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Forum Reputation


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Ok, I like the new badges (sorta) but, really miss my reputation points being on display. 


It was sorta like an epeen, showing it off, and sometimes throwing it around. If someone had one bigger, well then you always know someone who is...well bigger than them.


Now I gotta go look at someone profile to figure out if they know what they are talking about.


Yes, yes, I do realize some experts do not post that much, but, hey I figure they are just above such things or they have a rainman thing going on. Besides, it was a source of pride if I didn't know something I could call on the appropriate person on any subject based on their overall knowledge or specific people who are masters of their craft.

BECAUSE, those numbers to me equated their knowledge of such matters. Example Claw/SR @Bill Z Bubba or dark/dark @Snarky or market economy @Yomo Kimyata.


Those people and others have high reputation because they are masters of those areas and help alot of people because of their knowledge. Now, I know there are others who post stuff just to talk or they are whimsical in their process to discuss things and they have high reps but, in their own way they contribute and face it, these people get those high numbers because other people like what their laying down.

Obviously people are going to be mixed on this but, honestly I used to look at those numbers as an accomplishment and as a point if the advice they were giving was something that could be trusted.

Do I trust Bill Z telling me about def numbers or do I trust Larry fart smacker with 2 points?

I think you know my position on this.


Final note don't hate on this its an opinion.

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The Revenants twitch channel, come watch us face plant, talk smack, and attempt to be world class villains.

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Thats what i used to see under each avatar but now its just the picture and i have to go into their profile to see it.  Also he mentioned badges and i thought they were disabled but my phone and computer dont show badges anywhere and rep only on inspecting a profile.

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I also still see the number of posts and reputation under the avatar pic, just like before.


I wonder if there's an option that you need to check, or uncheck, that will fix this issue.

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Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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6 minutes ago, Troo said:

@The_Warpact yep. New options are likely the issue. @Cipher may be of some assistance at their convenience.

Well sum b!tch, it is just on mobile, shows up fine on the ole pc.


The Revenants twitch channel, come watch us face plant, talk smack, and attempt to be world class villains.

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as long as I'm getting a 'like' 'thumbsup' or 'thanks' out of this, that's all that really matters. 😉



Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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Desktop view still shows reputation. I don't see it in mobile. I don't know what you mean by badges, though.

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5 minutes ago, Bopper said:

I don't know what you mean by badges, though.

When the forum update hit a couple of days ago we had forum badges that were displayed.


Then crybabies cried that it'd create a class system where their precious opinions would be ignored because they weren't part of the Forum Illuminati, and they'd be gulaged, and it wasn't fair, etc, etc, etc.


So the devs canned the whole thing about 15 minutes later.


Edited by PeregrineFalcon
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Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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Did your browser scaling change? Things like zoom, text size, etc.

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huh, IDK...I check the forums occasionally on my tablet, but mostly on computer, so if they've added a mobile version I'm not sure I've seen it yet.

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

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Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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Member was a word people used to refer to a penis, without saying "penis", in the past.

So we're all dicks now.


Actually, we're all multiple dicks now.  Bags of dicks.  Members.  Plural.


Go ahead.  Try to rinse that out of your brains.  🙂

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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I can't tell the difference now that the rep is gone from the mobile view. I used to read posts on my phone, but now I don't have the ability to see the reputation of others. 


Of course, that's fine. Mobile view tends to have fewer features anyways. 

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You silly people and your phones. How many times do I have to say it? Phones are for talking with people. Seriously! That's why they were made. So you could talk to people. Browsing the forums is for a PC, or ...(shudder) a Mac, if that's all you have. 

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