&Fire Imp" "powexecname Summoning Amulet" Option "C&oralax" "powexecname Coral Amulet" Option "&Plant Beast " "powexecname Creeper Seed" Option "Wa&iler" "powexecname Demon Box" Option "&Vial of Bees" "powexecname Vial of Bees" Option "&Rikti Drone" "powexecname Rikti Drone" Option "Arachnos &Mini Blaster" "powexecname Arachnos Mini Blaster" Divider } Menu "&Flying Poses Menu" { Option "&1 Pose 1 (arms ahead)" "e flypose1" Option "&2 Pose 2 (fist ahead)" "e flypose2" Option "&3 Pose 3 (arms in Y)" "e flypose3" Option "&4 Pose 4 (chest out)" "e flypose4" Divider } Divider Menu "&Quick Screenshot Stuff" { Option "Screenshot with UI" "screenshotui 1$$screenshot$$t $name, UI is Enabled in Screenshots, remember to turn it back off" Option "Screenshot without UI" "screenshotui 0$$screenshot$$t $name, UI is disabled in Screenshots" Divider Option "UI in Screenshots ON" "screenshotui 1$$t $name, UI is Enabled in Screenshots" Option "UI in Screenshots Off" "screenshotui 0$$t $name, UI is now invisible in Screenshots" Divider } // Option "&C Costume Change Menu" "popmenu Costume_Changes" Menu "&C Costume Change Menu" { Option "&K Costume Window" "toggle costume" Title "Costume Change Emotes" Menu "&1 Backflip" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 CCBackflip" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 CCBackflip" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 CCBackflip" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 CCBackflip" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 CCBackflip" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 CCBackflip" } Menu "&2 Salute" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 CCSalute" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 CCSalute" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 CCSalute" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 CCSalute" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 CCSalute" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 CCSalute" } Menu "&3 Howl" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 CCHowl" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 CCHowl" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 CCHowl" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 CCHowl" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 CCHowl" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 CCHowl" } Menu "&4 Evil Laugh" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 CCEvilLaugh" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 CCEvilLaugh" } Divider Menu "&5 Vanguard Sigil (unlockable)" { LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume &1" Command "em none$$cc_e 0 CCVanguardSigil" Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume &2" Command "em none$$cc_e 1 CCVanguardSigil" Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume &3" Command "em none$$cc_e 2 CCVanguardSigil" Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume &4" Command "em none$$cc_e 3 CCVanguardSigil" Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume &5" Command "em none$$cc_e 4 CCVanguardSigil" Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC } LockedOption { DisplayName "Costume &6" Command "em none$$cc_e 5 CCVanguardSigil" Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC } } Divider Menu "&Drink Formula" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 CCDrinkFormula" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 CCDrinkFormula" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 CCDrinkFormula" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 CCDrinkFormula" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 CCDrinkFormula" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 CCDrinkFormula" } Menu "&Inject Super Serum" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 CCSuperSerum" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 CCSuperSerum" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 CCSuperSerum" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 CCSuperSerum" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 CCSuperSerum" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 CCSuperSerum" } Divider Menu "&Ninja Smoke Bomb" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 CCSmokebomb" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 CCSmokebomb" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 CCSmokebomb" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 CCSmokebomb" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 CCSmokebomb" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 CCSmokebomb" } Menu "Ninja &Jump" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 CCNinjaleap" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 CCNinjaleap" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 CCNinjaleap" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 CCNinjaleap" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 CCNinjaleap" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 CCNinjaleap" } Divider Menu "&Cast" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 ccCast" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 ccCast" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 ccCast" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 ccCast" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 ccCast" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 ccCast" } Menu "&Lightning" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 cclightning" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 cclightning" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 cclightning" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 cclightning" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 cclightning" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 cclightning" } Menu "&Presto Chango" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 ccPrestoChango" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 ccPrestoChango" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 ccPrestoChango" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 ccPrestoChango" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 ccPrestoChango" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 ccPrestoChango" } Menu "&Spin" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 ccSpin" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 ccSpin" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 ccSpin" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 ccSpin" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 ccSpin" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 ccSpin" } Divider Menu "Di&mension Shift" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 CCDimensionShift" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 CCDimensionShift" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 CCDimensionShift" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 CCDimensionShift" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 CCDimensionShift" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 CCDimensionShift" } Menu "&Energy Morph" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 CCEnergyMorph" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 CCEnergyMorph" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 CCEnergyMorph" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 CCEnergyMorph" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 CCEnergyMorph" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 CCEnergyMorph" } Menu "&Rapid Boil" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 CCRapidBoil" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 CCRapidBoil" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 CCRapidBoil" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 CCRapidBoil" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 CCRapidBoil" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 CCRapidBoil" } Divider Menu "&6 Peacebringer" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 CCPeacebringer" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 CCPeacebringer" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 CCPeacebringer" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 CCPeacebringer" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 CCPeacebringer" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 CCPeacebringer" } Menu "&7 Warshade" { Option "Costume &1" "em none$$cc_e 0 CCWarshade" Option "Costume &2" "em none$$cc_e 1 CCWarshade" Option "Costume &3" "em none$$cc_e 2 CCWarshade" Option "Costume &4" "em none$$cc_e 3 CCWarshade" Option "Costume &5" "em none$$cc_e 4 CCWarshade" Option "Costume &6" "em none$$cc_e 5 CCWarshade" } Divider } Menu "Logging Out" { Option "&1 Log Out Options" "windowshow quit" Option "&2 Quit to Desktop" "quit" Divider } Divider Divider } //can add the other popup menus here so its one file Base Building & SuperGroups SGMusic Menu courtesy of @qwy SGMusic.mnu 16.91 kB · 17 downloads Spoiler //////////////////////////////////////SGMPlayer v1.0.1 // Content Provided by: Impish Kat @ Homecomming Forums // Popmenu'd by qwy ///2020, May20th //More @ P-wiki: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Music Menu "&SGM Player" { Divider Title "- Stop! -" Title "Collaborate" Title "& Listen" Divider Divider //////////////////////////////////////Music Title "Music Loops" Menu "High Lo&ops" { Divider Title "- Incarnate -" Title "High Loops" Divider Divider Option "0&1High-a" "sgmusic i20_01High_a_Loop" Option "02High-&a" "sgmusic i20_02High_a_Loop" Option "03&High-a" "sgmusic i20_03High_a_Loop" Divider Option "01High-&b" "sgmusic i20_01High_b_Loop" Option "0&2High-b" "sgmusic i20_02High_b_Loop" Option "03H&igh-b" "sgmusic i20_03High_b_Loop" Divider Option "01High-&c" "sgmusic i20_01High_c_Loop" Option "02Hi&gh-c" "sgmusic i20_02High_c_Loop" Option "0&3High-c" "sgmusic i20_03High_c_Loop" Divider } Menu "Low Loo&ps" { Divider Title "- Incarnate -" Title "Low Loops" Divider Divider Option "0&1Low-a" "sgmusic i20_01Low_a_Loop" Option "02Low-&a" "sgmusic i20_02Low_a_Loop" Option "03&Low-a" "sgmusic i20_03Low_a_Loop" Divider Option "01Low-&b" "sgmusic i20_01Low_b_Loop" Option "0&2Low-b" "sgmusic i20_02Low_b_Loop" Option "03L&ow-b" "sgmusic i20_03Low_b_Loop" Divider Option "01Low-&c" "sgmusic i20_01Low_c_Loop" Option "02Lo&w-c" "sgmusic i20_02Low_c_Loop" Option "0&3Low-c" "sgmusic i20_03Low_c_Loop" Divider } Menu "Pocket &D" { Divider Title "- Pocket D -" Divider Divider Option "Rave &1" "sgmusic NewRave1_loop" Option "Rave &2" "sgmusic NewRave2_loop" Option "Rave &3" "sgmusic NewRave3_loop" Option "Rave &4" "sgmusic NewRave4_loop" Option "Rave &5" "sgmusic NewRave5_loop" Option "Rave &6" "sgmusic NewRave6_loop" Divider } Menu "&Themes" { Divider Title "- Themes -" Divider Option "&New CoH" "sgmusic H_music1_loop_new" Option "&CoH Theme" "sgmusic H_music1_loop" Option "New &main menu" "sgmusic N_MenuMusic_loop" Option "Co&V main menu" "sgmusic V_Music1_loop" Option "Going Ro&gue" "sgmusic P_Music1_loop" Divider } Menu "+&Ambiance" { Divider Title "- +Ambiance -" Divider Divider Option "&Static Voiceover" "sgmusic BoomMix_loop" Option "&Guitar Balls" "sgmusic Chalet_loop" Option "&Old cassettes" "sgmusic Jukebox2_loop" Option "&Lounge trumpet" "sgmusic loungemusic1_loop" Option "&Harp + birds" "sgmusic Oroboros_loop" Option "S&ki chalet" "sgmusic Swiss_loop" Option "L&ive Tribal drums" "sgmusic Tiki4b_loop" Divider } Menu "&Uncategorized" { Divider Title "- Not yet -" Title "Categorized" Divider Divider Option "&Fast techno" "sgmusic BankHeist_loop" Option "Carni&val music" "sgmusic Carnival3_loop" Option "Drum &Kit" "sgmusic Cave2_loop" Option "&Trip Drone 4" "sgmusic Cave4_loop" Option "&Peaceful chords" "sgmusic CDEC_Lobby_Music_Loop" Option "&Ominous chanting" "sgmusic Chant1_loop" Option "Grung&y techno 1" "sgmusic Freakshow1_loop" Option "G&rungy techno 2" "sgmusic Freakshow2_loop" Option "F&ight Drama" "sgmusic GiantShivanMission_Loop" Option "&Jazzy techno" "sgmusic JMission5_loop" Option "&Heavy techno" "sgmusic SkullsRaveMusic_loop" Option "I&ncreasing drama" "sgmusic SigStoryArc_Combat_Loop" Option "&Up techno lite" "sgmusic SpeakeasyMusic_loop" Option "Slowed am&bien" "sgmusic SpookyCaveRoom_loop" Option "G&eneric techno" "sgmusic Stats_loop" Option "&Generic house" "sgmusic Studio55_01_Loop" Option "Peaceful Chor&ds" "sgmusic TsooAmb1_loop" Option "&Chinese beat" "sgmusic Yins2_loop" Option "Lo&w Rent violin" "sgmusic MusicStore_Loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Music Divider Divider //////////////////////////////////////Ambience Title "Ambience" //////////////////////////////////////Human Menu "&Human" { Divider Title "- Human -" Divider Divider Option "Coliseum Crowd &1" "sgmusic ColiseumCrowd_Ambience_1_loop" Option "Coliseum Crowd &2" "sgmusic ColiseumCrowd_Ambience_2_loop" Option "Coliseum Crowd &3" "sgmusic ColiseumCrowd_Ambience_3_loop" Option "Coliseum Crowd &4" "sgmusic ColiseumCrowd_Ambience_4_loop" Option "Cra&zy people 1" "sgmusic Agony1_loop" Option "&Crazy people 2" "sgmusic Agony2_loop" Option "Cro&wded bar" "sgmusic Bar2_loop" Option "&Quiet bar" "sgmusic BarAmb2_loop" Option "Crow&d" "sgmusic crwodamb2_loop" Option "&Restaurant crowd" "sgmusic FastFood_loop" Option "&Hospital room" "sgmusic hospital5_loop" Option "&Pool hall" "sgmusic PoolAmb1_loop" Option "Droning PA &voice" "sgmusic PropPA_loop" Option "&Booming PA voice" "sgmusic Propaganda1_loop" Option "&Mariachi band" "sgmusic Mariachi_loop" Option "Pol&ice radio" "sgmusic PRadio1_loop" Option "R&ecluse's speech" "sgmusic RecluseVO3_loop" Option "Di&storted voice" "sgmusic VoxStatic_loop" Option "Cr&owd and coins" "sgmusic gamblingamb1_loop" Option "&Faultline Donut" "sgmusic Donut_loop" Option "Pi&nball" "sgmusic Pinball1_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Human //////////////////////////////////////Animals Menu "Anima&l" { Divider Title "- Animal -" Divider Divider Option "&Animal sounds" "sgmusic creatures_loop" Option "&Birds chirping" "sgmusic birds_loop" Option "&Chattering bats" "sgmusic Bats_Scattered_Loop" Option "Cric&kets" "sgmusic Grasshoppers-Crickets_Loop" Option "C&rickets, birds" "sgmusic CricketsBirds_loop" Option "Grass&hoppers" "sgmusic Grasshoppers_Loop" Option "&Insect noises" "sgmusic HamidonSeed_Idle_Loop" Option "M&essy eater" "sgmusic ActiveMold_loop" Option "&Monkey fight" "sgmusic MonkeyFight1_loop" Option "&Park birds" "sgmusic FirstWard_InvertedShadowyPaths_Loop" Option "Sea&gulls" "sgmusic gulls1_loop" Option "&Seaside Birds" "sgmusic Stringa_loop" Option "Some more g&ulls" "sgmusic WavesGulls_loop" Option "&Thar be monsters!" "sgmusic Giantoctopus_loop" Option "&Whale sounds" "sgmusic SeedOfHamidon_Breathing_Loop" Option "Wi&ld birds" "sgmusic EdenAmb1_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Animals //////////////////////////////////////Wind Menu "&Wind" { Divider Title "- Wind -" Divider Divider Option "&Blowing leaves" "sgmusic windleaves2_loop" Option "Calm wind &2" "sgmusic Cave_Wind_02_Loop" Option "Calm wind &4" "sgmusic Cave_Wind_04_Loop" Option "Calm wind &5" "sgmusic Cave_Wind_05_Loop" Option "&Chilling wind" "sgmusic Wind_Wintry_Loop" Option "Deeper empty &air" "sgmusic room2_loop" Option "Distorted wi&nd" "sgmusic Apparitions_LieutenantAura_Loop" Option "Electrical St&orm" "sgmusic StormHit_loop" Option "Electr&ical thunder" "sgmusic rularuustorm_loop" Option "E&mpty air" "sgmusic room1_loop" Option "&Empty wind" "sgmusic KingsAmb1_loop" Option "Lo&ud wind" "sgmusic FirstWard_Wind_Hi_Loop" Option "L&ow distortion" "sgmusic Apparitions_MinionAura_Loop" Option "Quiet, ic&y wind" "sgmusic CloudOfIce_Loop" Option "&Quiet wind" "sgmusic CragsWind_Loop" Option "So&ft thunder" "sgmusic DestroyedOurorobos_Wind_Loop" Option "&Still, empty wind" "sgmusic FogWind_loop" Option "S&torm system" "sgmusic ChantryThunder_loop" Option "Sto&rm system 2" "sgmusic ChantryThunder2_loop" Option "Tumblewee&ds" "sgmusic Tumbleweed_Wind_Loop" Option "Tunnel &gush" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachine_loop" Option "&Wind" "sgmusic Windtunnel_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Wind //////////////////////////////////////Liquid Menu "Li&quid" { Divider Title "- Liquid -" Divider Divider Title "I'm on a boat!" Menu "Ta&ke me to..." { Divider Title "- The River -" Divider Divider Title "Calm" Option "Calm &1" "sgmusic Cave_River_Alcove_01_Loop" Option "Calm &2" "sgmusic Cave_River_Alcove_02_Loop" Option "Calm &3" "sgmusic Cave_River_Alcove_03_Loop" Divider Divider Title "Flowing" Option "Flowing &A" "sgmusic Cave_River_CalmA_01_Loop" Option "Flowing &B" "sgmusic Cave_River_CalmB_01_Loop" Option "Flowing &C" "sgmusic Cave_River_CalmC_01_Loop" Divider Divider Title "Rushing" Option "Riv&er A" "sgmusic Cave_River_ActiveA_01_Loop" Option "&River B" "sgmusic Cave_River_ActiveB_01_Loop" Option "Ri&ver C" "sgmusic Cave_River_ActiveC_01_Loop" Divider Divider Title "Straight fallin'" Option "&Waterfall 1" "sgmusic WaterfallClose_01_Loop" Option "W&aterfall 2" "sgmusic WaterfallClose_02_Loop" Option "Water&fall 3" "sgmusic WaterfallClose_03_Loop" Option "a&s in Rain" "sgmusic N_Rain_Loop" Divider } Option "&Crashing Waves" "sgmusic WaterWaves_02Stereo_Loop" Option "S&horeline 1" "sgmusic FirstWard_WaterLapsBuilding01_Loop" Option "Shoreli&ne 2" "sgmusic FirstWard_WaterLapsBuilding02_Loop" Option "&The calm b4..." "sgmusic calmwater_loop" Divider Divider Title "In the echos" Option "Echoing Pool &1" "sgmusic Cave_Pool_01_Loop" Option "Echoing Pool &2" "sgmusic Cave_Pool_02_Loop" Option "Echoing Pool &3" "sgmusic Cave_Pool_03_Loop" Option "Echoing Pool &4" "sgmusic Cave_Pool_04_Loop" Option "Echo&ing Drip 1" "sgmusic Cave_Trickle_01_Loop" Option "Ech&oing Drip 2" "sgmusic Cave_Trickle_02_Loop" Option "Echoing Dri&p 3" "sgmusic Cave_Trickle_03_Loop" Divider Divider Title "Bubbles!" Option "&Bubbler" "sgmusic SeedofHamidon_LowHealth_Loop" Option "Bubb&ling Tank" "sgmusic LiquidTank_Loop" Option "R&U4 scuba?" "sgmusic HamidonSeed_Malignant_Continuing_Loop" Option "Unsettling &Gloop" "sgmusic gloop_loop" Option "Not so Tin&y" "sgmusic nemesisbubble_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Liquid //////////////////////////////////////Tech Menu "T&ech" { Divider Title "- Tech -" Divider Divider Menu "&Mechanical" { Divider Title "- Mechanical -" Divider Divider Option "&Distant pulses 1" "sgmusic Flotilla_MachinePulse1_Loop" Option "Di&stant pulses 2" "sgmusic Flotilla_MachinePulse2_Loop" Option "R&attling machines" "sgmusic factoryrattle_loop" Option "&Wooden gears" "sgmusic WoodenGears2_loop" Divider } Menu "En&gines, and such" { Divider Title "- Loud -" Title "engines" Divider Divider Option "Engine &1" "sgmusic NemesisDrill_loop" Option "Engine &2" "sgmusic NemesisDrill2_loop" Option "&Slow engine" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachinePulse1_Loop" Option "S&lower Engine" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachinePulse2_Loop" Option "&Hi-pitched engine" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachineSqueak_Loop" Option "&Idle engine" "sgmusic nemesis2_loop" Option "&Obnoxious grinding" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachineSteam_Loop" Option "S&queaking fan" "sgmusic HD_loop" Option "&Machine fans" "sgmusic hipower_loop" Option "&Rotating generator" "sgmusic Turbine2_loop" Divider } Menu "&Pulsing and portal" { Divider Title "- Pulsing -" Title "and portals" Divider Divider Option "Pulsing &A" "sgmusic Portal2_loop" Option "Pulsing &B" "sgmusic Portal2b_loop" Option "&Obnoxious portal" "sgmusic 5thColumnPortal_loop" Option "O&roborus portal" "sgmusic OroborosPortal_loop" Option "&Distorted portal" "sgmusic vortex1_loop" Option "&Pulsing distortion" "sgmusic vortex3_loop" Option "&Low Pulse" "sgmusic ArachElev2_loop" Option "P&ulsing energy" "sgmusic GroundingRayIdle_Loop" Option "&Electrical pulsing" "sgmusic powermaul_loop" Divider } Menu "&Meep meep!" { Divider Title "- Meep Meep! -" Title "uh, beep I say!" Divider Divider Option "beep &1" "sgmusic robotbeep1_loop" Option "beep &2" "sgmusic robotbeep2_loop" Option "&IBeepM" "sgmusic beepIBM_loop" Option "&Erratic data" "sgmusic DataConsole1b_loop" Option "&Beeping computers" "sgmusic PhalanxAmb4_loop" Option "Bee&ping terminals" "sgmusic ControlRoom2_loop" Option "&Sonar" "sgmusic sonor2_loop" Divider } Option "&Distorted static" "sgmusic ArachnosStatic_loop" Option "&Rattling tech" "sgmusic Data2_loop" Option "&High-pitched Tin" "sgmusic Laser1_loop" Option "H&umming tech" "sgmusic particle_loop" Option "D&istorted tech" "sgmusic particlehit_loop" Option "Lo&w forcefield" "sgmusic pillboxforcefield_loop" Option "&Tinny forcefield" "sgmusic portal4_loop" Option "Err&atic distortion" "sgmusic RiktiDataRm2_loop" Option "E&lectrical crackle" "sgmusic Sapper2_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Tech //////////////////////////////////////Ringers Menu "&Ringers" { Divider Title "- Ringers -" Divider Divider Title "Bells" Option "&Church bells" "sgmusic ChurchBells_loop" Option "&Telephone" "sgmusic tele1_loop" Divider Divider Title "Sirens" Option "&With bells" "sgmusic Cellblock_loop" Option "With b&ells 2" "sgmusic Cellblock2_loop" Option "&Distant sirens" "sgmusic KingsRowSirens_Loop" Option "Kla&xon" "sgmusic klaxon2_loop" Option "&Siren Riot" "sgmusic outbreak4_loop" Option "&High-pitched" "sgmusic Siren1_loop" Option "&Prison riot" "sgmusic Prison1_loop" Divider Divider Title "Horns" Option "Water Engine &1" "sgmusic Boat1_loop" Option "Water Engine &2" "sgmusic Boat2_loop" Option "Water Engine &3" "sgmusic Boat3_loop" Option "Water Engine &4" "sgmusic Boat4_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Ringers //////////////////////////////////////Hum Menu "Hu&ms" { Divider Title "- Hums -" Divider Divider Option "Vibration &1" "sgmusic IDF_BattleOrbI_Idle_Loop" Option "Vibration &2" "sgmusic IDF_BattleOrbII_Idle_Loop" Option "Vibration &3" "sgmusic IDF_BattleOrbIII_Idle_Loop" Option "&Low, pulsing" "sgmusic Ruladak1_loop" Option "&Dimensional" "sgmusic RularuuMonumentBuild_loop" Option "&Hollow hum" "sgmusic BoneClub_loop" Option "&Slow, pulsing" "sgmusic Hamidon_Room_Loop" Option "&Quiet cave hum" "sgmusic ThePit_loop" Option "L&ow hum" "sgmusic Thermite_loop" Option "&Grinding hum" "sgmusic thorneyes_loop" Option "&Airy, mystic" "sgmusic RuneVox_loop" Option "Sh&rill whining" "sgmusic FirstWard_ShadowyOrb1_Loop" Option "&Electrical" "sgmusic electricalring_loop" Option "L&ight generator" "sgmusic Gen1_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Hum //////////////////////////////////////Creepy Menu "Creep&y" { Divider Title "- Creepy -" Divider Divider Option "&Distant beats" "sgmusic Cadence_loop" Option "The &Background" "sgmusic Spooky2_loop" Option "&Soft whispers" "sgmusic Mushroomportal_loop" Option "&Clacking noise" "sgmusic Flotilla_EngineRoom_Clack_Loop" Option "&Hollow Ship" "sgmusic Flotilla_EngineRoom_Water_Loop" Option "Crea&king metal" "sgmusic Flotilla_ShipCreaks1_Loop" Option "C&haos" "sgmusic generaldestruction_loop" Option "&Empty cave" "sgmusic Midnight_Club_01_Loop" Option "D&istorted echo" "sgmusic Sentinal3_loop" Option "&Tinny Alien" "sgmusic radiocom1_loop" Option "H&ushed whispers" "sgmusic Midnight_Club_Library_02_Loop" Option "&Warfare" "sgmusic Resistance_Ghouls_Battle1L_Loop" Option "Dista&nt, thumping" "sgmusic giantpump_loop" Option "St&reak" "sgmusic FirstWard_ShadowyComets_Loop" Option "&Grumble" "sgmusic FirstWard_Vortex1_Loop" Option "&Pulsing Blackwand2" "sgmusic Blackwand2_loop" Option "Cr&ystal Steam Pit" "sgmusic CrystalSteamPit_loop" Option "Low, Metal thu&mp" "sgmusic factory3_loop" Option "Low, metal thump &4" "sgmusic factory4_loop" Option "La&va" "sgmusic LavaBG_loop" Option "Rumbling l&ava" "sgmusic RobotRoom2_loop" Option "&Quiet burning" "sgmusic NemesisHalberd_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Creepy //////////////////////////////////////End Ambience Divider Option "&Fade out" <&sgmusic ""&> Option "Ma&cro" "macroimage Tyrant_Lightning SGMPlayer popmenu SGMPlayer" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End SGMPlayer SGStuff Menu courtesy of @qwy SGStuff2-5.mnu 28.85 kB · 5 downloads Spoiler //2020, June 21st v2.5 Menu "SGStuff" { //////////////////////////////////////qwy's SG Stuff v2.5 Divider Title "- SG Menu -" Divider Divider Title "Admin Stuff" Option "M.O.T.&D." "show chat$$beginchat /sgsetmotd " Menu "In&vite" { Divider Title "- Invites -" Divider Divider Option "M&y Alt" "show chat$$beginchat /altinvite " Option "My &Target" "sgi $target" Option "&By Name" "show chat$$beginchat /sgi " Menu "To Global &Chat" { Divider Title "- Invite to SG -" Title "Global Channel" Divider Divider Option "In&vite All Members" "ginvitesg 0" Option "Invite &Captains and Up" "ginvitesg 1" Option "Lea&ders Only" "ginvitesg 2" Divider } Divider Divider Title "Coalition" Option "Invite Tar&get" "ci $target" Option "In&vite By Na&me" "show chat$$beginchat /ci " Divider } Menu "Member Stat&us" { Divider Title "- Member -" Title "Status" Divider Divider Title "Promote" Option "&Target" "promote $target" Option "B&y Name" "show chat$$beginchat /promote " Divider Divider Title "Demote" Option "Tar&get" "demote $target" Option "&By Name" "show chat$$beginchat /demote " Divider Divider Title "Drastics" Menu "&Kick" { Divider Title "- Kick -" Title "Method" Divider Divider Title "Default" Option "Target" "sgk $target" Option "By Name" "show chat$$beginchat /sgk " Divider Divider Title "Skip Prompt" Option "Target" "sgkickyes $target" Option "By Name" "show chat$$beginchat /sgkickyes " Divider } Option "Leave Coalition" "Coalitioncancel" Divider Option "Leave SG" "sgleave" Divider } Menu "Settin&gs" { Divider Title "- Settings -" Divider Divider option "M.O.T.&D." "show chat$$beginchat /sgsetmotd " Option "Mo&tto" "show chat$$beginchat /sgsetmotto " Option "Desc&ription" "show chat$$beginchat /sgsetdescription " Menu "Rename Ran&ks" { Divider TItle "- Rename -" TItle "Ranks" Divider Divider Option "&Leader/Overlord" "show chat$$beginchat /nameleader " Option "&Commander/Kingpin" "show chat$$beginchat /namecommander " Option "&General/Ringleader" "show chat$$beginchat /namegeneral " Option "C&aptain/Taskmaster" "show chat$$beginchat /namecaptain " Option "L&ieutenant/Enforcer" "show chat$$beginchat /namelieutenant " Option "&Member/Flunky" "show chat$$beginchat /namemember " Divider } Option "Auto-Demote" "show chat$$beginchat /sgsetdemotetimeout " Divider } Divider Divider Title "Bases" //////////////////////////////////////Looky Lou's Menu "Tourisim &Board" { Divider Title "- Looky Lou's -" Title "Excelsior" Title "Base Tours" Divider Divider Menu "qwy the &Broken" { Divider Title "- qwy the Broken -" Divider Divider Title <&"...answers the question","what if a mullet, was also a base?"&> Title <&"~ Architecture Monthly"&> Divider Title <&"All business, up in the front there. Every amenity a base"&> Title <&"can offer, crammed in to a closet. Around back, there's a"&> Title <&"party, alright. Bearing in mind, not all parties are good."&> Divider Title <&"Beyond the Entrance, the rest of this base is dedicated to"&> Title <&"exploring, half-hearted, cockamamy notions of stretching, all"&> Title <&"3000 vertical feet in intersting, fun or absurd ways."&> Divider Title <&"We're never not, midway through major reconstruction..."&> Divider Option "&Take the tour!" "enterbasefrompasscode BROKEN-6948" Option "Official Collector's Macro! A $1.61 Value!" "macroimage InherentBase_Anger The_Broken enterbasefrompasscode BROKEN-6948" Divider } Menu "&Traditional" { Divider Title "- Traditional -" Divider Divider Option "&Night Watch" "enterbasefrompasscode NW-738" Option "Peace&keepers" "enterbasefrompasscode PEACE-883" Option "&Web of Arachnos" "enterbasefrompasscode enterbasefrompasscode WEB-1563" Menu "The Capitalist H&Q" { Divider Title "- The Capitalist HQ -" Divider Divider Title <&"The underground HQ of"&> Title <&"Cap'n Capitalism's super team."&> Divider Option "&Take the tour!" "enterbasefrompasscode DOLLAR-3786" Divider } Menu "Win&gs Memorial Annex" { Divider Title "- Wings Memorial -" Title "Annex" Divider Divider Title <&"Compact, efficient and easy acces to"&> Title <&"all ameneties. A tribute to the Wings"&> Title <&"over Paragon base/sg on live."&> Divider Option "&Take the tour!" "enterbasefrompasscode MDK-1263" Divider } Menu "The Stoned A&vengers" { Divider Title "- The Stoned -" Title "Avengers" Divider Divider Title <&"The ultimate Stoner's base,complete"&> Title <&"with grow room, 420 theaters, and Black"&> Title <&"Market trading center. Super-efficient."&> Divider Option "&Take the tour!" "enterbasefrompasscode 420BAKED710-5851" Divider } Divider } Menu "S&pace Terminals" { Divider Title "- Space -" Title "Terminals" Dividers Divider Option "Cosmic &Terminal" "enterbasefrompasscode COSMICTRANSPORT-6608" Option "Moonbas&e" "enterbasefrompasscode EXCELSIOR-6984" Option "&Radical" "enterbasefrompasscode RADICAL-7910" Divider } Menu "&Cityscapes" { Divider Title "- Cityscapes -" Divider Divider Menu "&Pinnacle Perk" { Divider Title "- Pinnacle Perk -" Title "Coffee Company" Divider Divider Title <&"The rainy seaside town that coffee built."&> Title <&"All are welcome to check it out."&> Divider Option "&Take the tour!" "enterbasefrompasscode PERK-8816" Divider } Menu "&Suprano's Pizza" { Divider Title "- Suprano's Pizza -" Divider Divider Title <&"Looking for a made man?"&> Title <&"Or just the best slice in town?"&> Title <&"We got both!"&> Title <&"Cross-Faction Friendly!"&> Divider Option "&Take the tour!" "enterbasefrompasscode PIZZA-4696" Divider } Divider } Menu "&Outdoor" { Divider Title "- Outdoor -" Divider Divider Option "&Lost Temple" "enterbasefrompasscode TEMPLE-3103" Option "&Myarkstir's Base" "enterbasefrompasscode AFTER-3783" Divider } Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Looky Lou's //////////////////////////////////////SGMPlayer v1.0.1 // Content Provided by: Impish Kat @ Homecomming Forums // Popmenu'd by qwy ///2020, May 16th //More @ P-wiki: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Music Menu "&SGM Player" { Divider Title "- Stop! -" Title "Collaborate" Title "& Listen" Divider Divider //////////////////////////////////////Music Title "Music Loops" Menu "High Lo&ops" { Divider Title "- Incarnate -" Title "High Loops" Divider Divider Option "0&1High-a" "sgmusic i20_01High_a_Loop" Option "02High-&a" "sgmusic i20_02High_a_Loop" Option "03&High-a" "sgmusic i20_03High_a_Loop" Divider Option "01High-&b" "sgmusic i20_01High_b_Loop" Option "0&2High-b" "sgmusic i20_02High_b_Loop" Option "03H&igh-b" "sgmusic i20_03High_b_Loop" Divider Option "01High-&c" "sgmusic i20_01High_c_Loop" Option "02Hi&gh-c" "sgmusic i20_02High_c_Loop" Option "0&3High-c" "sgmusic i20_03High_c_Loop" Divider } Menu "Low Loo&ps" { Divider Title "- Incarnate -" Title "Low Loops" Divider Divider Option "0&1Low-a" "sgmusic i20_01Low_a_Loop" Option "02Low-&a" "sgmusic i20_02Low_a_Loop" Option "03&Low-a" "sgmusic i20_03Low_a_Loop" Divider Option "01Low-&b" "sgmusic i20_01Low_b_Loop" Option "0&2Low-b" "sgmusic i20_02Low_b_Loop" Option "03L&ow-b" "sgmusic i20_03Low_b_Loop" Divider Option "01Low-&c" "sgmusic i20_01Low_c_Loop" Option "02Lo&w-c" "sgmusic i20_02Low_c_Loop" Option "0&3Low-c" "sgmusic i20_03Low_c_Loop" Divider } Menu "Pocket &D" { Divider Title "- Pocket D -" Divider Divider Option "Rave &1" "sgmusic NewRave1_loop" Option "Rave &2" "sgmusic NewRave2_loop" Option "Rave &3" "sgmusic NewRave3_loop" Option "Rave &4" "sgmusic NewRave4_loop" Option "Rave &5" "sgmusic NewRave5_loop" Option "Rave &6" "sgmusic NewRave6_loop" Divider } Menu "&Themes" { Divider Title "- Themes -" Divider Option "&New CoH" "sgmusic H_music1_loop_new" Option "&CoH Theme" "sgmusic H_music1_loop" Option "New &main menu" "sgmusic N_MenuMusic_loop" Option "Co&V main menu" "sgmusic V_Music1_loop" Option "Going Ro&gue" "sgmusic P_Music1_loop" Divider } Menu "+&Ambiance" { Divider Title "- +Ambiance -" Divider Divider Option "&Static Voiceover" "sgmusic BoomMix_loop" Option "&Guitar Balls" "sgmusic Chalet_loop" Option "&Old cassettes" "sgmusic Jukebox2_loop" Option "&Lounge trumpet" "sgmusic loungemusic1_loop" Option "&Harp + birds" "sgmusic Oroboros_loop" Option "S&ki chalet" "sgmusic Swiss_loop" Option "L&ive Tribal drums" "sgmusic Tiki4b_loop" Divider } Menu "&Uncategorized" { Divider Title "- Not yet -" Title "Categorized" Divider Divider Option "&Fast techno" "sgmusic BankHeist_loop" Option "Carni&val music" "sgmusic Carnival3_loop" Option "Drum &Kit" "sgmusic Cave2_loop" Option "&Trip Drone 4" "sgmusic Cave4_loop" Option "&Peaceful chords" "sgmusic CDEC_Lobby_Music_Loop" Option "&Ominous chanting" "sgmusic Chant1_loop" Option "Grung&y techno 1" "sgmusic Freakshow1_loop" Option "G&rungy techno 2" "sgmusic Freakshow2_loop" Option "F&ight Drama" "sgmusic GiantShivanMission_Loop" Option "&Jazzy techno" "sgmusic JMission5_loop" Option "&Heavy techno" "sgmusic SkullsRaveMusic_loop" Option "I&ncreasing drama" "sgmusic SigStoryArc_Combat_Loop" Option "&Up techno lite" "sgmusic SpeakeasyMusic_loop" Option "Slowed am&bien" "sgmusic SpookyCaveRoom_loop" Option "G&eneric techno" "sgmusic Stats_loop" Option "&Generic house" "sgmusic Studio55_01_Loop" Option "Peaceful Chor&ds" "sgmusic TsooAmb1_loop" Option "&Chinese beat" "sgmusic Yins2_loop" Option "Lo&w Rent violin" "sgmusic MusicStore_Loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Music Divider Divider //////////////////////////////////////Ambience Title "Ambience" //////////////////////////////////////Human Menu "&Human" { Divider Title "- Human -" Divider Divider Option "Coliseum Crowd &1" "sgmusic ColiseumCrowd_Ambience_1_loop" Option "Coliseum Crowd &2" "sgmusic ColiseumCrowd_Ambience_2_loop" Option "Coliseum Crowd &3" "sgmusic ColiseumCrowd_Ambience_3_loop" Option "Coliseum Crowd &4" "sgmusic ColiseumCrowd_Ambience_4_loop" Option "Cra&zy people 1" "sgmusic Agony1_loop" Option "&Crazy people 2" "sgmusic Agony2_loop" Option "Cro&wded bar" "sgmusic Bar2_loop" Option "&Quiet bar" "sgmusic BarAmb2_loop" Option "Crow&d" "sgmusic crwodamb2_loop" Option "&Restaurant crowd" "sgmusic FastFood_loop" Option "&Hospital room" "sgmusic hospital5_loop" Option "&Pool hall" "sgmusic PoolAmb1_loop" Option "Droning PA &voice" "sgmusic PropPA_loop" Option "&Booming PA voice" "sgmusic Propaganda1_loop" Option "&Mariachi band" "sgmusic Mariachi_loop" Option "Pol&ice radio" "sgmusic PRadio1_loop" Option "R&ecluse's speech" "sgmusic RecluseVO3_loop" Option "Di&storted voice" "sgmusic VoxStatic_loop" Option "Cr&owd and coins" "sgmusic gamblingamb1_loop" Option "&Faultline Donut" "sgmusic Donut_loop" Option "Pi&nball" "sgmusic Pinball1_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Human //////////////////////////////////////Animals Menu "Anima&l" { Divider Title "- Animal -" Divider Divider Option "&Animal sounds" "sgmusic creatures_loop" Option "&Birds chirping" "sgmusic birds_loop" Option "&Chattering bats" "sgmusic Bats_Scattered_Loop" Option "Cric&kets" "sgmusic Grasshoppers-Crickets_Loop" Option "C&rickets, birds" "sgmusic CricketsBirds_loop" Option "Grass&hoppers" "sgmusic Grasshoppers_Loop" Option "&Insect noises" "sgmusic HamidonSeed_Idle_Loop" Option "M&essy eater" "sgmusic ActiveMold_loop" Option "&Monkey fight" "sgmusic MonkeyFight1_loop" Option "&Park birds" "sgmusic FirstWard_InvertedShadowyPaths_Loop" Option "Sea&gulls" "sgmusic gulls1_loop" Option "&Seaside Birds" "sgmusic Stringa_loop" Option "Some more g&ulls" "sgmusic WavesGulls_loop" Option "&Thar be monsters!" "sgmusic Giantoctopus_loop" Option "&Whale sounds" "sgmusic SeedOfHamidon_Breathing_Loop" Option "Wi&ld birds" "sgmusic EdenAmb1_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Animals //////////////////////////////////////Wind Menu "&Wind" { Divider Title "- Wind -" Divider Divider Option "&Blowing leaves" "sgmusic windleaves2_loop" Option "Calm wind &2" "sgmusic Cave_Wind_02_Loop" Option "Calm wind &4" "sgmusic Cave_Wind_04_Loop" Option "Calm wind &5" "sgmusic Cave_Wind_05_Loop" Option "&Chilling wind" "sgmusic Wind_Wintry_Loop" Option "Deeper empty &air" "sgmusic room2_loop" Option "Distorted wi&nd" "sgmusic Apparitions_LieutenantAura_Loop" Option "Electrical St&orm" "sgmusic StormHit_loop" Option "Electr&ical thunder" "sgmusic rularuustorm_loop" Option "E&mpty air" "sgmusic room1_loop" Option "&Empty wind" "sgmusic KingsAmb1_loop" Option "Lo&ud wind" "sgmusic FirstWard_Wind_Hi_Loop" Option "L&ow distortion" "sgmusic Apparitions_MinionAura_Loop" Option "Quiet, ic&y wind" "sgmusic CloudOfIce_Loop" Option "&Quiet wind" "sgmusic CragsWind_Loop" Option "So&ft thunder" "sgmusic DestroyedOurorobos_Wind_Loop" Option "&Still, empty wind" "sgmusic FogWind_loop" Option "S&torm system" "sgmusic ChantryThunder_loop" Option "Sto&rm system 2" "sgmusic ChantryThunder2_loop" Option "Tumblewee&ds" "sgmusic Tumbleweed_Wind_Loop" Option "Tunnel &gush" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachine_loop" Option "&Wind" "sgmusic Windtunnel_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Wind //////////////////////////////////////Liquid Menu "Li&quid" { Divider Title "- Liquid -" Divider Divider Title "I'm on a boat!" Menu "Ta&ke me to..." { Divider Title "- The River -" Divider Divider Title "Calm" Option "Calm &1" "sgmusic Cave_River_Alcove_01_Loop" Option "Calm &2" "sgmusic Cave_River_Alcove_02_Loop" Option "Calm &3" "sgmusic Cave_River_Alcove_03_Loop" Divider Divider Title "Flowing" Option "Flowing &A" "sgmusic Cave_River_CalmA_01_Loop" Option "Flowing &B" "sgmusic Cave_River_CalmB_01_Loop" Option "Flowing &C" "sgmusic Cave_River_CalmC_01_Loop" Divider Divider Title "Rushing" Option "Riv&er A" "sgmusic Cave_River_ActiveA_01_Loop" Option "&River B" "sgmusic Cave_River_ActiveB_01_Loop" Option "Ri&ver C" "sgmusic Cave_River_ActiveC_01_Loop" Divider Divider Title "Straight fallin'" Option "&Waterfall 1" "sgmusic WaterfallClose_01_Loop" Option "W&aterfall 2" "sgmusic WaterfallClose_02_Loop" Option "Water&fall 3" "sgmusic WaterfallClose_03_Loop" Option "a&s in Rain" "sgmusic N_Rain_Loop" Divider } Option "&Crashing Waves" "sgmusic WaterWaves_02Stereo_Loop" Option "S&horeline 1" "sgmusic FirstWard_WaterLapsBuilding01_Loop" Option "Shoreli&ne 2" "sgmusic FirstWard_WaterLapsBuilding02_Loop" Option "&The calm b4..." "sgmusic calmwater_loop" Divider Divider Title "In the echos" Option "Echoing Pool &1" "sgmusic Cave_Pool_01_Loop" Option "Echoing Pool &2" "sgmusic Cave_Pool_02_Loop" Option "Echoing Pool &3" "sgmusic Cave_Pool_03_Loop" Option "Echoing Pool &4" "sgmusic Cave_Pool_04_Loop" Option "Echo&ing Drip 1" "sgmusic Cave_Trickle_01_Loop" Option "Ech&oing Drip 2" "sgmusic Cave_Trickle_02_Loop" Option "Echoing Dri&p 3" "sgmusic Cave_Trickle_03_Loop" Divider Divider Title "Bubbles!" Option "&Bubbler" "sgmusic SeedofHamidon_LowHealth_Loop" Option "Bubb&ling Tank" "sgmusic LiquidTank_Loop" Option "R&U4 scuba?" "sgmusic HamidonSeed_Malignant_Continuing_Loop" Option "Unsettling &Gloop" "sgmusic gloop_loop" Option "Not so Tin&y" "sgmusic nemesisbubble_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Liquid //////////////////////////////////////Tech Menu "T&ech" { Divider Title "- Tech -" Divider Divider Menu "&Mechanical" { Divider Title "- Mechanical -" Divider Divider Option "&Distant pulses 1" "sgmusic Flotilla_MachinePulse1_Loop" Option "Di&stant pulses 2" "sgmusic Flotilla_MachinePulse2_Loop" Option "R&attling machines" "sgmusic factoryrattle_loop" Option "&Wooden gears" "sgmusic WoodenGears2_loop" Divider } Menu "En&gines, and such" { Divider Title "- Loud -" Title "engines" Divider Divider Option "Engine &1" "sgmusic NemesisDrill_loop" Option "Engine &2" "sgmusic NemesisDrill2_loop" Option "&Slow engine" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachinePulse1_Loop" Option "S&lower Engine" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachinePulse2_Loop" Option "&Hi-pitched engine" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachineSqueak_Loop" Option "&Idle engine" "sgmusic nemesis2_loop" Option "&Obnoxious grinding" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachineSteam_Loop" Option "S&queaking fan" "sgmusic HD_loop" Option "&Machine fans" "sgmusic hipower_loop" Option "&Rotating generator" "sgmusic Turbine2_loop" Divider } Menu "&Pulsing and portal" { Divider Title "- Pulsing -" Title "and portals" Divider Divider Option "Pulsing &A" "sgmusic Portal2_loop" Option "Pulsing &B" "sgmusic Portal2b_loop" Option "&Obnoxious portal" "sgmusic 5thColumnPortal_loop" Option "O&roborus portal" "sgmusic OroborosPortal_loop" Option "&Distorted portal" "sgmusic vortex1_loop" Option "&Pulsing distortion" "sgmusic vortex3_loop" Option "&Low Pulse" "sgmusic ArachElev2_loop" Option "P&ulsing energy" "sgmusic GroundingRayIdle_Loop" Option "&Electrical pulsing" "sgmusic powermaul_loop" Divider } Menu "&Meep meep!" { Divider Title "- Meep Meep! -" Title "uh, beep I say!" Divider Divider Option "beep &1" "sgmusic robotbeep1_loop" Option "beep &2" "sgmusic robotbeep2_loop" Option "&IBeepM" "sgmusic beepIBM_loop" Option "&Erratic data" "sgmusic DataConsole1b_loop" Option "&Beeping computers" "sgmusic PhalanxAmb4_loop" Option "Bee&ping terminals" "sgmusic ControlRoom2_loop" Option "&Sonar" "sgmusic sonor2_loop" Divider } Option "&Distorted static" "sgmusic ArachnosStatic_loop" Option "&Rattling tech" "sgmusic Data2_loop" Option "&High-pitched Tin" "sgmusic Laser1_loop" Option "H&umming tech" "sgmusic particle_loop" Option "D&istorted tech" "sgmusic particlehit_loop" Option "Lo&w forcefield" "sgmusic pillboxforcefield_loop" Option "&Tinny forcefield" "sgmusic portal4_loop" Option "Err&atic distortion" "sgmusic RiktiDataRm2_loop" Option "E&lectrical crackle" "sgmusic Sapper2_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Tech //////////////////////////////////////Ringers Menu "&Ringers" { Divider Title "- Ringers -" Divider Divider Title "Bells" Option "&Church bells" "sgmusic ChurchBells_loop" Option "&Telephone" "sgmusic tele1_loop" Divider Divider Title "Sirens" Option "&With bells" "sgmusic Cellblock_loop" Option "With b&ells 2" "sgmusic Cellblock2_loop" Option "&Distant sirens" "sgmusic KingsRowSirens_Loop" Option "Kla&xon" "sgmusic klaxon2_loop" Option "&Siren Riot" "sgmusic outbreak4_loop" Option "&High-pitched" "sgmusic Siren1_loop" Option "&Prison riot" "sgmusic Prison1_loop" Divider Divider Title "Horns" Option "Water Engine &1" "sgmusic Boat1_loop" Option "Water Engine &2" "sgmusic Boat2_loop" Option "Water Engine &3" "sgmusic Boat3_loop" Option "Water Engine &4" "sgmusic Boat4_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Ringers //////////////////////////////////////Hum Menu "Hu&ms" { Divider Title "- Hums -" Divider Divider Option "Vibration &1" "sgmusic IDF_BattleOrbI_Idle_Loop" Option "Vibration &2" "sgmusic IDF_BattleOrbII_Idle_Loop" Option "Vibration &3" "sgmusic IDF_BattleOrbIII_Idle_Loop" Option "&Low, pulsing" "sgmusic Ruladak1_loop" Option "&Dimensional" "sgmusic RularuuMonumentBuild_loop" Option "&Hollow hum" "sgmusic BoneClub_loop" Option "&Slow, pulsing" "sgmusic Hamidon_Room_Loop" Option "&Quiet cave hum" "sgmusic ThePit_loop" Option "L&ow hum" "sgmusic Thermite_loop" Option "&Grinding hum" "sgmusic thorneyes_loop" Option "&Airy, mystic" "sgmusic RuneVox_loop" Option "Sh&rill whining" "sgmusic FirstWard_ShadowyOrb1_Loop" Option "&Electrical" "sgmusic electricalring_loop" Option "L&ight generator" "sgmusic Gen1_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Hum //////////////////////////////////////Creepy Menu "Creep&y" { Divider Title "- Creepy -" Divider Divider Option "&Distant beats" "sgmusic Cadence_loop" Option "The &Background" "sgmusic Spooky2_loop" Option "&Soft whispers" "sgmusic Mushroomportal_loop" Option "&Clacking noise" "sgmusic Flotilla_EngineRoom_Clack_Loop" Option "&Hollow Ship" "sgmusic Flotilla_EngineRoom_Water_Loop" Option "Crea&king metal" "sgmusic Flotilla_ShipCreaks1_Loop" Option "C&haos" "sgmusic generaldestruction_loop" Option "&Empty cave" "sgmusic Midnight_Club_01_Loop" Option "D&istorted echo" "sgmusic Sentinal3_loop" Option "&Tinny Alien" "sgmusic radiocom1_loop" Option "H&ushed whispers" "sgmusic Midnight_Club_Library_02_Loop" Option "&Warfare" "sgmusic Resistance_Ghouls_Battle1L_Loop" Option "Dista&nt, thumping" "sgmusic giantpump_loop" Option "St&reak" "sgmusic FirstWard_ShadowyComets_Loop" Option "&Grumble" "sgmusic FirstWard_Vortex1_Loop" Option "&Pulsing Blackwand2" "sgmusic Blackwand2_loop" Option "Cr&ystal Steam Pit" "sgmusic CrystalSteamPit_loop" Option "Low, Metal thu&mp" "sgmusic factory3_loop" Option "Low, metal thump &4" "sgmusic factory4_loop" Option "La&va" "sgmusic LavaBG_loop" Option "Rumbling l&ava" "sgmusic RobotRoom2_loop" Option "&Quiet burning" "sgmusic NemesisHalberd_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End Creepy //////////////////////////////////////End Ambience Divider Option "&Fade out" <&sgmusic ""&> Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End SGMPlayer option "Set Pass&code" "show chat$$beginchat /sgpasscode " Divider Divider Title "Editor" // Option "&Edit Base" "editbase 1$$Roomclip 1$$basedefaultsky 5$$baselightingtype 1" Option "&Edit Base" "editbase 1$$Roomclip 1" Menu "De&fault Sky" { Divider Title "- Default -" Title "Sky" Divider Divider Title "Options" Option "&Praetoria" "basedefaultsky 0" Option "&Atlas Park" "basedefaultsky 1" Option "&Boomtown" "basedefaultsky 2" Option "&Mercy Island" "basedefaultsky 3" Option "&Grandville" "basedefaultsky 4" Option "&Cimerora" "basedefaultsky 5" Option "&Night Ward" "basedefaultsky 6" Option "&Shadow Shard" "basedefaultsky 7" Option "S&torm Palace" "basedefaultsky 8" Option "&Dense Fog" "basedefaultsky 9" Option "R&ikti Invasion" "basedefaultsky 10" Option "&Zombie Apocalypse" "basedefaultsky 11" Option "P&raetorian Invasion" "basedefaultsky 12" Option "&Lighted Paths" "basedefaultsky 13" Option "S&hadowed Paths" "basedefaultsky 14" Option "Spaaaaaaaaaac&e!" "basedefaultsky 15" Divider } Menu "&Lighting Type" { Divider Title "- Lighting -" Title "Settings" // Divider // Divider // Title "My Scenes" // Option "&Worklight" "basedefaultsky 5$$baselightingtype 1" // Option "Ind&oor-Space" "basedefaultsky 15$$baselightingtype 0" Divider Divider Title "Options" Option "&Indoor" "baselightingtype 0" Option "Outdoor S&ky" "baselightingtype 1" Option "O&utdoor Shadow" "baselightingtype 2" Divider } Menu "Gri&d Size (F1)" { Divider Title "- Placement -" Title "Grid Snap" Divider Divider Title "Custom Small" Option "1/1&6 Grid" "gridsnap .125" Option "&3/16 Grid" "gridsnap .375" Option "&5/16 Grid" "gridsnap .625" Option "&7/16 Grid" "gridsnap .875" Divider Divider Title "Default" Option "1/4 x 1/4 &Grid" "gridsnap .25" Option "1/2 x 1/2 G&rid" "gridsnap .5" Option "1 x De&fault" "gridsnap 1" Option "2 x 2 Gr&id" "gridsnap 2" Option "4 x 4 Gri&d" "gridsnap 4" Divider Divider Title "Custom Large" Option "&8 x 8 Grid" "gridsnap 8" Option "16 &x 16 Grid" "gridsnap 16" Option "3&2 x 32 Grid" "gridsnap 32" Option "50 x 50 M&ax" "gridsnap 50" Option "0.00000&1-50" "gridsnap$$show chat$$beginchat /gridsnap " Divider Option "Dis&play" "gridsnap" Option "Disa&bled" "gridsnap 0" Divider } Menu "An&gle Snap (F2)" { Divider Title "- Rotation -" Divider Divider Title "Default" Option "1° &Snap" "anglesnap 1" Option "3° S&nap" "anglesnap 3" Option "5° &Default" "anglesnap 5" Option "&10° Snap" "anglesnap 10" Option "15° Sn&ap" "anglesnap 15" Option "30° Sna&p" "anglesnap 30" Option "&45° Snap" "anglesnap 45" Divider Divider Title "Custom" Option "&90° Snap" "anglesnap 90" Option "1&80° Snap" "anglesnap 180" Option "359° ma&x" "anglesnap 359" Option "0-&359°" "anglesnap$$show chat$$beginchat /anglesnap " Divider Option "0 Dis&play" "anglesnap" Option "0 Disa&bled" "anglesnap 0" Divider } Menu "&Room Clip (F3)" { Divider Title "- Room -" Title "Clipping" Divider Divider Option "E&nabled" "Roomclip 1" Option "Disa&bled" "Roomclip 0" Divider } Menu "&Hidden Markers" { Divider Title "- Display -" Title "Markers" Divider Divider Option "E&nabled" "seeeverything 1" Option "Disa&bled" "seeeverything 0" Divider } Divider Menu "Hot Ke&ys" { Divider Title "- Default Hot Keys -" Divider Divider Option "F1: . . /grid_snap_cycle" "gridsnapcycle" Option "F2: . . /angle_snap_cycle" "anglesnapcycle" Option "F3: . . /room_clip_cycle" "roomclipcycle" Option "F5: . . /attach_cycle" "attachcycle" Divider Option "Ctrl: . . Hold to move horizontally" "" Option "Shift: . . Hold to move vertically" "" Option "Alt: . . . Hold to spin primary axis" "" Option "Ctrl+Alt: Hold to spin secondary axis" "" Option "Shift+Alt: Hold to spin tertiary axis" "" Divider Option "R: . . . . /rotate 0" "rotate 0" Option "ESC: . . . /unselect" "unselect" Option "Tab: . . . /select_next" "selectnext" Option "Delete: . . /Sell" "Sell" Option "Ctrl+Y: . . /base_red&o" "baseredo" Option "Ctrl+Z: . . /base_&undo" "baseundo" Option "Shift+Tab: . /select_last" "selectlast" Divider Menu "Mouse Binds" { Divider Title "- Mouse -" Title "KeyBinds" Divider Divider Option "LeftDoubleClick: . /center" "center" Option "LeftClick: . . . /baseselect" "baseselect" Option "LeftDrag: . . . . /+mousedrag" "" Option "RightClick: . . . /rotate 0" "rotate 0" Divider } Divider } // Option "E&xit Editor" "basedefaultsky 15$$baselightingtype 0$$editbase 0" Option "E&xit Editor" "editbase 0" Divider Divider Title "Raid Stuff" Option "Set Raid &Window" "show chat$$beginchat /sgraidwindow " Option "In&vite Target's SG" "sgi $target" Divider //////////////////////////////////////End qwy's SG Stuff Option "Ma&cro" "macroimage InherentBase_Heart SGStuff popmenu SGStuff" Divider } Edited June 5, 2021 by DarkWings UPDATE: Universal Emotes popmenu has been updated 2 1 Guides & Popmenus: The Consolidated List of Popmenus MM Emotes for Pets Popmenu
DarkWings Posted July 15, 2020 Author Posted July 15, 2020 (edited) Archetypes Masterminds MMpet popmenu This will need to be edited to suit your needs, just replace any Demonlings Demons or Princes with your pets courtesy of @Hopestar demons.mnu 3.93 kB · 22 downloads Reveal hidden contents // Popmenu file for Demons // // To change hotkeys just change the letter or number after the & or move it in front of a word. // For example: Option "Demonlings &1" "powexeclocation forward:30 Summon Demonlings" // Changing "Demonlings &1" to "&Demonlings" will change the hotkey to "D" // // Hotkeys only work on Option titles sadly. // Menu "Demons" { Divider Menu "Summon Pets" { Divider Title "Summon Demons" // You can use powexeclocation to summon without clicking the location // For more information about powexec_location see the link below: // https://www.reddit.com/r/Cityofheroes/comments/bhag8p/i25_patch_notes/elufrkn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x Option "Demonlings &1" "powexeclocation forward:30 Summon Demonlings" Option "Demons &2" "powexeclocation forward:20 Summon Demons" Option "Demon Prince &3" "powexeclocation forward:10 Summon Demon Prince" } Divider Menu "Command Pets" { Divider Menu "Aggressive" { Divider Title "Aggressive Attacks" // petcom_pow can be interchanged with petcom_name to call the pet by what you name them instead of the power name Option "All Attack Target &1" "petcom_all aggressive attack" Option "T1 Attack Target &2" "petcom_pow Demonlings aggressive attack" Option "T2 Attack Target &3" "petcom_pow Demons aggressive attack" Option "T3 Attack Target &4" "petcom_pow Prince aggressive attack" Divider Title "Aggressive Follow" Option "All Follow &5" "petcom_all aggressive follow" Option "T1 Follow &6" "petcom_pow Demonlings aggressive follow" Option "T2 Follow &7" "petcom_pow Demons aggressive follow" Option "T3 Follow &8" "petcom_pow Prince aggressive follow" Divider Title "Aggressive Go To" Option "All Go To &Q" "petcom_all aggressive goto" Option "T1 Go To &W" "petcom_pow Demonlings aggressive goto" Option "T2 Go To &E" "petcom_pow Demons aggressive goto" Option "T3 Go To &R" "petcom_pow Prince aggressive goto" } Divider Menu "Defensive" { Divider Title "Defensive Attacks" Option "All Attack Target &1" "petcom_all defensive attack" Option "T1 Attack Target &2" "petcom_pow Demonlings defensive attack" Option "T2 Attack Target &3" "petcom_pow Demons defensive attack" Option "T3 Attack Target &4" "petcom_pow Prince defensive attack" Divider Title "Defensive Follow" Option "All Follow Target &5" "petcom_all defensive follow" Option "T1 Follow Target &6" "petcom_pow Demonlings defensive follow" Option "T2 Follow Target &7" "petcom_pow Demons defensive follow" Option "T3 Follow Target &8" "petcom_pow Prince defensive follow" Divider Title "Defensive Go To" Option "All Go To &Q" "petcom_all defensive goto" Option "T1 Go To &W" "petcom_pow Demonlings defensive goto" Option "T2 Go To &E" "petcom_pow Demons defensive goto" Option "T3 Go To &R" "petcom_pow Prince defensive goto" } Divider Menu "Passive" { Divider Title "Passive Follow" Option "All Follow Target &1" "petcom_all passive follow" Option "T1 Follow Target &2" "petcom_pow Demonlings passive follow" Option "T2 Follow Target &3" "petcom_pow Demons passive follow" Option "T3 Follow Target &4" "petcom_pow Prince passive follow" Divider Title "Passive Go To" Option "All Go To &5" "petcom_all passive goto" Option "T1 Go To &6" "petcom_pow Demonlings passive goto" Option "T2 Go To &7" "petcom_pow Demons passive goto" Option "T3 Go To &8" "petcom_pow Prince passive goto" } Divider Title "Dismiss Pets" Option "Dismiss All" "petcom_all dismiss" Option "T1 Dismiss" "petcom_pow Demonlings dismiss" Option "T2 Dismiss" "petcom_pow Demons dismiss" Option "T3 Dismiss" "petcom_pow Prince dismiss" } Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Mastermind Popmenu" Badge "X" } LockedOption { DisplayName "by Hopestar" Badge "X" } } MM Emotes for Pets Popmenu @DarkWings PetSayAll.mnu DemonSayAll.mnu RobotSayAll.mnu PetEmotes.mnu DemonEmotes.mnu RobotEmotes.mnu Expanded Numpad Although here are some binds & macros in there, there is a popmenu & custom.window courtesy of @qwy Spoiler You can see more of @qwy stuff in the comments of this post below. PeaceBringers & Warshades Peacebringer Powers Popmenu courtesy of TheUnamedOne PeacebringerPowers.mnu 1.26 kB · 1 download Reveal hidden contents // Form Switching and Power Activation for Peacebringers // By TheUnamedOne Menu PeacebringerPowers { Title "Peacebringer Powers" Divider Title "Forms" Option "&Bright Nova" "powexectoggleon Bright Nova$$gototray 9" Option "&White Dwarf" "powexectoggleon White Dwarf$$gototray 8" Option "&Light Form" "powexectoggleon Light Form$$gototray 1" Title "Toggles" Option "&Shining Shield" "powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexectoggleon Shining Shield$$gototray 1" Option "&Thermal Shield" "powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexectoggleon Thermal Shield$$gototray 1" Option "&Quantum Shield" "powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexectoggleon Quantum Shield$$gototray 1" Title "Buffs" Option "&Hasten" "powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexecname Hasten$$gototray 1" Option "&Essence Boost" "powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexecname Essence Boost$$gototray 1" Title "Heals" Option "Re&form Essence" "powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexecname Reform Essence$$gototray 1" Option "&Restore Essence" "powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexecname Restore Essence$$gototray 1" } Warshade Power Popmenu courtesy of TheUnamedOneWarshadePowers.mnu 1.42 kB · 2 downloads Reveal hidden contents // Form Switching and Power Activation for Warshades // By TheUnamedOne Menu WarshadePowers { Title "Warshade Powers" Divider Title "Forms" Option "&Dark Nova" "powexectoggleon Dark Nova$$gototray 9" Option "&Black Dwarf" "powexectoggleon Black Dwarf$$gototray 8" Title "Toggles" Option "&Orbiting Death" "powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexectoggleon Orbiting Death$$gototray 1" Option "&Gravity Shield" "powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexectoggleon Gravity Shield$$gototray 1" Option "&Penumbral Shield" "powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexectoggleon Penumbral Shield$$gototray 1" Option "&Twilight Shield" "powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexectoggleon Twilight Shield$$gototray 1" Option "&Shadow Cloak" "powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexectoggleon Shadow Cloak$$gototray 1" Option "&Nebulous Form" "powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexecname Nebulous Form$$gototray 1" Title "Buffs" Option "&Hasten" "powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexecname Hasten$$gototray 1" Title "Heals" Option "Stygian &Circle" "powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexecname Stygian Circle$$gototray 1" Option "Stygian &Return" "powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexecname Stygian Return$$gototray 1" } Edited July 22, 2021 by DarkWings UPDATE 07/21/21: Added Robotics MM emotes and fixed all MM emotes Guides & Popmenus: The Consolidated List of Popmenus MM Emotes for Pets Popmenu
DarkWings Posted July 15, 2020 Author Posted July 15, 2020 (edited) Task Force, Strike Force, ITrial & Raids Mothership Raid courtesy of @Hyperstrike MSRHC.mnu Reveal hidden contents // POPMENU File for Rikti Mothership Raid // Menu "MSRHC" { Menu &Admin { Title Admin Divider Title "Rules" Option "Welcome" "request Welcome to this Rikti Mothership Raid! We'll be starting shortly here! Just covering the ground rules here. So we're all on the same page." Option "Rule 1 Follow Directions" "request Number 1: Please follow the directions of the raid leader. If you feel we're going too slow, please shoot a tell to the raid leader. Don't simply start skipping ahead or attacking random pylons. If you have to AFK, please pull yourself off the ship to a safe area." Option "Rule 2 Pylon Phase" "request Number 2: Phase 1 will be the Pylon Attack Phase. Please do not attack the pylons before the start of the event. If we spawn a dropship, wait for it to approach us so we can maximize the number of people who can attack it." Option "Rule 3 Bomb Phase" "request Number 3: Phase 2 will be the Bomb Phase. Once the shield is down, there are 6 grates along the area we're entering. Each team will be assigned a grate. Focus first on your grate and bomb before helping anyone else. After setting a bomb, CALL OUT *BOMB*! in BROADCAST! If you hear BOMB!, get away from the front of the grate, even if you're not sure it was your grate! Failure usually brings death. Stay OUT of the bowl of the ship." Option "Rule 4 GM Phase" "request Number 4: Phase 3 will be the GM Phase. Once Once your bomb is triggered (or I call an end to bomb phase), gather at the lip of the bowl. We will buff up and zerg the GM in the bowl. Please let everyone get their licks in." Option "Rule 5 Bowl Assault" "request Number 5: Phase 4 will be the Bowl Assault Phase. Basically everone dives into the bowl and kills every stinking Rikti they can lay hands, minions, or power effects on! This will continue until morale improves or until the shields come back up. Melee types, please make sure to drag groups back into the bowl for easier massacres." Option "Grate Assignments" "request And now, grate assignments for teams. Team 1: Left Side Bowl. Team 2: Left Side: Middle. Team 3: Left Side Rim. Team 4: Right Side Bowl. Team 5: Right Side Middle. Team 6: Right Side Rim. Ignore objectives for nonexistent teams." Option "Shuttin Up" "request Okay! Shutting up on rules. We'll begin in a few minutes here." Divider Title "Add Request" Option "Broadcast-League" "broadcast Please add the REQUEST channel someplace you can see it. I will be putting out league commands in REQUEST for easier visibility.$$league Please add the REQUEST channel someplace you can see it. I will be putting out league commands in REQUEST for easier visibility." Divider Title "Turn off Buffs" Option "Please Turn Off Buffs" "request Okay guys. Lag is an issue on raids. One of the contributors is buff-sending. I need all of you to do the following to help minimize player-generated lag during the raid and generally make things more enjoyable for everyone. This won't ELIMINATE lag, but it'll help MINIMIZE it." Option "Go To" "request Click on Menu, then click on Options. Go to the Windows tab. The bottom three sections *Status Window Buff Display*, *Group Window Buff Display*, and *Pet Window Buff Display*." Option "Stop Sending" "request The last option in each is *Stop Sending All Buffs*. Please set all three of them to ENABLED! Thank you for doing this!" Divider } Divider Menu "Announcements" { Title "Zone or Instance" Divider Menu "&Zone" { Title "Zone" Divider Option "Captain LFG-Broadcast" "lfg Rikti Mothership Raid at Point Du Hoc! Captains and alt slots. Bringing an L50? Get to the RWZ and send a tell to $name. Once Captain and alt berths are full, we'll begin general recruiting.$$broadcast Rikti Mothership Raid at Point Du Hoc! Captains and alt slots. Bringing an L50? Get to the RWZ and send a tell to $name. Once Captain and alt berths are full, we'll begin general recruiting." Option "Captain PC-Request" <& send "Paragon Chat" Rikti Mothership Raid at Point Du Hoc! Captains and alt slots. Bringing an L50? Get to the RWZ and send a tell to $name. Once Captain and alt berths are full, we'll begin general recruiting.$$request Rikti Mothership Raid at Point Du Hoc! Captains and alt slots. Bringing an L50? Get to the RWZ and send a tell to $name. Once Captain and alt berths are full, we'll begin general recruiting. &> Option "General LFG-Broadcast" "lfg Rikti Mothership Raid at Point Du Hoc! Interested? Send tells to $name once you've hit the Rikti War Zone!$$broadcast Rikti Mothership Raid at Point Du Hoc! Interested? Send tells to $name once you've hit the Rikti War Zone!" Option "General PC-Request" <& send "Paragon Chat" Rikti Mothership Raid at Point Du Hoc! Interested? Send tells to $name once you've hit the Rikti War Zone!$$request Rikti Mothership Raid at Point Du Hoc! Interested? Send tells to $name once you've hit the Rikti War Zone! &> Option "Final Call LFG-Broadcast" "lfg Last call for Rikti Mothership Raid at Point Du Hoc! $$broadcast Last call for Rikti Mothership Raid at Point Du Hoc!" Option "Final Call PC-Request" <& send "Paragon Chat" Last call for Rikti Mothership Raid at Point Du Hoc!$$request Last call for Rikti Mothership Raid at Point Du Hoc! &> } Menu "&Instance" { Title "Instance" Divider Option "Captain LFG-Broadcast" "lfg Rikti MSR (Instanced)! Captains and alt slots. Bringing an L50 with Member of Vanguard badge? Assemble on $name and send a tell. Once Captain and alt berths are full, we'll begin general recruiting.$$broadcast Rikti MSR (Instanced)! Captains and alt slots. Bringing an L50 with Member of Vanguard badge? Assemble on $name and send a tell. Once Captain and alt berths are full, we'll begin general recruiting." Option "Captain PC-Request" <& send "Paragon Chat" Rikti MSR (Instanced)! Captains and alt slots. Bringing an L50 with Member of Vanguard badge? Assemble on $name and send a tell. Once Captain and alt berths are full, we'll begin general recruiting.$$request Rikti MSR (Instanced)! Captains and alt slots. Bringing an L50 with Member of Vanguard badge? Assemble on $name and send a tell. Once Captain and alt berths are full, we'll begin general recruiting. &> Option "General LFG-Broadcast" "lfg Rikti MSR (Instanced)! Interested? Assemble on $name and send a tell. MINIMUM L35 and must have Member of Vanguard badge!$$bRikti MSR (Instanced)! Interested? Assemble on $name and send a tell. MINIMUM L35 and must have Member of Vanguard badge!" Option "General PC-Request" <& send "Paragon Chat" Rikti MSR (Instanced)! Interested? Assemble on $name and send a tell.$$request Rikti Mothership Raid at Point Du Hoc! Interested? Assemble on $name and send a tell.! &> Option "Final Call LFG-Broadcast" "lfg Last call for Rikti MSR (Instanced)! MINIMUM L35 and must have Member of Vanguard badge! $$broadcast Last call for Rikti MSR (Instanced)! MINIMUM L35 and must have Member of Vanguard badge!" Option "Final Call PC-Request" <& send "Paragon Chat" Rikti MSR (Instanced)! MINIMUM L35 and must have Member of Vanguard badge!$$request Rikti MSR (Instanced)! MINIMUM L35 and must have Member of Vanguard badge! &> } } Divider Title "Pylons" Option "Dead pylons?" "request Okay guys! Any dead pylons? Please report them now so I don't need to call them during the raid." Option "How many people wanna kick some ass?" "request Okay! Is everyone ready to boot Rikti butt?" Option "#1 - Pylon 12" "request Mothership Raid Commencing! Attack Pylon 12! CHARRRRRRRGE!" Option "#2 - Pylon 11" "request Pylon 12 down! Attack Pylon 11!" Option "#3 - Pylon 14" "request Pylon 11 down! Attack Pylon 14!" Option "#4 - Pylon 17" "request Pylon 14 down! Attack Pylon 17!" Option "#5 - Pylon 15" "request Pylon 17 down! Attack Pylon 15!" Option "#6 - Pylon 13" "request Pylon 15 down! Attack Pylon 13!" Option "#7 - Pylon 19" " request Pylon 13 down! Attack Pylon 19! Option "#7 - Pylon 16" "request Pylon 19 down! Attack Pylon 16!" Option "#9 - Pylon 6" "request Pylon 16 down! Attack Pylon 6!" Option "#10 - Pylon 5" "request Pylon 6 down! Attack Pylon 5!" Option "#11 - Pylon 7" "request Pylon 5 down! Attack Pylon 7!" Option "#12 - Pylon 20" "request Pylon 7 down! Attack Pylon 20!" Option "#13 - Pylon 4" "request Pylon 20 down! Attack Pylon 4!" Option "#14 - Pylon 8" "request Pylon 4 down! Attack Pylon 8!" Option "#15 - Pylon 3" "request Pylon 8 down! Attack Pylon 3!" Option "#16 - Pylon 2" "request Pylon 3 down! Attack Pylon 2!" Option "#17 - Pylon 9" "request Pylon 2 down! Attack Pylon 9!" Option "#18 - Pylon 18" "request Pylon 9 down! Attack Pylon 18!" Option "#19 - Pylon 10" "request Pylon 18 down! Attack Pylon 10!" Option "#20 - Pylon 1" "request Pylon 10 down! Attack Pylon 1!" Divider Title "Dropship" Option "Dropship Up" "request DROPSHIP UP! Please wait for it to approach!" Option "Dropship Here" "request DROPSHIP HERE! Everyone dogpile the dropship!" Divider Title "Ship" Option "To The Ship " "request Pylon 1 Down! Everyone to the ship! Teams! Go after your bombs! Make sure to call out BOMB in BROADCAST after setting it off! Stay out of the bowl! Don't aggro the GM! Remember, we have someone assigned to do that!" Option "GM Spawned - Gather+Buff" "request GM Spawned! Okay guys. We have a GM! Gather up at the edge of the bowl and start buffing like you're trying out for The Karate Kid!" Option "GM Spawned - Go Bowl" "request Okay! Everyone buffed to a high shine? Hit the bowl and let U'Kon Gr'ai know he's been hit! LEEROYYYYYYYY!!!!!" Option "GM Down" "request Okay guys! The GM is toast! Now that we're in the bowl, let's show the Rikti how we kick butt!" Option "Done" "request Great job guys! Thanks for your participation! Hope to see you next week!" Divider Option "Center Getting Lonely" "request Hey tanks and other fighter guys! The big green monster in the center is getting loneley! FEED US!" Option "Don't Run" "request Don't run! Don't run! Pigs! All of you! Pigs! *BLAM!* AND ONE TO GROW ON!" } Behavioral Adjustment Facility or BAF courtesy of @Oklahoman baf.mnu 12.18 kB · 2 downloads Reveal hidden contents // POPMENU File for BAF // Menu "BAF" { Title "BAF Menu for Doc In A Box" Divider Menu "Recruit" { Title "Recruit" Option "Memory Leak" "LFG BAF.exe has a memory leak. Levels 50 and up required to patch code. Assemble in Ouro.$$broadcast BAF.exe has a memory leak. Levels 50 and up required to patch code. Assemble in Ouro." Option "HTTP" "LFG lfm://levels50andUp.for/BAF.exe+iTrial?Broadcast='in Ouroboros'?toGet='invite'$$broadcast lfm://levels50andup.for/BAF.exe+iTrial?Broadcast='in Ouroboros'?toGet='invite'" Option "Glitch" "LFG Glitch in the matrix detected! Levels 50 and up assemble in Ouro to address BAF.exe (iTrial) errors.$$broadcast Glitch in the matrix detected! Levels 50 and up assemble in Ouro to address BAF.exe (iTrial) errors." Option "Function" "LFG function RecruitForBAF(players50andUp) {ComeTo='Ouroboros' AND broadcast='invite' ; bIncarnateTrial=True}$$broadcast function RecruitForBAF(players50andUp) {ComeTo='Ouroboros' AND broadcast='invite' ; bIncarnateTrial=True}" Divider Option "Full" "LFG BAF.exe is full. Sorry it didn't work out.$$broadcast BAF.exe is full. Sorry it didn't work out." Option "Full (broadcast only)" "broadcast BAF.exe is full. Sorry it didn't work out." } Menu "Getting Started" { Title "Getting Started" Option "Getting Started" "league We're about to execute the patch at BAF.exe. Following is the README.TXT." Option "Cutscene" "league After we start, there may be a cutscene. IF there is THEN it is customary afterwards to joke about breasts." Option "Courtyard" "league This is not a badge run. Please pull the AVs to the tennis courts. We will address the escapees with zones." Option "Everyone Ready?" "league I will put us in the queue now. If you have questions, please ask them." Option "AFK Check" "league Everyone gather around me. I'll put us in the Q once everyone is here." } Menu "PHASE 1 - Warworks" { Title "Assignments" Option "Kill 40 Warworks" "league ELIMINATE WARWORKS TO OPEN A PORT IN THE FIREWALL" } Menu "PHASE 2 - Nightstar" { Title "Assignments" Option "Get Nightstar" "league TANKS, PLEASE GET THE NIGHTSTAR SUBROUTINE SO WE CAN ERASE IT.$$league EVERYONE ELSE, PLEASE MOVE TO THE TENNIS COURTS.$$league PLEASE DON'T ATTACK NIGHTSTAR UNTIL I SAY GO!" Option "...Wait..." "league WAIT TO ATTACK NIGHTSTAR UNTIL I SAY SO." Option "ATTACK!" "league DEL NIGHTSTAR.EXE" } Menu "PHASE 3 - Escapees" { Title "Assignments" Option "Building Assignments" "league IF MyTeam THEN NORTH, ELSE SOUTH.$$league LORE PETS @ 5:05." Option "Lore Pets NOW" "league LORE PETS NOW." } Menu "PHASE 4 - Siege" { Option "Get Siege" "league TANKS, PLEASE GET THE SIEGE SUBROUTINE SO WE CAN ERASE THE PROGRAM.$$league EVERYONE ELSE, PLEASE MOVE TO THE TENNIS COURTS.$$league PLEASE DON'T ATTACK SIEGE UNTIL I SAY GO!" Option "...Wait..." "league WAIT TO ATTACK SIEGE UNTIL I SAY SO." Option "ATTACK!" "league DEL SIEGE.EXE" } Menu "PHASE 5 - Siege and Nightstar" { Title "Assignments" Option "Balance" "league RETURNED FROM RECYCLE BIN!$$league NIGHTSTAR AND SIEGE NEED TO BE ERASED AT ROUGHLY THE SAME TIME.$$league BALANCE YOUR ATTACKS BETWEEN THE TWO!" } Menu "Thanks!" { Title "Thanks!" Option "Thanks! Again" "league Thanks everyone! Stick around if you want to do another!" Option "Thanks! Last" "league Thanks everyone! Good job! This unit must power down for the time being. Take care!" } } // popmenu for BAF for Oklahoman Menu "BAF-Oklahoman" { Title "BAF Menu for Oklahoman" Divider Menu "Recruit" { Title "Recruit - 12-24 characters" Option "Attitude Adjustment" "LFG Seems to me that Behavioral Adjustment Facility could use a little attitude adjustment of its own. Bring yer 50 to Ouroboros and we'll set 'em straight. (BAF badge run)$$broadcast BAF iTrial forming, badge run, holler if you want in." Option "Whoop BAF" "LFG Bout to open an XL can of Whoop BAF (tm) on Siege and Nightstar. If yer 50 and want a piece of this, come to Ouroboros and holler. (BAF badge run)$$broadcast BAF iTrial forming, badge run, holler if you want in." Option "Hell" "LFG Going after Siege and Nightstar, and Hell's coming with me! Holler in Ouroboros to join this posse! Gotta be at least 50. (BAF badge run)$$broadcast BAF iTrial forming, badge run, holler if you want in." Divider Option "Full" "LFG BAF has a full posse at the moment. Ride with us next time!$$broadcast BAF has a full posse at the moment. Ride with us next time!" Option "Full (broadcast only)" "broadcast BAF has a full posse at the moment. Ride with us next time!" } Menu "Getting Started" { Title "Getting Started" Option "Getting Started" "league We're about to saddle up and ride like the wind. Let's talk about the plan for a second, first." Option "1 Warworks" "league First, we need put down a bunch of Warworks. Basically, send them all to their maker and let Him sort it out." divider Option "2 Nightstar REGULAR" "league Next, we're gonna have our tougher hombres grab Nightstar and coax her to the tennis courts. We want to drop her about the middle of the tennis courts." Option "2 Nightstar KeS" "league Next, we're all gonna run over and boot stomp Nightstar." Option "2 Nightstar SnP" "league Next, we're gonna have our tougher hombres grab Nightstar and coax her to the tennis courts. We'll whip her hide there." divider Option "3 Escapees" "league After that, we expect a prison break. I'm gonna station us in 3 different spots to cut them down as quickly as possible. No escapees!" divider Option "4 Siege REGULAR" "league Fourth, we'll have our big ole boys go grab Siege for us and lead him to the tennis courts, about where Nightstar has fallen." Option "4 Siege KeS" "league Fourth, we're going after Siege. About 50% of the way through, I need all of Team 3 and the bottom half of Team 2 to run back to Nightstar." Option "4 Siege SnP" "league Fourth, we'll have our big ole boys go grab Siege for us and get him to gallop to the tennis courts, about where Nightstar has fallen." divider Option "5 Together" "league Lastly, Nightstar is gonna come back like a bad penny. We gotta balance our attacks between Siege and Nightstar so they go down at roughly the same time." Option "5 Together SnP" "league [1/2] Lastly, Nightstar is gonna come back like a bad penny, and we need her and Siege to go down at roughly the same time.$$league [2/2] The trick is we need to take out all the adds before we do. Team 1 will take out adds while everyone else knocks the AVs down to about 7% health and HOLD until I say FINISH 'EM." Divider Option "Everyone Ready?" "league That's all I got. I'm puttin' us in the queue now, but y'all speak up if you got questions." Option "AFK Check" "league Everyone gather around me. I'll put us in the Q once everyone is here." } Menu "PHASE 1 - Warworks" { Title "Assignments" Option "Kill 40 Warworks" "league See those Warworks? Send them to Hell where they belong!" } Menu "PHASE 2 - Nightstar" { Title "Assignments" Option "Nightstar REGULAR" "league TANKS/BRUTES/WHATEVER - please grab Nightstar and bring her to the tennis courts.$$league EVERYONE ELSE - stand behind me and HOLD YER HORSES UNTIL I SAY ATTACK!" Option "Nightstar KeS" "league Follow me and let's put Nightstar down." Option "Nightstar SnP" "league TANKS/BRUTES/WHATEVER - please grab Nightstar and bring her to the tennis courts.$$league EVERYONE ELSE - stand behind me and HOLD YER HORSES UNTIL I SAY ATTACK!" divider Option "...Wait..." "league ...STEADY..." Option "ATTACK!" "league ATTACK!!$$league ATTACK!!$$league ATTACK!!" } Menu "PHASE 3 - Escapees" { Title "Assignments" Option "Zones" "league MY TEAM cover the north walkway.$$league ALL OTHERS spread out along the SOUTH walkway.$$league LORE PETS @ 5:05, and give 'em the spurs." Option "Aggressive" "league Set your pets to AGGRESSIVE when you summon them. (/petcomall Aggressive Stay)" Option "Lore Pets NOW" "league LORE PETS NOW." Option "KeS Reminder" "league TEAM 3 - you are heading to Nightstar after this. Everyone else goes with me to Siege." } Menu "PHASE 4 - Siege" { Option "Siege REGULAR" "league TANKS/BRUTES/WHATEVER - please grab Siege and bring him to the tennis courts.$$league EVERYONE ELSE - stand behind me and HOLD YER HORSES UNTIL I SAY ATTACK!" Option "Siege KeS" "league TEAM 3 - Head over to Nightstar.$$league Everyone else - Follow me and let's put Siege in his place." Option "Siege SnP" "league TANKS/BRUTES/WHATEVER - please grab Siege and bring him to the tennis courts.$$league EVERYONE ELSE - stand behind me and HOLD YER HORSES UNTIL I SAY ATTACK!" Option "Reminder SnP" "team REMEMBER - head to the building by the HELIPAD after Siege falls. We want to drop the adds that appear there in 10 secs or less.$$team Don't use KNOCKBACK on the adds." divider Option "...Wait..." "league ...STEADY..." Option "ATTACK!" "league ATTACK!!$$league ATTACK!!$$league ATTACK!!" } Menu "PHASE 5 - Siege and Nightstar" { Title "Assignments" Option "Balance KeS" "league KEEP AN EYE ON THE HEALTH BARS.$$league NIGHTSTAR AND SIEGE NEED TO DROP AT ROUGHLY THE SAME TIME." Option "Balance SnP" "team OFF TO THE HELIPAD TO TAKE OUT ADDS!! REMEMBER - NO KNOCKBACKS!!$$league NIGHTSTAR AND SIEGE NEED TO DROP TO ABOUT 7% AND HOLD UNTIL I SAY TO FINISH EM." Option "Slow on Siege" "league SLOW DOWN ON SIEGE! Let Nightstar team catch up!" Option "Slow on Nightstar" "league SLOW DOWN ON NIGHTSTAR! Let Siege team catch up!" } Menu "Thanks!" { Title "Thanks!" Option "Thanks! Again" "league Thanks everyone! Stick around if you want to do another!" Option "Thanks! Switch" "league Thanks everyone! I think I am going to switch to running a different iTrial. Stick around if you like." Option "Thanks! Last" "league Reckon that's enough for now. Thanks everyone! Good job! I'm takin' a break." } } // popmenu for BAF for Sooner Magic Menu "BAF-SM" { Title "BAF Menu for Sooner Magic" Divider Menu "Recruit" { Title "Recruit" Option "Half A Hundred" "LFG Let's hang half a hundred on Siege and Nightstar! BAF forming in Ouro, level 50+, shout in broadcast for invite!$$broadcast BAF forming, level 50+, shout in broadcast for invite!" Divider Option "Full" "LFG BAF has a full roster. See you next time!$$broadcast BAF has a full roster. See you next time!" Option "Full (broadcast only)" "broadcast BAF has a full roster. See you next time!" } Menu "Getting Started" { Title "Getting Started" Option "Getting Started" "league Nothing fancy here - pull the AVs to the tennis court and blitz them. Let's jump in the queue now..." } Menu "PHASE 1 - Warworks" { Title "Assignments" Option "Kill 40 Warworks" "league ESTABLISH THE GROUND GAME - CLEAR THE COURTYARD!" } Menu "PHASE 2 - Nightstar" { Title "Assignments" Option "Get Nightstar" "league PULLERS - GRAB NIGHTSTAR AND PULL TO TENNIS COURTS.$$league EVERYONE ELSE, PLEASE MOVE TO THE TENNIS COURTS." Option "...Wait..." "league WAIT TO ATTACK NIGHTSTAR UNTIL I SAY SO." Option "ATTACK!" "league SACK 'EM!!" } Menu "PHASE 3 - Escapees" { Title "Assignments" Option "Building Assignments" "league MY TEAM - NORTH END ZONE, EVERYONE ELSE SOUTH.$$league SUMMON LORE PETS AT 5:05 AND SET TO AGGRESSIVE (/petcomall Aggressive Stay)." Option "Lore Pets NOW" "league LORE PETS NOW." } Menu "PHASE 4 - Siege" { Option "Get Siege" "league PULLERS - GRAB SIEGE AND PULL TO TENNIS COURTS.$$league EVERYONE ELSE, PLEASE MOVE TO THE TENNIS COURTS." Option "...Wait..." "league WAIT TO ATTACK SIEGE UNTIL I SAY SO." Option "ATTACK!" "league SACK 'EM!!" } Menu "PHASE 5 - Siege and Nightstar" { Title "Assignments" Option "Balance" "league NIGHTSTAR AND SIEGE NEED TO BE TACKLED AT ROUGHLY THE SAME TIME.$$league BALANCE YOUR ATTACKS BETWEEN THE TWO!" } Menu "Thanks!" { Title "Thanks!" Option "Thanks! Again" "league Thanks everyone! Stick around if you want to do another!" Option "Thanks! Last" "league THAT WAS MY LAST RUN. Thanks everyone! Have fun out there!" } } Dilemma Diabolique or DD courtesy of @Oklahoman dd.mnu 6.67 kB · 1 download Reveal hidden contents // POPMENU File for DD // Menu "DD-Oklahoman" { Title "DD Menu for Oklahoman" Divider Menu "Recruit" { Title "Recruit - 8-16 characters" Option "Diabolique Nerve" "LFG This DIABOLIQUE character is on my last nerve. Let's give her a DILEMMA she won't soon forget! Bring yer 50 to Ouro and shout to join the posse. (MoDD run)$$broadcast DD iTrial forming, MoDD attempt, holler if you want in." Option "Whoop Ass" "LFG Bout to open an XL can of Whoop Ass (tm) on DIABOLIQUE. If yer 50 and want to ride with us, come to Ouroboros and holler. (MoDD run)$$broadcast DD iTrial forming, MoDD attempt, holler if you want in." Option "Hell" "LFG Going after DIABOLIQUE, and Hell's coming with me! Holler in Ouroboros to join this here iTrial. Gotta be at least 50. (MoDD run)$$broadcast DD iTrial forming, MoDD attempt, holler if you want in." Divider Option "Full" "LFG DILEMMA DIABOLIQUE has a full posse at the moment. Ride with us next time!$$broadcast DD has a full posse at the moment. Ride with us next time!" Option "Full (broadcast only)" "broadcast DD has a full posse at the moment. Ride with us next time!" } Menu "Getting Started" { Title "Getting Started" Option "Getting Started" "league So, here's the deal. This Diabolique gal is basically a burr under my saddle, and I propose to take 'er down. Here's what I got in mind." Option "1 Spines" "league First, we gotta take out some REPULSIVE SPINES so we can get to where Diabolique is. We'll take out everything around and between all the spines first, then send teams to each to knock 'em down. If we have all 4 go down inside a minute we get a badge." Option "2 Rescue Heroes" "league Then, we got some heroes to save. There's several to save, but we're only gonna get 4 of them on account of them owing me money. We'll try to help the others later." Option "3 Sentinel" "league Third, we gotta deal with a Sentinel that Diabolique sends at us. And it's uglier than the winner of the last Hughes County Beauty Pageant." Option "4 Maw" "league Next, things get a little dicey. We'll go into the Maw of Mot, and we need to stay alive for about 5 minutes while taking continuous damage and fending off new assaults every 30 seconds. And theres no Hospital, so it's rez or be rezzed, that's it." Option "5 Diabolique" "league Finally, we go up against Diabolique. Our ranged folks need to knock out the LIFEGIVING ESSENCES floating around, while everyone else focuses on Diabolique. We don't want to kill the 2 prisoners she has, though." Divider Option "Everyone Ready?" "league That's the plan in a nutshell. I'm going to queue us now, but speak up if you have questions." Option "AFK Check" "league Everyone gather around me. I'll get us started once everyone is here.$$e whistle" } Menu "PHASE 1 - SPINES" { Title "PHASE 1 - SPINES" Option "Kill Around Spines" "league [1/3] There should be 4 REPULSIVE SPINES on yer map. We need to take out everyone AROUND and BETWEEN the spines BUT NOT the spines themselves.$$league [2/3] If you choose to use Lore pets here they should be recharged before the final battle. Or, save them for the Sentinel.$$league [3/3] Y'all go on ahead! I need to split up the teams for the next phase, but I'll catch up with ya." } Menu "PHASE 2 - SPINES SYNCHRONIZED" { Title "PHASE 2 - SPINES SYNCHRONIZED" Option "Go To Spines" "league TEAM 1 - SOUTHERN SPINE.$$league TEAM 2 - CENTRAL SPINE.$$league TEAM 3 - EASTERN SPINE.$$league TEAM 4 - NORTHERN SPINE.$$league Hold up once you get there." Option "Ready to Kill Spines" "league We'd like all the spines to go down within a minute of each other, so keep an eye on the progress of the other spines. Get ready to go on my mark!" Option "Kill Spines" "league GO!!!$$league TAKE 'EM OUT!!!" } Menu "PHASE 3 - RESCUE HEROES" { Title "PHASE 3 - RESCUE HEROES" Option "Gather" "league Good job! Gather up across the bridge on the other side of the NORTHERN SPINE so we can buff up and rescue some heroes!" Option "Order" "league REMEMBER - there's only 4 of these deadbeats we're saving right now. Don't mess with any of the other groups. Let me see who we got here..." Menu "LOCATION 1" { Title "BACK ALLEY or MYNX" Option "BACK ALLEY" "league BACK ALLEY BRAWLER gets the boot first." Option "MYNX" "league MYNX gets the boot first." } Menu "LOCATION 2" { Title "SYNAPSE or MS LIBERTY" Option "SYNAPSE" "league SYNAPSE gets the next ass kickin'." Option "MS LIBERTY" "league MS LIBERTY gets the next ass kickin'." } Menu "LOCATION 3" { Title "MANTICORE or AURORA BOREALIS" Option "MANTICORE" "league MANTICORE needs a whoopin' next." Option "AURORA BOREALIS" "league AURORA BOREALIS needs a whoopin' next." } Menu "LOCATION 4" { Title "POSITRON or VALKYRIE" Option "POSITRON" "league Finally, POSITRON gets the business end of a 2x4." Option "VALKYRIE" "league Finally, we go down for VALKYRIE and the climax (of this battle)." } } Menu "PHASE 4 - SENTINEL" { Title "PHASE 4 - SENTINEL" Option "Kill Sentinel" "league Well, that pissed her off. Let's take out this Sentinel then run inside. If yer squishy, try to stay behind him. You can use Lore pets here, or hang on to them for when we fight Diabolique." Option "Head Inside" "league Time to run inside here and throw the hammer down. Stay near the entrance once we get inside." } Menu "PHASE 5 - MAW" { Title "PHASE 5 - MAW" Option "Stayin' Alive" "league [1/2] We just need to stay alive until that Dream Doctor guy can TP us. There's no hospital here, so you'll need a power or an inspiration to get back up if you fall.$$league [2/2] GATHER HERE. We'll make our stand together so we maximize buffs.$$e whistle" } Menu "PHASE 6 - DIABOLIQUE" { Title "PHASE 6 - DIABOLIQUE" Option "Attack" "league [1/2] RANGED FOLKS - Destroy those LIFEGIVING ESSENCES as quickly as possible, and keep after them!$$league [2/2] EVERYONE ELSE - focus your attacks on DIABOLIQUE and try to pull the 2 prisoners away from her if you can. Use Lore pets if they are recharged." } Menu "Thanks!" { Title "Thanks!" Option "Badges" "league With any luck you got up to 5 badges from this run: SPINEBREAKER, SENTINEL SMASHER, SACRIFICAL LAMB, LIFE AND DEATH, and MASTER of DILEMMA DIABOLIQUE!" Option "Thanks! Again" "league Thanks everyone! Stick around if you want to do another!" Option "Thanks! Different" "league Thanks everyone! I'm gonna run a different iTrial next, but you are welcome to stick around." Option "Thanks! Last" "league Reckon that's enough for now. I'm headin' out. Thanks everyone! Good job!" } } Lambda Sector courtesy of @Oklahoman lambda.mnu 6.37 kB · 1 download Reveal hidden contents // POPMENU File for LAM // Menu "LAM-Oklahoman" { Title "LAM Menu for Oklahoman" Divider Menu "Recruit" { Title "Recruit" Option "Marauder britches" "LFG Marauder is getting too big for his LAMBDA-sized britches. Bring yer 50+1 or better to Ouroboros and we'll take that jackwagon down a notch. (LAM badge run)$$broadcast LAM iTrial forming, badge hunting, holler if you want in. Gotta be at least 50+1." Option "Whoop LAM" "LFG Bout to open an XL can of Whoop LAM (tm) on Marauder. If yer 50+1 or better and want in on this, come to Ouroboros and holler. (LAM badge run)$$broadcast LAM iTrial forming, badge hunting, holler if you want in. Gotta be at least 50+1." Option "Hell" "LFG Going after Marauder, and Hell's coming with me! Holler in Ouroboros to join this here Lambda iTrial. Gotta be at least 50+1. (LAM badge run)$$broadcast LAM iTrial forming, badge hunting, holler if you want in. Gotta be at least 50+1." Divider Option "Full" "LFG LAM has a full posse at the moment. Ride with us next time!$$broadcast LAM has a full posse at the moment. Ride with us next time!" Option "Full (broadcast only)" "broadcast LAM has a full posse at the moment. Ride with us next time!" } Menu "Getting Started" { Title "Getting Started" Option "Getting Started" "league So, here's what we're lookin' at fellas. This Maurader guy is too big for his britches, and we need to bring him down a notch. Here's the plan." Option "1 IDF" "league First, we're gonna jump a wall and take out everything we can. Shoot first and ask questions later." Option "2 Inside" "league Next, we gotta run inside the building and take out the guard. He's as big as a barn with an attitude to match, so let's show him how the cow eats the cabbage." Option "3 Antacid Badge" "league Once the guard is down, EVERYONE will go to the TRAINING FACILITY and take out 10 CONTAINMENT CHAMBERS. You may get some temp powers from those, but DON'T USE THEM during the trial." Option "3 Well-Stocked Badge" "league Once the guard is down, EVERYONE will go to the MUNITIONS DEPOT and take out 10 WEAPONS CACHES. You may get some temp powers from those, but DON'T USE THEM during the trial." Option "3 Looter Badge" "league Once the guard is down, TEAM 1 will go to the MUNITIONS DEPOT and take out 10 WEAPONS CACHES while TEAM 2 goes to the TRAINING FACILITY to take out 10 CONTAINMENT CHAMBERS. You may get some temp powers from those, but DON'T USE THEM during the trial." Option "4 Marauder" "league After all that, we get to wipe that grin off Mauraders face. We're gonna photobomb him, then actually bomb him. Remember, DON'T USE the grenades or acids we got so we can try to get a badge for everyone." Option "Rule 1" "league RULE #1 of LAM badge hunting - NEVER use the temp powers you gain during the trial." Option "Record" "league Also be advised - I am demorecording the final battle with Marauder, so if you don't follow instructions I'll know who you are." Divider Option "Everyone Ready?" "league I reckon that'll do it. Y'all got any questions before we head out?" Option "AFK Check" "league Everyone gather around me. I'll get us started once everyone is here.$$e whistle" } Menu "PHASE 1 - IDF" { Option "Kill IDF" "league Hop the wall here and drop anyone in our way!" } Menu "PHASE 2 - Inside" { Option "Kill Guard" "league Good job! Now, let's run inside and take out the guard!" } Menu "PHASE 3 - Nades and Acids" { Option "3 Antacid Badge" "league EVERYONE - go to the TRAINING FACILITY and take out 10 CONTAINMENT CHAMBERS. Elevators are BEHIND ME. $$e whistle" Option "3 Well-Stocked Badge" "league EVERYONE - go to the MUNITIONS DEPOT and take out 10 WEAPONS CACHES. Elevators are BEHIND ME.$$e whistle" Option "3 Looter Badge" "league TEAM 1 - go to the MUNITIONS DEPOT and take out 10 WEAPONS CACHES.$$league TEAM 2 - go to the TRAINING FACILITY and take out 10 CONTAINMENT CHAMBERS." } Menu "PHASE 4 - Marauder" { Option "Photobomb" "league Join me over here if you want to photobomb Marauder's precious little cutscene." Option "Choices" "league YOU GOT 3 CHOICES - pass me your grenades and acids, keep them but don't use them, or sit on your hands the rest of the trial." Option "No Temps" "league Jump all over Marauder and be prepared to chase his happy ass down. Watch out for his NOVA FIST - back away!$$league DO NOT USE GRENADES OR ACIDS!" Option "Demorecord" "demorecord LAM" } Menu "Thanks!" { Title "Thanks!" Option "Thanks! Again" "league Thanks everyone! Stick around if you want to do another!" Option "Thanks! Last" "league Reckon that's enough for now. Thanks everyone! Good job!" } } Menu "LAM-SM" { Title "LAM Menu for Sooner Magic" Divider Menu "Recruit" { Title "Recruit" Option "sLAM" "LFG sLAM forming! Level 50+, come to Ouro and shout in broadcast for invite!$$broadcast sLAM iTrial forming, holler if you are at least 50 and want in." Divider Option "Full" "LFG sLAM has a full roster at the moment. Catch you next time!$$broadcast sLAM has a full roster at the moment. Catch you next time!" Option "Full (broadcast only)" "broadcast sLAM has a full roster at the moment. Catch you next time!" } Menu "Getting Started" { Title "Getting Started" Option "Getting Started" "league THIS IS NOT A BADGE RUN. Clear the courtyard, run inside and get PACIFICATION GRENADES, and blow up Marauder. Pretty simple game plan." } Menu "PHASE 1 - IDF" { Option "Kill IDF" "league Hop the wall here and blitz everyone!" } Menu "PHASE 2 - Inside" { Option "Kill Guard" "league Good job! Now, let's run inside and sideline the guard!" } Menu "PHASE 3 - Nades and Acids" { Option "Caches" "league EVERYONE - go to the MUNITIONS DEPOT and take out 10 WEAPONS CACHES.$$league BYPASS MOBS WITHOUT A CACHE! THE CLOCK IS RUNNING AND WE HAVE NO TIMEOUTS!" } Menu "PHASE 4 - Marauder" { Option "Photobomb" "league Join me over here if you want to photobomb Marauder's precious little cutscene." Option "Grenades" "league USE PACIFICATION GRENADES EACH TIME HE ENRAGES. PULL BACK WHEN HE'S ABOUT TO USE NOVA FIST." } Menu "Thanks!" { Title "Thanks!" Option "Thanks! Again" "league Thanks everyone! Stick around if you want to do another!" Option "Thanks! Last" "league THAT'S MY LAST RUN. Thanks for joining, everyone!" } } Keyes Reactor by @DarkWings keyes.mnu Spoiler // POPMENU File for KEYES // Menu "KEYES" { Title "KEYES Regular" Divider Menu "Recruit" { Title "Recruit" Option "Irradiated" "LFG Forming KEYES ITrial Meet in OURO - lvl 50 - PST$$broadcast Forming KEYES ITrial Meet in OURO - lvl 50 - PST" Divider Option "Full" "LFG KEYES is full$$broadcast KEYES is full" } Menu "Getting Started" { Title "Getting Started" Option "Reactor Hope" "league Get the glowies on the ground. These are Power Cells, we will clear away the nearby Warworks around the terminals and fill the terminals with Power Cells on the floors above each reactor. TANKS/BRUTES/WHOEVER must distract Anti-Matter when he appears. DON'T KILL AM." Option "Reactor Genesis" "league For the second reactor, the big robot Goliaths have the Power Cells attack them ONLY. We need AM near the terminals once he appears. Alternatively try to make each terminal filled at least once (Priming), it makes AM not needed." Option "Reactor Infinity" "league For the 3rd reactor there are three bunkers, break in and steal Power Cells. Clear or pull away Warworks from terminals. TANKS/BRUTES/WHOEVER will need to bring AM to terminals or just Prime them." Option "Defeat Anti-Matter" "league When we fight AM! Avoid the Obliteration Beam, if you have a giant green target below your feet, RUN! NO FLYING." Option "Disintegration" "league Be careful of Disintegration during the Anti-Matter fight, if you get that green bubble yell! Use ./macro DIS league HELP! DISINTEGRATING! TEAM #$$league Change the # to team number or make it your Warcry (Menu > I.D)." Option "AM Regen" "league At roughly 80%, 50% and 20% HP AM will freeze time then retreat to his healing station, destroy the 4 terminals around them to stop his regen." Option "Pass Star" "league If I'm not leader after the cutscene check your teams and pass me the star please." Option "Everyone Ready?" "league Ready?" } Menu "PHASE 1 - Warworks" { Title "Assignments" Option "Kill 30 Warworks" "league ELIMINATE WARWORKS" } Menu "PHASE 2 - Reactor Hope" { Title "Assignments" Option "Power Cells" "league Get the glowies on the ground$$league Pull or clear away the nearby Warworks around the terminals and then fill them which are above us." Option "AM" "league TANKS/BRUTES/WHOEVER aggro AM. DON'T KILL HIM, CAREFUL OF YOUR PETS!" } Menu "PHASE 3 - Reactor Genesis" { Title "Assignments" Option "Power Cells" "league Kill Giant Goliaths ONLY. Try to make all terminals filled at least once at 33% (Priming) before AM appears." Option "Give Power Cells" "league If you don't know where the power cells go give them to me! (Right Click Temp > Give To)" Option "AM" "league TANKS/BRUTES/WHOEVER, We need AM near the terminals." Option "Primed" "league All Terminals are primed keep AM distracted." } Menu "PHASE 4 - Reactor Infinity" { Option "Power Cells" "league Steal Power Cells from bunkers on your map. Pull or clear away the nearby Warworks around the terminals and then fill them." Option "Give Power Cells" "league Again, if you don't know where the power cells go give them to me! (Right Click Temp > Give To)" Option "AM" "league TANKS/BRUTES/WHOEVER, We need AM near the terminals." Option "Primed" "league All Terminals are primed keep AM distracted." } Menu "PHASE 5 - Defeat Anti-Matter" { Title "Assignments" Option "Prep" "league LORES OUT AND BUFFS. PLEASE.DO.NOT.FLY! At roughly 80%, 50% and 20% HP AM will FREEZE TIME!" Option "Obliteration Beam" "league AVOID OBLITERATION BEAM! WATCH IT'S TIME IN AV WINDOW!$$league USE THE MACRO IF DISINTEGRATING! HEALERS NEED TO HELP THEM!" Option "AM Regen" "league Destroy the 4 terminals around Healing station!" } Menu "Thanks!" { Title "Thanks!" Option "Thanks! Going Again" "league GOING AGAIN! For those of you that are leaving, ty for coming!" Option "Thanks! Last" "league That's All for me! Ty for the league!" } } Minds of Mayhem by @DarkWings mom.mnu Spoiler // POPMENU File for MOM // Menu "MOM" { Title "MOM Regular" Divider Menu "Recruit" { Title "Recruit" Option "Mind Washed" "LFG Forming MOM ITrial Meet in OURO - lvl 50+2 - PST$$broadcast Forming MOM ITrial Meet in OURO - lvl 50+2 - PST" Divider Option "Full" "LFG MOM is full$$broadcast MOM is full" } Menu "Getting Started" { Title "Getting Started" Option "Malaise's Wall" "league First we talk to Desdemona. We will fight Malaise, at 50 HP he will summon 3 nightmares we fight. Then the World of Anguish or pink patches will appear, DON'T STAND IN THEM, DON'T FLY. They will kill you." Option "Death" "league DON'T ACCEPT DES REVIVES/BLESSINGS OR TIME WILL BE REDUCED! USE AWAKENS OR ASK SOMEONE TO REVIVE YOU!" Option "Penelope's Storm" "league 2nd, we will fight Penelope, she will be invulnerable but we focus on her. Pullers get the purple storm voids near her, once that happens KILL IT then Yin will be vulnerable. PLEASE TURN OFF AURAS, AVOID USING AOES AND CONES! NO KB, NO IMMOB! SINGLE TARGET ONLY" Option "Aurora's Survival" "league 3rd, KEEP AURORA ALIVE, 2 or 3 people will enter a portal to protect Aurora, MMs and healers are good for this. EVERYONE ELSE FIGHTS MOTHER MAYHEM. Red or blue patches may appear under you. RED = BACK AWAY FROM LEAGUE. BLUE = LEAGUE HUG" Option "Shalice's Vision" "league 4th, Malaise rematch. At 50 HP 4 nightmares and Shalice Tilman will appear, Pull nightmares near her then kill them. Once that happens spam mez/AOE on Shalice and kill her before she reaches the fountain. We do this three times." Option "The End of Shalice Tilman" "league Lastly the easy part, summon LORES, BUFFS, Kill Shalice in three minutes." Option "Before Queue" "league Before we start buy Awakens, Break-Frees or whatever from Luna in Ouro!" Option "Everyone Ready?" "league Ready?" } Menu "PHASE 1 - Malaise's Wall" { Title "Assignments" Option "Desdemona" "league REMEMBER, DON'T ACCEPT BLESSINGS (REVIVE) FROM DES! TIME WILL BE DEDUCTED IF WE DO" Option "Defeat" "league Kill Malaise and then the 3 nightmares!" Option "WOA" "league WATCH THE WORLD OF ANGUISH TIMER! AVOID PINK PATCHES! NO FLIGHTG$$league PULL MALAISE/NIGHTMARES OUT OF PINK PATCHES WHEN POSSIBLE!" Option "Pull" "league PULL AV/GM OUT OF PINK PATCHES!" } Menu "PHASE 2 - Penelope's Storm" { Title "Assignments" Option "Ready" "league AGAIN, NO DES REZ" Option "Pull" "league HUG YIN! PLEASE TURN OFF AURAS$$league AVOID USING AOES AND CONES, SINGLE TARGET ATTACKS ONLY! NO KNOCKBACK AND NO IMMOBILIZE!" Option "Storm Voids" "league PULLERS GET THE STORM VOIDS NEAR HER! LEAGUE MUST KILL IT WHEN IT'S NEAR HER!" } Menu "PHASE 3 - Aurora's Survival" { Title "Assignments" Option "Aurora" "league I NEED 2 OR 3 PEOPLE TO PROTECT AURORA THROUGH THAT PORTAL! MMs OR A HEALER ARE GOOD FOR THIS! WE FAIL IF AURORA DIES.$$league EVERY ELSE ON MOTHER MAYHEM!" Option "Suffering" "league Suffering in Silence! Reminder RED PATCH = BACK AWAY FROM LEAGUE. BLUE PATCH = BIG LEAGUE HUG" } Menu "PHASE 4 - Shalice's Vision" { Option "Malaise" "league Bring his HP down! WATCH THE ANGUISH TIMER! AVOID PINK PATCHES! NO FLYING$$league PULL MALAISE OUT OF PINK PATCHES WHEN POSSIBLE!" Option "Shalice" "league SHALICE IS HERE! PULLERS PLEASE BRING THE NIGHTMARES TO HER!$$league PLEASE TURN OFF KNOCKBACK OR REPREL POWERS! EVERYONE ELSE ON SHALICE SPAM MEZ POWERS ON HER!" } Menu "PHASE 5 - The End of Shalice Tilman" { Title "Assignments" Option "Prep" "league LORES OUT AND BUFFS." } Menu "Thanks!" { Title "Thanks!" Option "Thanks! Going Again" "league GOING AGAIN! For those of you that are leaving, ty for coming!" Option "Thanks! Last" "league That's All for me! Ty for the league!"" } } Magisterium (Simple) by @DarkWings magi.mnu Spoiler // POPMENU File for MAGI // Menu "MAGI" { Title "MAGI Regular" Divider Menu "Recruit" { Title "Recruit" Option "Magister" "LFG Forming MAGI ITrial Lore and Destiny must be unlocked! Meet in OURO - lvl 50+ - PST$$broadcast Forming MAGI ITrial Lore and Destiny must be unlocked! Meet in OURO - lvl 50+ - PST" Divider Option "Full" "LFG MAGI is full$$broadcast MAGI is full" } Menu "Getting Started" { Title "Getting Started" Option "Pass Star" "league Check teams and pass the star once in." Option "Everyone Ready?" "league Ready?" } Menu "PHASE 1 - IDF" { Title "Assignments" Option "Dream Doctor" "league First, Dream Doctor will talk, then go through his portal.$$HOLD AFTER TP" Option "Defeat 250 IDF" "league [1/2] HOLD ON! Once the timer hits ZERO take out 250 IDF$$league [2/2] If you have a choice, skip BOSSES as they take more time." Option "ATTACK" "league CHARGE!!" } Menu "PHASE 2 - A Triple Threat" { Title "Assignments" Option "Shadow Hunter" "league SHADOWHUNTER!" Option "Nega-Pendragon" "league NEGA-PENDRAGON!" Option "Chimera" "league CHIMERA!" } Menu "PHASE 2 - BADGE Triple Threat" { Title "Assignments" Option "Team Layout" "league TEAM 1 -> CHIMERA$$league TEAM 2 -> SHADOWHUNTER$$league TEAM 3 -> NEGA-PENDRAGON" Option "Defeat" "league We want all 3 AVs to drop together! Try to taunt Nega-Pendragon and Shadowhunter near each other." Option "Hold" "league HOLD AT 10 - WATCH PETS" } Menu "PHASE 3 - Defeat Black Swan" { Title "Assignments" Option "Swan Song" "league RANGED FOLKS - Take out those shadow portals AS SOON AS they appear! Black Swan takes no damage while those are up!" } Menu "PHASE 4 - Defeat Tyrant" { Option "Prep Time" "league LORE PETS AND BUFFS" Option "Lights" "league WHEN LIGHT BEAMS APPEAR, use the [Temporary Powers.Quills of Jocas] while standing next to it." } Menu "Thanks!" { Title "Thanks!" Option "Thanks! Going Again" "league GOING AGAIN! For those of you that are leaving, ty for coming!" Option "Thanks! Last" "league That's All for me! Ty for the league!" } } If I missed any or if you want to add another popmenu to the list, please ask! Some Ideas: More Archetypes, so far we only have 2 with popmenus ITrials Missing: The Underground, TPN, More Task/Strike Forces & Regular Trials Hamidon Raid & Cathedral of Pain Edited July 25, 2021 by DarkWings UPDATE 7/21/21: Added popmenus for MOM, KEYES, MAGI Guides & Popmenus: The Consolidated List of Popmenus MM Emotes for Pets Popmenu
AboveTheChemist Posted July 15, 2020 Posted July 15, 2020 43 minutes ago, DarkWing said: Also can anyone tell me how to hide the contents in the quotes? Like in the Farm Fresh builds post? There is a spoiler tag, it's on the bottom row of the edit toolbar, 3rd from the right. The button for it looks like an eyeball. 1 Popmenus > Badge List | Optimal Paths | Conversion Possibilities | Emotes Wiki Pages > Costume Color Schemes | Set Bonus Comparison Tables Maps > Vidiotmaps | Optimal Paths | Halloween GM Maps | Winter Gift Maps | Offline Map Viewer Sounds > Banshee Sonic Attack Datasets > Recipe Salvage Components | Badge Name & Settitle ID | Exploration Badge & History Plaque Coordinates
Rathulfr Posted July 15, 2020 Posted July 15, 2020 I've been spending too much time writing PowerShell scripts. I immediately thought of ways to parse the data into custom objects. So many brackets... @Rathstar Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer
DarkWings Posted July 16, 2020 Author Posted July 16, 2020 1 hour ago, Hopestar said: @qwy has a couple nice popmenus for base stuff. Thanks! Added! Guides & Popmenus: The Consolidated List of Popmenus MM Emotes for Pets Popmenu
DoctorDitko Posted July 16, 2020 Posted July 16, 2020 How about positioning the darn window? I move mine where I want it, but it keeps jumping around the window, usually a thumb's width down the screen. I put it to the top, and it moves back down in a minute or so. Drives me mad. (Well, madder.) Any suggestions? Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko. Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko. But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)
DarkWings Posted July 16, 2020 Author Posted July 16, 2020 1 hour ago, DoctorDitko said: How about positioning the darn window? I move mine where I want it, but it keeps jumping around the window, usually a thumb's width down the screen. I put it to the top, and it moves back down in a minute or so. Drives me mad. (Well, madder.) Any suggestions? I'm assuming your talking about custom windows? Either put it to the bottom or to the right like this: Guides & Popmenus: The Consolidated List of Popmenus MM Emotes for Pets Popmenu
DoctorDitko Posted July 16, 2020 Posted July 16, 2020 That does seem to help, many thanks! Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko. Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko. But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)
Likara Posted July 17, 2020 Posted July 17, 2020 Is there a way to save the location of the custom windows? Failing that, what do I edit in the custom windows' file to change its default placement?
DarkWings Posted July 17, 2020 Author Posted July 17, 2020 13 hours ago, Ritikesh said: Is there a way to save the location of the custom windows? Failing that, what do I edit in the custom windows' file to change its default placement? Sadly, this does not seem possible, if it was then maybe no one has figured it out yet. Everytime you log out, it will reset the location. You will have to move it to the position you like it in when you log in. Guides & Popmenus: The Consolidated List of Popmenus MM Emotes for Pets Popmenu
qwy Posted July 19, 2020 Posted July 19, 2020 (edited) On 7/15/2020 at 7:08 PM, Hopestar said: @qwy has a couple nice popmenus for base stuff. Appreciate the honorable mention! Here's a little more from my main global menu. Spoiler /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/Toybox Menu "qwy's &Toybox" { Divider Title "- qwy's -" Title "Toybox" Divider Divider Menu "Temp &E Target" { Divider Title "- Temporary -" Title "Target on E" Divider Divider Option "N&ext" "t $name, set Temp E Next Special$$show chat$$beginchat /bind E targetcustomnext notteammate notmypet base " Option "Ne&ar" "t $name, set Temp ENear Special$$show chat$$beginchat /bind E targetcustomnear notteammate notmypet base " Option "&Far" "t $name, set Temp E Far Special$$show chat$$beginchat /bind E targetcustomfar notteammate notmypet base " Option "P&revious" "t $name, set Temp E Prev Special$$show chat$$beginchat /bind E targetcustomprev notteammate notmypet base " Divider Menu "Parameter&s" { Divider Title "- Parameters -" Divider Divider Option "&enemy" "showchat$$beginchat /bind E targetcustomnext enemy " Option "f&riend" "showchat$$beginchat /bind E targetcustomnext friend " Option "mype&t" "showchat$$beginchat /bind E targetcustomnext mypet " Option "notm&ypet" "showchat$$beginchat /bind E targetcustomnext notmypet " Option "de&feated" "showchat$$beginchat /bind E targetcustomnext defeated " Option "ali&ve" "showchat$$beginchat /bind E targetcustomnext alive " Option "&base" "showchat$$beginchat /bind E targetcustomnext base " Option "¬base" "showchat$$beginchat /bind E targetcustomnext notbase " Option "tea&mmate" "showchat$$beginchat /bind E targetcustomnext teammate " Divider } Option "Ma&cro" <¯oimage "v_archetypeicon_stalker" "Temp E" "beginchat /bind E targetcustomnext notteammate notmypet base "&> Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/SureShot Menu "Screensho&ts" { Divider Title "- Screenshot -" Divider Divider Title "- JPGs -" Option "Show In&terface" "screenshotui 1$$screenshot" Option "Hide Inte&rface" "screenshotui 0$$screenshot" Divider Divider Title "- TGAs -" Option "Show Inter&face" "screenshotui 1$$screenshottga" Option "&Hide Interface" "screenshotui 0$$screenshottga" Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////END/SureShot /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/P2W Flight Menu "Fli&ght Packs" { Divider Title "- Flight -" Divider Divider Option "Je&t Pack" "powexecname Jet Pack" Option "LKT-1&700 Rocket" "powexecname LKT-1700 Rocket Pack" Option "Longb&ow Jetpack" "powexecname Longbow Jetpack" Option "Sm&all Longbow pack" "powexecname Small Longbow Jetpack" Option "Goldb&ricker Rocket" "powexecname Goldbricker Rocket Pack" Option "&Holiday Rocket Pack" "powexecname Holiday Rocket Pack" Option "Traveler's Jet Pa&ck" "powexecname Traveler's Jet Pack" Divider Option "A&ll Off" "powexectoggleoff Traveler's Jet Pack$$powexectoggleoff Goldbricker Rocket Pack$$powexectoggleoff Holiday Rocket Pack$$powexectoggleoff Jet Pack$$powexectoggleoff LKT-1700 Rocket Pack$$powexectoggleoff Longbow Jetpack$$powexectoggleoff Small Longbow Jetpack" Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////END/P2W Flight /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/RunLola Menu "&Run, Lola!!" { Divider Title "- Sprint -" Divider Divider Option "&Sprint" "powexecname Sprint" Option "Power Sur&ge" "powexecname Prestige Power Surge" Option "Power &Dash" "powexecname Prestige Power Dash" Option "Power &Quick" "powexecname Prestige Power Quick" Option "Power R&ush" "powexecname Prestige Power Rush" Option "Power Sl&ide" "powexecname Prestige Power Slide" Divider Divider Title "P2W" Option "&Ninja Run" "powexecname Ninja Run" Option "&Beast Run" "powexecname Beast Run" Option "&Jump Pack" "powexecname Jump Pack" Option "Stea&m Jump" "powexecname Steam Jump" Option "Low-G Pac&k" "powexecname Low-G Pack" Divider Option "A&ll Off" "powexectoggleoff Sprint$$powexectoggleoff Prestige Power Surge$$powexectoggleoff Prestige Power Dash$$powexectoggleoff Prestige Power Quick$$powexectoggleoff Prestige Power Rush$$powexectoggleoff Prestige Power Slide$$powexectoggleoff Ninja Run$$powexectoggleoff Beast Run$$powexectoggleoff Jump Pack$$powexectoggleoff Steam Jump$$powexectoggleoff Low-G Pack" Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////END/RunLola /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/WeakTravels Menu "Wea&k Travel" { Divider Title "- Detoggle -" Title "Time" Divider Divider Option "&Walk" "powexecname Walk" Option "&Void Skiff" "powexecname Void Skiff$$powexectoggleoff Panther Travel Power$$powexectoggleoff Flying Carpet$$powexectoggleoff Rocket Board$$powexectoggleoff Coyote Travel Power" Option "Roc&ket Board" "powexecname Rocket Board$$powexectoggleoff Panther Travel Power$$powexectoggleoff Flying Carpet$$powexectoggleoff Coyote Travel Power$$powexectoggleoff Void Skiff" Option "&Flying Carpet" "powexecname Flying Carpet$$powexectoggleoff Panther Travel Power$$powexectoggleoff Coyote Travel Power$$powexectoggleoff Rocket Board$$powexectoggleoff Void Skiff" Option "Co&yote Travel" "powexecname Coyote Travel Power$$powexectoggleoff Panther Travel Power$$powexectoggleoff Flying Carpet$$powexectoggleoff Rocket Board$$powexectoggleoff Void Skiff" Option "&Panther Power" "powexecname Panther Travel Power$$powexectoggleoff Coyote Travel Power$$powexectoggleoff Flying Carpet$$powexectoggleoff Rocket Board$$powexectoggleoff Void Skiff" Divider Option "A&ll Off" "powexectoggleoff Walk$$powexectoggleoff Coyote Travel Power$$powexectoggleoff Panther Travel Power$$powexectoggleoff Flying Carpet$$powexectoggleoff Rocket Board$$powexectoggleoff Void Skiff" Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////END/WeakTravels /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/Combat Pets Menu "Combat P&ets" { Divider Title "- Combat -" Title "Pets" Divider Divider Title "Damage" Option "Dark Fair&y" "powexeclocation backward:5 Dark Fairy Pet" Option "R&ed Wisp" "powexeclocation backward:5 Red Wisp Pet" Option "Powe&r Drone" "powexeclocation backward:5 Power Drone Pet" Option "Power Os&cillator" "powexeclocation backward:5 Power Oscillator Pet" Divider Divider Title "Defense" Option "Li&ght Fairy" "powexeclocation backward:5 Light Fairy Pet" Option "&Blue Wisp" "powexeclocation backward:5 Blue Wisp Pet" Option "Shield Dro&ne" "powexeclocation backward:5 Shield Drone Pet" Option "Shield Oscilla&tor" "powexeclocation backward:5 Shield Oscillator Pet" Divider Option "Dismiss Pe&t" "powexectoggleoff Dark Fairy Pet$$powexectoggleoff Red Wisp Pet$$powexectoggleoff Power Drone Pet$$powexectoggleoff Power Oscillator Pet$$powexectoggleoff Light Fairy Pet$$powexectoggleoff Blue Wisp Pet$$powexectoggleoff Shield Drone Pet$$powexectoggleoff Shield Oscillator Pet" Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////END/Combat Pets /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/Vanity Pets Menu "Vanit&y Pets" { Divider Title "- Vanity -" Title "Pets" Divider Divider Option "Bla&ck Wolf" "powexeclocation backward:5 Black Wolf Pet" Option "Cheru&b" "powexeclocation backward:5 Cherub Pet" Option "Clockwor&k" "powexeclocation backward:5 Clockwork Pet" Option "Co&yote" "powexeclocation backward:5 Coyote Pet" Option "&Demon" "powexeclocation backward:5 Demon Pet" Option "G&erman Shepherd" "powexeclocation backward:5 German Shepherd Pet" Option "Image of t&he Well" "powexeclocation backward:5 Image of the Well Pet" Option "Leprecha&un" "powexeclocation backward:5 Leprechaun Pet" Option "Li&ger" "powexeclocation backward:5 Liger Pet" Option "&Lion" "powexeclocation backward:5 Lion Pet" Option "Li&oness" "powexeclocation backward:5 Lioness Pet" Option "&Mekman" "powexeclocation backward:5 Mekman Pet" Option "Mi&ni Snowbeast" "powexeclocation backward:5 Mini Snowbeast" Option "&Redcap" "powexeclocation backward:5 Redcap Pet" Option "Rik&ti" "powexeclocation backward:5 Rikti Pet" Option "Shado&w Hound" "powexeclocation backward:5 Shadow Hound Pet" Option "S&pider" "powexeclocation backward:5 Spider Pet" Option "&Spiderling" "powexeclocation backward:5 Spiderling Pet" Option "Spirit P&anther" "powexeclocation backward:5 Spirit Panther Pet" Option "&Vanguard MVAS" "powexeclocation backward:5 Vanguard MVAS" Option "W&inter Wolf" "powexeclocation backward:5 Winter Wolf Pet" Option "Wol&f" "powexeclocation backward:5 Wolf Pet" Divider Option "Dismiss uh, &j?" "powexectoggleoff Black Wolf Pet$$powexectoggleoff Cherub Pet$$powexectoggleoff Clockwork Pet$$powexectoggleoff Coyote Pet$$powexectoggleoff Demon Pet$$powexectoggleoff German Shepard Pet$$powexectoggleoff Image of the Well Pet$$powexectoggleoff Leprechaun Pet$$powexectoggleoff Liger Pet$$powexectoggleoff Lion Pet$$powexectoggleoff Lioness Pet$$powexectoggleoff Mekman Pet$$powexectoggleoff Mini Snowbeast$$powexectoggleoff Redcap Pet$$powexectoggleoff Rikti Pet$$powexectoggleoff Shadow Hound Pet$$powexectoggleoff Spider Pet$$powexectoggleoff Spiderling Pet$$powexectoggleoff Spirit Panther Pet$$powexectoggleoff Vanguard MVAS$$powexectoggleoff Winter Wolf Pet$$powexectoggleoff Wolf Pet" Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////END/Vanity Pets /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/Other Toys Menu "Other Toy&s" { Divider Title "- Toys -" Divider Divider Option "Pow&er Analyzer" "powexecname Power Analyzer" Option "&Fog of War" "powexecname '" Option "&Flying Disc" "powexecname Flying Disc" Option "Snow&ball" "powexecname Snowball" Option "M&ystic Fortune" "powexecname Mystic Fortune" Divider Divider Title "PVP" Option "&Jaunt Initializer" "powexecname Jaunt Initializer" Option "Stealt&h Suit" "powexecname Stealth Suit" Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////END/Other Toys Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////END/Toybox /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/Toon Manager v1.0 Menu "Toon M&anager" { Divider Title "- Toon -" Title "Manager" Divider Divider Menu "No&toriety" { Divider Title "- Nuh, Nuh -" Title "Notorious" Divider Divider Menu "Wh&at Level" { Divider Title "- Level -" Divider Divider Option "&Minus 1" "setdifficultylevel -1" Option "Ev&en Money" "setdifficultylevel 0" Option "Up &1" "setdifficultylevel 1" Option "Or, &2" "setdifficultylevel 2" Option "Ok, &3" "setdifficultylevel 3" Option "+&4, Bring it!" "setdifficultylevel 4" Divider } Menu "Ho&w Many" { Divider Title "- # -" Divider Divider Option "&1" "setdifficultyteamsize 1" Option "&2" "setdifficultyteamsize 2" Option "&3" "setdifficultyteamsize 3" Option "&4" "setdifficultyteamsize 4" Option "&5" "setdifficultyteamsize 5" Option "&6" "setdifficultyteamsize 6" Option "&7" "setdifficultyteamsize 7" Option "&8" "setdifficultyteamsize 8" Divider } Option "Bo&ss togg...le" "++setdifficultyboss" Option "toggle A&Vs" "++setdifficultyav" Divider } Option "&Change Title" "titlechange" Divider /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/PVP Development Menu "P&VP Stuff" { Divider Title "- PVP Stuff -" Divider Divider Option "Yes" "optiontoggle showvillianname" Option "Yes" "optiontoggle showvillianbars" Option "See A&rena Stats" "getarenastats" Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////END/PVP Divider Option "C&lear Trays" "cleartray" Option "Pa&ck Access" "mypurchases" Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////END/Toys Spoiler /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/qwy's Make&Take v1.0 Menu "Insps Combine&r" { Divider Title "Combine" Title "Inspirations" Divider Divider Menu "Lu&ck" { Divider Title "- Luck -" Divider Divider Option "Combin&e Any" "inspcombine breakfree luck$$inspcombine sturdy luck$$inspcombine respite luck$$inspcombine catchabreath luck$$inspcombine enrage luck$$inspcombine insight luck$$inspcombine awaken luck$$inspcombine emerge goodluck$$inspcombine rugged goodluck$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement goodluck$$inspcombine takeabreather goodluck$$inspcombine focusedrage goodluck$$inspcombine keeninsight goodluck$$inspcombine bounceback goodluck$$inspcombine escape phenomenalluck$$inspcombine robust phenomenalluck$$inspcombine resurgence phenomenalluck$$inspcombine secondwind phenomenalluck$$inspcombine righteousrage phenomenalluck$$inspcombine uncannyinsight phenomenalluck$$inspcombine restoration phenomenalluck" Option "Take No&w!" "inspexecname luck$$inspexecname goodluck$$inspexecname phenomenalluck" Divider Divider Title "qwy's" Title "Make & Take" Option "L&arge" "inspcombine escape phenomenalluck$$inspcombine robust phenomenalluck$$inspcombine resurgence phenomenalluck$$inspcombine secondwind phenomenalluck$$inspcombine righteousrage phenomenalluck$$inspcombine uncannyinsight phenomenalluck$$inspcombine restoration phenomenalluck$$inspexecname phenomenalluck" Option "Medium&s" "inspcombine emerge goodluck$$inspcombine rugged goodluck$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement goodluck$$inspcombine takeabreather goodluck$$inspcombine focusedrage goodluck$$inspcombine keeninsight goodluck$$inspcombine bounceback goodluck$$inspexecname goodluck" Option "ina&dequate" "inspcombine breakfree luck$$inspcombine sturdy luck$$inspcombine respite luck$$inspcombine catchabreath luck$$inspcombine enrage luck$$inspcombine insight luck$$inspcombine awaken luck$$inspexecname luck" } Menu "Stur&dy" { Divider Title "- Sturdy -" Divider Divider Option "Combin&e Any" "inspcombine breakfree sturdy$$inspcombine luck sturdy$$inspcombine respite sturdy$$inspcombine catchabreath sturdy$$inspcombine enrage sturdy$$inspcombine insight sturdy$$inspcombine awaken sturdy$$inspcombine emerge rugged$$inspcombine goodluck rugged$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement rugged$$inspcombine takeabreather rugged$$inspcombine focusedrage rugged$$inspcombine keeninsight rugged$$inspcombine bounceback rugged$$inspcombine escape robust$$inspcombine phenomenalluck robust$$inspcombine resurgence robust$$inspcombine secondwind robust$$inspcombine righteousrage robust$$inspcombine uncannyinsight robust$$inspcombine restoration robust" Option "Take No&w!" "inspexecname sturdy$$inspexecname rugged$$inspexecname robust""inspexecname sturdy$$inspexecname rugged$$inspexecname robust" Divider Divider Title "qwy's" Title "Make & Take" Option "L&arge" "inspcombine escape robust$$inspcombine phenomenalluck robust$$inspcombine resurgence robust$$inspcombine secondwind robust$$inspcombine righteousrage robust$$inspcombine uncannyinsight robust$$inspcombine restoration robust$$inspexecname robust" Option "Medium&s" "inspcombine emerge rugged$$inspcombine goodluck rugged$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement rugged$$inspcombine takeabreather rugged$$inspcombine focusedrage rugged$$inspcombine keeninsight rugged$$inspcombine bounceback rugged$$inspexecname rugged" Option "ina&dequate" "inspcombine breakfree sturdy$$inspcombine luck sturdy$$inspcombine respite sturdy$$inspcombine catchabreath sturdy$$inspcombine enrage sturdy$$inspcombine insight sturdy$$inspcombine awaken sturdy$$inspexecname sturdy" Divider } Menu "&Respite" { Divider Title "- Respite -" Divider Divider Option "Combin&e Any" "inspcombine breakfree respite$$inspcombine luck respite$$inspcombine sturdy respite$$inspcombine catchabreath respite$$inspcombine enrage respite$$inspcombine insight respite$$inspcombine awaken respite$$inspcombine emerge dramaticimprovement$$inspcombine goodluck dramaticimprovement$$inspcombine rugged dramaticimprovement$$inspcombine takeabreather dramaticimprovement$$inspcombine focusedrage dramaticimprovement$$inspcombine keeninsight dramaticimprovement$$inspcombine bounceback dramaticimprovement$$inspcombine escape resurgence$$inspcombine phenomenalluck resurgence$$inspcombine robust resurgence$$inspcombine secondwind resurgence$$inspcombine righteousrage resurgence$$inspcombine uncannyinsight resurgence$$inspcombine restoration resurgence" Option "Take No&w!" "inspexecname respite$$inspexecname dramaticimprovement$$inspexecname resurgence" Divider Divider Title "qwy's" Title "Make & Take" Option "L&arge" "inspcombine escape resurgence$$inspcombine phenomenalluck resurgence$$inspcombine robust resurgence$$inspcombine secondwind resurgence$$inspcombine righteousrage resurgence$$inspcombine uncannyinsight resurgence$$inspcombine restoration resurgence$$inspexecname resurgence" Option "Medium&s" "inspcombine emerge dramaticimprovement$$inspcombine goodluck dramaticimprovement$$inspcombine rugged dramaticimprovement$$inspcombine takeabreather dramaticimprovement$$inspcombine focusedrage dramaticimprovement$$inspcombine keeninsight dramaticimprovement$$inspcombine bounceback dramaticimprovement$$inspexecname dramaticimprovement" Option "ina&dequate" "inspcombine breakfree respite$$inspcombine luck respite$$inspcombine sturdy respite$$inspcombine catchabreath respite$$inspcombine enrage respite$$inspcombine insight respite$$inspcombine awaken respite$$inspexecname respite" Divider } Menu "Brea&th!!" { Divider Title "- Breath -" Divider Divider Option "Combin&e Any" "inspcombine breakfree catchabreath$$inspcombine luck catchabreath$$inspcombine sturdy catchabreath$$inspcombine respite catchabreath$$inspcombine enrage catchabreath$$inspcombine insight catchabreath$$inspcombine awaken catchabreath$$inspcombine emerge takeabreather$$inspcombine goodluck takeabreather$$inspcombine rugged takeabreather$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement takeabreather$$inspcombine focusedrage takeabreather$$inspcombine keeninsight takeabreather$$inspcombine bounceback takeabreather$$inspcombine escape secondwind$$inspcombine phenomenalluck secondwind$$inspcombine robust secondwind$$inspcombine resurgence secondwind$$inspcombine righteousrage secondwind$$inspcombine uncannyinsight secondwind$$inspcombine restoration secondwind" Option "Take No&w!" "inspexecname catchabreath$$inspexecname takeabreather$$inspexecname secondwind" Divider Divider Title "qwy's" Title "Make & Take" Option "L&arge" "inspcombine escape secondwind$$inspcombine phenomenalluck secondwind$$inspcombine robust secondwind$$inspcombine resurgence secondwind$$inspcombine righteousrage secondwind$$inspcombine uncannyinsight secondwind$$inspcombine restoration secondwind$$inspexecname secondwind" Option "Medium&s" "inspcombine emerge takeabreather$$inspcombine goodluck takeabreather$$inspcombine rugged takeabreather$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement takeabreather$$inspcombine focusedrage takeabreather$$inspcombine keeninsight takeabreather$$inspcombine bounceback takeabreather$$inspexecname takeabreather" Option "ina&dequate" "inspcombine breakfree catchabreath$$inspcombine luck catchabreath$$inspcombine sturdy catchabreath$$inspcombine respite catchabreath$$inspcombine enrage catchabreath$$inspcombine insight catchabreath$$inspcombine awaken catchabreath$$inspexecname catchabreath" Divider } Menu "In&sight" { Divider Title "- Insight -" Divider Divider Option "Combin&e Any" "inspcombine breakfree insight$$inspcombine luck insight$$inspcombine sturdy insight$$inspcombine respite insight$$inspcombine catchabreath insight$$inspcombine enrage insight$$inspcombine awaken insight$$inspcombine emerge keeninsight$$inspcombine goodluck keeninsight$$inspcombine rugged keeninsight$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement keeninsight$$inspcombine takeabreather keeninsight$$inspcombine focusedrage keeninsight$$inspcombine bounceback keeninsight$$inspcombine escape uncannyinsight$$inspcombine phenomenalluck uncannyinsight$$inspcombine robust uncannyinsight$$inspcombine resurgence uncannyinsight$$inspcombine secondwind uncannyinsight$$inspcombine righteousrage uncannyinsight$$inspcombine restoration uncannyinsight" Option "Take No&w!" "inspexecname insight$$inspexecname keeninsight$$inspexecname uncannyinsight" Divider Divider Title "qwy's" Title "Make & Take" Option "L&arge" "inspcombine escape uncannyinsight$$inspcombine phenomenalluck uncannyinsight$$inspcombine robust uncannyinsight$$inspcombine resurgence uncannyinsight$$inspcombine secondwind uncannyinsight$$inspcombine righteousrage uncannyinsight$$inspcombine restoration uncannyinsight$$inspexecname uncannyinsight" Option "Medium&s" "inspcombine emerge keeninsight$$inspcombine goodluck keeninsight$$inspcombine rugged keeninsight$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement keeninsight$$inspcombine takeabreather keeninsight$$inspcombine focusedrage keeninsight$$inspcombine bounceback keeninsight$$inspexecname keeninsight" Option "ina&dequate" "inspcombine breakfree insight$$inspcombine luck insight$$inspcombine sturdy insight$$inspcombine respite insight$$inspcombine catchabreath insight$$inspcombine enrage insight$$inspcombine awaken insight$$inspexecname insight" Divider } Menu "Enr&age" { Divider Title "- Enrage -" Divider Divider Option "Combin&e Any" "inspcombine breakfree enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine catchabreath enrage$$inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine awaken enrage$$inspcombine emerge focusedrage$$inspcombine goodluck focusedrage$$inspcombine rugged focusedrage$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement focusedrage$$inspcombine takeabreather focusedrage$$inspcombine keeninsight focusedrage$$inspcombine bounceback focusedrage$$inspcombine escape righteousrage$$inspcombine phenomenalluck righteousrage$$inspcombine robust righteousrage$$inspcombine resurgence righteousrage$$inspcombine secondwind righteousrage$$inspcombine uncannyinsight righteousrage$$inspcombine restoration righteousrage" Option "Take No&w!" "inspexecname enrage$$inspexecname focusedrage$$inspexecname righteousrage" Divider Divider Title "qwy's" Title "Make & Take" Option "L&arge" inspcombine escape righteousrage$$inspcombine phenomenalluck righteousrage$$inspcombine robust righteousrage$$inspcombine resurgence righteousrage$$inspcombine secondwind righteousrage$$inspcombine uncannyinsight righteousrage$$inspcombine restoration righteousrage$$inspexecname righteousrage" Option "Medium&s" inspcombine emerge focusedrage$$inspcombine goodluck focusedrage$$inspcombine rugged focusedrage$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement focusedrage$$inspcombine takeabreather focusedrage$$inspcombine keeninsight focusedrage$$inspcombine bounceback focusedrage$$inspexecname focusedrage" Option "ina&dequate" "inspcombine breakfree enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine catchabreath enrage$$inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine awaken enrage$$inspexecname enrage" Divider } Menu "Br&eaks" { Divider Title "- Breaks -" Divider Divider Option "Combin&e Any" "inspcombine insight breakfree$$inspcombine luck breakfree$$inspcombine catchabreath breakfree$$inspcombine respite breakfree$$inspcombine sturdy breakfree$$inspcombine enrage breakfree$$inspcombine awaken breakfree$$inspcombine focusedrage emerge$$inspcombine keeninsight emerge$$inspcombine takeabreather emerge$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement emerge$$inspcombine rugged emerge$$inspcombine goodluck emerge$$inspcombine bounceback emerge$$inspcombine righteousrage escape$$inspcombine phenomenalluck escape$$inspcombine secondwind escape$$inspcombine resurgence escape$$inspcombine robust escape$$inspcombine uncannyinsight escape$$inspcombine restoration escape" Option "Take No&w!" "inspexecname escape$$inspexecname emerge$$inspexecname breakfree" Divider Divider Title "qwy's" Title "Make & Take" Option "L&arge" "inspcombine righteousrage escape$$inspcombine phenomenalluck escape$$inspcombine secondwind escape$$inspcombine resurgence escape$$inspcombine robust escape$$inspcombine uncannyinsight escape$$inspcombine restoration escape$$inspexecname breakfree" Option "Medium&s" "inspcombine focusedrage emerge$$inspcombine keeninsight emerge$$inspcombine takeabreather emerge$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement emerge$$inspcombine rugged emerge$$inspcombine goodluck emerge$$inspcombine bounceback emerge$$inspexecname emerge" Option "ina&dequate" "inspcombine insight breakfree$$inspcombine luck breakfree$$inspcombine catchabreath breakfree$$inspcombine respite breakfree$$inspcombine sturdy breakfree$$inspcombine enrage breakfree$$inspcombine awaken breakfree$$inspexecname escape" Divider } Menu "A&wakes" { Divider Title "- Awakes -" Divider Divider Option "Combin&e Any" "inspcombine breakfree awaken$$inspcombine luck awaken$$inspcombine sturdy awaken$$inspcombine respite awaken$$inspcombine catchabreath awaken$$inspcombine enrage awaken$$inspcombine insight awaken$$inspcombine emerge bounceback$$inspcombine goodluck bounceback$$inspcombine rugged bounceback$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement bounceback$$inspcombine takeabreather bounceback$$inspcombine focusedrage bounceback$$inspcombine keeninsight bounceback$$inspcombine escape restoration$$inspcombine phenomenalluck restoration$$inspcombine robust restoration$$inspcombine resurgence restoration$$inspcombine secondwind restoration$$inspcombine righteousrage restoration$$inspcombine uncannyinsight restoration" Option "Take No&w!" "inspexecname awaken$$inspexecname bounceback$$inspexecname restoration" Divider Divider Title "qwy's" Title "Make & Take" Option "L&arge" "inspcombine escape restoration$$inspcombine phenomenalluck restoration$$inspcombine robust restoration$$inspcombine resurgence restoration$$inspcombine secondwind restoration$$inspcombine righteousrage restoration$$inspcombine uncannyinsight restoration$$inspexecname restoration" Option "Medium&s" "inspcombine emerge bounceback$$inspcombine goodluck bounceback$$inspcombine rugged bounceback$$inspcombine dramaticimprovement bounceback$$inspcombine takeabreather bounceback$$inspcombine focusedrage bounceback$$inspcombine keeninsight bounceback$$inspexecname bounceback" Option "ina&dequate" "inspcombine breakfree awaken$$inspcombine luck awaken$$inspcombine sturdy awaken$$inspcombine respite awaken$$inspcombine catchabreath awaken$$inspcombine enrage awaken$$inspcombine insight awaken$$inspexecname awaken" Divider } Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////END/qwy's Make&Take Spoiler /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/SGStuff 2..6 Menu "SGStu&ff" { Divider Title "- SG Menu -" Divider Divider Title "Admin Stuff" Option "M.O.T.&D." "show chat$$beginchat /sgsetmotd " Menu "In&vite" { Divider Title "- Invites -" Divider Divider Option "M&y Alt" "show chat$$beginchat /altinvite " Option "My &Target" "sgi $target" Option "&By Name" "show chat$$beginchat /sgi " Menu "To Global &Chat" { Divider Title "- Invite to SG -" Title "Global Channel" Divider Divider Option "In&vite All Members" "ginvitesg 0" Option "Invite &Captains and Up" "ginvitesg 1" Option "Lea&ders Only" "ginvitesg 2" Divider } Divider Divider Title "Coalition" Option "Invite Tar&get" "ci $target" Option "In&vite By Na&me" "show chat$$beginchat /ci " Divider } Menu "Member Stat&us" { Divider Title "- Member -" Title "Status" Divider Divider Title "Promote" Option "&Target" "promote $target" Option "B&y Name" "show chat$$beginchat /promote " Divider Divider Title "Demote" Option "Tar&get" "demote $target" Option "&By Name" "show chat$$beginchat /demote " Divider Divider Title "Drastics" Menu "&Kick" { Divider Title "- Kick -" Title "Method" Divider Divider Title "Default" Option "Target" "sgk $target" Option "By Name" "show chat$$beginchat /sgk " Divider Divider Title "Skip Prompt" Option "Target" "sgkickyes $target" Option "By Name" "show chat$$beginchat /sgkickyes " Divider } Option "Leave Coalition" "Coalitioncancel" Divider Option "Leave SG" "sgleave" Divider } Menu "Settin&gs" { Divider Title "- Settings -" Divider Divider option "M.O.T.&D." "show chat$$beginchat /sgsetmotd " Option "Mo&tto" "show chat$$beginchat /sgsetmotto " Option "Desc&ription" "show chat$$beginchat /sgsetdescription " Menu "Rename Ran&ks" { Divider TItle "- Rename -" TItle "Ranks" Divider Divider Option "&Leader/Overlord" "show chat$$beginchat /nameleader " Option "&Commander/Kingpin" "show chat$$beginchat /namecommander " Option "&General/Ringleader" "show chat$$beginchat /namegeneral " Option "C&aptain/Taskmaster" "show chat$$beginchat /namecaptain " Option "L&ieutenant/Enforcer" "show chat$$beginchat /namelieutenant " Option "&Member/Flunky" "show chat$$beginchat /namemember " Divider } Option "Auto-Demote" "show chat$$beginchat /sgsetdemotetimeout " Divider } Divider Divider Title "Bases" /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/SGMPlayer v1.1 // Content Provided by: Impish Kat @ Homecomming Forums // Popmenu'd by qwy ///2020, May 16th //More @ P-wiki: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Music Menu "&SGM Player" { Divider Title "- Stop! -" Title "Collaborate" Title "& Listen" Divider Divider //////////////////////////////////////////Music Title "Music Loops" Menu "High Lo&ops" { Divider Title "- Incarnate -" Title "High Loops" Divider Divider Option "0&1High-a" "sgmusic i20_01High_a_Loop" Option "02High-&a" "sgmusic i20_02High_a_Loop" Option "03&High-a" "sgmusic i20_03High_a_Loop" Divider Option "01High-&b" "sgmusic i20_01High_b_Loop" Option "0&2High-b" "sgmusic i20_02High_b_Loop" Option "03H&igh-b" "sgmusic i20_03High_b_Loop" Divider Option "01High-&c" "sgmusic i20_01High_c_Loop" Option "02Hi&gh-c" "sgmusic i20_02High_c_Loop" Option "0&3High-c" "sgmusic i20_03High_c_Loop" Divider } Menu "Low Loo&ps" { Divider Title "- Incarnate -" Title "Low Loops" Divider Divider Option "0&1Low-a" "sgmusic i20_01Low_a_Loop" Option "02Low-&a" "sgmusic i20_02Low_a_Loop" Option "03&Low-a" "sgmusic i20_03Low_a_Loop" Divider Option "01Low-&b" "sgmusic i20_01Low_b_Loop" Option "0&2Low-b" "sgmusic i20_02Low_b_Loop" Option "03L&ow-b" "sgmusic i20_03Low_b_Loop" Divider Option "01Low-&c" "sgmusic i20_01Low_c_Loop" Option "02Lo&w-c" "sgmusic i20_02Low_c_Loop" Option "0&3Low-c" "sgmusic i20_03Low_c_Loop" Divider } Menu "Pocket &D" { Divider Title "- Pocket D -" Divider Divider Option "Rave &1" "sgmusic NewRave1_loop" Option "Rave &2" "sgmusic NewRave2_loop" Option "Rave &3" "sgmusic NewRave3_loop" Option "Rave &4" "sgmusic NewRave4_loop" Option "Rave &5" "sgmusic NewRave5_loop" Option "Rave &6" "sgmusic NewRave6_loop" Divider } Menu "&Themes" { Divider Title "- Themes -" Divider Option "&New coh" "sgmusic H_music1_loop_new" Option "&coh Theme" "sgmusic H_music1_loop" Option "New &main menu" "sgmusic N_MenuMusic_loop" Option "Co&V main menu" "sgmusic V_Music1_loop" Option "Going Ro&gue" "sgmusic P_Music1_loop" Divider } Menu "+&Ambiance" { Divider Title "- +Ambiance -" Divider Divider Option "&Static Voiceover" "sgmusic BoomMix_loop" Option "&Guitar Balls" "sgmusic Chalet_loop" Option "&Old cassettes" "sgmusic Jukebox2_loop" Option "&Lounge trumpet" "sgmusic loungemusic1_loop" Option "&Harp + birds" "sgmusic Oroboros_loop" Option "S&ki chalet" "sgmusic Swiss_loop" Option "L&ive Tribal drums" "sgmusic Tiki4b_loop" Divider } Menu "&Uncategorized" { Divider Title "- Not yet -" Title "Categorized" Divider Divider Option "&Fast techno" "sgmusic BankHeist_loop" Option "Carni&val music" "sgmusic Carnival3_loop" Option "Drum &Kit" "sgmusic Cave2_loop" Option "&Trip Drone 4" "sgmusic Cave4_loop" Option "&Peaceful chords" "sgmusic CDEC_Lobby_Music_Loop" Option "&Ominous chanting" "sgmusic Chant1_loop" Option "Grung&y techno 1" "sgmusic Freakshow1_loop" Option "G&rungy techno 2" "sgmusic Freakshow2_loop" Option "F&ight Drama" "sgmusic GiantShivanMission_Loop" Option "&Jazzy techno" "sgmusic JMission5_loop" Option "&Heavy techno" "sgmusic SkullsRaveMusic_loop" Option "I&ncreasing drama" "sgmusic SigStoryArc_Combat_Loop" Option "&Up techno lite" "sgmusic SpeakeasyMusic_loop" Option "Slowed am&bien" "sgmusic SpookyCaveRoom_loop" Option "G&eneric techno" "sgmusic Stats_loop" Option "&Generic house" "sgmusic Studio55_01_Loop" Option "Peaceful Chor&ds" "sgmusic TsooAmb1_loop" Option "&Chinese beat" "sgmusic Yins2_loop" Option "Lo&w Rent violin" "sgmusic MusicStore_Loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End/Music Divider Divider ///////////////////////////////////////Ambience Title "Ambience" ///////////////////////////////////////Human Menu "&Human" { Divider Title "- Human -" Divider Divider Option "Coliseum Crowd &1" "sgmusic ColiseumCrowd_Ambience_1_loop" Option "Coliseum Crowd &2" "sgmusic ColiseumCrowd_Ambience_2_loop" Option "Coliseum Crowd &3" "sgmusic ColiseumCrowd_Ambience_3_loop" Option "Coliseum Crowd &4" "sgmusic ColiseumCrowd_Ambience_4_loop" Option "Cra&zy people 1" "sgmusic Agony1_loop" Option "&Crazy people 2" "sgmusic Agony2_loop" Option "Cro&wded bar" "sgmusic Bar2_loop" Option "&Quiet bar" "sgmusic BarAmb2_loop" Option "Crow&d" "sgmusic crwodamb2_loop" Option "&Restaurant crowd" "sgmusic FastFood_loop" Option "&Hospital room" "sgmusic hospital5_loop" Option "&Pool hall" "sgmusic PoolAmb1_loop" Option "Droning PA &voice" "sgmusic PropPA_loop" Option "&Booming PA voice" "sgmusic Propaganda1_loop" Option "&Mariachi band" "sgmusic Mariachi_loop" Option "Pol&ice radio" "sgmusic PRadio1_loop" Option "R&ecluse's speech" "sgmusic RecluseVO3_loop" Option "Di&storted voice" "sgmusic VoxStatic_loop" Option "Cr&owd and coins" "sgmusic gamblingamb1_loop" Option "&Faultline Donut" "sgmusic Donut_loop" Option "Pi&nball" "sgmusic Pinball1_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End/Human ///////////////////////////////////////Animals Menu "Anima&l" { Divider Title "- Animal -" Divider Divider Option "&Animal sounds" "sgmusic creatures_loop" Option "&Birds chirping" "sgmusic birds_loop" Option "&Chattering bats" "sgmusic Bats_Scattered_Loop" Option "Cric&kets" "sgmusic Grasshoppers-Crickets_Loop" Option "C&rickets, birds" "sgmusic CricketsBirds_loop" Option "Grass&hoppers" "sgmusic Grasshoppers_Loop" Option "&Insect noises" "sgmusic HamidonSeed_Idle_Loop" Option "M&essy eater" "sgmusic ActiveMold_loop" Option "&Monkey fight" "sgmusic MonkeyFight1_loop" Option "&Park birds" "sgmusic FirstWard_InvertedShadowyPaths_Loop" Option "Sea&gulls" "sgmusic gulls1_loop" Option "&Seaside Birds" "sgmusic Stringa_loop" Option "Some more g&ulls" "sgmusic WavesGulls_loop" Option "&Thar be monsters!" "sgmusic Giantoctopus_loop" Option "&Whale sounds" "sgmusic SeedOfHamidon_Breathing_Loop" Option "Wi&ld birds" "sgmusic EdenAmb1_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End/Animals ///////////////////////////////////////Wind Menu "&Wind" { Divider Title "- Wind -" Divider Divider Option "&Blowing leaves" "sgmusic windleaves2_loop" Option "Calm wind &2" "sgmusic Cave_Wind_02_Loop" Option "Calm wind &4" "sgmusic Cave_Wind_04_Loop" Option "Calm wind &5" "sgmusic Cave_Wind_05_Loop" Option "&Chilling wind" "sgmusic Wind_Wintry_Loop" Option "Deeper empty &air" "sgmusic room2_loop" Option "Distorted wi&nd" "sgmusic Apparitions_LieutenantAura_Loop" Option "Electrical St&orm" "sgmusic StormHit_loop" Option "Electr&ical thunder" "sgmusic rularuustorm_loop" Option "E&mpty air" "sgmusic room1_loop" Option "&Empty wind" "sgmusic KingsAmb1_loop" Option "Lo&ud wind" "sgmusic FirstWard_Wind_Hi_Loop" Option "L&ow distortion" "sgmusic Apparitions_MinionAura_Loop" Option "Quiet, ic&y wind" "sgmusic CloudOfIce_Loop" Option "&Quiet wind" "sgmusic CragsWind_Loop" Option "So&ft thunder" "sgmusic DestroyedOurorobos_Wind_Loop" Option "&Still, empty wind" "sgmusic FogWind_loop" Option "S&torm system" "sgmusic ChantryThunder_loop" Option "Sto&rm system 2" "sgmusic ChantryThunder2_loop" Option "Tumblewee&ds" "sgmusic Tumbleweed_Wind_Loop" Option "Tunnel &gush" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachine_loop" Option "&Wind" "sgmusic Windtunnel_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End/Wind ///////////////////////////////////////Liquid Menu "Li&quid" { Divider Title "- Liquid -" Divider Divider Title "I'm on a boat!" Menu "Ta&ke me to..." { Divider Title "- The River -" Divider Divider Title "Calm" Option "Calm &1" "sgmusic Cave_River_Alcove_01_Loop" Option "Calm &2" "sgmusic Cave_River_Alcove_02_Loop" Option "Calm &3" "sgmusic Cave_River_Alcove_03_Loop" Divider Divider Title "Flowing" Option "Flowing &A" "sgmusic Cave_River_CalmA_01_Loop" Option "Flowing &B" "sgmusic Cave_River_CalmB_01_Loop" Option "Flowing &C" "sgmusic Cave_River_CalmC_01_Loop" Divider Divider Title "Rushing" Option "Riv&er A" "sgmusic Cave_River_ActiveA_01_Loop" Option "&River B" "sgmusic Cave_River_ActiveB_01_Loop" Option "Ri&ver C" "sgmusic Cave_River_ActiveC_01_Loop" Divider Divider Title "Straight fallin'" Option "&Waterfall 1" "sgmusic WaterfallClose_01_Loop" Option "W&aterfall 2" "sgmusic WaterfallClose_02_Loop" Option "Water&fall 3" "sgmusic WaterfallClose_03_Loop" Option "a&s in Rain" "sgmusic N_Rain_Loop" Divider } Option "&Crashing Waves" "sgmusic WaterWaves_02Stereo_Loop" Option "S&horeline 1" "sgmusic FirstWard_WaterLapsBuilding01_Loop" Option "Shoreli&ne 2" "sgmusic FirstWard_WaterLapsBuilding02_Loop" Option "&The calm b4..." "sgmusic calmwater_loop" Divider Divider Title "In the echos" Option "Echoing Pool &1" "sgmusic Cave_Pool_01_Loop" Option "Echoing Pool &2" "sgmusic Cave_Pool_02_Loop" Option "Echoing Pool &3" "sgmusic Cave_Pool_03_Loop" Option "Echoing Pool &4" "sgmusic Cave_Pool_04_Loop" Option "Echo&ing Drip 1" "sgmusic Cave_Trickle_01_Loop" Option "Ech&oing Drip 2" "sgmusic Cave_Trickle_02_Loop" Option "Echoing Dri&p 3" "sgmusic Cave_Trickle_03_Loop" Divider Divider Title "Bubbles!" Option "&Bubbler" "sgmusic SeedofHamidon_LowHealth_Loop" Option "Bubb&ling Tank" "sgmusic LiquidTank_Loop" Option "R&U4 scuba?" "sgmusic HamidonSeed_Malignant_Continuing_Loop" Option "Unsettling &Gloop" "sgmusic gloop_loop" Option "Not so Tin&y" "sgmusic nemesisbubble_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End/Liquid ///////////////////////////////////////Tech Menu "T&ech" { Divider Title "- Tech -" Divider Divider Menu "&Mechanical" { Divider Title "- Mechanical -" Divider Divider Option "&Distant pulses 1" "sgmusic Flotilla_MachinePulse1_Loop" Option "Di&stant pulses 2" "sgmusic Flotilla_MachinePulse2_Loop" Option "R&attling machines" "sgmusic factoryrattle_loop" Option "&Wooden gears" "sgmusic WoodenGears2_loop" Divider } Menu "En&gines, and such" { Divider Title "- Loud -" Title "engines" Divider Divider Option "Engine &1" "sgmusic NemesisDrill_loop" Option "Engine &2" "sgmusic NemesisDrill2_loop" Option "&Slow engine" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachinePulse1_Loop" Option "S&lower Engine" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachinePulse2_Loop" Option "&Hi-pitched engine" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachineSqueak_Loop" Option "&Idle engine" "sgmusic nemesis2_loop" Option "&Obnoxious grinding" "sgmusic EmpowermentMachineSteam_Loop" Option "S&queaking fan" "sgmusic HD_loop" Option "&Machine fans" "sgmusic hipower_loop" Option "&Rotating generator" "sgmusic Turbine2_loop" Divider } Menu "&Pulsing and portal" { Divider Title "- Pulsing -" Title "and portals" Divider Divider Option "Pulsing &A" "sgmusic Portal2_loop" Option "Pulsing &B" "sgmusic Portal2b_loop" Option "&Obnoxious portal" "sgmusic 5thColumnPortal_loop" Option "O&roborus portal" "sgmusic OroborosPortal_loop" Option "&Distorted portal" "sgmusic vortex1_loop" Option "&Pulsing distortion" "sgmusic vortex3_loop" Option "&Low Pulse" "sgmusic ArachElev2_loop" Option "P&ulsing energy" "sgmusic GroundingRayIdle_Loop" Option "&Electrical pulsing" "sgmusic powermaul_loop" Divider } Menu "&Meep meep!" { Divider Title "- Meep Meep! -" Title "uh, beep I say!" Divider Divider Option "beep &1" "sgmusic robotbeep1_loop" Option "beep &2" "sgmusic robotbeep2_loop" Option "&IBeepM" "sgmusic beepIBM_loop" Option "&Erratic data" "sgmusic DataConsole1b_loop" Option "&Beeping computers" "sgmusic PhalanxAmb4_loop" Option "Bee&ping terminals" "sgmusic ControlRoom2_loop" Option "&Sonar" "sgmusic sonor2_loop" Divider } Option "&Distorted static" "sgmusic ArachnosStatic_loop" Option "&Rattling tech" "sgmusic Data2_loop" Option "&High-pitched Tin" "sgmusic Laser1_loop" Option "H&umming tech" "sgmusic particle_loop" Option "D&istorted tech" "sgmusic particlehit_loop" Option "Lo&w forcefield" "sgmusic pillboxforcefield_loop" Option "&Tinny forcefield" "sgmusic portal4_loop" Option "Err&atic distortion" "sgmusic RiktiDataRm2_loop" Option "E&lectrical crackle" "sgmusic Sapper2_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End/Tech ////////////////////////////////////Ringers Menu "&Ringers" { Divider Title "- Ringers -" Divider Divider Title "Bells" Option "&Church bells" "sgmusic ChurchBells_loop" Option "&Telephone" "sgmusic tele1_loop" Divider Divider Title "Sirens" Option "&With bells" "sgmusic Cellblock_loop" Option "With b&ells 2" "sgmusic Cellblock2_loop" Option "&Distant sirens" "sgmusic KingsRowSirens_Loop" Option "Kla&xon" "sgmusic klaxon2_loop" Option "&Siren Riot" "sgmusic outbreak4_loop" Option "&High-pitched" "sgmusic Siren1_loop" Option "&Prison riot" "sgmusic Prison1_loop" Divider Divider Title "Horns" Option "Water Engine &1" "sgmusic Boat1_loop" Option "Water Engine &2" "sgmusic Boat2_loop" Option "Water Engine &3" "sgmusic Boat3_loop" Option "Water Engine &4" "sgmusic Boat4_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End/Ringers ////////////////////////////////////Hum Menu "Hu&ms" { Divider Title "- Hums -" Divider Divider Option "Vibration &1" "sgmusic IDF_BattleOrbI_Idle_Loop" Option "Vibration &2" "sgmusic IDF_BattleOrbII_Idle_Loop" Option "Vibration &3" "sgmusic IDF_BattleOrbIII_Idle_Loop" Option "&Low, pulsing" "sgmusic Ruladak1_loop" Option "&Dimensional" "sgmusic RularuuMonumentBuild_loop" Option "&Hollow hum" "sgmusic BoneClub_loop" Option "&Slow, pulsing" "sgmusic Hamidon_Room_Loop" Option "&Quiet cave hum" "sgmusic ThePit_loop" Option "L&ow hum" "sgmusic Thermite_loop" Option "&Grinding hum" "sgmusic thorneyes_loop" Option "&Airy, mystic" "sgmusic RuneVox_loop" Option "Sh&rill whining" "sgmusic FirstWard_ShadowyOrb1_Loop" Option "&Electrical" "sgmusic electricalring_loop" Option "L&ight generator" "sgmusic Gen1_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End/Hum ////////////////////////////////////Creepy Menu "Creep&y" { Divider Title "- Creepy -" Divider Divider Option "&Distant beats" "sgmusic Cadence_loop" Option "The &Background" "sgmusic Spooky2_loop" Option "&Soft whispers" "sgmusic Mushroomportal_loop" Option "&Clacking noise" "sgmusic Flotilla_EngineRoom_Clack_Loop" Option "&Hollow Ship" "sgmusic Flotilla_EngineRoom_Water_Loop" Option "Crea&king metal" "sgmusic Flotilla_ShipCreaks1_Loop" Option "C&haos" "sgmusic generaldestruction_loop" Option "&Empty cave" "sgmusic Midnight_Club_01_Loop" Option "D&istorted echo" "sgmusic Sentinal3_loop" Option "&Tinny Alien" "sgmusic radiocom1_loop" Option "H&ushed whispers" "sgmusic Midnight_Club_Library_02_Loop" Option "&Warfare" "sgmusic Resistance_Ghouls_Battle1L_Loop" Option "Dista&nt, thumping" "sgmusic giantpump_loop" Option "St&reak" "sgmusic FirstWard_ShadowyComets_Loop" Option "&Grumble" "sgmusic FirstWard_Vortex1_Loop" Option "&Pulsing Blackwand2" "sgmusic Blackwand2_loop" Option "Cr&ystal Steam Pit" "sgmusic CrystalSteamPit_loop" Option "Low, Metal thu&mp" "sgmusic factory3_loop" Option "Low, metal thump &4" "sgmusic factory4_loop" Option "La&va" "sgmusic LavaBG_loop" Option "Rumbling l&ava" "sgmusic RobotRoom2_loop" Option "&Quiet burning" "sgmusic NemesisHalberd_loop" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////End/Creepy //////////////////////////////////////End/Ambience Divider Option "&Fade out" <&sgmusic ""&> Option "Ma&cro" "macroimage Tyrant_Lightning SGMPlayer popmenu SGMPlayer" Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////END/SGMPlayer /////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/EDIT B option "Set Pass&code" "show chat$$beginchat /sgpasscode " Divider Divider Title "Editor" Option "&Edit Base" "editbase 1$$Roomclip 1$$basedefaultsky 5$$baselightingtype 1" Menu "De&fault Sky" { Divider Title "- Default -" Title "Sky" Divider Divider Title "Options" Option "&Praetoria" "basedefaultsky 0" Option "&Atlas Park" "basedefaultsky 1" Option "&Boomtown" "basedefaultsky 2" Option "&Mercy Island" "basedefaultsky 3" Option "&Grandville" "basedefaultsky 4" Option "&Cimerora" "basedefaultsky 5" Option "&Night Ward" "basedefaultsky 6" Option "&Shadow Shard" "basedefaultsky 7" Option "S&torm Palace" "basedefaultsky 8" Option "&Dense Fog" "basedefaultsky 9" Option "R&ikti Invasion" "basedefaultsky 10" Option "&Zombie Apocalypse" "basedefaultsky 11" Option "P&raetorian Invasion" "basedefaultsky 12" Option "&Lighted Paths" "basedefaultsky 13" Option "S&hadowed Paths" "basedefaultsky 14" Option "Spaaaaaaaaaac&e!" "basedefaultsky 15" Divider } Menu "&Lighting Type" { Divider Title "- Lighting -" Title "Settings" Divider Divider Title "My Scenes" Option "&Worklight" "basedefaultsky 5$$baselightingtype 1" Option "Ind&oor-Space" "basedefaultsky 15$$baselightingtype 0" Divider Divider Title "Options" Option "&Indoor" "baselightingtype 0" Option "Outdoor S&ky" "baselightingtype 1" Option "O&utdoor Shadow" "baselightingtype 2" Divider } Menu "Grid Si&ze (F1)" { Divider Title "- Placement -" Title "Grid Snap" Divider Divider Title "Custom Small" Option "&1/16 Grid" "gridsnap .125" Option "&3/16 Grid" "gridsnap .375" Option "&5/16 Grid" "gridsnap .625" Option "&7/16 Grid" "gridsnap .875" Divider Divider Title "Default" Option "1/4 x 1/4 &Grid" "gridsnap .25" Option "1/2 x 1/2 G&rid" "gridsnap .5" Option "1 x De&fault" "gridsnap 1" Option "2 x 2 Gr&id" "gridsnap 2" Option "4 x 4 Gri&d" "gridsnap 4" Divider Divider Title "Custom Large" Option "&8 x 8 Grid" "gridsnap 8" Option "&1&6 x 16 Grid" "gridsnap 16" Option "3&2 x 32 Grid" "gridsnap 32" Option "50 x 50 Ma&x" "gridsnap 50" Option "&Custom (?)-50" "show chat$$beginchat /gridsnap " Divider Option "Disa&bled" "gridsnap 0" Divider } Menu "An&gle Snap (F2)" { Divider Title "- Rotation -" Divider Divider Title "Default" Option "1° &Snap" "anglesnap 1" Option "3° S&nap" "anglesnap 3" Option "5° &Default" "anglesnap 5" Option "&10° Snap" "anglesnap 10" Option "15° Sn&ap" "anglesnap 15" Option "30° Sna&p" "anglesnap 30" Option "&45° Snap" "anglesnap 45" Divider Divider Title "Custom" Option "&90° Snap" "anglesnap 90" Option "1&80° Snap" "anglesnap 180" Option "359° ma&x" "anglesnap 359" Option "0-&359°" "anglesnap$$show chat$$beginchat /anglesnap " Divider Option "0 Dis&play" "anglesnap" Option "0 Disa&bled" "anglesnap 0" Divider } Menu "&Room Clip (F3)" { Divider Title "- Room -" Title "Clipping" Divider Divider Option "E&nabled" "Roomclip 1" Option "Disa&bled" "Roomclip 0" Divider } Menu "&Hidden Markers" { Divider Title "- Display -" Title "Markers" Divider Divider Option "E&nabled" "seeeverything 1" Option "Disa&bled" "seeeverything 0" Divider } Divider Menu "Hot Ke&ys" { Divider Title "- Default Hot Keys -" Divider Divider Option "F1: . . /grid_snap_cycle" "gridsnapcycle" Option "F2: . . /angle_snap_cycle" "anglesnapcycle" Option "F3: . . /room_clip_cycle" "roomclipcycle" Option "F5: . . /attach_cycle" "attachcycle" Divider Option "Ctrl: . . Hold to move horizontally" "" Option "Shift: . . Hold to move vertically" "" Option "Alt: . . . Hold to spin primary axis" "" Option "Ctrl+Alt: Hold to spin secondary axis" "" Option "Shift+Alt: Hold to spin tertiary axis" "" Divider Option "R: . . . . /rotate 0" "rotate 0" Option "ESC: . . . /unselect" "unselect" Option "Tab: . . . /select_next" "selectnext" Option "Delete: . . /Sell" "Sell" Option "Ctrl+Y: . . /base_red&o" "baseredo" Option "Ctrl+Z: . . /base_&undo" "baseundo" Option "Shift+Tab: . /select_last" "selectlast" Divider Menu "Mouse Binds" { Divider Title "- Mouse -" Title "KeyBinds" Divider Divider Option "LeftDoubleClick: . /center" "center" Option "LeftClick: . . . /baseselect" "baseselect" Option "LeftDrag: . . . . /+mousedrag" "" Option "RightClick: . . . /rotate 0" "rotate 0" Divider } Divider } Option "E&xit Editor" "basedefaultsky 15$$baselightingtype 0$$editbase 0" Divider } /////////////////////////////////////////END/SGStuff Spoiler //////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/Teleporters v1.0 Title "Teleporters" Menu "Should I Sta&y" { Divider Title "- Stay -" Divider Divider Title "Pool Side!" Option "&Recall Target" "tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Teleport Friend" Menu "Or, &TeamSelect" { Divider Option "&1" "teamselect 1$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Recall Friend" Option "&2" "teamselect 2$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Recall Friend" Option "&3" "teamselect 3$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Recall Friend" Option "&4" "teamselect 4$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Recall Friend" Option "&5" "teamselect 5$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Recall Friend" Option "&6" "teamselect 6$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Recall Friend" Option "&7" "teamselect 7$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Recall Friend" Option "&8" "teamselect 8$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Recall Friend" Divider } Option "Teleport &Foe" "team red rover, red rover, $target$$powexeclocation forward:4 Teleport Foe" Option "Tea&m Teleport" "team buckle up gang.$$powexeclocation forward:8 Team Teleport" Divider Divider Title "Warshades" Option "Sha&dow Target" "tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Shadow Recall" Menu "Or, T&eamSelect" { Divider Option "&1" "teamselect 1$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Shadow Recall" Option "&2" "teamselect 2$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Shadow Recall" Option "&3" "teamselect 3$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Shadow Recall" Option "&4" "teamselect 4$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Shadow Recall" Option "&5" "teamselect 5$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Shadow Recall" Option "&6" "teamselect 6$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Shadow Recall" Option "&7" "teamselect 7$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Shadow Recall" Option "&8" "teamselect 8$$tell $target, buckle up.$$local, $target incomming$$powexeclocation forward:8 Shadow Recall" Divider } Option "&Starless Step" "team red rover, red rover, $target$$powexeclocation forward:4 Starless Step" Divider Option "Assem&ble Team" "team buckle up gang. Assemble Team Time!$$powexeclocation forward:8 Assemble the Team" Divider } Menu "Or, &Go Now" { Divider Title "- Go Now -" Divider Divider Option "&Team Transport" "powexecname Team Transporter" Option "Passcode C&heat" "Enterbasefrompasscode [code]" Option "&Base Teleport" "powexecname Base Transporter" Option "M&ission" "powexecname Mission Transporter" Divider Option "O&roborus" "powexeclocation forward:8 Ouroboros Portal" Option "Pocket &D" "powexecname Pocket D VIP Pass" Option "&Underground" "powexecname Underground Transporter" Divider Option "&Wentworth" "powexecname Enhanced Day Trader Teleporter" Option "Bla&ck Market" "powexecname Black Market Transporter" Option "Trad&ing House" "powexecname Trading House Transporter" Divider Option "Lo&ng Range TP" "powexecname Long Range Teleport" Option "Sh&adow Slip" "powexecname Shadow Slip" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////END/Teleports Spoiler //////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/n-erFace Title "n-erFace" Menu "Setti&ngs" { Divider Title "- Game -" Title "Settings" Divider Divider Option "Fullscreen" "fullscreen" Option "Game Return" "GameReturn" Option "Time and &Place" "loc$$whereami$$localtime$$servertime" Menu "Mouse and movement" { Divider Title "- Control -" Title "Commander" Divider Divider Title "Control" Option "Mouse Speed" "show chat$$beginchat /mousespeed" Option "In&vert Mouse" "++mouseinvert" Option "Toggle A&utorun" "++autorun" Option "Set Turn Speed" "show chat$$beginchat /speedturn " Option "&CTM Toggle" "ctmtoggle" Option "Turn Cam to Toon" "camturn" Option "Turn Toom to Cam" "playerturn" Option "Face &$tar" "face" Divider Menu "&Cursor Options" { Divider Title "- Cursor Options -" Divider Divider Title "Windows Cursors" Option "&Enable Cursors" "compatiblecursors 1" Option "Disale Cu&rsors" "compatiblecursors 0" Divider Divider Title "Cache Cursor" Option "En&able Smoother Changes" "cursorcache 1" Option "Di&sable Cursor Cache" "cursorcache 0" Divider } Divider } Menu "Camera" { Divider Title "- The Looking -" Title "Glass" Divider Divider Option "Toggle &1st Person" "++first" Option "Toggle &3rd Person" "++third" Option "T&oggle Mouse Look" "++canlook" Option "Zoom &In" "+zoomin" Option "Zoom &Out" "+zoomout" Option "Look&up" "+lookup" Option "Look&down" "+lookdown" Option "&Reset Camera" "camreset" Menu "Max Dista&nce" { Divider Title "- Set to Game -" Title "Limits" Divider Divider Option "Mouse W&heel: 80'" "camdist 80" Option "&Game World: 120'" "camdist 120" Option "&Base Editor: 800'" "camdist 800" Divider Option "or, &closer..." "show chat$$beginchat /camdist " Divider } Divider Divider Title "More Options" Option "Toggle Cloc&k" "++showtime" Menu "Display Cooldown" { Divider Title "- Cooldown -" Title "Display" Divider Divider Option "Off" "cooldownindicator 0" Option "Bottom" "cooldownindicator 1" Option "Top" "cooldownindicator 2" Option "Center" "cooldownindicator 3" Divider } Divider } Divider Divider Divider Option "List Command" "cmdlist" Option "List Windows" "windownames" Option "List Options" "optionlist" Divider Title "Performance" Menu "Bug Sha&kers" { Divider Title "- Bug Shakers -" Divider Divider Option "De&fault Priority" "priorityBoost Normal" Option "&Boost Priority" "priorityBoost Above Normal" Option "A&uto Performance" "++autoperf$$autoperf" Option "S&ync To Server" "Sync" Option "Cor&rect Net Error 1" "neterrorcorrection 1" Option "Correc&t Net Error 2" "neterrorcorrection 2" Option "Reload &Graphics" "reloadgfx" Divider } Menu "FPS Manager" { Divider Title "- FPS Monitor -" Divider Divider Option "On/Off" "++showfps" Option "Update 1min" "showfps 60" Option "Update 30sec" "showfps 30" Option "Update 1sec" "showfps 1" Divider Divider Title "Settings" Option "Maximum Relit vertices" "maxColorTrackerVerts 5000" Option "No cap on relit vertices" "++fullRelight" Divider Option "&View Settings" "showfps$$graphfps$$maxfps$$maxinactivefps" Option "Chan&ge Active Value" "show chat$$beginchat /maxfps " Option "C&hange Inactive Value" "show chat$$beginchat /maxinactivefps " Option "Restore De&fault" "maxfps 0$$maxinactivefps 0" Divider Menu "Hi&nt:" { Divider Title "- Set FPS Value -" Title "Between 1 & 999" Divider } Divider Divider Title "Graphs" Menu "Netgraph" { Divider Title "- Netgraph -" Divider Divider Option "Large" "netgraph 2" Option "Small" "netgraph 1" Option "Off" "netgraph 0" Divider Divider Title "What's it say?" Menu "DUPLICATE IN:" { Option "Should be 0 or, at least low" "" Option "Definitely, it increasing is bad" "" } Menu "Retransmitted:" { Option "packets sent more than once." "" Option "temporary outage? over-crowding?" "" } Menu "LOST IN:" { Option "Expected packets that NEVER ARRIVED." "" Option "difference from Retransmit is important" "" } Menu "Ping/Latency:" { Option "Client measures constantly." "" Title "0-250 - Great" Title "250-500 - Average" Title "500-1200 - Laggy" Title "1200+ Disconnet" Divider Option "Send: Total sent" "" Option "RECV: Total Recieved" "" } Divider } Menu "Single" { Divider Title "- Single -" Title "Graphs" Divider Divider Option "1=SWA&P" "graphfps 1" Option "2=&GPU" "graphfps 2" Option "4=CP&U" "graphfps 4" Option "8=SL&I" "graphfps 8" Divider } Menu "Double" { Divider Title "- Double -" Title "Graphs" Divider Divider Option "1=SWAP/2=GPU" "graphfps 3" Option "1=SWAP/4=CPU" "graphfps 5" Option "2=GPU/4=CPU" "graphfps 6" Option "8=SWAP/1=SLI" "graphfps 9" Option "8=GPU/2=SLI" "graphfps 10" Option "8=CPU/4=SLI" "graphfps 12" Divider } Menu "Triple+" { Divider Title "- Triple -" Title "Graphs" Divider Divider Option "1=SWAP/2=GPU/4=CPU" "graphfps 7" Option "8=SWAP/2=GPU/1=SLI" "graphfps 11" Option "8=SWAP/1=CPU/4=SLI" "graphfps 13" Option "8=GPU/2=CPU/4=SLI" "graphfps 14" Divider Title "SLI-Only Quad" Title " (8+1+2+4)" Option "SWAP/GPU/CPU/SLI" "graphfps 15" Divider } Divider } Divider Divider Title "Graphics" Menu "Render S&cale" { Divider Title "- Rendering -" Divider Divider Option "&View Settings" "userenderscale$$renderscalex$$renderscaley$$renderscalefilter" Option "E&nable Render Thread" "++renderthread" Option "Disa&ble Render Thread" "++norenderthread" Option "&Enable Render Scale" "userenderscale 1" Option "&Render Scale" "show chat$$beginchat /renderscale " Menu "Scale Si&ze" { Divider Title "- Scale Size -" Divider Divider Option "A&djust Horizontal Scale" "show chat$$beginchat /renderscalex " Option "Adju&st Vertical Scale" "show chat$$beginchat /renderscaley " Option "Horizont&al and Vertical" "show chat$$beginchat /renderscalesize" Divider Option "Set UI Scale" "show chat$$beginchat /uiscale " Option "Set Name Scale" "show chat$$beginchat /namescale " Divider } Option "&Scale Filter Method" "show chat$$beginchat /renderscalefilter " Option "Disable Re&nderscale" "userenderscale 0" Divider Menu "Inacti&ve Client Rendering" { Divider Title "- Rendering -" Title "Inactive Client" Divider Divider Option "&View Settings" "stopinactivedisplay" Option "&Stop Rendering" "stopinactivedisplay 1" Option "Keep Ren&dering" "stopinactivedisplay 0" Divider } Divider } Menu "&Anti-Aliasing" { Divider Title "- FSAA -" Divider Divider Option "&View Settings" "fsaa" Option "Chan&ge Value" "show chat$$beginchat /fsaa " Divider } Menu "Anisotro&pic" { Divider Title "- Anisotropic -" Title "Filtering" Divider Divider Option "&View Settings" "texaniso" Option "Chan&ge Value" "show chat$$beginchat /texaniso " Divider } Menu "Element &Detail" { Divider Title "- Game -" Title "Elements" Divider Divider Option "Toggle &Sun Flares" "++nosunflare$$nosunflare" Option "Toggle &Sun Flares" "++nosunflare$$nosunflare" Option "Toggle Water E&ffects" "++usewater" Option "Toggle S&imple Shadows" "++ss$$ss" Option "Support LightFX/AlienFX" "++supportHardwareLights" Divider Menu "Supress Close F&X" { Divider Title "- Supress -" Title "Close FX" Divider Divider Option "Turn on Suppr&ession" "suppresscloseFX 1$$suppressclosefxdist 0.0" Option "Set Camera &Distance" "show chat$$beginchat /suppressclosefxdist " Option "No Sup&ression" "suppressclosefx 0$$suppressclosefxdist 0.0" Divider } Menu "&HDR Lighting Effects" { Divider Title "- HDR -" Title "Lighting" Divider Divider Option "Set to Tone&mapping" "usehdr tonemapping" Option "Set to &Bloom" "usehdr bloom" Menu "Ad&just Bloom Shader" { Divider Title "- Bloom -" Title "Scale" Divider Divider Option "&Set at 2" "bloomscale 2" Option "S&et at 4" "bloomscale 4" Divider Divider Title "Set Weight" Option "bet&ween 0.0-2.0" "show chat$$beginchat /bloomweight " Divider } Divider Option "Togg&le Focal Point" "++usefp" Divider } Menu "Depth of &Field" { Divider Title "- Depth -" Title "of Field" Divider Divider Option "Toggle On/O&ff" "++usedof" Option "&View Setting" "dofweight" Divider Divider Title "Set Weight" Option "&between 0.0-2.0 " "show chat$$beginchat /dofweight " Divider } Menu "Dra&w Distance" { Divider Title "- Draw -" Title "Distance" Divider Divider Option "&View Setting" "visscale" Option "Restore De&fault" "visscale 1" Option "Set between 1-20" "show chat$$beginchat /visscale " Divider } Menu "2D S&prite Drawing" { Divider Title "- 2D -" Divider Divider Option "Disa&ble 2D" "disable2d 1" Option "E&nable 2D" "disable2d 0" Divider } Divider } Divider } //////////////////////////////////////END/n-erFace Spoiler //////////////////////////////////////BEGIN/Quits v1.0 Menu "&Quits" { Divider Title "- Quit What? -" Divider Divider Title "The Mission?" Option "Y&ea, we're done." "requestexitmission" Option "RESET-Q&UIT TEAM" "teamquitinternal" Divider Divider Title "Quit Game?" Option "&Quit?! Alts, yo!" "quittocharacterselect" Option "To Login&s, Kenny!" "quittologin" Option "Shut it &down boss" "quit$$dialogyes$$dialoganswer Accept" Divider } //////////////////////////////////////END/Quits Divider LockedOption { DisplayName " ~ mApps by qwy" Badge "X" } } //////////////////////////////////////End//mApps Apps-lite.mnu Edited July 19, 2020 by qwy broke in to sections 1 Guides MMPetMouse | Expanded MM Numpad Controls | Chain Attack Assitant | Load/SaveFile - Relative Paths | KeyBindReset - Basics Of Going Global. SGMusic.mnu - Popmenu Audio Player for your SG Base See my profile for some of my other projects.
DarkWings Posted July 22, 2020 Author Posted July 22, 2020 Wow, that's an amazing popmenu. Thanks for sharing @qwy! 1 Guides & Popmenus: The Consolidated List of Popmenus MM Emotes for Pets Popmenu
Profit Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 (edited) Edited August 7, 2020 by Profit 2 There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
Hyperstrike Posted June 1, 2021 Posted June 1, 2021 (edited) Have a new version of my Rikti Mothership Raid for HC! This one has been cleaned of "Rush the Rikti" names. Since RtR was a Protectorism. And HC isn't Protector. Also removed the 14 redundant zone invites since the days of asking a dev to spawn you a new zone are effectively done. Now, you have invite menus for 2 options. Zone Instanced Also replaced @Hyperstrike with $name so you don't need to go in and edit it yourself. Still trying to figure out if there's a way to auto-insert zone-name. Like $zone (my digging into this is VERY cursory at this point). Note: You WILL have to edit your bind button. Since the script/mnu is now MSRHC. Simple enough to do though. Right click on the macro button. Select EDIT Change the name of the menu from RTR to MSRHC Reboot the game. MSRHC.mnu Edited May 2, 2023 by Hyperstrike If you want to be godlike, pick anything. If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!
DarkWings Posted June 4, 2021 Author Posted June 4, 2021 On 5/31/2021 at 11:52 PM, Hyperstrike said: Have a new version of my Rikti Mothership Raid for HC! This one has been cleaned of "Rush the Rikti" names. Since RtR was a Protectorism. And HC isn't Protector. Also removed the 14 redundant zone invites since the days of asking a dev to spawn you a new zone are effectively done. Now, you have invite menus for 2 options. Zone Instanced Also replaced @Hyperstrike with $name so you don't need to go in and edit it yourself. Still trying to figure out if there's a way to auto-insert zone-name. Like $zone (my digging into this is VERY cursory at this point). Note: You WILL have to edit your bind button. Since the script/mnu is now MSRHC. Simple enough to do though. Right click on the macro button. Select EDIT Change the name of the menu from RTR to MSRHC Reboot the game. MSRHC.mnu 9.96 kB · 2 downloads Thanks for the update! I've just added it in. Guides & Popmenus: The Consolidated List of Popmenus MM Emotes for Pets Popmenu
Crystal Dragon Posted February 8, 2024 Posted February 8, 2024 Hi, I wrote a quick popmenu macro for Chat Ranges a while back and have it up on Michiyo's modder library for anyone to use. 🙂 Roleplaying mentor volunteer, and mentorship contributor. Chatrange Popmenu/Where to find me/Beginners Links
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