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10% Completion Rate


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Number of alts:  249

Number of 50s:  6

# of Incarnates:  5  (T4s:  2)


In addition to those characters, I have a bunch more characters at level 1 because I keep looking for new character ideas to fill the void left by those concepts I couldn't fulfill because the names I wanted were already taken... probably irritating other people who wanted some of the names I used and have just sitting between level 1 and 5.  Craziness.


I'm not sure what my completion rate is, but I don't think I'll ever complete everything on even one character.



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11 hours ago, DSorrow said:

None of my characters have full T4s. This happens mostly because none of my characters have Judgment as I don't like the effect having it has on gameplay (plus, it's often pretty hard to justify concept wise) and I take the T3 Lore just for the +1. The rest of the incarnate abilities are usually a mix of T3/T4 depending on how much benefit the upgrade from T3 to T4 would yield.

I always take and use Lore pets because they're fairly easy to justify concept wise, for me.   I figure that once a character becomes such a big deal that they're level 50, they ought to have retainers or some such.  Thinking up names for them is an amusing exercise.  I tend to reuse just a few lores; most of my characters have Cimerorans or Talons/Knives of Vengeance; Anima Sola is the exception, she has Phantoms.  The practical reason for these choices is that I refuse to unleash pets the size of BP Ravagers on teams.  

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TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

Spread My Legions - #207 | Lawyers of Ghastly Horror - #581 | Jerk Hackers! - #16299 | Ecloga Prima - #25362 | Deth Kick Champions! - #25818 | Heaven and Hell - #26231 | The Legion of Super Skulls - #27660 | Cathedral of Mild Discomfort - #38872 | The Birch Conspiracy! - #39291

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19 Alts/10 lvl 50s (3 Tanks, 1 Controller, 1 Sent, 1 Dom, 1 Brute, 1 Blaster, 1 Stalker, 1 MM)



Only one is T4 incarnate x6 (77 Veteran Levels, last I checked)

Half of the remaining are at least +3 lvl shifted

the rest have at least Alpha t3 (+1 lvl shifted)


All these level 50 incarnates, you'd think I'd join a TinPex but have never done one.



Of the remaining 9, 1 (a second MM),I am for sure taking to 50, 1 Corruptor and one Defender who will probably never reach 50. The rest are just to join low level teams to help. 


What my play experience tells me. I enjoy teaming at low levels much more that post 50. Once I get to a certain point, I just do it myself. However, I can count on one hand the number of DFB I have done. I don't do many TF's. I always join in on Giant Monster kills though. More for the badge than for the Merits. 

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  • Victory: reserved for future use
  • Indom: Schtick, Pummel Pete, Plymouth, Pilkington
  • Reunion: Ghost Legacy, 7s7e7v7e7n7, Mind Funk, Bluto
  • Excelsior: Phrendon Largo, Fred Bumbler, John van der Waals,Allamedia Jones, Tzapt, Sn1pe
  • Torchbearer: Phrendon Largo, Kenny Letter,  Bewm, La Merle, Enflambe', Rock Largo, Bulk of the Weather, Retired Phrendon
  • Everlasting: Phrendon Largo, Krown, Buzz Words, Bicycle Repairman, Dee Fender, Carmela Soprano, Radmental Boy, Beet Salad, Sporanghi,Sue Ahn Cuddy, Fukushima Technician, Snow Globe Girl, Thug Therapist, Apple Brown Betty
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I always play all of my alts to 50, I have yet to quit one alt. Some slower than others. I play on concept, so that drives my playing not how uber or difficult the alt is to play or team or solo.


Most of my alts will hit 50 and then stop, no incarnates, no set IOs (beyond basic utilitarian one-offs like Celerity: Stealth, etc.).


I saved many custom-made MIDS files from Live (provided by a wonderful in-game friend); am rebuilding those. About a dozen of them, and those will be my only incarnates. Eventually. When I win some sort of in-game lottery. 😜


As for "how far I incarnate" the goal is always T3 for the powers that give a level shift. The others will depend on how often I play that incarnate alt after that. I rarely T4, though I am well on my way on one of two incarnates I have right now just because I play/grind them alot.


Edited by CFIndustries
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49 minutes ago, Leetdeth said:

"Done"? What is "done"? You mean people can just be finished playing a character? Incomprehensible.


Oh, my "finished" ones definitely still get played. The support types even get played most-often on not-nearly-50-yet teams. XD

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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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1 hour ago, Leetdeth said:

"Done"? What is "done"? You mean people can just be finished playing a character? Incomprehensible.

Not finished playing them just finished (insert whatever finished means to you..build, badges, incarnates...whatever).



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I got 14 I consider finished and 2 that are "works-in-progress" 


As for slowing down...Started playing day the server went live and played almost everyday for awhile but have not played much these last couple of weeks. Just felt the need to take a break. Been catching up on some movies and TV shows. 

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  • 2 weeks later

The more I play, the more the way I play seems to change. 

For quite some time, I would make a character, and play it through to t-4, one of each, and get all 4 blue side accolades. Get them t-4'd, then start the next character. 

Eventually, I transitioned to get 3 blue side accolades, and invader. 

Now, I get 2 accolades (Atlas, PJ) on blue and the equivalent of Freedom Phalanx and TFC (Invader) on red side. 

Some characters, I don't even bother with playing until they reach 50 - but I rarely do this, because I have less invested in them, and it's much easier to park them and forget about them. Still, I give them a specific use - like hold the Anti-matter and Siege missions for future alts. 


Even my incarnate play has changed. I used to do the countless Baf/lambda...but as soon as I realized we got random uncommons and rares for badges and Master runs (respectively) I won't do normal runs. Only badge runs. If I can get 4 uncommons, a rare and a reward table for one trial -- why the blue blazes would I waste time on a non-badge run? Why do any of us? Granted, not every run is a success, and MoM can't be done in one run, but the badge efforts still reduce the time invested in the incarnate process. Now my characters end up with a few transcendent merits to pass on to alts instead of just one. Eight iTrials - that's 64 emps I don't have to burn for rare salvage. 

To go along with that, lately, I've been badging a LOT. My "main" has them all already. But I have a second who's just lacking day jobs and events that require I wait until May. A third needs some redside and gold side stuff and all those horrid farming afk type deals - damage taken, damage dished out, inf earned, as well as day jobs and events - but still has over 1250. These silly efforts serve a purpose - to slow down so I'm not burning through the same content weekly like I was. With the badging, I still make other characters - but I just play them for a mission or two, use up the patrol xp and park them at another day job. 

As far as "Completion Percentage" goes...I have completed 1 out of 56, the one with all 1531 badges. 
As far as t-4 in each incarnate slot, I have completed 42 out of 56, so 75%.


The other 14 are working on day jobs until I get to them, but often, I'll roll something new if it occurs to me. 

Edited by Ukase
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I think I have a low completion rate.  Those peeps down there in my sig are still my only 50s in HC.  I know I started a couple of Sents that never went anywhere past maybe 20, and I seem to have an aversion to both melee and ranged fighters who do nothing but pew-pew-pew and smash-smash-smash; my highest level of any of those is an MA scrapper who was definitely fin, but from whom I've drifted away a bit about the time he hit 37 or so.  But I also have maybe twice as many incompletes as I do 50s right now.


I know I have been playing less too, it's like after I completed Midnight Bridge (there in my sig, again) I sort of felt like "here's a place to stop and look around and think about what do I wanna do next?"  And then found out I couldn't really think of something to do next.  I've level a few alts to something like 28, 37, 40 since then, but I'm not playing nearly as much (the Halloween event may bring that time played back up, that always excites me).

Edited by Clave Dark 5
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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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Likely <5%.
But >50% of my roster is level 50. An interesting change compared to Live.
I actually love feeling some sense of progression, so unless I'm truly fond of a character, they'll tend to stall after hitting T3 incarnates - just so I have something to "work" on when I pick them back up.
(The characters I'm truly fond of will be put through so many challenges they will need alternate Incarnates for each appropriate situation, so I will have plenty to work on regardless.)

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On 9/18/2020 at 4:03 PM, EmmySky said:

Not finished playing them just finished (insert whatever finished means to you..build, badges, incarnates...whatever).



Ah, so 0% for me. With the exception of my main crafter kind of working on memorizing all of the tiers, I have no particular goals (stats, incarnates, builds, IO sets, etc.) in mind.


One of these days, one of my 80+ characters (and counting) may hit level 50. I figure they'll let me know when they get there. 🙂

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I have 66 toons
26 of which are 50, only a handful have T4s. The rest are waiting in line for play time to get their alphas unlocked or progress with incarnate stuff. One or two will never slot incarnates because that's what their concept dictates. And concept is king.

31 are concepts that I like, have test driven and will most likely progress as soon I get around to playing them. During the course of levelling them up, costume changes and name changes often happen as their concept develops (along with power picks and play style). Rarely, but still happens, they get re-rolled to a more fitting AT). But sooner or later, they will get their alphas and T4s.

The rest are drafts. some will stay (with probably a little tweaking here and there), most will undergo massive changes, others will be deleted.

So far I've played almost all of the ATs except Tanks, Controllers, and Stalkers. And from the rest, my favourites so far are Spiders and Blasters. But that's not to say I don't enjoy the others: some concepts are perfect for specific ATs, even though I'm not too good with those ATs. I've also tried most power sets, but nowhere near all combinations. I have my preferences and dislikes which dictates most of the pairings I do.

I'm learning Defenders, Warshades and Masterminds now. I suppose I'm still searching for That One Toon. But I won't find it until I've tried most of them. The only thing holding me back is inf revenue. 😃

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I have 8 characters (though a couple are facing deletion).

1 is 50. And I've no idea what level incarnate, I just put things in when things appear there 🤣

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I used to play under the handle @Purple Clown, back on Live. Now I play under @Lunchmoney


I'm in the UK and play on Reunion.


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On 9/17/2020 at 4:08 PM, EmmySky said:

I have been playing (every single day) since August 8, 2019.  I have 110 toons and 11 of them are full T4 incarnates, effectively finished.  They will, of course, still get to come out and play, especially with theme teams and farming and whatnot.  I still have spurts of new toon ideas, but I am trying to be more responsible to my girls and give them the time they deserve rather than always making new ones.  Right now, I finished another room in my base and am going to sit down to play some toon, but it is a giant game of eeny meeny minee moe to decide which one!  


What is your completion rate and how important is it?  Does it matter at all?


Have you found yourself slowing down after a year or more (or less) of being back in our beloved City?

Nice thread!


What is your completion rate and how important is it?




I have 103 characters created with 16 at level 50.  For me completion means the character has all T4 incarnates and the 4 passive accolades.  I actually track my 50s in a spreadsheet, so I know who I need to work on.  I also like to get all the day jobs on my 50s and I have a target of $100M influence for each 50, but I don't use those metrics as completion metrics.


I have 8 complete and 8 in progress.  I have 2 50s that need Freedom Phalanx Reserve accolade and 2 50s that need both the Freedom Phalanx Reserve and Portal Jockey accolades for me to consider them complete.  I should knock those out to up my completion percentage.


Does it matter at all?


It does to a certain extent or I wouldn't bother tracking it, but not enough to make me feel like I need to complete a 50 fully before moving to another character.


I have started a rotation where I will play a character to a certain level and then let him sit until he has full patrol XP.  I then alternate between 10 to 15 characters between levels 20 and 49.  Sometimes I will be enjoying a character and will continue to play him to 50.  I will also usually log in to one of 50s that is in progress and do a Hami raid, or Ephram Shah, or SSA / Incarnate content to get threads or EMPs to keep progressing.  I enjoy the journey to 50 because there are so many options for ways to progress, so while completing a 50 is something I like to do I am okay if it doesn't happen immediately.



Have you found yourself slowing down after a year or more (or less) of being back in our beloved City?


My play time has gone down quite a bit from last year as I was concerned the game wouldn't last and I needed my fix.  I still play 5 to 7 times per week, but my session times have gone down drastically.  I might just play a Hami raid one day or do a quick story arc.  Over the labor day weekend I played a lot, but during normal weeks I would guess my play time is down to less than 7 hours per week.  Which I guess might still be a lot more than others...


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Total alts: 57

Alts at level 50: 10 (17.5%)

Alts at level 50 with a solid build, T4 alpha, and full accolades: 3 (5.2%)


None of my alts have full T4 incarnate powers. My main (Bastille Boy) is close; his incarnate powers are T4 except for a T3 judgment. In general, I'm not a big fan of Lore, so full T4 incarnates isn't a good measure of completeness for me.


The thread reminds me that one of my favorite alts (Herocatcher Jake) only has 2/4 accolades and is missing the easiest one (Atlas Medallion). I should probably "finish" this character, as he's central to the backstory of most of my other alts.

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Alts: 79

level 50s: 65

"Complete" level 50s (t4, accos, IOd): 58

level 50s WIP (currently incarnating): 3

created for meta gaming purposes and don't even have SOs slotted: 4

level 1s (waiting to be activated): 10

Actively leveling (2-49): 4


So, percent of all alts that are "complete": 73%

Percent of 50s completed: 89%


It's very bittersweet to hit all t4 sometimes.  Someone finally gets "perfected" but, for me, the urge to move on to the next combo is greater than the want to keep on playing the finalized form.

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