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Patch Notes for April 1st, 2020

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2 minutes ago, skoryy said:

Oh! No, that's not a new badge: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/A_Nemesis_Plot_Badge


I didn't know they were running Nemmy plots today, I haven't seen any yet.  It may be a random thing on the server, like the Rikti invasions?

I played for about 7 months last year after launch and never saw it; my understanding was it wasn't live yet. There's a vague reference in the April 1st patch notes, but no one knows if it's a seasonal or not and I don't want to miss it on my badger...

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Its not very funny, its just annoying and theres a million other things they could have done other than attaching a fugly baby new year to unwilling players, its not only immersion breaking its kills enjoyment of the game. I couldnt care less about the stupid contest, I would pay 1000 merits to turn it off my characters even if it is only lasting a day.


That said, accusing the devs of bullying and censorship is beyond a stretch, guilty of poor judgement and taste perhaps but thats as far as you can go.

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1 hour ago, Snarky said:

I have made two previous threads with complaints about the baby following everyone


the 1st disappeared without notice. I learned just now it was merged without telling me into oatch notes


my second thread was just merged there


i care nothing about talking about the patch notes


i consider the unwanted unasked for and undesired kid following everyone a form of bullying for some Devs amusement

and i consider burying the discussion of this issue censorship



It's being merged into the relevant discussion thread. Just like this one will be.

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15 hours ago, rwmagpie said:


reminded me of why i stopped playing with masterminds before yall fixed pet collision


They fixed that?  Today right, if not, Howcum I was still having trouble getting through doorways two nights ago?


Lore pets aren't much better, FWIW.

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Of all the things you could have done, like cutting the value of gravity, or having a ability like secondary mutation turn you into something for a short period of time or even changing the load screen to something else you decided to go with attaching a fugly baby new year to everyone against their will? Its not only annoying and immersion breaking its not even close to being funny or fun and when so many people are forced to stay at home and looking for things to take their mind off real world problems you decide to implement a system of pure annoyance?


Yeah I can right click the buff and cancel it to get rid of the stupid turd npc but it comes back after every zoning.


The worst part about this crass stupid "prank" is the sheer lack of inventiveness given the tools you have at your disposal, lazy, stupid and irritating.

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If this is the relevant thread for discussion of Snarky's censorship then I'd like to say that it looks like bullying now. 

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55 minutes ago, skoryy said:

Oh! No, that's not a new badge: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/A_Nemesis_Plot_Badge


I didn't know they were running Nemmy plots today, I haven't seen any yet.  It may be a random thing on the server, like the Rikti invasions?

Log into the game on a character and look at your Event badges tab.

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6 minutes ago, Coyotedancer said:

Log into the game on a character and look at your Event badges tab.

Huh.  I never got a notification and it doesn't show up in the Most Recent tab.

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42 minutes ago, Jaguaratron said:

Of all the things you could have done, like cutting the value of gravity, or having a ability like secondary mutation turn you into something for a short period of time or even changing the load screen to something else you decided to go with attaching a fugly baby new year to everyone against their will? Its not only annoying and immersion breaking its not even close to being funny or fun and when so many people are forced to stay at home and looking for things to take their mind off real world problems you decide to implement a system of pure annoyance?


Yeah I can right click the buff and cancel it to get rid of the stupid turd npc but it comes back after every zoning.


The worst part about this crass stupid "prank" is the sheer lack of inventiveness given the tools you have at your disposal, lazy, stupid and irritating.

WOuldn't *all* of your suggestions have been "against your will?" Frankly having a kid running around (which, honestly, I barely notice - it came to attention *once* for me during a mission when it blocked a door, which at least is a legitimate - as in non-subjective, that is - complaint about it) is far less irritating than some of the other things you'd mention.


This is hardly a system of "pure annoyance" The nemmy invasions I ran into were more annoying. (Probably my least favourite of the events.)

Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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9 minutes ago, Greycat said:

WOuldn't *all* of your suggestions have been "against your will?" Frankly having a kid running around (which, honestly, I barely notice - it came to attention *once* for me during a mission when it blocked a door, which at least is a legitimate - as in non-subjective, that is - complaint about it) is far less irritating than some of the other things you'd mention.


This is hardly a system of "pure annoyance" The nemmy invasions I ran into were more annoying. (Probably my least favourite of the events.)

Ability = clicky, choice is yours as to use, also note I suggested a time limit. Gravity variance could be done in a myriad of ways including leaving missions out of it and be tied to, off the top of my head, Rikti world ending weapons or something, as I said, theres a million things they could have done tall of which would be less intrusive than a fugly baby new year which doesnt even look like a kid latched onto your character, be they a robot or from the future or whatever. I wouldnt want the crappy thing following me even if it gave me +100% damage/inf/xp, I would pay 1000 merits to get rid of it.


Its not only lazy, its intrusive and forced, they could have had a block buff for sale at the P2w vendor and everyone would have been happy but not, its forced. I dont play a super hero/villain MMO to be trolled in such an asinine manner.

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2 hours ago, Snarky said:

And evidently the dismissal is temporary.  

this is indeed a form of bullying. Doing something to someone without their permission or approval because you think it us funny soecifically because they do not like it.  

i am not only logging out until it is fixed i am considering taking a longer break from the game.  This type of irritation is not something i will put up with.  No matter how much you laugh and explain it is a joke.  Enjoy the humorous situation. Without me. I enjoy the city for the art if character building. Having this thing following me is as much fun as you adding it into one of my oil paintings and trying to tell me how neat it is.  Get the F away from my art

Frankly considering the encounters Id had with you on everlasting before finally putting you on ignore, and the frequent backhanded insults you throw around on these forums at the HC team and other players I must say this post of yours paints you as quite the hypocrite in my pov.


You seem to forget this is the HC teams sandbox, their rules, and we are all guests. If they decide everyone has to wear pink tutus and werewolf masks then that would be their privilege as well. Go smoke a  joint and chill.

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2 hours ago, Snarky said:

And evidently the dismissal is temporary.  

this is indeed a form of bullying. Doing something to someone without their permission or approval because you think it us funny soecifically because they do not like it.  

i am not only logging out until it is fixed i am considering taking a longer break from the game.  This type of irritation is not something i will put up with.  No matter how much you laugh and explain it is a joke.  Enjoy the humorous situation. Without me. I enjoy the city for the art if character building. Having this thing following me is as much fun as you adding it into one of my oil paintings and trying to tell me how neat it is.  Get the F away from my art



Mein gott, the amount of salty tears and (repeated, repeated, repeated) threats to go play another game while this lasts were just so 2020. I think this was the real April's joke.


Not even actual valid complaints, like the tykes blocking doorways, just MUH IMMERSHUN THIS ONE DAY OF THE YEAR! MUH BELIEFS!! WAGE!!!


Anyway, hey, everyone has their opinion so there will always be someone raging against something. The tyke didn't bother me in the least since I logged and it already had been made to be walked through. Everything was alright even if I personally dislike April's Fool day like most people do.


Making an effort to add new things should be applauded, not hysterically railed against. WoW with its recycled events (because small indie company, dontcha know?) could learn from Homecoming who made something from scratch.

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9 minutes ago, Sovera said:
Snarky said:

And evidently the dismissal is temporary.  

this is indeed a form of bullying. Doing something to someone without their permission or approval because you think it us funny soecifically because they do not like it.  

i am not only logging out until it is fixed i am considering taking a longer break from the game.  This type of irritation is not something i will put up with.  No matter how much you laugh and explain it is a joke.  Enjoy the humorous situation. Without me. I enjoy the city for the art if character building. Having this thing following me is as much fun as you adding it into one of my oil paintings and trying to tell me how neat it is.  Get the F away from my art

Can I have your stuff?


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For what it's worth, and it is perhaps a little too early to say, but this is another excellent learning opportunity regarding the -very- diverse group of people who call City of Heroes "Home."

I don't want to presume that I know the intention behind these temporary changes to the game.  I think it's a pretty fair estimate to say that they were pure and meant only in jest.  I would like to believe that Jimmy and the Homecoming Team wouldn't do something out of pettiness or a desire to do harm to others.  But I have a feeling that the plans for everything which happened these past few days perhaps didn't have enough time to go through internal quality assurance.  

I know that the Homecoming Team has some excellent experience in many aspects of game development, though I believe there are some gaps as to community engagement which could stand to be looked at a little more closely.  There are definitely members of the community which align with the vision and style demonstrated by the Homecoming Team, but they're certainly not everybody, as evidenced by the reaction and feelings expressed by people here.  

I'd really like to see an expanded effort to commit to the part of the mission statement which reads:  "we want everybody to feel welcome."


I apologize if I'm sounding too critical.  I provide these opinions of mine as feedback, with the genuine belief that my thoughts could do some good, at least as a prompt to do some exploration and examination of some of the decision-making process going on behind the veil.  I know I probably don't emphasize the good work that the Homecoming Team does, nor my appreciation of that work . . . so; apologies for that.  Homecoming has done better than a lot of other companies and studios out there.  Bearing in mind that those are for-profit companies.  Thank you for bringing City of Heroes back, and for putting so much effort in to continuing to develop it.  I'm just passionate, and I'd like to see the challenges (like those illustrated here) overcome.


Edited by ArchVileTerror
Wrong "to" and fixed some sentence structure.
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Well, I've seen a Nemesis Invasion now, the event spawns across multiple zones, but the final badge bearing boss didn't appear in our Kings Row instance, but was in Talos and Peregrine apparently.  If it's like the older versions, the consensus was it re-appears every 150-200 minutes, and you need 10+ people in a zone.

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4 hours ago, Snarky said:

And evidently the dismissal is temporary.  

this is indeed a form of bullying. Doing something to someone without their permission or approval because you think it us funny soecifically because they do not like it.  

i am not only logging out until it is fixed i am considering taking a longer break from the game.  This type of irritation is not something i will put up with.  No matter how much you laugh and explain it is a joke.  Enjoy the humorous situation. Without me. I enjoy the city for the art if character building. Having this thing following me is as much fun as you adding it into one of my oil paintings and trying to tell me how neat it is.  Get the F away from my art

Can I have your stuff?

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