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What is the dumbest way the game has confused you?

ninja surprise

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54 minutes ago, Doomguide2005 said:

     Posted this awesome build (well I thought so anyway) to the RO Network forums with capped defenses ... then got reminded that you couldn't attack with Afterburner on.  Sigh back to the drawing board.


Finding Evasive Maneuvers defense doesn't stay that way... After respecing 4 toons....2 of them peacebringers.


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My first time respeccing on Live I really had no clue that you couldn't change primary/secondaries.  So I kept failing respec efforts in frustration until someone (on the boards) explained it to me.  After all that effort beating the Terra Volta trial I was like "Seriously?!?!?!  I'm still stuck with these two powersets?!?!"  


Then, of course, I contracted Altitis. 

Edited by Crysis
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10 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


Not to mention that you took the fly pool on a PB........... 🙂


To be fair, you couldn't always do that.  Kheldians weren't allowed to take the Fly or Teleport pools on live servers since the powers came with the ATs out of the box.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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I'm sure I've mentioned this before but way back when I first started playing, it was issue 3. And the only reason I know that is a short time later, the Arenas and issue 4 hit, and frankly, I was surprised. 

It never occurred to me that a company would make a game, sell it - and then change it after I bought it. It feels a lot like "bait and switch" to me, and I'm still surprised that this is done. At the time, I wasn't experienced enough as a player to know who was talking sense and who was ...just talking, but the changes weren't popular to my recollection. But, nobody seemed to be suing for bait and switch, and I was just learning what an MMO was. I got the game having no idea what an MMO was. I knew it was an acronym, but I don't recall seeing on the box what it actually meant. I was quite shocked to learn that these other characters were other people playing the game. It was a good while before I figured that out. I think it was a blind team invite that made it clear. 

But that's not the dumbest way. And the dumb part is on me, not the game, or maybe we share the burden. 

This is the best way I can explain it, by this picture. Look at the Allowed Enhancements. In this particular power, there are 6 types allowed. So, I blindly slotted one of each. 
So, this power was the first power chosen, to accompany the given power, Electric Fence. 


Take note that in Electric Fence, 7 types are allowed. I believe I was level 24, following a respec trial, when this conundrum of how to slot 7 types when I only had 6 slots. A "Mr. Sticky", whom I'd just completed the 24-33 respec trial with began to dig a little more deeply behind the reason for my question. He then suggested I look at the forums. I had no idea there were forums! I can't be sure, but I'm pretty sure registration didn't occur through the forums, but through email and the game itself. But, it's been a while, I could certainly be wrong. 

In any event, that's how I learned "Allowed Slotting" meant options, not policy. That's my dumbest moment in game, I think. That and pursuing all the badges on more than one character. 


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3 hours ago, Fire Chief said:

Forgetting I have the chat box highlighted and I'm hitting the W key and not going anywhere and looking down and seeing I have three rows of W's  🙂


Believing I have the chat box active and typing a command with R in it, and running headlong into the nearest spawn.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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3 hours ago, Luminara said:


Believing I have the chat box active and typing a command with R in it, and running headlong into the nearest spawn.


Or triggering a bunch of binds and firing off some attacks, opening an Ouroboros portal, and munching a handful of inspirations...


5 hours ago, Ukase said:

In any event, that's how I learned "Allowed Slotting" meant options, not policy. That's my dumbest moment in game, I think. 


Honestly though, your reading of the text makes perfectly obvious sense when you don't know it actually means something else.


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CoH being my first MMO, when I started I didn't know how to switch chat channels. (To be fair, I don't think the Quick Start instructions with the game disk I took home from a convention included anything about them.) I got up to level 7 or so on my first toon and level 8 on my second toon only chatting in Local, so when we were running around in Troll tunnels, sometimes my team couldn't hear me. When someone tried to explain it by saying "there are little buttons down in your chat window that help you switch," I said "Uh, no there aren't," because I didn't register those tiny cubes as buttons. So my faithful friend The Green Line said, "okay, just type /team and then your message" and off I went. For the next week or whatever (I don't know how long) I was marveling at how fast other people could type /team before sending their messages. When I expressed this to another player, he started laughing and I figured out the buttons.

Edited by Milk Sheik
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Refight the Trojan War and stop Arachnos in the time-traveling "Dr. Aeon and the Wrath of Achilles," 5 missions full of heroic allies and smash/lethal EBs, AE#31899!

Torchbearer Greek & Roman theme SG and coalition -- "Polias" -- always looking for new members!

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First toon, first time.


I'm dutifully destroying ALL the bad guys between the old mission and the new one, because... "Look, they're stealing that nice lady's purse!"


My friend took me aside and explained the respawn mechanic. Cue Don Quixote moment.

Finish new mish, return to town to see they still haven't gotten her purse away from her!

"Windmills, indeed!"

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Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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On 1/12/2022 at 5:01 PM, Fire Chief said:

Forgetting I have the chat box highlighted and I'm hitting the W key and not going anywhere and looking down and seeing I have three rows of W's  🙂


And holding down backspace to delete the string of letters takes too long so all you can do is hit enter and broadcast your clumsiness for all to see.

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i saw somewhere in chat that there was more XP in mobs ....

So I charged in thinking more XP per target .... got mowed down.

Debt for days

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 Forums  - a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

"it will be a forum for consumers to exchange their views on medical research"

Spam Response- Spam, in the context of cybersecurity, refers to any unsolicited and often irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent over the internet. 

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On 1/12/2022 at 9:01 AM, Fire Chief said:

Forgetting I have the chat box highlighted and I'm hitting the W key and not going anywhere and looking down and seeing I have three rows of W's  🙂

I still do that!

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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Also, hitting backspace instead of enter and sending a special message to some rando who messaged me hours ago...

TMI, sorry, guys!

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Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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I can't even blame the game in this next case. 

Those who badge, know there's currently one mission, at the end of  Sister Solaris arc, that has one npc that counts as an incarnate cimeroran traitor. 

TWICE in the past couple of weeks - the first in a Pandora's Box arc, and just now in Mender Remiel's Alpha unlock arc, last mission - there were Cimeroran traitors - that were level 51. And my badge ticker moved. For the wrong badge. Just the regular Cimeroran Traitors, not the incarnate ones. And twice, it fooled me because I didn't look for the word Incarnate. 

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Oh man, my first toon on live I screwed up so bad. I like to "figure it out as I go" rather than looking up guides... so I made so many unfortunate choices. For example, I six-slotted sprint figuring that must be how people were super-speeding about. This was a MA/SR scrapper too, so not a forgiving build to screw up.


By the time I got to 24 I desperately needed a respec, back then doing the Terra Volta trial was the only way to get one (that I knew of at the time anyway). I ended up on a team with 7 other people who also desperately needed a respec (and had equally bad builds). It took us so many tries to get that damn trial completed but man oh man did that respec after feel good! 

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When I started the game (in the Rogue Isles) I think it was my first mission that had an entrance that was just a hole in the ground.  I couldn't figure out how to go down the hole.  I was jumping up and down on top of it.  Some other people came by and just jumped down the hole and I was tearing my hair out until I finally figured out I needed to click on it.

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